How to use sagas in a CQRS architecture using DDD? - domain-driven-design

I am designing a CQRS application using DDD, and am wondering how to implement the following scenario:
a Participant aggregate can be referenced by multiple ParticipantEntry aggregates
an AddParticipantInfoCommand is issued to the Command side, which contains all info of the Participant and one ParticipantEntry (similar to an Order and one OrderLineItem)
Where should the logic be implemented that checks whether the Participant already exists and if it doesn't exist, creates the Participant?
Should it be done in a Saga that first checks the domain model for the existence of the Participant, and if it doesn't find it, issues an AddParticipantCommand and afterwards an AddParticipantEntry command containing the Participant ID?
Should this be done entirely by the aggregateroots in the domain model itself?

You don't necessarily need sagas in order to deal with this situation. Take a look at my blog post on why not to create aggregate roots, and what to do instead:

Where should the logic be implemented that checks whether the Participant already exists and if it doesn't exist, creates the Participant?
In most instances, this behavior should be under the control of the Participant aggregate itself.
Processes are useful when you need to coordinate changes across multiple transaction boundaries. Two changes to the same aggregate, however, can be managed within the same transaction.
You can implement this as two distinct transactions operating on the same aggregate, with coordination; but the extra complexity of a process doesn't offer any gains. It's much simpler to send the single command to the aggregate, and allow it to decide what actions to take to maintain the correct invariant.
Sagas, in particular, are a pattern for reverting multiple transactions. Yan Cui's How the Saga Pattern manages failures with AWS Lambda and Step Functions includes a good illustration of a travel booking saga.
(Note: there is considerable confusion about the definition of "saga"; the NServiceBus community tends to understand the term a slightly different way than originally described by Garia-Molina and Salem. kellabyte's Clarifying the Saga Pattern surveys the confusion.)


How to correctly persist and present information from multiple aggregates?

I'm creating a selling platform. The core aggregate is called Announcement and it holds references to other aggregates such as Categories, User etc. I am using CQRS approach an event-sourcing solution as storage.
For performance reasons, I decided to store some important details about associated objects (Categories, User) inside the Announcement aggregate along with their ids. My reasoning behind it was that when filtering announcements, I want to simplify the access to those information as much as possible (reduce the number of database joins, allow fancy querying syntax). It was possible, because I included all the required information in the command, which creates an announcement. Generation of a detailed view of an announcement is based on information embedded inside the aggregate. Although it seemed reasonable at first, now I'm having second thoughts.
The considerations that made me think are:
I realized that I don't need transactional consistency on all the additional details (categories, seller details, etc.). There are no constraints that would force me to do what I did.
The event store that I'm using offers multistream projections. I'm wondering if that's the puzzle piece that should replace the redundant information in the Announcement aggregate.
Are the following steps a valid solution for the described problem?
Remove the duplicated information from the Announcement aggregate;
Use a domain event to notify other aggregates about creation of an Announcement;
Let other aggregates publish appropriate events in response to the AnnouncementCreated event; these events may contain additional information about associated objects;
Introduce a multistream projection, which will update itself in response to events from multiple aggregates and produce a complete view of the announcement;
Never design aggregates by thinking of how you will read data. That is against the purpose of CQRS. Aggregates are about commands and business rules not queries. Use events to gather data from multiple aggregates then project the data however you want without affecting your aggregates. This concept is called a "projection".
In general, the only reason to include data in a particular aggregate is if that data affects command validation or if there's some other consistency demand. if information about categories or users isn't qualifying under either reason, then it makes a lot of sense to remove it from the announcement aggregate.
I would probably consider modeling a "categorized and associated announcement" aggregate which is fed by domain events from announcement/category/user aggregates. This could be implemented via the multistream projection from your event store, but I think it's useful to keep that detail separate because there are other ways you could feed domain events from multiple aggregates as commands for a different aggregate (the command implicit in any event is "incorporate this event into your view of the world").

What is an Aggregate Root?

No, it is not a duplication question.
I have red many sources on the subject, but still I feel like I don't fully understand it.
This is the information I have so far (from multiple sources, be it articles, videos, etc...) about what is an Aggregate and Aggregate Root:
Aggregate is a collection of multiple Value Objects\Entity references and rules.
An Aggregate is always a command model (meant to change business state).
An Aggregate represents a single unit of (database - because essentialy the changes will be persisted) work, meaning it has to be consistent.
The Aggregate Root is the interface to the external world.
An Aggregate Root must have a globally unique identifier within the system
DDD suggests to have a Repository per Aggregate Root
A simple object from an aggregate can't be changed without its AR(Aggregate Root) knowing it
So with all that in mind, lets get to the part where I get confused:
in this site it says
The Aggregate Root is the interface to the external world. All interaction with an Aggregate is via the Aggregate Root. As such, an Aggregate Root MUST have a globally unique identifier within the system. Other Entites that are present in the Aggregate but are not Aggregate Roots require only a locally unique identifier, that is, an Id that is unique within the Aggregate.
But then, in this example I can see that an Aggregate Root is implemented by a static class called Transfer that acts as an Aggregate and a static function inside called TransferedRegistered that acts as an AR.
So the questions are:
How can it be that the function is an AR, if there must be a globaly unique identifier to it, and there isn't, reason being that its a function. what does have a globaly unique identifier is the Domain Event that this function produces.
Following question - How does an Aggregate Root looks like in code? is it the event? is it the entity that is returned? is it the function of the Aggregate class itself?
In the case that the Domain Event that the function returns is the AR (As stated that it has to have that globaly unique identifier), then how can we interact with this Aggregate? the first article clearly stated that all interaction with an Aggregate is by the AR, if the AR is an event, then we can do nothing but react on it.
Is it right to say that the aggregate has two main jobs:
Apply the needed changes based on the input it received and rules it knows
Return the needed data to be persisted from AR and/or need to be raised in a Domain Event from the AR
Please correct me on any of the bullet points in the beginning if some/all of them are wrong is some way or another and feel free to add more of them if I have missed any!
Thanks for clarifying things out!
I feel like I don't fully understand it.
That's not your fault. The literature sucks.
As best I can tell, the core ideas of implementing solutions using domain driven design came out of the world of Java circa 2003. So the patterns described by Evans in chapters 5 and six of the blue book were understood to be object oriented (in the Java sense) domain modeling done right.
Chapter 6, which discusses the aggregate pattern, is specifically about life cycle management; how do you create new entities in the domain model, how does the application find the right entity to interact with, and so on.
And so we have Factories, that allow you to create instances of domain entities, and Repositories, that provide an abstraction for retrieving a reference to a domain entity.
But there's a third riddle, which is this: what happens when you have some rule in your domain that requires synchronization between two entities in the domain? If you allow applications to talk to the entities in an uncoordinated fashion, then you may end up with inconsistencies in the data.
So the aggregate pattern is an answer to that; we organize the coordinated entities into graphs. With respect to change (and storage), the graph of entities becomes a single unit that the application is allowed to interact with.
The notion of the aggregate root is that the interface between the application and the graph should be one of the members of the graph. So the application shares information with the root entity, and then the root entity shares that information with the other members of the aggregate.
The aggregate root, being the entry point into the aggregate, plays the role of a coarse grained lock, ensuring that all of the changes to the aggregate members happen together.
It's not entirely wrong to think of this as a form of encapsulation -- to the application, the aggregate looks like a single entity (the root), with the rest of the complexity of the aggregate being hidden from view.
Now, over the past 15 years, there's been some semantic drift; people trying to adapt the pattern in ways that it better fits their problems, or better fits their preferred designs. So you have to exercise some care in designing how to translate the labels that they are using.
In simple terms an aggregate root (AR) is an entity that has a life-cycle of its own. To me this is the most important point. One AR cannot contain another AR but can reference it by Id or some value object (VO) containing at least the Id of the referenced AR. I tend to prefer to have an AR contain only other VOs instead of entities (YMMV). To this end the AR is responsible for consistency and variants w.r.t. the AR. Each VO can have its own invariants such as an EMailAddress requiring a valid e-mail format. Even if one were to call contained classes entities I will call that semantics since one could get the same thing done with a VO. A repository is responsible for AR persistence.
The example implementation you linked to is not something I would do or recommend. I followed some of the comments and I too, as one commenter alluded to, would rather use a domain service to perform something like a Transfer between two accounts. The registration of the transfer is not something that may necessarily be permitted and, as such, the domain service would be required to ensure the validity of the transfer. In fact, the registration of a transfer request would probably be a Journal in an accounting sense as that is my experience. Once the journal is approved it may attempt the actual transfer.
At some point in my DDD journey I thought that there has to be something wrong since it shouldn't be so difficult to understand aggregates. There are many opinions and interpretations w.r.t. to DDD and aggregates which is why it can get confusing. The other aspect is, in IMHO, that there is a fair amount of design involved that requires some creativity and which is based on an understanding of the domain itself. Creativity cannot be taught and design falls into the realm of tacit knowledge. The popular example of tacit knowledge is learning to ride a bike. Now, we can read all we want about how to ride a bike and it may or may not help much. Once we are on the bike and we teach ourselves to balance then we can make progress. Then there are people who end up doing absolutely crazy things on a bike and even if I read how to I don't think that I'll try :)
Keep practicing and modelling until it starts to make sense or until you feel comfortable with the model. If I recall correctly Eric Evans mentions in the Blue Book that it may take a couple of designs to get the model closer to what we need.
Keep in mind that Mike Mogosanu is using a event sourcing approach but in any case (without ES) his approach is very good to avoid unwanted artifacts in mainstream OOP languages.
How can it be that the function is an AR, if there must be a globaly unique identifier to it, and there isn't, reason being that
its a function. what does have a globaly unique identifier is the
Domain Event that this function produces.
TransferNumber acts as natural unique ID; there is also a GUID to avoid the need a full Value Object in some cases.
There is no unique ID state in the computer memory because it is an argument but think about it; why you want a globaly unique ID? It is just to locate the root element and its (non unique ID) childrens for persistence purposes (find, modify or delete it).
Order A has 2 order lines (1 and 2) while Order B has 4 order lines (1,2,3,4); the unique identifier of order lines is a composition of its ID and the Order ID: A1, B3, etc. It is just like relational schemas in relational databases.
So you need that ID just for persistence and the element that goes to persistence is a domain event expressing the changes; all the changes needed to keep consistency, so if you persist the domain event using the global unique ID to find in persistence what you have to modify the system will be in a consistent state.
You could do
var newTransfer = New Transfer(TransferNumber); //newTransfer is now an AG with a global unique ID
var changes = t.RegisterTransfer(Debit debit, Credit credit)
but what is the point of instantiate a object to create state in the computer memory if you are not going to do more than one thing with this object? It is pointless and most of OOP detractors use this kind of bad OOP design to criticize OOP and lean to functional programming.
Following question - How does an Aggregate Root looks like in code? is it the event? is it the entity that is returned? is it the function
of the Aggregate class itself?
It is the function itself. You can read in the post:
AR is a role , and the function is the implementation.
An Aggregate represents a single unit of work, meaning it has to be consistent. You can see how the function honors this. It is a single unit of work that keeps the system in a consistent state.
In the case that the Domain Event that the function returns is the AR (As stated that it has to have that globaly unique identifier),
then how can we interact with this Aggregate? the first article
clearly stated that all interaction with an Aggregate is by the AR, if
the AR is an event, then we can do nothing but react on it.
Answered above because the domain event is not the AR.
4 Is it right to say that the aggregate has two main jobs: Apply the
needed changes based on the input it received and rules it knows
Return the needed data to be persisted from AR and/or need to be
raised in a Domain Event from the AR
Yes; again, you can see how the static function honors this.
You could try to contat Mike Mogosanu. I am sure he could explain his approach better than me.

DDD Modify one aggregate per transaction with invariants in both aggregates

Suppose I have an aggregate root Tenant and an aggregate root Organization. Multiples Organizations can be linked to a single Tenant. Tenant only has the Id of the Organizations in it's aggregate.
Suppose I have the following invariant in the Organization aggregate: Organization can only have one subscription for a specific product type.
Suppose I have the following invariant in the Tenant aggregate: only one subscription for a product type must exists across all Organizations related to a Tenant.
How can we enforce those invariants using the one aggregate per transaction rule?
When adding a subscription to an Organization, we can easily validate the first invariant, and fire a domain event to update (eventual consistency) the Tenant, but what happens if the invariant is violated in the Tenant aggregate?
Does it imply to fire another domain event to rollback what happens in the Organization aggregate? Seems tricky in the case a response had been sent to a UI after the first aggregate had been modified successfully.
Or is the real approach here is to use a domain service to validate the invariants of both aggregates before initiating the update? If so, do we place the invariants/rules inside the domain service directly or do we place kind of boolean validation methods on aggregates to keep the logic there?
What if the UI must prevent the user from saving in the UI if one invariants is violated? In this case we are not even trying to update an aggregate.
One thing you might want to consider is the possibility of a missing concept in your domain. You might want to explore the possibility of your scenario having something as a Subscription Plan concept, which by itself is an aggregate and enforces all of these rules you're currently trying to put inside the Tenant/Organization aggregates.
When facing such scenarios I tend to think to myself "what would an organization do if there was no system at all facilitating this operation". In your case, if there were multiple people from the same tenant, each responsible for an organization... how would they synchronize their subscriptions to comply with the invariants?
In such an exercise, you will probably reach some of the scenarios already explored:
Have a gathering event (such as a conference call) to make sure no redundant subscriptions are being made: that's the Domain Service path.
Each make their own subscriptions and they notify each other, eventually charging back redundant ones: that's the Event + Rollback path.
They might compromise and keep a shared ledger where they can check how subscriptions are going corporation wide and the ledger is the authority in such decisions: that's the missing aggregate path.
You will probably reach other options if you stress the issue enough.
How can we enforce those invariants using the one aggregate per transaction rule?
There are a few different answers.
One is to abandon the "rule" - limiting yourself to one aggregate per transaction isn't important. What really matters is that all of the objects in the unit of work are stored together, so that the transaction is an all or nothing event.
A challenge in this design is that the aggregates no longer describe atomic units of storage - the fact that this organization and this tenant need to be stored in the same shard is implicit, rather than explicit.
Another is to redesign your aggregates - boundaries are hard, and its often the case that our first choice of boundaries are wrong. Udi Dahan, in his talk Finding Service Boundaries, observed that (as an example) the domain behaviors associated with a book title usually have little or nothing to do with the book price; they are two separate things that have a relation to a common thing, but they have no rules in common. So they could be treated as part of separate aggregates.
So you can redesign your Organization/Tenant boundaries to more correctly capture the relations between them. Thus, all of the relations that we need to correctly evaluate this rule are in a single aggregate, and therefore necessarily stored together.
The third possibility is to accept that these two aggregates are independent of each other, and the "invariant" is more like a guideline than an actual rule. The two aggregates act like participants in a protocol, and we design into the protocol not only the happy path, but also the failure modes.
The simple forms of these protocols, where we have reversible actions to unwind from a problem, are called sagas. Caitie McCaffrey gave a well received talk on this in 2015, or you could read Clemens Vasters or Bernd Rücker; Garcia-Molina and Salem introduced the term in their study of long lived transactions.
Process Managers are another common term for this idea of a coordinated protocol, where you might have a more complicated graph of states than commit/rollback.
The first idea that came to my mind is to have a property of the organization called "tenantHasSubscription" that property can be updated with domain events. Once you have this property you can enforce the invariant in the organization aggregate.
If you want to be 100% sure that the invariant is never violated, all the commands SubscribeToProduct(TenantId, OrganizationId) have to be managed by the same aggregate (maybe the Tenant), that has internally all the values to check the invariant.
Otherwise to do your operation you will always have to query for an "external" value (from the aggregate point of view), this will introduce "latency" in the operation that open a window for inconsistency.
If you query a db to have values, can it happen that when the result is on the wire, somebody else is updating it, because the db doesn't wait you consumed your read to allow others to modify it, so your aggregate will use stale data to check invariants.
Obviously this is an extremism, this doesn't mean that it is for sure dangerous, but you have to calculate the probability of a failure to happen, how can you be warned when it happen, and how to solve it (automatically by the program, or maybe a manual intervention, depending on the situation).

Read model for aggregate in DDD CQRS ES

In CQRS + ES and DDD, is it a good thing to have small read model in aggregate to get data from other aggregate or bounded context?
For example, in order validation (In Order aggregate), there is a business rules which validate order only if customer is not flagged. The flag information is put in read model (specific to the aggregate) via synchronous domain events.
What do you think about this ?
is it a good thing to have small read model in aggregate to get data from other aggregate or bounded context?
It's not ideal. Aggregates, due to their nature, are not good at enforcing consistency that involves state outside of themselves.
What this usually means is that the business is going to need some way to respond when two aggregates produce an unacceptable state.
You also have the option of checking for the flag before you run the placeOrder command on the aggregate. That check for the flag could be done in the command handler, or in the client -- basically, you have was of "validating" that the command should succeed before passing it to the aggregate.
That said, if it were critical to try to consult the read model while processing the command, a way to do it would be to use a "domain service"; you pass a service provider to the aggregate as part of the command, and let the interface abstract away the fact that running the query requires looking outside of the aggregate.
That gives you some of the decoupling you need to keep the aggregate testable.
It's doable, but not in the form of a read model, rather a Value Object in the Aggregate (since we're on the Write side).
If you already have a CustomerId in Order, you just have to compose a VO with it and a Flagged member.
Of course, this remains prone to all the problems of cross-aggregate communication since the data originates from Customer. Order has to be kept in sync with the flagged status of its Customer, which can require quite a bit of work.
In any case, you should probably first determine with your domain expert whether immediate consistency is an absolute requirement (in which case you have to somehow wrap Customer + Order in a transaction) or if you can afford a small delay in Flagged freshness when enforcing that invariant.
If the latter, you can choose between duplicating Flagged in the Order aggregate or the first option given by #VoiceOfUnreason - the main difference being probably that if the data is in the aggregate, you'll get it for free at the Domain level should you need it in multiple occasions, instead of duplicating the check in multiple use cases/command handlers at the application level.

Do we need another repo for each entity?

For example take an order entity. It's obvious that order lines don't exist without order. So we have to get them with the help of OrderRepository(throw an order entity). Ok. But what about other things that are loosely coupled with order? Should the customer info be available only from CustomerRepo and bank requisites of the seller available from BankRequisitesRepo, etc.? If it is correct, we should pass all these repositories to our Create Factory method I think.
Yes. In general, each major entity (aggregate root in domain driven design terminology) should have their own repositories. Child entities *like order lines) will generally not need one.
And yes. Define each repository as a service then inject them where needed.
You can even design things such that there is no direct coupling between Order and Customer in terms of an actual database link. This in turn allows customers and orders to live in completely independent databases. Which may or may not be useful for your applications.
You correctly understood that aggregate roots's (AR) child entities shall not have their own repository, unless they are themselves AR's. Having repositories for non-ARs would leave your invariants unprotected.
However you must also understand that entities should usually not be clustered together for convenience or just because the business states that some entity has one or many some other entity.
I strongly recommend that you read Effective Aggregate Design by Vaughn Vernon and this other blog post that Vaughn kindly wrote for a question I asked.
One of the aggregate design rule of thumb stated in Effective Aggregate Design is that you should usually reference other aggregates by identity only.
Therefore, you greatly reduce the number of AR instances needed in other AR's creationnal process since new Order(customer, ...) could become new Order(customerId, ...).
If you still find the need to query other AR's in one AR's creationnal process, then there's nothing wrong in injecting repositories as dependencies, but you should not depend on more than you need (e.g. let the client resolve the real dependencies and pass them directly rather than passing in a strategy allowing to resolve a dependency).
