Adding one or two directories to PATH variable in linux ( Using Bash script) [duplicate] - linux

This question already has answers here:
Check number of arguments passed to a Bash script
(10 answers)
Add a bash script to path
(5 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
So far
I have the following code:
echo "Adding new path...."
if [[$# -eq1] || [$# -eq2]]
if [$# -eq2]
export PATH=$PATH:/$1:/$2
if [$# -eq1]
export PATH=$PATH:/$1
else echo "Incorrect number of parameters. No more than two directories can be added at once."
echo $PATH
exit 0
When I run this script passing it one parameter i get an error:
"./addDir: line 3: [[1: command not found
./addDir: line 3: [1: command not found "
when I run it with 2 parameters instead of "1" it says "2"
What's going on?

You're missing some spaces. Basically, if you're trying to use the [...] construction, you need to have spaces before and after each bracket - think of [ as being the name of a command, in the same way as echo, and ] as being an argument to that command. (In fact, there might actually be a /bin/[ program on your system.) Just as you can't type echofoo and expect it to run the echo program, similarly you can't type [[$# if you expect it to run [.
In your case, you'd need to do things like
if [ $# -eq 2 ]; ...
And for the compound test you're doing in line 3, I don't think you can use [ and ] within the test. In other words, don't use those brackets for grouping; it has to be [ something ] where the something doesn't contain any brackets. Read the relevant section of the bash man page for the full details of what you can put there.
There is also a shell construct [[ ... ]] which does basically the same thing but has different syntax. You could use that instead, but be aware that it's very different from [ ... ].


if then else statement inside a loop with variable files name sample [duplicate]

I was trying to write a Bash script that uses an if statement.
if[$CHOICE -eq 1];
The script was giving me errors until I gave a space before and after [ and before ] as shown below:
if [ $CHOICE -eq 1 ];
My question here is, why is the space around the square brackets so important in Bash?
Once you grasp that [ is a command, a whole lot becomes clearer!
[ is another way to spell "test".
help [
However while they do exactly the same, test turns out to have a more detailed help page. Check
help test
...for more information.
Furthermore note that I'm using, by intention, help test and not man test. That's because test and [ are shell builtin commands nowadays. Their feature set might differ from /bin/test and /bin/[ from coreutils which are the commands described in the man pages.
From another question:
A bit of history: this is because '[' was historically not a shell-built-in but a separate executable that received the expresson as arguments and returned a result. If you didn't surround the '[' with space, the shell would be searching $PATH for a different filename (and not find it) . – Andrew Medico Jun 24 '09 at 1:13
[ is a command and $CHOICE should be an argument, but by doing [$CHOICE (without any space between [ and $CHOICE) you are trying to run a command named [$CHOICE. The syntax for command is:
command arguments separated with space
[ is a test command. So it requires space.
It's worth noting that [ is also used in glob matching, which can get you into trouble.
$ echo [12345]
$ echo oops >3
$ echo [12345]

Why is bash string comparator only working when given substring? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Case insensitive comparison of strings in shell script
(14 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
I am trying to add users from a csv file to a group in a bash script running on CentOS 8. The group names are "Faculty" and "Students", which I am forcing them to be lowercase. The following did not work. It defaults to the "else" clause, even when $groupName is "Faculty" (I would "echo" before the if statement).
if [ "$groupName" = "Faculty" ]
However, it worked when I gave it a substring of only the capital letter:
if [ "${groupName:0:1}" = "F" ]
Using the second method gives me the outcome I need, I am just curious why the first bit of code did NOT work. All the answers I've seen on StackOverflow say that's the syntax for comparing strings, so I can't see what I'm doing wrong.
Ways to force a variables value to lowercase in bash without having to check for specific values:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Using declare to give a variable the lowercase attribute
declare -l groupName1
printf "%s\n" "$groupName1"
# Using parameter expansion
printf "%s\n" "${groupName2,,}" # or "${groupName2#L}"

How do I correctly read in a file with sh scripting and using it in an if statement? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Assignment of variables with space after the (=) sign?
(4 answers)
Assing a variable and use it inside of if statement shell scripting
(2 answers)
Difference between sh and Bash
(11 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
So there is a kernel adiutor for android, that let's you add custom controls with shell scripting. I'm trying to add a switch, but I have trouble setting the switch up correctly, when it's active, and when it's not. So there is a (text)file I'm trying to read (you will see it in the code), whether it's 0 or 1 inside, and that determines the switch on-off state.
I've tried with cat, read, everything, but honestly I think the problem is that I'm not familiar with sh scripting, and there is a problem with my syntax. Sometimes the script won't return anything when using cat. Also, su is available so that's not a problem, also the file has the correct permissions.
var= $(<sys/class/lcd/panel/mdnie/hdr)
if ( "$var" = 0) then
echo 0
else echo 1
The problem with my code is that right now it returns 1 (on), even when the file has a 0.
When assigning a variable in shell, there must be no space after the assignment sign. Also, make sure you use the correct syntax for conditions (and be aware of whitespace sensitivity):
var=$(cat sys/class/lcd/panel/mdnie/hdr)
if [ "$var" = "0" ]; then
# if [ "$var" -eq 0 ], if you want numeric comparison (won't really matter here)
echo 0
echo 1

BASH Syntax Checking Debug Mode Malfunction?

We can use bash -n to validate the syntax of a shell script. However, when I was trying to test this function, I noticed not all the syntax errors could be found by this option.
For example:
root#ubuntu:~/testenv# cat test
if [ "$SEND" -eq 0 ]
echo no
Now, let's test the script:
root#ubuntu:~/testenv# bash -n test
test: line 5: syntax error near unexpected token `fi'
test: line 5: `fi'
It works fine. However, if I just remove one of the bracket:
root#ubuntu:~/testenv# cat test
if [ "$SEND" -eq 0
echo no
root#ubuntu:~/testenv# bash -n test
Nothing happened!
I also checked the man page of bash, it describes the "-n" is:
-n Read commands but do not execute them. This may be used to check a
shell script for syntax errors. This is ignored by interactive
It is a script file, so it shouldn't be an "interactive shell" right? So,how could this happen?
I'm guessing you have run into a very strange quirk of the way the shell implements single-bracketed conditionals: [ is a command, not a special character. Look in your system executable directory (probably /usr/bin) and you will find an executable file literally named [ which implements this command. When you write something like
[ "$SEND" -eq 0 ]
then you're actually invoking the command [ with four arguments:
The value of $SEND
The string -eq
The string 0
The string ]
The command [ checks that the last argument is ] (because it would look weird otherwise), then puts the remaining arguments together to form a condition and return the result of testing the condition.
Now, because [ is a command, it's not a syntax error to invoke that command with any set of arguments you like. Sure, if you leave off the trailing ], you will get an error, but that error comes from the command [, not from the shell. That means you have to actually run the script to get the error - the syntax checker won't see anything wrong with it. As far as bash is concerned, [ is just a command name, no different from, say, my_custom_conditional_test, and if you were to write
my_custom_conditional_test "$SEND" -eq 0
it would be obvious that this is fine, right? Bash thinks of [ the same way.
I should note that for efficiency, bash doesn't actually use the executable file /usr/bin/[; it has its own builtin implementation of [. But people expect [ to act the same way regardless of whether it's built in to the shell or not, so the Bash syntax checker can't give its own [ special treatment. Since it wouldn't be a syntax error to invoke /usr/bin/[ with no trailing ], it can't be a syntax error to invoke the builtin [ without a ].
You can contrast this with [[, which does more or less the same thing (testing a condition) but is given special meaning by the shell. [[ is a special token in shell syntax, not a command. If you write [[ instead of [, and you omit the corresponding trailing ]], you bet Bash is going to complain about a syntax error.

Understand when to use spaces in bash scripts

I wanted to run a simple bash timer and found this online (user brent7890)
until [ "$timer" = 0 ]
echo "$timer"
timer=`expr $timer - 1`
sleep 1
echo "-------Time to go home--------"
I couldn't copy and paste this code because the server is on another network. I typed it like this (below) and got an error on the line that starts with "until".
#Note I forgot the space between [ and "
until ["$timer" = 0 ]
echo "$timer"
timer=`expr $timer - 1`
sleep 1
echo "-------Time to go home--------"
Where is spacing like this documented? It seems strange that it matters. Bash scripts can be confusing, I want to understand why the space is important.
There are several rules, two basic of that are these:
You must separate all arguments of a command with spaces.
You must separate a command and the argument, that follows after, with a space.
[ here is a command (test).
If you write ["$timer" that means that you start command [60,
and that is, of course, incorrect. The name of the command is [.
The name of the command is always separated from the rest of the command line with a space. (you can have a command with a space in it, but in this case you must write the name of the command in "" or '').
