Function that returns number of significant figures after decimal point in specific formatting - excel

Wondering if anyone knows a function that would return the number of significant figures after a decimal point? And even further how to put that number in a specific formatting?
For example if the number was 27.9834 it would return 0.0001. Or if it was 2.1 it would return 0.1.

You should be able to do this using a LEN and MATCH to get the number of decimal points, then its a simple "^" function to get the decimal place.
Assuming your number is in Cell A1:
=10^-(LEN(A1) - FIND(".",A1))
Just make sure you are showing the right number of significant digits in the result cell or it will just look like zero.
The LEN() counts the number of characters and then you subtract the number of characters from the left to where the decimal is. I think there is an upper limit on the number of decimals that excel can handle, but i don't recall what it is.

Another method might be,
=AGGREGATE(14, 6, POWER(10, -(ROW($1:$16)-1))/(TRUNC(A2, ROW($1:$16)-1)=A2), 1)


Use MS Excel to round one number to 2 significant figures, then update another cell to match the number of decimal places

I am trying to use Microsoft Excel to format a large set of data. The data is all in decimal format and the results are paired so that we have 2 values per record. The first value is a Mass in grams, and the second value is the Uncertainty of that mass also in grams.
For example:
SampleName = S1, Mass(g) = 28.695, Uncertainty(g) = 1.601133
What I need to do is have the "Uncertainty" update to 2 significant figures, then depending on the value returned, have the "Mass" update to match the number of decimal places (or whole numbers) that the "Uncertainty" now is.
if Uncertainty became 1.6, then Mass should become 28.6
if Uncertainty became 1.61, then Mass should become 28.69
if Uncertainty became 2, then Mass should become 29
I have attempted to use the ROUND function on the "Uncertainty" cell but then I don't know how to make the "Mass" cell update accordingly.
I have tried the following 2 ROUND formulas, which both seem to work for rounding the "Uncertainty":
=ROUND(A1, 2)
Any help would be much appreciated.
This formula counts the number of decimal places in a given cell:
So you could use this in your Round formula where you specify the number of decimals:
To round to 2 significant figures you can use something like this:
To round (eg) B2 based on number of decimals in (eg) D2:

Sum of numerators of different fractions in Excel

I have an array of cells that contain all numerators (A2:A500) and an array of cells that contain all denominators (B2:B500) think of them as a fraction.
Is there a way to put them to the smallest common fraction and sum them up in one line? I can do it with the use of another column with multiplied numerators but I struggle to make it a one liner. How can something like this be achieved ?
You will get easily an overflow if the LCM of column B is too high. Anyway, this formula will get you the numerator of the sum fraction:
Obviously the denominator is =LCM(B2:B500)
p.s.: I assumed you wanted to have a Fraction as a result. If you want just the resulting number, Garry's answer is the straightforward way to go.
An example for three cells:
And you may calculate the GCD(numerator,denominator)
to obtain the reduced fraction.

How to round a value In Excel

I want to round off the value in Excel when the value is greater than 5 after decimal.
For example:
if num= 9.15, result= 9.1
if num= 9.16, result = 9.2
Although your need contradicts the currently valid rounding rules it could be achieved with the following formula:
The value in A1 can be any decimal value in any length either positive or negative. It will be "rounded" to 1 decimal place. The 10^1 part in the formula leads to rounding to 1 decimal place. Use 10^2 to round to 2 decimal places and so on.
For the second decimal place, I was going to post
(modified according to #Jasen's comment)
A very simple approach is
which should be fine up to several places of decimals if you change the number of decimals to round (but will fail because of rounding errors if the numbers are too large).
This also gives good results over a wide range of numbers:-
To generalise the first one a bit more you could try
to round the last decimal place down if it's a 5.
this should do it

Excel remove Characters past a decimal

I have a large excel file the contains many way-points in Latitude and Longitude in the degree and minutes. My problem is that the numbers can't be rounded and must stay exactly the same, but the last 2 numbers need to be removed (in most cases)
I was wondering if there is a formula that would only allow three characters past the decimal. This is how most my numbers look.
26° 17.82964
However Sometimes they look like this
26° 9.82
I know I can format the cell as a number and set the decimal place to 3, however when I copy and paste it doesn't stay the same.
This formula will truncate (It does not Round) the numbers and give all if less:
This formula will round, but it will always fill out the numbers to three decimal places (I am aware the OP did not want rounding, this is for others that may want it.):
=LEFT(A1,FIND(" ",A1))&TEXT(ROUND(--MID(A1,FIND(" ",A1),LEN(A1)),3),"0.000")

Convert decimal to whole number - but ignoring value

I know how to isolate the decimal using the TRUNC() function, as well as taking the original value and subtracting this truncated part.
And I can then multiply to get whole number.
But that only works if all my decimals are the same place. I want something that will get me the amount after the decimal point as a whole number, regardless of how many places.
eg: 12.2 would return 2
12.21 would return 21
With data in A1, consider:
Naturally leading zeros in the output are dropped:
