WKWebView evaluateJavaScript completionHandler not called in iOS 11 - wkwebview

let eval = "getTarget('\(url.absoluteString)')"
completionHandler: {(response, error) in
completionhandler does not get called in iOS 11 at all. Works fine on iOS 10.
Anybody workaround for this?
Is there an alternative for evaluateJavaScript.

I had this problem on Xamarin (with iOS 11).
I fixed this with InvokeOnMainThread.
For example:
InvokeOnMainThread(() =>
webView.EvaluateJavaScript($"example('{text}')", (response, error) => {}
Maybe you will find similar solution.

iOS 11 requires evaluateJavaScript be called on the main thread. So surround your call with DispatchQueue.main.async{} if you are not calling it from the main thread.


'reloadAction' in Microsoft Bot Framework 3.15 for Node.js is not passing on 'dialogArgs'

I'm following the example from the Bot Framework pages, under 'Handle User Actions' (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/bot-service/nodejs/bot-builder-nodejs-dialog-actions?view=azure-bot-service-3.0)
// Order dinner.
bot.dialog('orderDinner', [
function(session, args, next){
if(args && args.isReloaded){
// Reload action was triggered.
session.send("Lets order some dinner!");
builder.Prompts.choice(session, "Dinner menu:", dinnerMenu);
//...other waterfall steps...
// Once triggered, will restart the dialog.
.reloadAction('startOver', 'Ok, starting over.', {
matches: /^start over$/i,
dialogArgs: {
isReloaded: true;
and after reloading the dialog args.isReloadedis always undefined. That is, it doesn't seem that the framework is passing through what is put in dialogArgs. Any clues as to what I might be missing? I'm using v 3.15 (or rather, the people for whom I'm working are using 3.15) -- was this something that was introduced in a later version 3, that is, after 3.5? Or is something just going wrong?
Any help much appreciated!
Tried the code with the specified version and is working correctly. There is an errant ";" in your code (which is also in the docs) that should be removed and may be the culprit. Change the following line to the below.
Hope of help!
dialogArgs: {
isReloaded: true

SHGetFileInfo doesn't return correct handle to icon

I'm using SHGetFileInfo function for getting icons for folders and different file types. According to MSDN call of this function should be done from background thread and before call Component Object Model (COM) must be initialized with CoInitialize or OleInitialize.
My code looks like this:
public void SetHlinkImage(string path)
Task task = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { LoadIcons(path); });
private void LoadIcons(string path)
image = GetHlinkImage(path);
if (OwnerControl.InvokeRequired)
layout.ModuleControl.BeginInvoke((MethodInvoker)delegate ()
public Icon GetHlinkImage(string path)
uint flags = Shell32.SHGFI_ICON | Shell32.SHGFI_ATTRIBUTES | Shell32.SHGFI_SMALLICON;
Shell32.SHFILEINFO shfi = new Shell32.SHFILEINFO();
IntPtr result = Shell32.SHGetFileInfo(path,
ref shfi,
Icon icon = (Icon)Icon.FromHandle(shfi.hIcon).Clone();
WinApi.DestroyIcon(shfi.hIcon); // cleanup
return icon;
Mostly the problem appears after first call of the code and as result I get an exception when I tried to create Icon from icon handle:
System.ArgumentException: Win32 handle that was passed to Icon is not
valid or is the wrong type
And further calls of the code work without problems.
Actually behaviour also somehow depends on the test system. It is hardly possible to reproduce this issue on Windows10 systems but on Windows 7 it happens quite often.
Has anyone experienced this problem?
From comment of Hans Passant:
Calling OleInitialize() is pointless, the CLR already initializes COM before it starts a thread. And it failed, something you cannot see because you are not checking its return value. Not knowing that, it just spirals into undiagnosable misery from there. Yes, more of it on Win7. You must provide an STA thread, if this needs to run in the background then consider this solution.

How to set textview from another thread

I'm trying to set a textview's text from other thread than the main one,so I've written in the constructor:
Thread myth = new Thread (new ThreadStart (set_txt));
myth.Start ();
and of course set_txt is a method contains
textview1.Buffer.Text = "Whatever";
The probleme is that When I run the code most time it stops and gives an error:
Got a SIGSEGV while executing native code. This usually indicates
a fatal error in the mono runtime or one of the native libraries
used by your application.
What should I do??
You need to update the GTK# text view from the GUI thread. You can do this by using Gtk.Application.Invoke:
Gtk.Application.Invoke (delegate {
textview1.Buffer.Text = "Whatever";
You need to update the UI from the UI thread. Just use Gtk.Application.Invoke passing it a lambda or a delegate:
Gtk.Application.Invoke(() => { textview1.Buffer.Text = "Whatever"; });

Cross Thread UI

I have an issue with cross threading on a UI. I have read all the ways to do it and have implemented them as seen below.
public void UpdateList(object obj)
// do we need to switch threads?
if (listBox1.InvokeRequired)
MethodInvoker del = () => UpdateList(obj);
// ok so now we're here, this means we're able to update the control
// so we unbox the object into a string
string text = (string)obj;
// and update
The issue comes when I try to do a
After that call I am trying to update my list.
Without the wait is fine. When I add the Wait it hangs on the UpdateList Invoke. There is no error...it just hangs.
I am handling this call in a button event.
Wait() is creating a deadlock on the mainthread.
Replace the hubconnection.Start.Wait() with:
await hubconnection.Start() in an async method:
public void async StartHubClickedEvent(...){
await hubconnection.Start()
The Microsoft Async library enables use of async/awaut on .net 4.0 and VS12.
Install-Package Microsoft.Bcl.Async
See Deadlock when thread uses dispatcher and the main thread is waiting for thread to finish
You've generated a recursive loop. Assuming an Invoke is Required, you'll call up the same method, hit if (listBox1.InvokeRequired) again (which will still pass true) and start looping as you keep calling up the same method again and again. It's better to do an If..Else pattern here where you directly invoke the change on the ListBox or simply perform the change without the invoke
An Example
if (listBox1.InvokeRequired)
listBox1.Invoke(()=> { listBox1.Items.Add((string)text) };
string text = (string)obj;
// and update

Default Audio Output - Getting Device Changed Notification? (CoreAudio, Mac OS X, AudioHardwareAddPropertyListener)

I am trying to write a listener using the CoreAudio API for when the default audio output is changed (e.g.: a headphone jack is plugged in). I found sample code, although a bit old and using deprecated functions (http://developer.apple.com/mac/library/samplecode/AudioDeviceNotify/Introduction/Intro.html, but it didn't work. Re-wrote the code in the 'correct' way using AudioHardwareAddPropertyListener method, but still it doesn't seem to work. When I plug in a headphone the function that I registered is not triggered. I'm a bit of a loss here... I suspect the problem may lay some where else, but I can't figure out where...
The Listener Registration Code:
OSStatus err = noErr;
AudioObjectPropertyAddress audioDevicesAddress = { kAudioHardwarePropertyDefaultOutputDevice, KAudioObjectPropertyScopeGlobal, KAudioObjectPropertyElementMaster };
err = AudioObjectAddPropertyListener ( KAudioObjectAudioSystemObject, &AudioDevicesAddress, coreaudio_property_listener, NULL);
if (err) trace ("error on AudioObjectAddPropertyListener");
After a search in sourceforge for projects that used the CoreAudio API, I found the rtaudio project, and more importantly these lines:
// This is a largely undocumented but absolutely necessary
// requirement starting with OS-X 10.6. If not called, queries and
// updates to various audio device properties are not handled
// correctly.
CFRunLoopRef theRunLoop = NULL;
AudioObjectPropertyAddress property = { kAudioHardwarePropertyRunLoop,
kAudioObjectPropertyElementMaster };
OSStatus result = AudioObjectSetPropertyData( kAudioObjectSystemObject, &property, 0, NULL, sizeof(CFRunLoopRef), &theRunLoop);
if ( result != noErr ) {
errorText_ = "RtApiCore::RtApiCore: error setting run loop property!";
error( RtError::WARNING );
After adding this code I didn't even need to register a listener myself.
Try CFRunLoopRun() - it has the same effect. i.e. making sure the event loop that is calling your listener is running.
