Gauge Tags from my gauge gradle task is not being passed to beforespec - getgauge

I have an issue where tags from my gauge gradle task is not being passed to beforespec whereas the the tags are passed to spec files
Any idea what is the issue?
I'm in Gauge version: 0.9.1
html-report (3.1.0)
java (0.6.2)
gradle gauge task :
task runTestsInQA(type: GaugeTask) {
doFirst {
println 'Running tests for the V1 in QA environment...'
gauge {
specsDir = 'specs'
tags = 'V1'
env = 'qa'
additionalFlags = '--verbose'
My beforespec code:
#beforespec(tags = "V1")
public void beforeSpec(ExecutionContext context)
System.out.println("Tags in scenario "+context.getAllTags());
Here, print statement is throwing null array [ ]

This gist contains an example project with gauge + java + gradle.
In your case, note that the BeforeSpec hook is a tagged execution hook, so it will get executed only when the respective tags are passed.
Also note that if you wish to get tags for a scenario, you are better off using the BeforeScenario hook, since you can then get all the tags (scenarios inherit spec tags).


Gradle task is never up-to-date

In the configuration phase of the task I register some dir as builtBy: thisTask. I expect gradle to automatically detect if sources were changed, but the task always being executed.
Here is the task:
subprojects {
def srcMainMirah = file('src/main/mirah')
if (srcMainMirah.exists()) {
idea.module.sourceDirs += srcMainMirah
task compileMirah {
def classesMirahMain = file("$buildDir/classes-mirah/main")
inputs.sourceDir srcMainMirah
def thisTask = delegate
sourceSets.main {
output.dir(classesMirahMain, builtBy: thisTask)
java.srcDir srcMainMirah
dependsOn tasks.compileJava
doFirst {
def classpath = files("$buildDir/classes/main").plus(configurations.compile)
mirahc(srcMainMirah, classesMirahMain, classpath)
It is for compiling sources in mirah language, which produces *.class files just like java compiler does.
Declaring inputs alone for a task is insufficient to determine if the task is up-to-date. You are required to also declared task.outputs
A task with no defined outputs will never be considered up-to-date. For scenarios where the outputs of a task are not files, or for more complex scenarios, the TaskOutputs.upToDateWhen() method allows you to calculate programmatically if the tasks outputs should be considered up to date.
A task with only outputs defined will be considered up-to-date if those outputs are unchanged since the previous build.
From section 17.9.1 here.

How to access a Gradle configurations object correctly

First off, this is my first foray into Gradle/Groovy (using Gradle 1.10). I'm setting up a multi-project environment where I'm creating a jar artifact in one project and then want to define an Exec task, in another project, which depends on the created jar. I'm setting it up something like this:
// This is from the jar building project
jar {
configurations {
dependencies {
loaderJar files(jar.archivePath)
// From the project which consumes the built jar
configurations {
dependencies {
loaderJar project(path: ":gfxd-demo-loader", configuration: "loaderJar")
// This is my test task
task foo << {
configurations.loaderJar.each { println it }
println configurations.loaderJar.collect { it }[0]
// The following line breaks!!!
println configurations.loaderJar[0]
When executing the foo task it fails with:
> Could not find method getAt() for arguments [0] on configuration ':loaderJar'.
In my foo task I'm just testing to see how to access the jar. So the question is, why does the very last println fail? if a Configuration object is a Collection/Iterable then surely I should be able to index into it?
Configuration is-a java.util.Iterable, but not a java.util.Collection. As can be seen in the Groovy GDK docs, the getAt method (which corresponds to the [] operator) is defined on Collection, but not on Iterable. Hence, you can't index into a Configuration.

publish artifact overwrite other artifact in Gradle

I am experimenting with Gradle to build a few jars, rather than maintain a list of classes that hold EJBs so that I can deploy them separately I thought it might be neat to scan the classes when making the jar.
Rather than load the classes and use reflection to get the annotations I thought it may be simpler to scan the classes with asm, hence the chuncky ClassReader in one of the tasks.
I don't think this is the issue so can be ignored, basically I have 2 tasks that I use to define the contents of the jars, both report that different content is going into them via the eachFile print out, however when I look in the publish repository location both files and associated sha1 are identical.
Either Gradle is broken or, more likely, I've done something crazy but can't see what it is, can anyone help?
By the way if I disable the publish of either of the jar files the one that does get created is correct so I think it's something wrong with the publish rather than the jarring up, but could be wrong.
// ASM is used to interpret the class files, this avoids having to load all classes in the vm and use reflection
import org.objectweb.asm.*
task ejbJar(type: Jar) {
//outputs.upToDateWhen { false }
from "${project.buildDir}/classes/main"
eachFile { println "EJB server: ${name}" }
include getEjbClassFiles(project.buildDir)
task clientEjbJar(type: Jar) {
//outputs.upToDateWhen { false }
from "${project.buildDir}/classes/main/com/company/core/versioner"
eachFile { println "Client EJB ${name}" }
include '**/*'
artifacts {
archives clientEjbJar
archives ejbJar
String[] getEjbClassFiles(base) {
def includedFiles = []
def baseDir = project.file("${base}/classes/main")
def parentPath = baseDir.toPath()
if (baseDir.isDirectory()) {
baseDir.eachFileRecurse( { file ->
if('.class')) {
//get hold of annotations in there --- org.objectweb.asm.Opcodes.ASM4
def reader = new ClassReader(file.bytes).accept(
new ClassVisitor(Opcodes.ASM4) {
public AnnotationVisitor visitAnnotation(String desc, boolean visible) {
if(desc.equals("Ljavax/ejb/Stateless;") ||
desc.equals("Ljavax/ejb/Stateful;")) {
includedFiles += parentPath.relativize(file.toPath())
return null //no interest in actually visiting the annotation values
ClassReader.SKIP_DEBUG | ClassReader.EXPAND_FRAMES | ClassReader.SKIP_FRAMES | ClassReader.SKIP_CODE
return includedFiles
publishing {
publications {
mypub(IvyPublication) {
artifact(ejbJar) {
name 'ejb'
artifact(clientEjbJar) {
name 'client-ejb'
repositories {
ivy {
name 'personal'
url "${ant['developer.repository']}/"
layout 'pattern', {
artifact "[organisation]/[module]/[artifact]/[revision]/[type]/[artifact]-[revision].[ext]"
ivy "[organisation]/[module]/[type]/[revision]/[type]/[type]-[revision].[ext]"
I did break the thing down into a simpler form as I thought it may be a Gradle bug.
The simplified form was:
apply plugin: 'java'
apply plugin: 'ivy-publish'
task bigJar(type: Jar) {
from "${rootDir}/src/main/resources"
include '**/*'
task smallJar(type: Jar) {
from "${rootDir}/src/main/resources/A/B"
include '**/*'
group 'ICantBeEmpty'
artifacts {
archives bigJar
archives smallJar
publishing {
publications {
mypub(IvyPublication) {
artifact(bigJar) { name 'biggie' }
artifact(smallJar) { name 'smallie' }
repositories {
ivy {
name 'personal'
url "c:/temp/gradletest"
layout 'pattern', {
artifact "[organisation]/[module]/[artifact]/[revision]/[type]/[artifact]-[revision].[ext]"
ivy "[organisation]/[module]/[type]/[revision]/[type]/[type]-[revision].[ext]"
This results in 2 files in c:/temp/gradletest/ICantBeEmpty/report-bug/biggie/unspecified/biggie-unspecified.jar and c:/temp/gradletest/ICantBeEmpty/report-bug/smallie/unspecified/smallie-unspecified.jar
Both of these files are identical, however I think I know why see my later answer.
Whilst looking at some configurations I noticed some odd behaviour that led me to a resolution of this issue, and it is a Gradle bug.
In my build I had a scratch task doing
configurations.archives.artifacts.each { println it }
This gave me 5 different lines output, however changing it to this
configurations.archives.artifacts.each { println it.file }
produced the same filename 5 times.
It turns out this is related to my issue, although the artifacts are there as separate entities the name used to uniquely identify them was the same so the same file was always chosen during a publish. The name of the artifacts is given by ${baseName}-${appendix}-${version}-${classifier}.${extension} by default in the java plugin. This means that if neither appendix or classifier is specified then the artifact will have the same name.
I tested this using the above sample code by adding an appendix name
task bigJar(type: Jar) {
appendix = 'big'
from "${rootDir}/src/main/resources"
include '**/*'
task smallJar(type: Jar) {
appendix = 'small'
from "${rootDir}/src/main/resources/A/B"
include '**/*'
Using this rather than the code from the question produces 2 different jars.
It's not a complete answer but is a good enough work around, if I add a new publication definition I can publish the artifacts that I want to to the location that I want, the only downside is that it will create another gradle task which isn't ideal.
publications {
mypub(IvyPublication) {
artifact(ejbJar) {
name 'ejb'
newpub(IvyPublication) {
artifact(clientEjbJar) {
name 'client-ejb'
The above answer works in the short term, however does reveal yet another short coming in the Gradle world enter link description here
Not sure Gradle is all it could be at the moment, and so far no one has answered my questions so maybe it's not that actively developed!!
I'm no expert in this part of Gradle, but the functionality you are using is marked as "incubating"; you are using the new publishing feature which might or might not be complete. Perhaps you should use the old way of doing things. You also seem to be mixing both ways by using the artifacts closure.

How to Report Results to Sauce Labs using Geb/Spock?

I want to use the Sauce Labs Java REST API to send Pass/Fail status back to the Sauce Labs dashboard. I am using Geb+Spock, and my Gradle build creates a test results directory where results are output in XML. My problem is that the results XML file doesn't seem to be generated until after the Spock specification's cleanupSpec() exits. This causes my code to report the results of the previous test run, rather than the current one. Clearly not what I want!
Is there some way to get to the results from within cleanupSpec() without relying on the XML? Or a way to get the results to file earlier? Or some alternative that will be much better than either of those?
Some code:
In build.gradle, I specify the testResultsDir. This is where the XML file is written after the Spock specifications exit:
drivers.each { driver ->
task "${driver}Test"(type: Test) {
systemProperty "geb.env", driver
testResultsDir = file("$buildDir/test-results/${driver}")
systemProperty "proj.test.resultsDir", testResultsDir
Here is the setupSpec() and cleanupSpec() in my LoginSpec class:
class LoginSpec extends GebSpec {
#Shared def SauceREST client = new SauceREST("redactedName", "redactedKey")
#Shared def sauceJobID
#Shared def allSpecsPass = true
def setupSpec() {
sauceJobID = driver.getSessionId().toString()
def cleanupSpec() {
def String specResultsDir = System.getProperty("proj.test.resultsDir") ?: "./build/test-results"
def String specResultsFile = this.getClass().getName()
def String specResultsXML = "${specResultsDir}/TEST-${specResultsFile}.xml"
def testsuiteResults = new XmlSlurper().parse( new File( specResultsXML ))
// read error and failure counts from the XML
def errors = testsuiteResults.#errors.text()?.toInteger()
def failures = testsuiteResults.#failures.text()?.toInteger()
if ( (errors + failures) > 0 ) { allSpecsPass = false }
if ( allSpecsPass ) {
} else {
The rest of this class contains login specifications that do not interact with SauceLabs. When I read the XML, it turns out that it was written at the end of the previous LoginSpec run. I need a way to get to the values of the current run.
Test reports are generated after a Specification has finished execution and the generation is performed by the build system, so in your case by Gradle. Spock has no knowledge of that so you are unable to get that information from within the test.
You can on the other hand quite easily get that information from Gradle. Test task has two methods that might be of interest to you here: addTestListener() and afterSuite(). It seems that the cleaner solution here would be to use the first method, implement a test listener and put your logic in afterSuite() of the listener (and not the task configuration). You would probably need to put that listener implementation in buildSrc as it looks like you have a dependency on SauceREST and you would need to build and compile your listener class before being able to use it as an argument to addTestListener() in build.gradle of your project.
Following on from erdi's suggestion, I've created a Sauce Gradle helper library, which provides a Test Listener that parses the test XML output and invokes the Sauce REST API to set the pass/fail status.
The library can be included by adding the following to your build.gradle file:
import com.saucelabs.gradle.SauceListener
buildscript {
repositories {
maven {
url ""
dependencies {
classpath group: 'com.saucelabs', name: 'saucerest', version: '1.0.2'
classpath group: 'com.saucelabs', name: 'sauce_java_common', version: '1.0.14'
classpath group: 'com.saucelabs.gradle', name: 'sauce-gradle-plugin', version: '0.0.1'
gradle.addListener(new SauceListener("YOUR_SAUCE_USERNAME", "YOUR_SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY"))
You will also need to output the Selenium session id for each test, so that the SauceListener can associate the Sauce Job with the pass/fail status. To do this, include the following output in the stdout:

How to rerun the failed scenarios using Cucumber?

I'm using Cucumber for my tests. How do I rerun only the failed tests?
Run Cucumber with rerun formatter:
cucumber -f rerun --out rerun.txt
It will output locations of all failed scenarios to this file.
Then you can rerun them by using
cucumber #rerun.txt
Here is my simple and neat solution.
Step 1: Write your cucumber java file as mentioned below with rerun:target/rerun.txt. Cucumber writes the failed scenarios line numbers in rerun.txt as shown below.
Later we can use this file in Step 2. Name this file as This is your main file to run your tagged scenarios. If your scenarios has failed test cases, will write/mark them rerun.txt under target directory.
monochrome = true,
features = "classpath:features",
plugin = {"pretty", "html:target/cucumber-reports",
"rerun:target/rerun.txt"} //Creates a text file with failed scenarios
,tags = "#mytag"
public class MyScenarioTests {
Step 2: Create another scenario file as shown below. Let's say this as Whenever you notice any failed scenario run this file. This file will use target/rerun.txt as an input for running the scenarios.
monochrome = true,
features = "#target/rerun.txt", //Cucumber picks the failed scenarios from this file
format = {"pretty", "html:target/site/cucumber-pretty",
public class FailedScenarios {
Everytime if you notice any failed scenarios run the file in Step 2
task cucumber() {
dependsOn assemble, compileTestJava
doLast {
javaexec {
main = "io.cucumber.core.cli.Main"
classpath = configurations.cucumberRuntime + sourceSets.main.output + sourceSets.test.output
args = ['--plugin', 'json:target/cucumber-reports/json/cucumber.json',
'--plugin', "rerun:target/rerun.txt",
'--glue', 'steps',
task cucumberRerunFailed() {
doLast {
javaexec {
main = "io.cucumber.core.cli.Main"
classpath = configurations.cucumberRuntime + sourceSets.main.output + sourceSets.test.output
args = ['--plugin', 'json:target/cucumber-reports/json/cucumber.json',
I know this is old, but I found my way here first and then later found a much more up to date answer (not the accepted, Cyril Duchon-Doris' answer):
Since cucumber 3.0 you can use --retry to specify how many times to retry a scenario that failed.
Just tack it on to your cucumber command:
cucumber ... --retry 2
You need at least version 1.2.0 in order to use the #target/rerun.txt new feature. After that just create a runner that runs at the end and uses this file. Also, if you are using Jenkins, you can put a tag on the random failures features so the build doesn't fails unless after being ran twice.
