Kubernetes setup in Redhat Linux - The connection to the server localhost:8080 was refused - did you specify the right host or port? - linux

I am using the following link to setup kubernetes environment and run a containers in kubernetes.
However,when I run "kubectl create -f db-service.yaml" as mentioned in section 1.3.3 - step 5, am getting "The connection to the server localhost:8080 was refused - did you specify the right host or port?".
Can you help if am missing anything, any suggestion is appreciated.


Does Azure Web App for containers support ssh access when running a multi-container app?

I'm running an Azure Web app (containers) with custom container images. I've followed the steps to enable ssh into a container image and it works great when I'm only running a single container. But when I run the app as a multi-container app (with docker-compose file) with more than one container image I get the error below. For additional context this is a small python web app that using nginx and redis hence the need for more than one container. Only one of my custom images has ssh enabled and running and exposing port 2222.
Is this even possible? If not then I'm not sure how feasible it is to run a web app multi-container if I have no way to access a container for support purposes.
az webapp remote-connection create -g GROUPNAME -n APPNAME -p 2222 --verbose
Configured default 'GROUPNAME' for arg resource_group_name
remote-connection is deprecated and moving to cli-core, use `webapp create-remote-connection`
Port 2222 is open
Creating a socket on port: 2222
Setting socket options
Binding to socket on local address and port
Finished initialization
Status response message: FAILURE:2222:Unable to connect to WebApp
WARNING - Remote debugging may not be setup properly. Reponse content: FAILURE:2222:Unable to connect to WebApp
SSH is available { username: root, password: Docker! }
Start your favorite client and connect to port 2222
I also tried the create-remote-connection command but got similar results.
az webapp create-remote-connection -n APPNAME -g GROUPNAME --verbose &
Error I receive is:
Auto-selecting port: 52661
Finished initialization
Status response message: FAILURE:2222:Unable to connect to WebApp
WARNING - Remote debugging may not be setup properly. Reponse content: FAILURE:2222:Unable to connect to WebApp
Connection is not ready yet, please wait
Status response message: FAILURE:2222:Unable to connect to WebApp
WARNING - Remote debugging may not be setup properly. Reponse content: FAILURE:2222:Unable to connect to WebApp
Looks like its not supported :(
How to SSH in to different containers in Multi Container Azure App Service
Support SSH to specific container in multi-container setup

Docker cannot access mariadb server

I am newbie on docker.
I want to migrate my nodejs app to docker, and existing database already installed on server ( I set mariadb host on my nodejs config.
After that, I created an images and run with :
docker run -p 3009:3009 -d my-node
actually its already running, but when I tested to open by browser, I got an error that my app cannot connect to (connecting to database).
I try to create bridge IP ( and make a same subnet, but still got a same error.
My images on docker inside doesn't know on my LAN.
Please help me,
I use windows 10 environment
You have two options to allow your container to reach an external server:
Run your docker container on your host network:
docker run -p 3009:3009 --network host -d my-node
This way your container will be able to reach anything reachable from your machine
create a network bridge: in this case docker will route the traffic from the container to the external server. the bridge IP can't be your docker machine IP as you tried to do.

"The connection was reset" after starting my server [duplicate]

I'm running a webpack-dev-server application inside a Docker container (node:4.2.1). If I try to connect to the server port from within the container - it works fine. However, trying to connect it from the host computer results in reset connection (the port is published, of course). How can I fix it?
This issue is not a docker problem.
Add --host= to your webpack command.
You need to connect to your page like this:
Look to the iframe mode
You need to make sure:
you docker container has mapped the EXPOSE'd port to a host port
docker run -p x:y
your VM (if you are using docker machine with a VM) has forwarded that mapped port to the actual host (the host of the VM).
See "How to access tomcat running in docker container from browser?"

Unable to enter a kubernetes pod. Error from server: error dialing backend: dial tcp: lookup (node hostname) on no such host

We have deployed a K8S cluster using ACS engine in an Azure public cloud.
We are able to create deployments and services but when we enter a pod using "kubectl exec -ti (pod name) (command)" we are receiving the below error,
Error from server: error dialing backend: dial tcp: lookup (node hostname) on no such host
I looked all over the internet and performed all I could to fix this issue but no luck so far.
The OS is Ubuntu and is a public IP from Azure used for DNS.(refer below link)
I've already added host entries to /etc/hosts and entries into resolv.conf of the master/node server and nslookup resolves the same. I've also tested by adding --resolv-conf flag to the kubelet but still it fails. I'm hoping that someone from this community can help us fix this issue.
Verify the node on which your pod is running can be resolved and reached from inside the API server container. If you added entries to /etc/resolv.conf on the master node verify they are visible in the APIserver container, if they are not, restarting the API server pod might be helpful
The problem was in VirtualBox layer
sudo ifconfig vboxnet0 up
Solution is taken from here https://github.com/kubernetes/minikube/issues/1224#issuecomment-316411907

Connect to host mongodb from docker container

So I want to connect to my mongodb running on my host machine (DO droplet, Ubuntu 16.04). It is running on the default 27017 port on localhost.
I then use mup to deploy my Meteor app on my DO droplet, which is using docker to run my Meteor app inside a container. So far so good.
A standard mongodb://... connection url is used to connect the app to the mongodb.
Now I have the following problem:
mongodb://...#localhost:27017... obviously does not work inside the docker container, as localhost is not the host's localhost.
I already read many stackoverflow posts on this, I already tried using:
--network="host" - did not work as it said is already in use or something like that (nginx proxy)
--add-host="local:<MY-DROPLET-INTERNET-IP>" and connect via mongodb://...#local:27017...: also not working as I can access my mongodb only from localhost, not from the public IP
This has to be a common problem!
tl;dr - What is the proper way to expose the hosts localhost inside a docker container so I can connect to services running on the host? (including their ports, e.g. 27017).
I hope someone can help!
You can use: as it is the default host ip that the containers can see. But you need to configure Mongo to listen to
From docker 18.03 onwards the recommendation is to connect to the special DNS name host.docker.internal
For previous versions you can use DNS names docker.for.mac.localhost or docker.for.windows.localhost.
change the bindIp from to in /etc/mongod.conf. Then it will work
or start mongod on ubuntu with a flag to bind all ip address as a temporary workaround (dev/learning purposes)
$ mongod --bind_ip_all
Tried 100500 variants for Windows (using docker desktop), but without any result...
Unfortunately, currently, Windows (at least docker desktop) is not supporting --net=host
Quoted from: https://docs.docker.com/network/network-tutorial-host/#prerequisites
The host networking driver only works on Linux hosts, and is not supported on Docker for Mac, Docker for Windows, or Docker EE for Windows Server.
You can try to use https://docs.docker.com/toolbox/
