NLP classification training model - nlp

I am trying to train a model to classify tweets using opennlp. My question is should I perform tokenization, stop word removal etc on the tweets which I am using for training the model or should I use the tweet directly without performing the sanitization?

It really depends on what you are training:
If your algorithm is designed to recieve simple text and it performs all the simplification by itself before using the machine learning techniques on it you should provide pairs of the type
Otherwise if you are just trianing a black box I would say that if your model is going to work on a certain type of features, in your case tokenized and stemmed word it should be trained on this type of data so provide


How to fine tune BERT on unlabeled data?

I want to fine tune BERT on a specific domain. I have texts of that domain in text files. How can I use these to fine tune BERT?
I am looking here currently.
My main objective is to get sentence embeddings using BERT.
The important distinction to make here is whether you want to fine-tune your model, or whether you want to expose it to additional pretraining.
The former is simply a way to train BERT to adapt to a specific supervised task, for which you generally need in the order of 1000 or more samples including labels.
Pretraining, on the other hand, is basically trying to help BERT better "understand" data from a certain domain, by basically continuing its unsupervised training objective ([MASK]ing specific words and trying to predict what word should be there), for which you do not need labeled data.
If your ultimate objective is sentence embeddings, however, I would strongly suggest you to have a look at Sentence Transformers, which is based on a slightly outdated version of Huggingface's transformers library, but primarily tries to generate high-quality embeddings. Note that there are ways to train with surrogate losses, where you try to emulate some form ofloss that is relevant for embeddings.
Edit: The author of Sentence-Transformers recently joined Huggingface, so I expect support to greatly improve over the upcoming months!
#dennlinger gave an exhaustive answer. Additional pretraining is also referred as "post-training", "domain adaptation" and "language modeling fine-tuning". here you will find an example how to do it.
But, since you want to have good sentence embeddings, you better use Sentence Transformers. Moreover, they provide fine-tuned models, which already capable of understanding semantic similarity between sentences. "Continue Training on Other Data" section is what you want to further fine-tune the model on your domain. You do have to prepare training dataset, according to one of available loss functions. E.g. ContrastLoss requires a pair of texts and a label, whether this pair is similar.
I believe transfer learning is useful to train the model on a specific domain. First you load the pretrained base model and freeze its weights, then you add another layer on top of the base model and train that layer based on your own training data. However, the data would need to be labelled.
Tensorflow has some useful guide on transfer learning.
You are talking about pre-training. Fine-tuning on unlabeled data is called pre-training and for getting started, you can take a look over here.

Order/context-aware document / sentence to vectors in Spacy

I would like to do some supervised binary classification tasks with sentences, and have been using spaCy because of its ease of use. I used spaCy to convert the text into vectors, and then fed the vectors to a machine learning model (e.g. XGBoost) to perform the classfication. However, the results have not been very satisfactory.
In spaCy, it is easy to load a model (e.g. BERT / Roberta / XLNet) to convert words / sentences to nlp objects. Directly calling the vector of the object will however will default to an average of the token vectors.
Here are two questions:
1) Can we do better than simply getting the average of token vectors, like having context/order-aware sentence vectors using spaCy? For example, can we extract the sentence embedding from the previous layer of the BERT transformer instead of the final token vectors in spaCy?
2) Would it be better to directly use spaCy to train the downstream binary classification task? For example, here discusses how to add a text classifier to a spaCy model. Or is it generally better to apply more powerful machine learning models like XGBoost?
Thanks in advance!
I found this being discussed in the page below. Maybe it helps.
"Most people usually only take the hidden states of the [CLS] token of the last layer - using the hidden states for all tokens or from multiple layers doesn't usually help you that much."

Is there any way to classify text based on some given keywords using python?

i been trying to learn a bit of machine learning for a project that I'm working in. At the moment I managed to classify text using SVM with sklearn and spacy having some good results, but i want to not only classify the text with svm, I also want it to be classified based on a list of keywords that I have. For example: If the sentence has the word fast or seconds I would like it to be classified as performance.
I'm really new to machine learning and I would really appreciate any advice.
I assume that you are already taking a portion of your data, classifying it manually and then using the result as your training data for the SVM algorithm.
If yes, then you could just append your list of keywords (features) and desired classifications (labels) to your training data. If you are not doing it already, I'd recommend using the SnowballStemmer on your training data features.

Is it possible to use gensim doc2vec for classification

I have some training sentences generally of warning nature. Now my goal is to predict weather incoming sentence is a warning message or not. I have gone through Sentiment Analysis Using Doc2Vec but according to my understanding it have not considered newly arriving sentence to predict if its positive or negative.
According to my experience I found that the output vector in gensim.doc2vec for each sentence is dependent on other sentences as well, which means we can not directly use the model to generate vector for newly arriving sentence. Please anyone help me with this. Thanks.
One way to generate new vectors is using the infer_vector() function, which will generate a new vector based on a trained model. Since the model is frozen when you use this function, the new vector will be based on the existing sentence vectors, but not change them.

Biasing word2vec towards special corpus

I am new to stackoverflow. Please forgive my bad English.
I am using word2vec for a school project. I want to work with a domain specific corpus (like Physics Textbook) for creating the word vectors using Word2Vec. This standalone does not provide good results due to lesser size of the corpus. This especially hurts as we want to evaluate on words that may very well be outside the vocabulary of the text book.
We want the textbook to encode the domain specific relationships and semantic "nearness". "Quantum" and "Heisenberg" are especially close in this textbook for eg. which may not hold true for background corpus. To handle the generic words (like "any") we need the basic background model(like the one provided by Google on word2vec site).
Is there any way that we can supplant to the background model using our newer corpus. Just training on the corpus etc. doesnot work well.
Are there any attempts to combine vector representations from two corpus- general and specific. I could not find any in my searches.
Let's talk about gensim since you tagged you question with it. You can load a previously trained model in python using gensim. Then you continue training it. Would it be useful?
# load from previous gensim file:
model = gensim.models.Word2Vec.load(fname)
# or from word2vec c format:
# model = gensim.models.Word2Vec.load_word2vec_format('/path/vectors.bin', binary=True)
# continue training:
