Docker: What's available in the parent image? - linux

In docker how do I know what packages are available in the parent image I am using?
I am trying something like:
docker search python
but I get some (network?) error.
I have the image locally. How would I search what packages I can use?

docker search is the command you use to search for docker images on the docker hub.
If I understood well your question, given an image (say alpine:latest) you want to know what's inside that image.
If that's the case, the only thing you can do IMHO is just run the container and explore it.
You can do that for the alpine:latest image with the following command:
docker run --rm -ti alpine:latest ash
You'll get a prompt inside an instance of the mentioned image and you can dig around to check what's available.
There is no place where you can access informations about the content of an image in a structured way.


Docker: how to run multiple binaries in a stripped-down "distroless" image?

I have a Dockerfile that is currently using amazonlinux as the base image.
The purpose of the image is to run two binaries in the container. Consequently, the CMD instruction of the Dockerfile currently looks like this:
CMD [ "/bin/sh", "-c", "/binary1 & /binary2"]
I am looking to modify this Dockerfile to migrate it to a "distroless" image. This entails modifying the Dockerfile FROM to be built on top of a stripped-down base image (which will itself be Linux-based).
My problem is that this new stripped-down base image will no longer contain the "&" that previously came with the shell in the prior Linux image. It does not have "&&" either, or for that matter any operator that would enable me to run both binaries from within the Dockerfile.
I am wondering if there is some way to run multiple binaries in a stripped down image like this?
For example, perhaps I can install the files containing "&", "&&", or some similar command in my Dockerfile to accomplish this, since the new "distroless" image will still be Linux based? If so, how can I determine which specific files I would need, and how can I install them?
Any pointers would be appreciated, as I am quite new to Docker.
Any pointers would be appreciated, as I am quite new to Docker.
In general, don't try running multiple binaries in a single container like this. In almost all cases, it is more flexible and management to run two separate containers: so if you were to build a "distroless" image containining your two binaries, you would start two containers from the same image (e.g. docker run myimage binary1 and docker run myimage binary2).
When you do something like...
CMD [ "/bin/sh", "-c", "/binary1 & /binary2"] have made failures of binary1 invisible to Docker: if the command fails, your container will merrily keep running, and you can't use a restart policy to restart it for you automatically.
Alternately, if you really want to do the thing you're trying to do, rather than using a "distroless" base image, consider instead using a minimal image like busybox or alpine: these will provide you with a shell and common unix utilities for debugging work, but are still quite small.

How to make multiple independent attachments to the same docker container?

Maybe a trivial question but that's my problem:
I attached to a running docker container, after some use I needed to run a Unit Test and gdb at "the same time".
So I openned another shell tab (konsole tab) and attached again to the same docker container $ docker attach container_name but everything I did echoed in both attachments. If I execute cd /home/user/folder_foo the other tab will "do the same", ended up both konsole tabs in the same folder. Like the same command was echoed to both tabs. Maybe it's a unique user structure and what I isn't even possible.
I really need to do two thing in parallel in the same docker container, how it could be done?
$ docker --version
Docker version 20.10.9, build c2ea9bc
I am using Ubuntu 21.04
Run multiple services in a container
It is generally recommended that you separate areas of concern by using one service per container.
But for development purposes, you can follow mentioned guide.
Additionally, there is a similar answer already provided
You can run docker exec -it <container> bash from multiple terminals to launch several sessions connected to the same container.

Some question on Boot2docker setup for build and run

I’m a fresh beginner on bioinformatics. Recently, I start learning it with the book named “Bioinformatics with Python Cookbook (by Antao, Tiago)”. I met some issues while setting up Docker for Linux. Please see below for the issues:
I was trying to set up the Docker files following the author’s instruction, but I found some files were “failed to download”.
docker build -t bio
Then I still went ahead set up the container following the instruction:
“Now, you are ready to run the container, as follows: docker run -ti -p 9875:9875 -v YOUR_DIRECTORY:/data bio”
I typed as docker run -ti -p 9875:9875 -v C:/Users/guangliang/Desktop/Bioinformation/data bio
However, it gave me an error saying “Unable to find image “bio:latest” locally”.
Can anyone give me any suggestions on this? My thought could be the first step I missed downloading some files for setting the Dockers, but I am not sure if I can fetch these files.
Thank you so much for any comments!
Best regards
I tried downloading the docker files a few time, but the error still appears
docker build -t bio
docker run -ti -p 9875:9875 -v C:/Users/guangliang/Desktop/Bioinformation/data bio
In the first issue, I found some files were “failed to download”.
In the 2nd issue, an error saying “Unable to find image “bio:latest” locally”. appears
Here you have a couple of problems:
1) It looks you do not download that docker file and build required docker image locally
2) You are getting that error about not finding image locally because of previous problem
So, you should do like this:
1) Download that Dockerfile ( If you cant download that file for some reason, just open it at the git, select all content, copy, than in some folder on your computer make a new file, name it "Dockerfile" and paste the content.
2) Build locally image - go to the folder you download that dockerfile and execute following command:
docker build -t bio .
3)Run your container with docker run ... command

LibreOffice Online on Debian with Docker

I'm trying to install libreoffice online on debian (i can change OS if necessary but still linux) with docker and i tried this image that i found on docker hub :
docker pull libreoffice/online.
BUT : when i use this command,
Using default tag: latest
Error response from daemon: manifest for libreoffice/online:latest not found
I search on the web if someone had the same problem but i found nothing at all.
Sorry if i wrote something bad i'm still learning linux.
Could someone help me please ?
Have a nice day.
Pull an image from Docker Hub
To download a particular image, or set of images (i.e., a repository), use docker pull. If no tag is provided, Docker Engine uses the :latest tag as a default.
As you can see at (and also the error message says so), there is no latest tag for this image. Try:
docker pull libreoffice/online:master

Haskell Stack Image Container Execute On Docker run

I am following the turorials from stackage and docker to run a haskell build via docker.
Building and Image creation works well and i can run the app via docker run -p 5000:5000 {imagename} {app-exe}
I am using the build in features of the latest stack to create the docke image with this minimal configuration.
base: "fpco/ubuntu-with-libgmp"
How can i make the image to launch the executable automatically, so that i can just type docker run -p 5000:5000 {imagename}. I know how to do it in a dockerfile but not with stack. I was thinking that I have to use:
- appname-exe
No success, no matter if I just use the name of executable or the absolute path to it. Maybe I don't understand what the entrypoint is for.
I am using Docker for Mac.
Any suggestions appreciated.
I figured it out myself. Everything is working correctly, I just didn't understand that stack creates two separate images. One just for the environment and one for the entrypoint.
So I checked docker images and found indeed two images. I was simply running the wrong image. This is correct
docker run -p 5000:5000 {imagename-app-exe}
Man sometimes you don't see the forest.
