Gremlin - only add a vertex if it doesn't exist - groovy

I have an array of usernames (eg. ['abc','def','ghi']) to be added under 'user' label in the graph.
Now I first want to check if the username already exists (g.V().hasLabel('user').has('username','def')) and then add only those for which the username property doesn't match under 'user' label.
Also, can this be done in a single gremlin query or groovy script?
I am using titan graph database, tinkerpop3 and gremlin REST server.

With "scripts" you can always pass a multi-line/command script to the server for processing to get what you want done. This question is then answered with normal programming techniques using variables, if/then statements, etc:
t = g.V().has('person','name','bill')
t.hasNext() ? : g.addV('person').property('name','bill').next()
or perhaps:
But these are groovy scripts and ultimately TinkerPop recommends avoiding scripts and closures in favor of a pure traversal. The general way to handle a "get or create" in a single traversal is to do something like this:
gremlin> g.V().has('person','name','bill').fold().
......1> coalesce(unfold(),
......2> addV('person').property('name','bill'))
Also see this StackOverflow question for more information on upsert/"get or create" patterns.

You can do it directly using :

Just adding into this answer. It is better to use the following idempotent query. Coalesce works like an if-else statement. Refer to, for more information. Also, if you are noticing that the entry is not being saved, make sure you commit the changes using .next().


Jooq database/schema name mapping

I use jooq to generate objects against a local database, but when running "for real" later in production the actual databases will have different names. To remedy this I use the <outputSchemaToDefault>true</outputSchemaToDefault> config option (maven).
At the same time, we have multiple databases (schemas), and are using a connection pool to the server like "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/" (without specifying a database here).
How do I tell jooq which database to use when running queries?
I have tried all config I can think of:
new Settings()
.withRenderSchema(true) // true/false seems to make no difference.
.withRenderCatalog(true) // true/false seems to make no difference.
.withRenderMapping(new RenderMapping()
.withDefaultSchema("my_database") // Seems to have no effect.
// The above 3 configs always give me an error saying "no database selected".
// Adding this gives me 'my_database.my_table' does not exist - while it actually does.
.withSchemata(new MappedSchema()
I have also tried using a database/schema name, as in not configuring outputSchemaToDefault. But then, adding the MappedSchema code above, but that gives me errors with "'my_databasemy_database.my_table' does not exist", which is correct. I have no clue why that code gives me the database/schema name twice?
When jooq tells me that the db.table does not exist, if I put a break point in a good place and get the sql from jooq and run exactly that against my database it does work. But jooq fails to run it.
Also, I'm using version 3.15.3 of jooq.
I solved it. Instead of using .withInputExpression(Pattern.compile(".*")), it seems to work with .withInput("").
I'm still not sure why it works, or if this is the "correct" way of solving it. But at least it is a way forward.
No clue why using the pattern, I got the name twice though. But that one I'll leave alone.

AEM Query builder exclude a folder in search

I need to create a query where the params are like:
queryParams.put("path", "/content/myFolder");
queryParams.put("1_property", "myProperty");
queryParams.put("1_property.operation", "exists");
queryParams.put("p.limit", "-1");
But, I need to exclude a certain path inside this blanket folder , say: "/content/myFolder/wrongFolder" and search in all other folders (whose number keeps on varying)
Is there a way to do so ? I didn't find it exactly online.
I also tried the unequals operation as the parent path is being saved in a JCR property, but still no luck. I actually need unlike to avoid all occurrences of the path. But there is no such thing:
This is an old question but the reason you got more results later lies in the way in which you have constructed your query. The correct way to write a query like this would be something like:
A couple of notes: your group.p.or in your last comment would have applied to all of your groups because they weren't delineated by a group number. If you want an OR to be applied to a specific group (but not all groups), you would use:
Also, the numbers themselves don't matter - they don't have to be sequential, as long as property predicate numbers aren't reused, which will cause an exception to be thrown when the QB tries to parse it. But for readability and general convention, they're usually presented that way.
I presume that your example was just thrown together for this question, but obviously your "do not search" paths would have to be children of the main path you want to search or including them in the query would be superfluous, the query would not be searching them anyway otherwise.
AEM Query Builder Documentation for 6.3
Hope this helps someone in the future.
Using QueryBuilder you can execute:
Also I've checked PredicateGroup's class API and they provide a setNegated method. I've never used it myself, but I think you can negate a group and combine it into a common predicate with the path you are searching on like:
final PredicateGroup doNotSearchGroup = new PredicateGroup();
doNotSearchGroup.add(new Predicate("path").set("path", "/path/where/you/donot/want/to/search"));
final PredicateGroup combinedPredicate = new PredicateGroup();
combinedPredicate.add(new Predicate("path").set("path", "/path/where/you/want/to/search"));
final Query query = queryBuilder.createQuery(combinedPredicate);
Here is the query to specify operator on given specific group id.

How to use MarkLogic search options by name

I'm using the ML9 Java API to upload a search options file to the DB with a name that I can use later in my search call. I would now like to write an xquery transform to highlight the query-matches in a set of elements in the response. Standard snippets won't work for me since they only bring back the fields in which there are matches and because they may not bring back the complete field value, but only the immediate context of the match.
So I want to use the cts:highlight function in a custom transform and want to pass to it the name of the options that I have uploaded into the DB. My question is how I can best get the options element from the DB using the name passed in to the transform method. I want to use this to construct the cts:query that I can pass in to the cts:highlight call as in:
let $query := cts:query(search:parse($query-string, $options))
let $result := cts:highlight($doc, $query, <markup>{$cts:text}
I was thinking I could pass in the query-string and the name of the pre-loaded options and use these to construct the cts:query, but don't know how to get the options from the name.
I found a way to avoid having to read the options. Setting the option 'return-query' to true adds a search:query node to the search:response which is passed to the transform method as the document-node. I'm then able to get this directly in the transform method to use in cts:highlight as:
let $query := cts:query($response/search:response/search:query/*[1])
The options are stored in the modules database associated with your REST instance. You could theoretically dig them out, though that would be relying on an implementation detail (the URI).
You might look into a combination of extract-document-data, as Sam mentioned, plus a search result transform, rather than the heavier approach of doing your own search through what I'd guess is a read transform.
Another alternative might be a custom snippeter that you pull into your options via transform-results. See

Passing sets of properties and nodes as a POST statement wit KOA-NEO4J or BOLT

I am building a REST API which connects to a NEO4J instance. I am using the koa-neo4j library as the basis ( I am a beginner at all these technologies but thanks to some help from this forum I have the basic functionality working. For example the below code allows me to create a new node with the label "metric" and set the name and dateAdded propertis.
method: 'POST',
route: '/api/v1/imm/metric',
cypherQueryFile: './src/api/v1/imm/metric/createMetric.cyp'
CREATE (n:metric {
name: $metricName,
dateAdded: $dateAdded
return ID(n) as id
However, I am struggling to know how I can approach more complicated examples. How can I handle situations when I don't know how many properties will be added when creating a new node beforehand or when I want to create multiple nodes in a single post statement. Ideally I would like to be able to pass something like JSON as part of the POST which would contain all of the nodes, labels and properties that I want to create. Is something like this possible? I tried using the below Cypher query and passing a JSON string in the POST body but it didn't work.
UNWIND $props AS properties
CREATE (n:metric)
SET n = properties
Would I be better off switching tothe Neo4j Rest API instead of the BOLT protocol and the KOA-NEO4J framework. From my research I thought it was better to use BOLT but I want to have a Rest API as the middle layer between my front and back end so I am willing to change over if this will be easier in the longer term.
Thanks for the help!
Your Cypher syntax is bad in a couple of ways.
UNWIND only accepts a collection as its argument, not a string.
SET n = properties is only legal if properties is a map, not a string.
This query should work for creating a single node (assuming that $props is a map containing all the properties you want to store with the newly created node):
CREATE (n:metric $props)
If you want to create multiple nodes, then this query (essentially the same as yours) should work (but only if $prop_collection is a collection of maps):
UNWIND $prop_collection AS props
CREATE (n:metric)
SET n = props
I too have faced difficulties when trying to pass complex types as arguments to neo4j, this has to do with type conversions between js and cypher over bolt and there is not much one could do except for filing an issue in the official neo4j JavaScript driver repo. koa-neo4j uses the official driver under the hood.
One way to go about such scenarios in koa-neo4j is using JavaScript to manipulate the arguments before sending to Cypher:
Also possible to further manipulate the results of a Cypher query using postProcess lifecycle hook:

When to use 'app.params' and 'req.params'?

Since, I can get parameters from both the methods using a code similar to the one below:
req.params.<PARAM NAME> in single/many separate app.METHOD function(s)
(think this may result in code repetition)
app.params(<ARRAY>,<CALLBACK>) function, independent of the app.METHOD functions, and called if the URL contains any parameter (:id, :name .etc)
What are the use-cases to apply one over the other?
My best guess would be is using app.params for parameter validation or some sort of preprocessing. For example the express docs provide and example where you attach req.user information to the request using app.params and after that you can work directly with the user information instead of processing the parameter again. Using req.params would be more specific in terms of processing the specific query. For example I'd use req.params for a REST endpoint which should perform an operation by id (update/delete) as in general there shouldn't be any additional preprocessing involder.
