I searched Hackage and couldn't find anything like the following but it seems to be fairly simple and useful. Is there a library that contains sort of data type?
data HList c where
(:-) :: c a => a -> HList c
Nil :: HList c
All the HLists I found could have any type, and weren't constrained.
If there isn't I'll upload my own.
I'm not sure this data type is useful...
If you really want a to be existentially qualified, I think you should use regular lists. The more interesting data type here would be Exists, although I'm certain there are variants of it all over package Hackage already:
data Exists c where
Exists :: c a => a -> Exists c
Then, your HList c is isomorphic to [Exists c] and you can still use all of the usual list based functions.
On the other hand, if you don't necessarily want a in the (:-) :: c a => a -> HList c to be existentially qualified (having it as such sort of defies the point of the HList), you should instead define the following:
data HList (as :: [*]) where
(:-) :: a -> HList as -> HList (a ': as)
Nil :: HList '[]
Then, if you want to require that all entries of the HList satisfy c, you can make a type class to witness the injection from HList as into [Exists c] whose instance resolution only works if all the types in the HList satisfy the constraint:
class ForallC as c where
asList :: HList as -> [Exists c]
instance ForallC '[] c where
asList Nil = []
instance (c a, ForallC as c) => ForallC (a ': as) c where
asList (x :- xs) = Exists x : asList xs
The generics-sop package offers this out of the box.
A heterogeneous list can be defined in generics-sop by using
data NP :: (k -> *) -> [k] -> * where
Nil :: NP f '[]
(:*) :: f x -> NP f xs -> NP f (x ': xs)
and instantiating it to the identity type constructor I (from generics-sop) or Identity (from Data.Functor.Identity).
The library then offers the constraint All such that e.g.
All Show xs => NP I xs
is the type of a heterogeneous list where all contained types are in the Show class. Conceptually, All is a type family that computes the constraint for every element in a type-level list:
type family All (f :: k -> Constraint) (xs :: [k]) :: Constraint where
All c '[] = ()
All c (x ': xs) = (c x, All c xs)
(Only that in the actual definition, All is additionally wrapped in a type class so that it can be partially applied.)
The library furthermore offers all sorts of functions that traverse and transform NPs given a common constraint.
What you really want is
data HKList :: (k -> *) -> [k] -> * where
Nil :: HKList f '[]
(:*) :: f x -> HKList f xs -> HKList f (x ': xs)
Which you can use either as an ordinary heterogeneous list
type HList = HKList Identity
Or with extra information of some constant type e attached to each value (or other interesting functors)
HKList ((,) e)
Or with extra information captured in a dictionary
data Has c a where
Has :: c a => a -> Has c a
type ConstrainedList c = HKList (Has c)
Or keep lists of only captured constraints
data Dict1 :: (k -> Constraint) -> k -> * where
Dict1 :: c k => Dict1 c k
Which you can use to define the idea of all of a list of types satisfying a constraint
class All c xs where
dicts :: HKList (Dict1 c) xs
instance All c '[] where
dicts = Nil
instance (All c xs, c x) => All c (x ': xs) where
dicts = Dict1 :* dicts
Or anything else you can do with a kind k -> *
You can freely convert between working with All c xs => HList xs and HKList (Has c) xs
zipHKList :: (forall k. f k -> g k -> h k) -> HKList f xs -> HKList g xs -> HKList h xs
zipHKList _ Nil Nil = Nil
zipHKList f (x :* xs) (y :* ys) = f x y :* zipHKList f xs ys
allToHas :: All c xs => HKList Identity xs -> HKList (Has c) xs
allToHas xs = zipHKList f dicts xs
f :: Dict1 c k -> Identity k -> Has c k
f Dict1 (Identity x) = Has x
hasToAll :: HKList (Has c) xs -> Dict (All c xs)
hasToAll Nil = Dict
hasToAll (Has x :* xs) =
case hasToAll xs of
Dict -> Dict
full code
I've written this a few times before for various projects, but I didn't know it was in a library anywhere until Kosmikus pointed out that it's in generics-sop.
I am fiddling with the basics of type-level programming in Haskell, and I was trying to write a function that "homogenizes" a heterogeneous list using a function with a context of kind (* -> *) -> Constraint (e.g., length or fmap (/= x)).
The heterogeneous list is defined as follows:
data HList ls where
HNil :: HList '[]
(:::) :: a -> HList as -> HList (a ': as)
And I have defined a type family AllKind2:
type family AllKind2 c t li :: Constraint where
AllKind2 _ _ '[] = ()
AllKind2 c t ((t _) : xs)) = (c t, AllKind2 c t xs)
The type family works as intended (as far as I can tell with my limited knowledge) as demonstrated with this function that simply returns unit if supplied with a heterogeneous list that can satisfy AllKind2:
unitIfAllIsWell :: forall c t li. AllKind2 c t li => Proxy c -> Proxy t -> HList li -> ()
unitIfAllIsWell _ _ _ = ()
>>> unitIfAllIsWell (Proxy :: Proxy Foldable) (Proxy :: Proxy []) ([] ::: "ok" ::: [1,2] ::: HNil)
>>> unitIfAllIsWell (Proxy :: Proxy Foldable) (Proxy :: Proxy []) ("is_list" ::: 10 ::: HNil)
<interactive>:414:1: error:
• Could not deduce: AllKind2 Foldable [] '[Integer]
arising from a use of ‘unitIfAllIsWell’
However, the homogenize function I've written fails at the typecheck:
:: forall c t li q. AllKind2 c t li
=> Proxy c
-> Proxy t
-> (forall p q. c t => t p -> q)
-> HList li
-> [q]
homogenize _ _ _ HNil = []
homogenize _ _ f (x ::: xs) = f x : homogenize (Proxy :: Proxy c) (Proxy :: Proxy t) f xs
• Could not deduce: a ~ t p0
from the context: AllKind2 c t li
bound by the type signature for:
homogenize :: forall (c :: (* -> *) -> Constraint)
(t :: * -> *) (li :: [*]) q.
AllKind2 c t li =>
Proxy c
-> Proxy t
-> (forall p q1. c t => t p -> q1)
-> HList li
-> [q]
at HList.hs:(134,1)-(140,8)
or from: li ~ (a : as)
bound by a pattern with constructor:
::: :: forall a (as :: [*]). a -> HList as -> HList (a : as),
in an equation for ‘homogenize’
at HList.hs:142:24-31
‘a’ is a rigid type variable bound by
a pattern with constructor:
::: :: forall a (as :: [*]). a -> HList as -> HList (a : as),
in an equation for ‘homogenize’
at HList.hs:142:24-31
Is the constraint AllKind2 not sufficient to tell the compiler that any element from the HList li will satisfy constraint c t and thus, applying the supplied function f should be valid at the type level?
Am I missing something here? Is what I am attempting even possible?
Even though e.g. AllKind2 Foldable [] '[Int] does not match any equation for AllKind2, it is not understood to be an unsatisifiable constraint. (The general principle is undefined type family applications are just that: undefined, in the sense it could be something but you have no idea what it is.) That's why, even if you know AllKind2 c t (x : xs), you can not deduce x ~ t y for some y by saying "that's the only way to get a defined constraint from AllKind2." You need an equation for the general AllKind2 c t (x : xs) case that dispatches to a class that will contain the actual information.
-- if you know some types satisfy a typeclass, you know they satisfy the superclasses
-- this lets us store and extract the information that x needs to be of form t _
class (c t, x ~ t (UnwrapAllKind2 t x)) => AllKind2Aux c t x where
type UnwrapAllKind2 t x
instance c t => AllKind2Aux c t (t y) where
type UnwrapAllKind2 t (t y) = y
type family AllKind2 c t xs :: Constraint where
AllKind2 c t '[] = ()
AllKind2 c t (x : xs) = (AllKind2Aux c t x, AllKind2 c t xs)
Then your homogenize passes without modification.
Do note that homogenize is overcomplicated. The c is simply not doing anything: homogenize is taking the c t instance as input and just forwarding it to the function being mapped. That function can just use its own c t instance, since t is fixed. There's nothing homogenize can do that the following function cannot do more clearly (note that your homogenize fails even to "restrict" the mapped function to only using c t and not any other properties of t, so it can muddle much more than it can clarify):
class x ~ t (UnApp t x) => IsApp t x where
type UnApp t x
instance IsApp t (t y) where
type UnApp t (t y) = y
type family AllApp t xs :: Constraint where
AllApp t '[] = ()
AllApp t (x : xs) = (IsApp t x, AllApp t xs)
homogenize' :: AllApp t xs => Proxy t -> (forall x. t x -> r) -> HList xs -> [r] -- also, the Proxy t is not strictly necessary
homogenize' t f HNil = []
homogenize' t f (x ::: xs) = f x : homogenize' t f xs -- note that dealing with Proxys is much nicer if you treat them as things that can be named and passed around instead of rebuilding them every time
-- homogenize' (Proxy :: Proxy []) length ([] ::: "ok" ::: [1,2] ::: HNil) = [0, 2, 2]
Here is a simplified example of what I want to do. Let's say you have a HList of pairs:
let hlist = HCons (1, "1") (HCons ("0", 2) (HCons ("0", 1.5) HNil))
Now I want to write a function replaceAll which will replace all the "keys" of a given type with the first "value" of the same type. For example, with the HList above I would like to replace all the String keys with "1" which is the first value of type String found in the HList
replaceAll #String hlist =
HCons (1, "1") (HCons ("1", 2) (HCons ("1", 1.5) HNil))
This seems to require path-dependent types in order to "extract" the type of the first pair and being able to use it to direct the replacement of keys in a second step but I don't know how to encode this in Haskell.
This is a proof search problem ("find occurrences of String in this list"), so you can expect that the solution will involve type class Prolog. I'll answer a simpler version of your question (namely "find the first occurrence of String") and let you figure out how to adjust it for your exact use case.
Since we're doing a proof search, let's start by writing down the proof object we'll be searching for.
data Contains a as where
Here :: Contains a (a ': as)
There :: Contains a as -> Contains a (b ': as)
A value of type Contains a as is a constructive proof that you can find a in the type-level list as. Structurally, Contains is like a natural number (compare There (There Here) with S (S Z)) identifying the location of a in the list as. To prove that a is in as you give its index.
For example, you can replace an element at a given location in an HList with a new element of the same type.
replace :: a -> Contains a as -> HList as -> HList as
replace x Here (HCons y ys) = HCons x ys
replace x (There i) (HCons y ys) = HCons y (replace x i ys)
We want to search for an a within a given list using type class Prolog. There are two cases - either you find the a at the head of the list, or it's somewhere in the tail. (If a is not in as, using contains will fail with a "no instance" error.) Ideally we'd write something like this:
class CONTAINS a as where
contains :: Contains a as
instance CONTAINS a (a ': as) where
contains = Here
instance CONTAINS a as => CONTAINS a (b ': as) where
contains = There contains -- recursively call `contains` on the sublist
but this fails the overlapping instance rule. Instance contexts and type equalities are not inspected during instance search - the elaborator doesn't backtrack - so neither of these instances is more specific than the other.
Fortunately there's a well-known solution to this problem. It involves using a closed type family to tell a and b apart. You define an auxiliary class CONTAINS' with an extra parameter, in this case a Bool telling you whether a can be found at the head of as.
class CONTAINS' (eq :: Bool) a (as :: [*]) where
contains' :: Contains a as
Then you define instances for the cases when eq is True or False. The elaborator can tell these instances apart, because True and False are visibly different. Note that the step case recursively calls CONTAINS.
instance CONTAINS' True a (a ': as) where
contains' = Here
instance CONTAINS a as => CONTAINS' False a (b ': as) where
contains' = There contains
Finally you define your CONTAINS instance in terms of CONTAINS', and use the result of ==, a closed type family which tests whether its arguments are equal, to pick an instance.
instance CONTAINS' (a == b) a (b ': as) => CONTAINS a (b ': as) where
contains = contains' #(a == b)
(This is one of the very few acceptable uses of Boolean type families.)
Now you can use CONTAINS as you would any other class. When you try and instantiate a and as GHC will attempt to search for an a inside as, and the contains method will return its index.
example :: Contains Int '[Bool, Int, Char]
example = contains
-- "no instance for CONTAINS"
failingExample :: Contains String '[Bool, Int, Char]
failingExample = contains
This is a fairly simple example and the code is already quite messy. You can definitely approach the example in your question in the same manner, but all told I'm not convinced that static checking is worth the complexity in this instance. Have you considered an implementation based on Typeable?
A bug breaks this in current GHCs. Once the fix is merged in, this should work fine. In the meantime, the other answer can tide you over.
First, define
data Elem :: k -> [k] -> Type where
Here :: Elem x (x : xs)
There :: Elem x xs -> Elem x (y : xs)
An Elem x xs tells you where to find an x in an xs. Also, here's an existential wrapper:
data EntryOfVal v kvs = forall k. EntryOfVal (Elem (k, v) kvs)
-- to be clear, this is the type constructor (,) :: Type -> Type -> Type
type family EntryOfValKey (eov :: EntryOfVal v kvs) :: Type where
EntryOfValKey ('EntryOfVal (_ :: Elem (k, v) kvs)) = k
type family GetEntryOfVal (eov :: EntryOfVal v kvs) :: Elem (EntryOfValKey eov, v) kvs where
GetEntryOfVal ('EntryOfVal e) = e
If you have an Elem at the type level, you may materialize it
class MElem (e :: Elem (x :: k) xs) where
mElem :: Elem x xs
instance MElem Here where
mElem = Here
instance MElem e => MElem (There e) where
mElem = There (mElem #_ #_ #_ #e)
Similarly, you may materialize an EntryOfVal
type MEntryOfVal eov = MElem (GetEntryOfVal eov) -- can be a proper constraint synonym
mEntryOfVal :: forall v kvs (eov :: EntryOfVal v kvs).
MEntryOfVal eov =>
EntryOfVal v kvs
mEntryOfVal = EntryOfVal (mElem #_ #_ #_ #(GetEntryOfVal eov))
If a type is an element of a list of types, then you may extract a value of that type from an HList of that list of types:
indexH :: Elem t ts -> HList ts -> t
indexH Here (HCons x _) = x
indexH (There i) (HCons _ xs) = indexH i xs
(I feel the need to point out how fundamentally important indexH is to HList. For one, HList ts is isomorphic to its indexer forall t. Elem t ts -> t. Also, indexH has a dual, injS :: Elem t ts -> t -> Sum ts for suitable Sum.)
Meanwhile, up on the type level, this function can give you the first possible EntryOfVal given a value type and a list:
type family FirstEntryOfVal (v :: Type) (kvs :: [Type]) :: EntryOfVal v kvs where
FirstEntryOfVal v ((k, v) : _) = 'EntryOfVal Here
FirstEntryOfVal v (_ : kvs) = 'EntryOfVal (There (GetEntryOfVal (FirstEntryOfVal v kvs)))
The reason for separating the materialization classes from FirstEntryOfVal is because the classes are reusable. You can easily write new type families that return Elems or EntryOfVals and materialize them. Merging them together into one monolithic class is messy, and now you have to rewrite the "logic" (not that there is much) of MElem every time instead of reusing it. My approach does, however, give a higher up-front cost. However, the code required is entirely mechanical, so it is conceivable that a TH library could write it for you. I don't know a library that can handle this, but singletons plans to.
Now, this function can get you a value given a EntryOfVal proof:
indexHVal :: forall v kvs. EntryOfVal v kvs -> HList kvs -> v
indexHVal (EntryOfVal e) = snd . indexH e
And now GHC can do some thinking for you:
indexHFirstVal :: forall v kvs. MEntryOfVal (FirstEntryOfVal v kvs) =>
HList kvs -> v
indexHFirstVal = indexHVal (mEntryOfVal #_ #_ #(FirstEntryOfVal v kvs))
Once you have the value, you need to find the keys. For efficiency (O(n) vs. O(n^2), I think) reasons and for my sanity, we won't make a mirror of EntryOfVal, but use a slightly different type. I'll just give the boilerplate without explanation, now
-- for maximal reuse:
-- data All :: (k -> Type) -> [k] -> Type
-- where an All f xs contains an f x for every x in xs
-- plus a suitable data type to recover EntriesOfKey from All
-- not done here mostly because All f xs's materialization
-- depends on f's, so we'd need more machinery to generically
-- do that
-- in an environment where the infrastructure already exists
-- (e.g. in singletons, where our materializers decompose as a
-- composition of SingI materialization and SingKind demotion)
-- using All would be feasible
data EntriesOfKey :: Type -> [Type] -> Type where
Nowhere :: EntriesOfKey k '[]
HereAndThere :: EntriesOfKey k kvs -> EntriesOfKey k ((k, v) : kvs)
JustThere :: EntriesOfKey k kvs -> EntriesOfKey k (kv : kvs)
class MEntriesOfKey (esk :: EntriesOfKey k kvs) where
mEntriesOfKey :: EntriesOfKey k kvs
instance MEntriesOfKey Nowhere where
mEntriesOfKey = Nowhere
instance MEntriesOfKey e => MEntriesOfKey (HereAndThere e) where
mEntriesOfKey = HereAndThere (mEntriesOfKey #_ #_ #e)
instance MEntriesOfKey e => MEntriesOfKey (JustThere e) where
mEntriesOfKey = JustThere (mEntriesOfKey #_ #_ #e)
The logic:
type family AllEntriesOfKey (k :: Type) (kvs :: [Type]) :: EntriesOfKey k kvs where
AllEntriesOfKey _ '[] = Nowhere
AllEntriesOfKey k ((k, _) : kvs) = HereAndThere (AllEntriesOfKey k kvs)
AllEntriesOfKey k (_ : kvs) = JustThere (AllEntriesOfKey k kvs)
The actual value manipulation
updateHKeys :: EntriesOfKey k kvs -> (k -> k) -> HList kvs -> HList kvs
updateHKeys Nowhere f HNil = HNil
updateHKeys (HereAndThere is) f (HCons (k, v) kvs) = HCons (f k, v) (updateHKeys is f kvs)
updateHKeys (JustThere is) f (HCons kv kvs) = HCons kv (updateHKeys is f kvs)
Get GHC to think some more
updateHAllKeys :: forall k kvs. MEntriesOfKey (AllEntriesOfKey k kvs) =>
(k -> k) -> HList kvs -> HList kvs
updateHAllKeys = updateHKeys (mEntriesOfKey #_ #_ #(AllEntriesOfKey k kvs))
All together now:
replaceAll :: forall t kvs.
(MEntryOfVal (FirstEntryOfVal t kvs), MEntriesOfKey (AllEntriesOfKey t kvs)) =>
HList kvs -> HList kvs
replaceAll xs = updateHAllKeys (const $ indexHFirstVal #t xs) xs
I have two heterogeneous list structures. The first HList is a normal heterogeneous list, the second Representation is a heterogeneous list where all the members are sets.
{-# Language KindSignatures, DataKinds, TypeOperators, TypeFamilies, GADTs, FlexibleInstances, FlexibleContexts #-}
import Data.Kind
import Data.Set
data Representation (a :: [Type]) where
NewRep :: Representation '[]
AddAttribute :: (Ord a, Eq a) => Set a -> Representation b -> Representation (a ': b)
(%>) :: (Ord a, Eq a) => [a] -> Representation b -> Representation (a ': b)
(%>) = AddAttribute . fromList
infixr 6 %>
-- | A HList is a heterogenenous list.
data HList (a :: [Type]) where
HEmpty :: HList '[]
(:>) :: a -> HList b -> HList (a ': b)
infixr 6 :>
(I've made these instances of Show at the bottom if that is helpful.)
Now I have a bunch of functions that work on HLists but don't work on Representations. I could rewrite all the functions but that's a big pain. I'd rather if there was some way to make Representations in HLists and back. That way I can use all the relevant functions without having to redefine them. So I started to do this. It was pretty easy to make a function that goes from Representations to HLists:
type family Map (f :: Type -> Type) (xs :: [Type]) :: [Type] where
Map f '[] = '[]
Map f (a ': b) = f a ': Map f b
-- | soften takes an attribute representation and converts it to a heterogeneous list.
soften :: Representation a -> HList (Map Set a)
soften NewRep = HEmpty
soften (AddAttribute a b) = a :> soften b
However the other way is quite a bit harder. I tried the following:
-- | rigify takes a heterogeneous list and converts it to a representation
rigify :: HList (Map Set a) -> Representation a
rigify HEmpty = NewRep
rigify (a :> b) = AddAttribute a $ rigify b
However this fails, the compiler is not able to deduce that a ~ '[] in the first line. And fails in a similar fashion on the second.
It appears to me that the compiler can't reason backwards in the same way it can forward. This is not really very surprising, but I don't know exactly what the issue is, so I'm not really very sure how to get the compiler to reason correctly. My thought was to make a type family that is the reverse of Map like so:
type family UnMap (f :: Type -> Type) (xs :: [Type]) :: [Type] where
UnMap f '[] = '[]
UnMap f ((f a) ': b) = a ': UnMap f b
and then rewrite rigify in terms of UnMap instead of Map:
-- | rigify takes a heterogeneous list and converts it to a representation
rigify :: HList a -> Representation (UnMap Set a)
rigify HEmpty = NewRep
rigify (a :> b) = AddAttribute a $ rigify b
This seems to reduce the problem but it still doesn't compile. This time we are having the issue that a in the second line cannot be shown to be of type Set x which is required for AddAttribute. This makes total sense to me but I don't know how I could remedy the issue.
How can I convert from a heterogeneous list to a Representation?
Show instances:
instance Show (HList '[]) where
show HEmpty = "HEmpty"
instance Show a => Show (HList '[a]) where
show (a :> HEmpty) = "(" ++ show a ++ " :> HEmpty)"
instance (Show a, Show (HList (b ': c))) => Show (HList (a ': b ': c)) where
show (a :> b) = "(" ++ show a ++ " :> " ++ tail (show b)
instance Show (Representation '[]) where
show NewRep = "NewRep"
instance Show a => Show (Representation '[a]) where
show (AddAttribute h NewRep) = '(' : show (toList h) ++ " %> NewRep)"
instance (Show a, Show (Representation (b ': c))) => Show (Representation (a ': b ': c)) where
show (AddAttribute h t) = '(' : show (toList h) ++ " %> " ++ tail (show t)
HList is usually wrong. What I mean is that as soon as you try to do very much, you're likely to end up with lots of problems. You can solve the problems, but it's annoying and often inefficient. There's another, very similar, construction that can go a lot further before it falls down.
data Rec :: [k] -> (k -> Type) -> Type where
Nil :: Rec '[] f
(:::) :: f x -> Rec xs f -> Rec (x ': xs) f
type f ~> g = forall x. f x -> g x
mapRec :: (f ~> g) -> Rec xs f -> Rec xs g
mapRec _ Nil = Nil
mapRec f (x ::: xs) = f x ::: mapRec f xs
Note that you can do a certain sort of mapping without bringing in any type families at all!
Now you can define
data OSet a = Ord a => OSet (Set a)
newtype Representation as = Representation (Rec as OSet)
An awful lot of generic HList functions can be rewritten very easily to support Rec instead.
You can write bidirectional pattern synonyms to simulate your current interface if you like.
Ord a makes Eq a redundant: Ord a implies Eq a because class Eq a => Ord a.
data Representation (a :: [Type]) where
AddAttribute :: Ord a => Set a -> Representation b -> Representation (a ': b)
(%>) :: Ord a => [a] -> Representation b -> Representation (a ': b)
You can't write rigify with quite this type: soften throws away the Ord-ness stored at each AddAttribute. You can use
data OSet a where OSet :: Ord a => Set a -> OSet a
soften :: Representation xs -> HList (Map OSet xs)
rigify :: HList (Map OSet xs) -> Representation xs
and you may apply the age old "list of pairs is a pair of lists" trick on top of that
type family AllCon (xs :: [Constraint]) :: Constraint where
AllCon '[] = ()
AllCon (x : xs) = (x, AllCon xs)
data Dict c = c => Dict
soften :: Representation xs -> (HList (Map Set xs), Dict (AllCon (Map Ord xs)))
rigify :: AllCon (Map Ord xs) => HList (Map Set xs) -> Representation xs
though I shall go with the former because it is more concise.
Use unsafeCoerce. The alternative is to reify some type information with a GADT and write a proof. While that is good practice, that requires you to drag around (potentially large) values that represent things that are simply true, so you'll end up using unsafeCoerce anyway to avoid them. You can skip the proofs and go to the end products directly.
-- note how I always wrap the unsafeCoerce with a type signature
-- this means that I reduce the chance of introducing something actually bogus
-- I use these functions instead of raw unsafeCoerce in rigify, because I trust
-- these to be correct more than I trust unsafeCoerce.
mapNil :: forall f xs. Map f xs :~: '[] -> xs :~: '[]
mapNil Refl = unsafeCoerce Refl
data IsCons xs where IsCons :: IsCons (x : xs)
mapCons :: forall f xs. IsCons (Map f xs) -> IsCons xs
mapCons IsCons = unsafeCoerce IsCons
rigify :: HList (Map OSet xs) -> Representation xs
rigify HEmpty = case mapNil #OSet #xs Refl of Refl -> NewRep
rigify (x :> xs) = case mapCons #OSet #xs IsCons of
IsCons -> case x of OSet x' -> AddAttribute x' (rigify xs)
A proper proof would go as follows:
data Spine :: [k] -> Type where
SpineN :: Spine '[]
SpineC :: Spine xs -> Spine (x : xs)
mapNil' :: forall f xs. Spine xs -> Map f xs :~: '[] -> xs :~: '[]
mapNil' SpineN Refl = Refl
mapNil' (SpineC _) impossible = case impossible of {}
mapCons' :: forall f xs. Spine xs -> IsCons (Map f xs) -> IsCons xs
mapCons' SpineN impossible = case impossible of {}
mapCons' (SpineC _) IsCons = IsCons
For every list xs, there is one and only one (fully defined) value of Spine xs (it is a singleton type). To get from real proofs (like mapNil') to their convenience versions (like mapNil), remove all the singleton arguments and make sure the return type is a mere proposition. (A mere proposition is a type with 0 or 1 values.) Replace the body with one that deeply evaluates the remaining arguments and uses unsafeCoerce for the return value.
Use a type class
The desired behavior for rigify can be obtained by using a multi paramater type class instead.
class Rigible (xs :: [Type]) (ys :: [Type]) | xs -> ys where
rigify :: HList xs -> Representation ys
instance Rigible '[] '[] where
rigify HEmpty = NewRep
instance (Ord h, Rigible t t') => Rigible (Set h ': t) (h ': t') where
rigify (a :> b) = AddAttribute a $ rigify b
Here we use a multiparam type class Rigible with an attached function rigify. Our two parameters are the type for the representation and the type for the heterogeneous list. They are functionally dependent to avoid ambiguity.
In this way only HLists that are composed entirely of sets are Rigible. From here you can even add the definition of soften to Rigible as well.
-- | soften takes a representation and converts it to a heterogeneous list.
-- | rigify takes a heterogeneous list and converts it to a representation.
class Rigible (xs :: [Type]) (ys :: [Type]) | xs -> ys where
rigify :: HList xs -> Representation ys
soften :: Representation ys -> HList xs
instance Rigible '[] '[] where
rigify HEmpty = NewRep
soften NewRep = HEmpty
instance (Ord h, Rigible t t') => Rigible (Set h ': t) (h ': t') where
rigify (a :> b) = AddAttribute a $ rigify b
soften (AddAttribute a b) = a :> soften b
This requires the additional pragma
{-# Language MultiParamTypeClasses, FunctionalDependencies, UndecidableInstances #-}
I'm trying to use All from generics-sop to constrain a list of types. Everything works as expected with simple classes like All Typeable xs, but I'd like to be able to do something like the following:
class (Typeable a) => TestClass (a :: k)
instance (Typeable a) => TestClass a
foo :: (All Typeable xs) => NP f xs -> z
foo = undefined
bar :: (All TestClass xs) => NP f xs -> z
bar = foo
This gives the error
Could not deduce: Generics.SOP.Constraint.AllF Typeable xs
arising from a use of ‘foo’
from the context: All TestClass xs
The generics-sop documentation states that
"All Eq '[ Int, Bool, Char ]
is equivalent to the constraint
(Eq Int, Eq Bool, Eq Char)
But in this case it doesn't seem to be, since
foo2 :: (Typeable a, Typeable b) => NP f '[a,b] -> z
foo2 = undefined
bar2 :: (TestClass a, TestClass b) => NP f '[a,b] -> z
bar2 = foo2
compiles fine.
My questions
1) Is this the expected behaviour?
2) If so, is there any workaround?
My use case for this is that I want to pass around a type level list of types constrained by a bunch of different classes under a single class name (like class (Typeable a, Eq a, Show a) => MyClass a) but also be able to call less specialised functions that only require some subset of those classes.
Searching for answers turned up superclasses aren't considered, but I don't think that is the issue here - I think it is something to do with the way the All constraint is put together in generics-sop. It is as if the compiler is simply comparing the two All constraints, rather than expanding them both and then type checking.
All f xs is actually equivalent to (AllF f xs, SListI xs). AllF is a type family:
type family AllF (c :: k -> Constraint) (xs :: [k]) :: Constraint where
AllF _ '[] = ()
AllF c (x:xs) = (c x, All c xs)
You see that it cannot reduce unless xs is in WHNF, so it gets stuck in your case. You can use mapAll:
import Generics.SOP.Dict
mapAll :: forall c d xs.
(forall a. Dict c a -> Dict d a) ->
Dict (All c) xs -> Dict (All d) xs
-- ::ish forall f g xs. (forall a. f a -> g a) -> All f xs -> All g xs
-- stores a constraint in a manipulatable way
data Dict (f :: k -> Constraint) (a :: k) where
Dict :: f a => Dict f a
bar :: forall xs f z. (All TestClass xs) => NP f xs -> z
bar = case mapAll #TestClass #Typeable #xs (\Dict -> Dict) Dict of
Dict -> foo
-- TestClass a -> Typeable a pretty trivially:
-- match Dict to reveal TestClass a
-- put the Typeable part of the TestClass instance into another Dict
-- We already know All TestClass xs; place that into a Dict
-- mapAll magic makes a Dict (All Typeable) xs
-- match on it to reveal
-- foo's constraint is satisfied
Lists of (Type,Value) pairs can be expressed on Idris as:
data List : Type where
Cons : (t : Type ** t) -> List -> List
Nil : List
example : List
example = Cons (Nat ** 3) (Cons (Bool ** True) Nil)
What is the syntax to express those on Haskell?
Note that if you construct such List you cannot do anything with the
elements, as you cannot pattern match on the types.
However it's entirely possible in Haskell usign GADTs
data List where
Cons :: t -> List -> List
Nil :: List
example :: List
example = Cons (3 :: Int) (Cons True Nil)
You can extend that with a constraint, e.g. Typeable so you get
run-time type information to do things on elements in the list:
data CList (c :: * -> Constraint) where
CCons :: Typeable t => t -> List c -> List c
CNil :: CList c
exampleC :: CList Typeable
exampleC = CCons (3 :: Int) (CCons True CNil)
Or you can use HList
data HList (xs :: [*]) where
HCons :: x -> List xs -> List (x ': xs)
HNil :: '[]
exampleH :: HList '[Int, Bool]
exampleH = HCons 3 (HConst True HNil)
In particular dependent pairs (or sums!) (Idris docs) are possible with in Haskell to,
Yet we have to make a GADT for a function!
The http://hackage.haskell.org/package/dependent-sum is one many use
If Idris version is
data DPair : (a : Type) -> (P : a -> Type) -> Type where
MkDPair : {P : a -> Type} -> (x : a) -> P x -> DPair a P
the Haskell is not that much different when a = Type:
data DPair (p :: * -> *) where
MkDPair :: p a -> DPair p
and p is encoded with a GADT. In examples above, it's sliced into the
You can also make dependent pairs with something else than a type as a first
element. But then you have to read about