Table set homepage orchard - orchardcms

please tell me where to find table that stores certain page as homepage in orchard?
Because just a moment ago I cannot access my home page
The resource cannot be found.

You probably just don't have a page set as your home page. Go to any Page content type and set it as the homepage.

In case you do need to change the home page directly through the database, this is done in Orchard_Autoroute_AutoroutePartRecord's DisplayAlias column. The first entry with an empty value for DisplayAlias is treated as the homepage.


how to rename a page which is present in multiple locations in under the page

I have change the page name from au-op to auop which is the main page but under the page there are lot of sub pages where the name of the page as displaying as au-op in different fields. now i want to change the page from au-op to auop from all content with groovy script. can anyone help me from these.
You mean something like this?
s = s.replace('au-op', 'auop')

How do I set up page tags for Google search results?

As title suggests, how do I enter page titles into the CMS of V9 kentico so that they are reflected in the Google search for my busines?
By default Kentico uses the site name and the page's name as the page title. If you want to set these separate then you can go to the page you want to modify, General>Meta data and edit it there.

joomla when searching in homepage show nothing

I have a search module on the home page and when I use it it stays on the homepage and shows nothing and when I use it on other parts of the website it works. When I use the search on the home page it shows this URL in the address bar:
I've tried to check the PHP file of the module in /modules/mod_search but it seems normal because it works elsewhere.
Create a menu item of type "Search - Search Results" in Joomla and then clear your Joomla cache. That should fix your problem.

htaccess Redirecting or Rewriting to a form results page with variables intact

I am building a website which calls for a page selector on product search results, the page selector currently adds a forward slash and a number (representing the page) to the end of the current URL.
e.g. If I am browsing Washing Machines on "/laundry/Washing-Machines" and I click page 2 on the selector it takes me to "/laundry/Washing-Machines/2" and page 2 loads, this is working fine.
Now, the problem I am having...
I have a form in the sidebar where the user can filter Range Cooker search results by brand, fuel type, size and colour. The form gathers the products from the database that meet the search criteria, and displays the results along side the page selector.
If I leave the form values as default and submit the form I am presented with the results on "/cooking/Range-Cookers/Search?brand=0&type=0&size=0&colour=0" but when I click page 2 on the selector I am taken to "cooking/Range-Cookers/2" which presents me with a 404. If I add "&page=2" to the end of the original URL I am presented with page 2.
Since the page selector is a php include and works fine for every product except the results from my Range Cooker form, I would rather find a solution that leaves the selector php intact.
Is there any way I can add a redirect to .htaccess which would take a link from my page selector e.g. "cooking/Range-Cookers/5" and correctly apply it to the current URL with all form variables intact e.g. "cooking/Range-Cookers/Search?brand=1&type=2&size=0&colour=0&page=5"?
I have experience in HTML, CSS and PHP, but I am new to editing .htaccess and would appreciate any insight into how I can accomplish this. Thanks.
You cannot do this with .htaccess, because the information is not available, when the request hits Apache, or .htaccess for that matter.
When you click the link for page 2, the client requests the URL in the associated href attribute. It doesn't provide any other information available on the current page. If you want this information transmitted, you must modify the link for page 2 from
when you deliver the page to the client. Same goes for any other information you need for following pages.

Hide username and date in Drupal page

I need to make a completely blank page in Drupal. If I don't give body of the page then it is showing the username and date as must. Is there any way to hide this information?
Or can I get the method which generates the contents of a page?
Yes, you need to go to the admin panel. In Site building->Themes->Configure->Global Settings there's a box titled "display post information". Tick or untic the content types where you want to show/hide the info.
If you want to do it the hard way, then yes, there is a way of doing it in PHP. In your theme code, you can create a template for either your content type or even an individual page (node-24.tpl.php, where 24 is your node's NID). There, you can write anything you consider necessary, like:
echo "<h2>$title</h2>";
echo $content;
This will display only the page title and the page body, with no additional sweetness whatsoever :).
