Rust not creating function in lib extern FFI - rust

I have many Rust functions working perfectly across Ruby FFI. But following directions from two different sites for creating a free_array method is not making the method available in the linked library.
This example is the working example of freeing a String returned from Ruby.
use libc::c_char;
use std::ffi::CString;
pub extern "C" fn free_string(s: *mut c_char) {
unsafe {
if s.is_null() { return }
And here are two attempts at implementing a way to free the memory of an Array.
use std::mem::transmute;
use ruby_array::RubyArray;
pub extern "C" fn free_array(ra: *mut RubyArray) {
let _ra: Box<RubyArray> = unsafe{ transmute(ra) };
// OR
pub extern "C" fn free_array(ptr: *mut RubyArray) {
if ptr.is_null() { return }
unsafe { Box::from_raw(ptr); }
This results in an error:
Function 'free_array' not found in [/] (FFI::NotFoundError)
Here's the Struct I'm using and which gets created perfectly in to Ruby from Rust.
use libc;
use std::mem;
pub struct RubyArray {
len: libc::size_t,
data: *const libc::c_void,
impl RubyArray {
pub fn from_vec<T>(vec: Vec<T>) -> RubyArray {
let array = RubyArray {
data: vec.as_ptr() as *const libc::c_void,
len: vec.len() as libc::size_t
But that's not relevant as it's not the issue. The issue is the method is not being made available in the library output for FFI to read from. What's wrong with this? Rust is happy and I've written many other methods in similar manner that work. What makes this not found in the .so file?
The file is included in the main src/ with pub mod so there's nothing wrong there. It's the same as the other working methods.
I'll be posting a blog with much fuller implementation details later and I'll add a link to the comment section below for those who are interested.
Minor Update
I'm pretty sure this is an issue with Rust. I've used both Ruby's Fiddle and FFI to verify that this method couldn't be accessed where as other methods could be by both.
I grepped the binary and found the text showing the free_array method in the binary but apparently that's not compiled correctly to be read by FFI.

The information I provided was not enough to debug the issue. The real problem was I had changed from building source from release to debug and had not updated the FFI linked library folder to reflect that. So the code kept pointing at and old lib.


rust two objects refering each borrow_mut pattern

A similar question I posted earlier is here
Rust can't modify RefCell in Rc, but completely different.
I want to simulate some natural process, so I have a Simulator, and a reactor like a NuclearReactor. The simulator will modify the reactor, and the reactor can reversely influance the simulator by modifying it. One important thing is that the NuclearReactor is wrapped from somewhere else, the solid_function must has a inmutable &self.
So after reading rust book of RefCell, I wrote something like these, It complies, but crashed.
use std::borrow::BorrowMut;
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::rc::{Rc, Weak};
pub struct Simulator {
nr: NuclearReactor,
data: Vec<f64>,
impl Simulator {
pub fn on_nuclear_data(&mut self, x: i64) {
// modify self
pub fn run_simulation(&mut self) {;
pub struct NuclearReactor {
simulator: Option<Weak<RefCell<Simulator>>>,
impl NuclearReactor {
pub fn solid_function(&self, x: i64) {
this function `&self` is solid, so I have to use a RefCell to wrap Simulator
pub fn write_simulator(&self) {
thread 'main' panicked at 'already borrowed: BorrowMutError'
pub fn main() {
let nr_ = NuclearReactor {
simulator: None
let mut sm_ = Rc::new(RefCell::new(Simulator {
nr: nr_,
data: vec![],
(*sm_).borrow_mut().nr.simulator = Some(Rc::downgrade(&sm_));
Obviously, the runtime check of borrow_mut fails.
Actually the NuclearReactor is my online code, the Simulator is an offline test, so I wanna modify the NuclearReactor at a minimal cost to let it run on the offline environment. That's why I have to keep the function solid_function with an immutable &self. Changing it to a &mut self is and then move to-modifying objects to a seperate function is feasible, but then I have to modify the online code frequently at a high cost. It there anything cool that can solve it ?
Ok, after reading this:
I finnaly realized that what I am doing is something like below and rust was helping me avoiding bugs.
let v: Vec<i64> = vec![1,2,3];
for ele in v.iter_mut(){
Thankfully, pushing NuclearReactor's modify to a temp buffer then apply them to Simulator is just enough to solve my problem.
Also, I didn't explain the question clearly (actually I didn't get the point to describe the question until I solved it), so the community can't help me.

Why do most ffi functions use raw pointers instead of references?

Both in ffi tutorials and in automatically generated interfaces, *const T pointers are used most of the time. As far as I know the difference between &T and *const T is only that *const T doesn't have to fulfill certain conditions like not being null and is unsafe to dereference.
fn main() {
unsafe {
do_something(&TestStruct {data: 3})
pub struct TestStruct {
data: u32
extern "C" {
fn do_something(arg: &TestStruct);
This code can be compiled and runs. Because external functions are similar in usage to internal ones, i don't understand why raw pointers are used there as the default.
An element of answer can probably be found in the fact that references must be aligned. As using un-aligned references is undefined behaviour, and the alignment of the pointers cannot be guaranteed in FFIs, defaulting to pointers seems to be a sane choice

How to call function from Rust naked function?

just started learning Rust. How do you manage a function call from a Rust naked function? Normally,
pub extern "C" fn bar() {
hprintln!("Function Call!");
pub extern "C" fn foo() {
unsafe {
"blx {}",
in(reg) bar as u32,
But foo() being a naked call, I cannot use a register to pass values. There aren't much documentation on this feature and only thing I figured is that I can use constant and symbol, but I'm not sure how they are used. Any useful documentation on this feature or usage guideline would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.
Figured out a quick fix: function parameters are stored in registers (r0-r3).
pub extern "C" fn bar() {
hprintln!("Function Call!");
pub extern "C" fn foo(ft: u32) {
unsafe {
"blx r0", // ft is stored in r0
// somewhere
foo(bar as u32);
I believe there are different ways to solve this using constant and symbol though. Would appreciate any input.

How to safely wrap C pointers in rust structs

I am building safe bindings for a C library in Rust and I started facing a weird issue.
I created a struct to own the unsafe pointer to the objects returned by the library and free them safely.
This is what I have:
pub struct VipsImage {
pub(crate) ctx: *mut bindings::VipsImage,
impl Drop for VipsImage {
fn drop(&mut self) {
unsafe {
if !self.ctx.is_null() {
bindings::g_object_unref(self.ctx as *mut c_void);
This works fine as long as I don't share this between async calls. If I return one of this objects in an async function and use it afterwards it will be corrupted. If I used and free them in a single operation, they work as expected.
How would I implement Send and Sync for a struct like that so I can safely share it between threads?
If someone wants to check the full library code, here's the link

How do I get the return address of a function?

I am writing a Rust library containing an implementation of the callbacks for LLVM SanitizerCoverage. These callbacks can be used to trace the execution of an instrumented program.
A common way to produce a trace is to print the address of each executed basic block. However, in order to do that, it is necessary to retrieve the address of the call instruction that invoked the callback. The C++ examples provided by LLVM rely on the compiler intrinsic __builtin_return_address(0) in order to obtain this information.
extern "C" void __sanitizer_cov_trace_pc_guard(uint32_t *guard) {
if (!*guard) return;
void *PC = __builtin_return_address(0);
printf("guard: %p %x PC %p\n", guard, *guard, PC);
I am trying to reproduce the same function in Rust but, apparently, there is no equivalent to __builtin_return_address. The only reference I found is from an old version of Rust, but the function described is not available anymore. The function is the following:
pub unsafe extern "rust-intrinsic" fn return_address() -> *const u8
My current hacky solution involves having a C file in my crate that contains the following function:
void* get_return_address() {
return __builtin_return_address(1);
If I call it from a Rust function, I am able to obtain the return address of the Rust function itself. This solution, however, requires the compilation of my Rust code with -C force-frame-pointers=yes for it to work, since the C compiler intrinsic relies on the presence of frame pointers.
Concluding, is there a more straightforward way of getting the return address of the current function in Rust?
edit: The removal of the return_address intrinsic is discussed in this GitHub issue.
edit 2: Further testing showed that the backtrace crate is able to correctly extract the return address of the current function, thus avoiding the hack I described before. Credit goes to this tweet.
The problem with this solution is the overhead that is generated creating a full backtrace when only the return address of the current function is needed. In addition, the crate is using C libraries to extract the backtrace; this looks like something that should be done in pure Rust.
edit 3: The compiler intrinsic __builtin_return_address(0) generates a call to the LLVM intrinsic llvm.returnaddress. The corresponding documentation can be found here.
I could not find any official documentation about this, but found out by asking in the rust-lang repository: You can link against LLVM intrinsics, like llvm.returnaddress, with only a few lines of code:
extern {
#[link_name = "llvm.returnaddress"]
fn return_address() -> *const u8;
fn foo() {
println!("I was called by {:X}", return_address());
The LLVM intrinsic llvm.addressofreturnaddress might also be interesting.
As of 2022 Maurice's answer doesn't work as-is and requires an additional argument.
extern {
#[link_name = "llvm.returnaddress"]
fn return_address(a: i32) -> *const u8;
macro_rules! caller_address {
() => {
unsafe { return_address(0) }
fn print_caller() {
println!("caller: {:p}", caller_address!());
fn main() {
println!("main address: {:p}", main as *const ());
main address: 0x56261a13bb50
caller: 0x56261a13bbaf
Playground link;
