Exception when exceed 64K in azure WCF relay - azure

I have this code I am implemented from this azure wcf relay
I am getting this exception when sending a message bigger than 64K (with smaller message it works OK):
System.ServiceModel.CommunicationException: 'The maximum message size quota for incoming messages has been exceeded for the remote channel. See the server logs for more details.
the quota is unlimited in NetTcpRelayBinding according to this quota web page
here is my code
class WCFRelay
[ServiceContract(Namespace = "urn:ps")]
interface IProblemSolver
int Test(byte[] bytes);
class ProblemSolver : IProblemSolver
public int Test(byte[] bytes)
return bytes.Length;
interface IProblemSolverChannel : IProblemSolver, IClientChannel { }
public static void CreateClient()
var cf = new ChannelFactory<IProblemSolverChannel>(
new NetTcpRelayBinding(),
new EndpointAddress(ServiceBusEnvironment.CreateServiceUri("sb", "...", "solver")));
cf.Endpoint.Behaviors.Add(new TransportClientEndpointBehavior
{ TokenProvider = TokenProvider.CreateSharedAccessSignatureTokenProvider("RootManageSharedAccessKey", "...") });
using (var ch = cf.CreateChannel())
// if its 50K its ok - if its 70K i get exception
Console.WriteLine(ch.Test(new byte[1000 * 70]));
public static void CreateServer()
ServiceHost sh = new ServiceHost(typeof(ProblemSolver));
typeof(IProblemSolver), new NetTcpRelayBinding(),
ServiceBusEnvironment.CreateServiceUri("sb", "...", "solver"))
.Behaviors.Add(new TransportClientEndpointBehavior
TokenProvider = TokenProvider.CreateSharedAccessSignatureTokenProvider("RootManageSharedAccessKey", "...")
while (true)
Console.WriteLine("Press ENTER to close");

According to your description,I checked this issue and found the cause. When you construct the NetTcpRelayBinding, the default value for MaxBufferSize and MaxReceivedMessageSize is 64K as follows:
You could specific the MaxBufferSize,MaxReceivedMessageSize,MaxBufferPoolSize to a larger value when constructing the NetTcpRelayBinding instance both in your server and client side.


Azure IOT Message Body, ContentEncoding Method not found

References :
How to send a json object instead of a string with Azure Client SDK
I can send IOT messages successfully and store these messages in Azure storage.
On reviewing the messages, the body is BASE64 encoded. I want the JSON within the body in the message to be shown as a string so I can process the contents in ADF.
I have added to my message the properties as below, as suggested by the reference posts above:
mes.ContentEncoding = "utf-8";
mes.ContentType = "application/json";
On doing this, I get the message below when I try and send the message. The app compiles ok, it's only when my app sends the message.
Method not found: 'Void Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Client.Message.set_ContentEncoding(System.String)'.
Comment the lines out, and it works fine again.
What am I doing wrong?
private async void SendDeviceToCloudMessagesAsyncDcbIot(DcbIotPayload dataPayload)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(dataPayload.did))
DpmIotLog.LogToFile("no deviceId in data payload", DpmIotLog.LogCondition.High);
dataPayload.t = DateTime.Now.ToString();
var messageString = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dataPayload);
var messageSize = Encoding.ASCII.GetByteCount(messageString);
DpmIotLog.LogToFile($"Message Len {messageSize}", DpmIotLog.LogCondition.Verbose);
DpmIotLog.LogToFile($"Message {messageString}", DpmIotLog.LogCondition.Verbose);
byte[] messageBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(messageString);
using (var mes = new Message(messageBytes))
// Set message body type and content encoding.
mes.ContentEncoding = "utf-8";
mes.ContentType = "application/json";
if (messageSize > 7000)
var ex = new Exception("PayloadSizeException");
DpmIotLog.LogToFile("payload over 7000 bytes", ex, DpmIotLog.LogCondition.High);
throw ex;
DpmIotLog.LogToFile($"Submitting Message to HUB", DpmIotLog.LogCondition.Verbose);
Task t = deviceClient.SendEventAsync(mes);
if (await Task.WhenAny(t, Task.Delay(10000)) == t)
DpmIotLog.LogToFile($"Message Sent", DpmIotLog.LogCondition.Verbose);
DpmIotLog.LogToFile($"Message Fail", DpmIotLog.LogCondition.Verbose);
catch (DeviceNotFoundException)
DpmIotLog.LogToFile($"invalid or disabled device ID : {dataPayload.did}", DpmIotLog.LogCondition.Critical);
catch (DeviceDisabledException)
DpmIotLog.LogToFile($"IOT disabled device ID : {dataPayload.did}", DpmIotLog.LogCondition.Critical);
catch (Exception ex)
DpmIotLog.LogToFile("task to upload payload to server failure", ex, DpmIotLog.LogCondition.Critical);
I created an entirely new project and updated all the dependences to the latest versions. This resolved the issue. (I was using a old IOT project as a starting point)

The connection was inactive for more than the allowed 60000 milliseconds and is closed by container

I have an azure function that sends a message to the service bus queue. Since a recent deployment, I see an exception occurring frequently: The connection was inactive for more than the allowed 60000 milliseconds and is closed by container.
I looked into this GitHub post: https://github.com/Azure/azure-service-bus-java/issues/280 it says this is a warning. Is there a way to increase this timeout? Or any suggestions on how to resolve this? Here is my code:
namespace Repositories.ServiceBusQueue
public class MembershipServiceBusRepository : IMembershipServiceBusRepository
private readonly QueueClient _queueClient;
public MembershipServiceBusRepository(string serviceBusNamespacePrefix, string queueName)
var msiTokenProvider = TokenProvider.CreateManagedIdentityTokenProvider();
_queueClient = new QueueClient($"https://{serviceBusNamespacePrefix}.servicebus.windows.net", queueName, msiTokenProvider);
public async Task SendMembership(GroupMembership groupMembership, string sentFrom = "")
if (groupMembership.SyncJobPartitionKey == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("SyncJobPartitionKey must be set."); }
if (groupMembership.SyncJobRowKey == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("SyncJobRowKey must be set."); }
foreach (var message in groupMembership.Split().Select(x => new Message
Body = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(x)),
SessionId = groupMembership.RunId.ToString(),
ContentType = "application/json",
Label = sentFrom
await _queueClient.SendAsync(message);
This could be due to deadlock in the thread pool, please check if you are calling an async method from a sync method.

MassTransit Consumer not getting called

In the following sample program (using MassTransit, Azure ServiceBus), I am able to send messages to the queue, but my Receive Endpoint/Consumer does not seems to get the message. What am I doing wrong here? (Simple publish and a handler example given in this link(http://masstransit-project.com/MassTransit/quickstart.html) works fine!)
static async Task MainAsync(string[] args)
var bus = Bus.Factory.CreateUsingAzureServiceBus(cfg =>
var serviceUri = ServiceBusEnvironment.CreateServiceUri("sb", "{sb}", "{sb-name}");
var host = cfg.Host(serviceUri, h =>
h.OperationTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5);
h.TokenProvider = TokenProvider.CreateSharedAccessSignatureTokenProvider(
h.TransportType = TransportType.NetMessaging;
cfg.ReceiveEndpoint(host, "test_queue", ep =>
await SendAHello(bus);
Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit");
private static async Task SendAHello(IBusControl bus)
var sendToUri = new Uri("queue-end-point-address");
var endPoint = await bus.GetSendEndpoint(sendToUri);
await endPoint.Send<ISayHello>( new
Message = "Hello there !"
public class SayHelloCommandConsumer : IConsumer<ISayHello>
public Task Consume(ConsumeContext<ISayHello> context)
var command = context.Message;
return Console.Out.WriteLineAsync($"Recieved a message {command}");
public interface ISayHello
string Message { get; set; }
The queue address looked suspect, and it seems like you've corrected it.

Dart Websocket memory leak

I am using websockets to receive protcol buffers and experiencing a memory leak. This leak occurs regardless of incoming buffer size and frequency.
The protobufs are being received as Blobs but the same leak was present when receiving as an arrayBuffer. Currently all I have implemented is a packet handler that sets the Blob to null to attempt to invoke garbage collection.
My listen call:
My event handler: void handlePacket(message) { message = null; }
I don't fully understand if the Stream of messageEvents in the websocket is a queue that is not dequeuing processed events, but it appears that all the memory allocated for the incoming events fails to be garbage collected. All help is appreciated.
Client side code:
void _openSocket() {
if (ws == null) {
ws = new WebSocket('ws://localhost:8080/api/ws/open');
// ws.binaryType = "arraybuffer";
void _closeSocket() {
if (ws != null) {
print("socket closed");
ws = null;
void _openStream (String fieldName, [_]) {
//Check if we need to open the socket
//Request the proper data
Map ask = {"Request": "Stream", "Field": fieldName};
if (ws.readyState == 0){
ws.onOpen.listen((_) {
} else {
if (activeQuantities == 1) {
// Receive data from the socket
_listen() {
void handlePacket(message) {
message = null;
Looks like Dartium is expected to leak memory, but when using Dart2js and running in Chrome it did manage to GC, albeit after showing the same symptoms as in Dartium. https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/26660

Servicestack RabbitMQ: Infinite loop fills up dead-letter-queue when RabbitMqProducer cannot redeclare temporary queue in RPC-pattern

When I declare a temporary reply queue to be exclusive (e.g. anonymous queue (exclusive=true, autodelete=true) in rpc-pattern), the response message cannot be posted to the specified reply queue (e.g. message.replyTo="amq.gen-Jg_tv8QYxtEQhq0tF30vAA") because RabbitMqProducer.PublishMessage() tries to redeclare the queue with different parameters (exclusive=false), which understandably results in an error.
Unfortunately, the erroneous call to channel.RegisterQueue(queueName) in RabbitMqProducer.PublishMessage() seems to nack the request message in the incoming queue so that, when ServiceStack.Messaging.MessageHandler.DefaultInExceptionHandler tries to acknowlege the request message (to remove it from the incoming queue), the message just stays on top of the incoming queue and gets processed all over again. This procedure repeats indefinitely and results in one dlq-message per iteration which slowly fills up the dlq.
I am wondering,
if ServiceStack handles the case, when ServiceStack.RabbitMq.RabbitMqProducer cannot declare the response queue, correctly
if ServiceStack.RabbitMq.RabbitMqProducer muss always declare the response queue before publishing the response
if it wouldn't be best to have some configuration flag to omit all exchange and queue declaration calls (outside of the first initialization). The RabbitMqProducer would just assume every queue/exchange to be properly set up and just publish the message.
(At the moment our client just declares its response queue to be exclusive=false and everything works fine. But I'd really like to use rabbitmq's built-in temporary queues.)
MQ-Client Code, requires simple "SayHello" service:
const string INQ_QUEUE_NAME = "mq:SayHello.inq";
const string EXCHANGE_NAME="mx.servicestack";
var factory = new ConnectionFactory() { HostName = "" };
using (var connection = factory.CreateConnection())
using (var channel = connection.CreateModel())
// Create temporary queue and setup bindings
// this works (because "mq:tmp:" stops RabbitMqProducer from redeclaring response queue)
string responseQueueName = "mq:tmp:SayHello_" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + ".inq";
channel.QueueDeclare(responseQueueName, false, false, true, null);
// this does NOT work (RabbitMqProducer tries to declare queue again => error):
//string responseQueueName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + ".inq";
//channel.QueueDeclare(responseQueueName, false, false, true, null);
// this does NOT work either (RabbitMqProducer tries to declare queue again => error)
//var responseQueueName = channel.QueueDeclare().QueueName;
// publish simple SayHello-Request to standard servicestack exchange ("mx.servicestack") with routing key "mq:SayHello.inq":
var props = channel.CreateBasicProperties();
props.ReplyTo = responseQueueName;
channel.BasicPublish(EXCHANGE_NAME, INQ_QUEUE_NAME, props, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("{\"ToName\": \"Chris\"}"));
// consume response from response queue
var consumer = new QueueingBasicConsumer(channel);
channel.BasicConsume(responseQueueName, true, consumer);
var ea = (BasicDeliverEventArgs)consumer.Queue.Dequeue();
// print result: should be "Hello, Chris!"
Everything seems to work fine when RabbitMqProducer does not try to declare the queues, like that:
public void PublishMessage(string exchange, string routingKey, IBasicProperties basicProperties, byte[] body)
const bool MustDeclareQueue = false; // new config parameter??
if (MustDeclareQueue && !Queues.Contains(routingKey))
Queues = new HashSet<string>(Queues) { routingKey };
Channel.BasicPublish(exchange, routingKey, basicProperties, body);
catch (OperationInterruptedException ex)
if (ex.Is404())
Channel.BasicPublish(exchange, routingKey, basicProperties, body);
The issue got adressed in servicestack's version v4.0.32 (fixed in this commit).
The RabbitMqProducer no longer tries to redeclare temporary queues and instead assumes that the reply queue already exist (which solves my problem.)
(The underlying cause of the infinite loop (wrong error handling while publishing response message) probably still exists.)
Edit: Example
The following basic mq-client (which does not use ServiceStackmq client and instead depends directly on rabbitmq's .net-library; it uses ServiceStack.Text for serialization though) can perform generic RPCs:
public class MqClient : IDisposable
ConnectionFactory factory = new ConnectionFactory()
HostName = "",
UserName = "guest",
Password = "guest",
//VirtualHost = "test",
Port = AmqpTcpEndpoint.UseDefaultPort,
private IConnection connection;
private string exchangeName;
public MqClient(string defaultExchange)
this.exchangeName = defaultExchange;
this.connection = factory.CreateConnection();
public TResponse RpcCall<TResponse>(IReturn<TResponse> reqDto, string exchange = null)
using (var channel = connection.CreateModel())
string inq_queue_name = string.Format("mq:{0}.inq", reqDto.GetType().Name);
string responseQueueName = channel.QueueDeclare().QueueName;
var props = channel.CreateBasicProperties();
props.ReplyTo = responseQueueName;
var message = ServiceStack.Text.JsonSerializer.SerializeToString(reqDto);
channel.BasicPublish(exchange ?? this.exchangeName, inq_queue_name, props, UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(message));
var consumer = new QueueingBasicConsumer(channel);
channel.BasicConsume(responseQueueName, true, consumer);
var ea = (BasicDeliverEventArgs)consumer.Queue.Dequeue();
//channel.BasicAck(ea.DeliveryTag, false);
string response = UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetString(ea.Body);
string responseType = ea.BasicProperties.Type;
Console.WriteLine(" [x] New Message of Type '{1}' Received:{2}{0}", response, responseType, Environment.NewLine);
return ServiceStack.Text.JsonSerializer.DeserializeFromString<TResponse>(response);
public void Dispose()
if (connection != null)
this.connection = null;
Key points:
client declares anonymous queue (=with empty queue name) channel.QueueDeclare()
server generates queue and returns queue name (amq.gen*)
client adds queue name to message properties (props.ReplyTo = responseQueueName;)
ServiceStack automatically sends response to temporary queue
client picks up response and deserializes
It can be used like that:
using (var mqClient = new MqClient("mx.servicestack"))
var pingResponse = mqClient.RpcCall<PingResponse>(new Ping { });
Important: You've got to use servicestack version 4.0.32+.
