How to highlight elements in a Chrome Extension similar to how DevTools does it? - google-chrome-extension

I'm interested in creating a Chrome Extension which lists all the elements on the webpage that have an 'id' attribute in a menu. Then, when the user clicks on the element in the menu, the corresponding element on the webpage is highlighted.
I saw Chrome devtools highlights an element when you right click and inspect on it. I'm curious if there is some highlighting API accessible from DevTools? If not, how does one highlight elements similar to how devtools does it?

You can use the exact API that Chrome DevTools are using. You will need to call highlightQuad or highlightNode via debugger API. You can even specify the color and you can be certain that the highlight will render correctly and not interfere with the website (injecting an 'overlay' node, as Xan suggested, doesn't guarantee that). On the other hand, it will be much trickier to get right and user won't be able to use both your extension and DevTools at the same time (there can be only one debugger API connection). This code should get you started.

Chrome API does not provide access to such highlighting; you'll need to implement it yourself with an overlay.
Chrome API does provide access to the same functionality as DevTools if you use the debugger API. See this answer for details.
Before Chrome 63 (2017-12-06), writing a DevTools extension (i.e. using devtools.* APIs to display UI in DevTools) and using debugger at the same time would've been impossible, as only one instance of a debugger protocol client was allowed at once. This has changed, so now it's a viable answer, even if the documentation for chrome.debugger API wasn't updated yet.
Even though it's now possible, be aware that debugger API is an API with heavy warnings (adding it after publication may auto-disable installed extensions - needs testing).
Below is the original answer:
You can implement the highlighting yourself with an overlay.
You can study how it's usually done by looking, for example, at the element picker of uBlock Origin.
In short, that method creates an SVG overlay using, among other things, getBoundingClientRect() of the elements selected.


how to access the "styles" sidebarpanel in chrome devtools

I'm trying to build a chrome devTools extension (an extension to the dev tools). The main intent is to create a new sidebarpanel under the "Elements" panel, where I can manipulate data from the Elements panels.
The goal is to observe the CSS changes which the user makes in the "styles" sidebarpanel, and reflect the same in the respective file on disk (I know there is a way to achieve this using source-maps concept. But I'm trying this way though).
I'm new to writing chrome extensions and trying to understand how I can achieve this. I have gone through chrome devtools extension docs, tutplus and many other sites where there are good explainations about writing chrome devtools extensions. But I'm still trying to figure out how I can monitor/observe the styles sidebarpanel in another new panel, and get the modified style info and respective file details. So that I can persist the same to respective physical file.
it seems you can not do it.
you can get ElementsPanel which represents the Elements panel with chrome.devtools.panels.elements, but it only have one event: onSelectionChanged, nothing with the styles sidebar pane.

How do all types of Chrome extension scripts work?

I'm new to Chrome extensions and would like to understand how all types of scripts/pages work.
Here is my understanding:
First - there are "content scripts", ones that should be used to actually modify the pages.
Second - there is a "background script", designed to work like as a server that you send and receive messages from, but it does not modify the pages' DOM; so it can perform tasks like dealing with storage and communicating between scripts but not modifying the page.
Lastly - there are "popup scripts", they are separated from both content scripts and background scripts, but you can still send/receive messages between them.
The popup scripts can NOT directly modify the page (same as background script), they can only send messages to the other two.
You do not declare them at all in the manifest file, you can just go straight and use them in your popup html file.
In the end only the content scripts can eventually actually modify a page.
Am I correct?
One Chrome extension documentation Link to rule them all, One Link to find them,
One Link to bring them all and in the darkness bind() them1:
>> Architecture Overview <<
(artist's impression)
It should answer many of your questions. However, that would be a bad SO answer, so a summary from me:
Background page/scripts: Only one page exists per extension. It is invisible and can never be displayed in a tab. Normally, it is open as long as Chrome is open, though there are exceptions. Since it's always there and has the highest level of access to Chrome APIs, it's frequently used for main logic / event routing between parts of the extension. In short, background work.
Event page/scripts: A variant of background pages that are unloaded if there is no code running. This saves memory, but introduces complexity as to maintaining state. Chrome remembers which events should be listened to (via addListener) and loads the page again when they happen. Hence, event page.
Besides that, extension can have other, visible pages. You can just open them in a tab (they would have chrome-extension://extensionidgoeshere/page.html address), and they will have same level of access to Chrome API. Two UI types are special to extensions though:
Browser/Page Action popup: A small window that's opened with a click on the corresponding UI element. Unfortunately, it's also very fragile - it will close as soon as it loses focus. Other than that, it's just an extension page.
Options page: Comes in two flavours. Version 1 Options page is just a tab that's opened when invoking options for an extension; Version 2 Options page can optionally show in a special box inside chrome://extensions/. Again, other than that it's just a page with extension privileges.
Finally, having a bunch of pages is fun, but if you want to interact with existing pages/tabs, you'll need to inject scripts in them.
Content Scripts are scripts that run alongside pages; for compatibility reasons, they run in an isolated world. For security reasons, they are severely limited in access to Chrome API. But they share the DOM with the page, and as such can modify it.
Page-level Scripts is something you barely find mentioned in documentation (as "DOM injected scripts"), but they are very useful to break the barrier between extension JavaScript and page's own JavaScript. A good overview of them is presented in this answer by the magnificent Rob W.
Having defined all relevant extension parts, the documentation page also briefly mentions how to communicate between them. For a more in-depth look into this aspect, see this answer (again by Rob W) and the Messaging documentation.
1 Seriously though, every beginning extension developer needs to read that, and this page is not prominent the documentation. Good job, Google.

Extending Chrome Developer Tools with a special network view

I'm working a lot with the chrome developer tools to develop web applications. Currenty in one big project we have an application which features its own JSON-format for requests to the server. The JSON objects sent contain various information about the type of the request and its data and so on.
Is there an opportunity to extend chromes developer tools (especially the network view) with a special view which displays the data from the request in a way that makes it more readable for developers working with the project?
I tried to find out about extending the tools but i don't know really where to start. I found some information how i can add tabs and pages to the developer tools but nothing about how i can get the request / response information to display them.
There is no standard API to extend the network view of the developer tools. If you're happy with using a custom devtools tab, use the API to filter and format responses, and render it in your tab.
If you're adventurous, you can use the next approach to directly modify the content of the network view.
First, you need to know how to debug the devtools.
Open the developer tools (F12).
If it's docked, undock it.
Press F12 to open the devtools of the devtools.
Then, you need to use your debugging/coding skills to find out which methods are responsible for rendering the network panel (tip: use DOM breakpoints to quickly discover where to start).
Write code which transforms the network tab to the desired format (either by monkey-patching, or by hooking up on the event you've found at the previous step).
At this point, you know how to change the lay-out of the network tab. Now, you need to permanently activate the code for your developer tools. I've explained two of such methods at How to inject javascript into Chrome DevTools itself.
You could download a copy of Google Chrome's source code and play with it; it's written in C++.
/trunk/src/chrome/browser/devtools looks to be the correct dir to look at.
You can make use of For more control and advanced information you can use chrome.webRequest api.

How is the panel displayed when launching Chrome Hangout extension made to be always on top and pinned?

When launching the Chrome Extension Google-Hangouts, a panel initially appears that lists members and a link/button to create a new Hangout.
This panel is initially pinned to the bottom right of the browser window. When pinned like this, it remains always on top as a browser navigation session continues: users can go to different URLs, change tabs, etc. and that panel stays at the bottom right and stays on top of all other windows (or at least on top of the main browser window).
Once it's unpinned, you can drag it around the window, but it no longer stays always on top.
My question is, how was that achieved - what code, or what functions, do i need to call to create that window/panel so that it stays initially pinned and always on top? Is there some binding to some native code that's involved? Some other approach?
If anyone know and can show or explain, i would be hugely grateful as this feature is key to an extension i'm trying to build.
Thanks a lot!
This may not be an answer but to get a clue of what is happening I extracted the crx file to view its content there are a few OS specific files : ace.dll , and ace. After researching a bit i found this. This is a plugin. Hangouts extension is using ace plugin which is actually running on your desktop(i'm not sure about this). You can check this article
I found this related post: How to build an chrome extension like Google Hangouts
ACE is actually not what makes the window, Chrome has that capability built in, apparently. Even if you don't enable panels, extensions from Google can still make them, provided your OS is capable.

Is there any way to get access to Chrome's theme favicons?

I would like to use Chrome's default favicons.
For example (you can simply open them in Chrome):
When I used it as an image source nothing happened. Maybe Chrome blocked the access to the icons or this was not the proper way to use the icons. I tried to use "chrome://favicon/", but it didn't work with Extensions and Settings (strange, but it worked with History).
How can I use the built-in favicons as an image?
I would be also grateful if you could get me a full list of the Chrome's favicons, it must be in Chromium's source code, but I have no idea where to look.
(I'm using Chrome 19.0.1084.52)
