Sign in custom policies and azure function - azure-ad-b2c

I need some help with this sample:
I need to do the same but with signin policy, i need to validate the email with sql database and change a status column in database, and/or block access if the email is doesn't exist.
do you have some example for that?
P.D: Excuse my english

The example you are pointing to is more useful for just retrieving additional claims for a user but not for validating the input. Since you are validating the email address, this example is more relevant:
Walkthrough: Integrate REST API claims exchanges in your Azure AD B2C user journey as validation on user input
This is what I would suggest:
Host your database behind a Rest API so it can be called to validate the email address
Create a technical profile using Web.TPEngine.Providers.RestfulProvider that calls into your Rest API (see the example I linked above)
Add a ValidationTechnicalProfile to the SelfAssertedAttributeProvider technical profile that collects the email so it will validate it and show an error if validation fails
By adding validation such as this, the user will be blocked with an error message and will have the opportunity to fix the input (e.g. typos) and try again. You can also get additional claims about that email address from the Rest API by adding them in the OutputClaims of both the technical profiles.
You will need to determine whether this is the right place to change the flag in the DB or if that ought to be a separate operation. The reason is that if the user goes to the next step in the user journey and then abandons it and comes back later, what would their experience be.
If you want it as a separate step later in the user journey, then you would create it using the example you provided (i.e. as a separate step after all the required steps have executed in the user journey).

The steps will be very similar except you will need to modify a different UserJourney and RelyingParty.
Update <UserJourney Id="SignUpOrSignIn"> as described in step 4.
Update SignUpOrSignin.xml as described in step 5.


B2c Custom policy for sign in

I'm looking to create a custom policy in the following scenario
User is created in tenant by job that has custom attributes for users
case reference and Ni Number (i know how to do this)
User gets a sign in page. There is no sign up page
Sign in page has email, case ref, ni number that the user is required
to enter
sign in validation validates case ref and ni number against what is
held in B2C tenant
Looking at microsofts docs is baffling... whoever thought getting devs to edit and create the xml policy files was good idea beggars belief
Is it actually possible to validate against the info in the tenant through some sort of technical validation profile or something?
Create a self-asserted page with case ref, ni number etc. as output claims i.e they will appear on the form.
Add this page to the user journey after sign-in ("login-NonInteractive").
Read the user attributes ("AAD-UserReadUsingxxx).
You can compare the claims in the journey. Maybe easier to call a REST API to validate the information.
If good, send the JWT (the standard "SendClaims"). If not, display an error.

Azure B2C Skip Self-Asserted Social Signup. Show error if federated user doesn't already exist

I am pre-creating federated users using the Graph API. Although I am using a SignUpSignIn custom policy, I want to be able to prevent a SignUp and show an error when a federated user is not already in the B2C directory. I have tried just removing the orchestration step that does SelfAsserted-Social but that didn't yield intended results.
Any help will be appreciated.
I was able to resolve this doing the following
Create a claim type to hold the message to the user
Create a claims transformation of type CreateStringClaim that populates the above claim type
Created a self-asserted technical profile that
a. hides the continue and cancel buttons
b. has an InputClaimsTransformation referencing 2. above.
c. has an Input claim of the claim type in 1. above
d. has an output claim of the claim type in 1. above
Remove/comment out the orchestration step that shows the self-asserted page for auth with social Idp
In the orchestration step that writes the federated account to AAD, I replace the referenced TP (AAD-UserWriteUsingAlternativeSecurityId) with the one in 3.
Later I will be using a ContentDefinition element to have the page that displays the error message contain a link that sends the user back to the beginning signin user journey.
I'm experiencing the same problem you had here, but unfortunately I'm not yet able to get what you did in those 5 steps.
I know 2 years have passed, but if still have access to the files which you used to do this that would be great!

Can't reset B2C account password create via the Graph API

Hoping someone can shed some light on the following matter;
I got an Angular & .Net core Web API application that uses Azure B2C to authenticate users.
User accounts are created by the users themselves via the signin/signup custom policy or administrator can create accounts via the app using the Graph API.
Due to the requirements, the app uses usernames (as opposed to email addresses) to log into the application. So far I've managed to get everything working except for the following scenario:
When an account is created via the Graph API, the owner of that account cannot reset the account's password. The error is "An account could not be found for the provided user ID".
This isn't the case for accounts that get created via the custom signup policy so I did some comparison and found that for those account that get created via the Graph API, the Email is missing (which can be found under User -> Authentication Methods). I looked at populating that field, but it appears the "Mail" attribute is 'read only' (not sure if that's the right attribute anyway).
At the moment I'm having to manually set the email via Azure so those account's passwords can be reset by their owner if necessary. This is obviously not ideal and wanted to see if there is anyone that might have gotten around this issue, or a least get confirmation that this is indeed a limitation of the Graph API.
Thanks in advance for your help
So I managed to get this working using the approach outlined by Jas Suri. These are the steps that I went through
Created a custom attribute in my B2C tenant to hold the account email address
Included the custom attribute claim type (extension_emailAddress) as well as the strongAuthenticationEmailAddress in the TrustFrameworkBase.xml
Updated my apps's custom policies to include the technical profile for local account discovery. I basically just copied the necessary bits and pieces from here
Updated the local account discovery to perform the comparison against the extenstion_emailAddres instead of strongAuthenticationEmailAddress.
Added an extra step to the Sign up user journey so that the value in strongAuthenticationEmailAddress is copied to extension_emailAddress
Updated my Web API / Graph API "create user" function so that it sets the extension_appidguid_emailAddress
That's it. Now it doesn't matter how the account gets created, the email address will be stored in the extension attribute and the password reset will be able to find the account using that attribute.
happy to provide more details if anyone comes across this.
The problem is as you’ve identified, the Sign Up policy uses the strongAuthEmail attribute to store the verified email for a username based account. The Password reset policy will use this to verify the user owns the username. When creating the user with graph api, you can’t populate this field, it’s not exposed. The only option is to use a custom policy which stores this secure email in an extension attribute, and your graph api created users can then also target the same attribute to allow the stars to align.
Mail attribute is not the same as the Email under Authentication Methods, and currently there is no such graph api to set the Email value under Authentication Methods.
By the way, there is no need to create Azure AD B2C user for a user as users can sign up themselves.

Azure B2C with pre-invited users

I maintain an app where we use Azure AD B2C to authenticate.
The flow is this:
Users are invited by email
They click a link to sign up using a B2C signin/signup flow
They fill in their info, including email address
They are redirected to our app
Now, what bothers me is that the users have to enter in their email address, even though we already know it. We just invited them using their email address.
It has been suggested that we could send people to a password reset page instead. But that doesn't seem ideal either, since they then have to verify their email address, even though we just verified it. After all, they started the flow by getting an email.
In many cases the users mis-type their email address when they are asked for it. That creates a lot of new issues, because we now have two different email addresses for the same users.
Similar question already answered # How to pass email suggestion to Azure AD B2C SignUp page. Answer describes how to send invitations.
Alternate approach using Javascript in custom policies
You can use custom policies along with Javascript to show email of the user in email address text box.
While sending invitation link, send an extra query parameter like & and follow below steps to show this email_hint value in email address text box
Enabling Javascript in custom policies
Change page contract to allow custom policies to run javascript
Update SignupOrSignin user journey to directly take to SignUp page
Update your blob HTML page to read query parameters and put the value inside email textbox
var urlParams = new URLSearchParams(;
document.getElementById("email").value = urlParams.get('email_hint');
Click here for example request
Add your comments if you still require any other kind of approach than described above to fit into your business model.
If you want to use custom policies, you can use the flow for password reset that has:
This puts the email address in a JWT so the user does not have to enter it.

Custom Azure B2C Password Reset Flow via Username

I setup a password reset flow using Azure B2C and local Azure accounts that uses the user's email address and verification code. However, my client would like to have a password reset email sent to the user based on the user name, not email address. The user email would be looked-up behind the scenes and an email sent that would include a link to the password reset page as shown in the flow below.
After reading a gazillion articles on custom Azure B2C policies, I'm struggling to convince myself if it is possible to do what the client is asking for using Azure B2C.
In the sample password reset flow shown below, some of the areas I'm struggling with include:
Is it possible to create custom pages in the password reset flow such as the page in Step 4 that displays the user's masked email address, or the information page in Step 7?
Is there built-in functionality to look-up a user's email address and Active Directory Object ID based on their user name or would I have to call out to a custom Azure Function and use the Graph API to do this?
Is it possible to create and send a custom email that includes a hyperlink to the password reset page that includes the user's Active Directory Object ID as a query string parameter so the password reset page knows which user's password is being reset?
At the moment, it seems like it would be easier to create a completely custom ASP.NET MVC app to handle the requirements than it would be to use Azure B2C custom policies, but that isn't really a path I want to go down.
Is it possible to create custom pages in the password reset flow?
Yes you can create your own custom password reset user flow using azure active
directory B2C
In your case if you want to figure out your custom page you could
refer here
Is there built-in functionality to look-up a user's email address and
Active Directory Object ID based on their user name or would I have
to call out to a custom Azure Function and use the Graph API to do
Using Microsoft Graph REST API you could fetch your user
In your case you could use
List users
Get a user
To access user information you could also refer here in a great
Is it possible to create and send a custom email that includes a
hyperlink to the password reset page that includes the user's Active
Directory Object ID as a query string parameter so the password reset
page knows which user's password is being reset?
You can use the company branding feature to customize the
content of verification emails for resetting password.
Note : For better clarity you could check the Azure AD B2C: Frequently asked
questions (FAQ) before final work around Which definitely guide you to
define ultimate go ahead.
As per Microsoft document right now you cannot create according to your sample exactly. See the screen shot there is and important remarks.
Thank you.
This GitHub project covers the case you describe. Still needs a lot of understanding about custom flows to get it working.
