I have installed ghost as npm module via "meteor npm install ghost --save" in my windows 10 console. I develop my app on my local machine and I use meteor-up once I'm finished to upload the project to my site.
How do I install ghost via an npm module? I can't find a guide specifically for that, all the other guides are for Ghost CLI or other methods of install, I don't want to mess up my install.
I also want the ghost blog as a subdirectory, for example: mysite.com/blog
I have a Problem with npm install on a web hosting server. appearantly it requires node.js
I have already required laravel/ui and than php artisan ui:auth so it worked perfectly, but
than I tried npm install and it showed me -> npm command not found.
I know that it requires nodejs
to be installed, but its a hosting server and not my personal pc. I tried to install node js
on hosting server but it has just created node based app and npm command still was not found.
please note that its a Hosting server otherwise i woud install node js and it woud be fine.
terminal cpanel:
bash: npm: command not found
bash: npm: command not found
bash: npm: command not found
bash: npm: command not found
error in browser :
Vite manifest not found at: /home/itcmzfcm/dash/public/build/manifest.json
Missing Vite Manifest File
Did you forget to run npm install && npm run dev?
i think you try to publish project right ? if you doing this you need to publish your asset with laravel mix or npm in you local pc then upload the project to cpanel
I recently switched to Ubuntu, whenever I create react app it's giving me this note, and the app it's creating is a class component.
ankit#gram:~/Documents/Development/React/react-project$ npx create-react-app my-app
Creating a new React app in /home/ankit/Documents/Development/React/react-project/my-app.
Installing packages. This might take a couple of minutes.
Installing react, react-dom, and react-scripts...
added 987 packages in 39s
22 packages are looking for funding
run `npm fund` for details
Success! Created my-app at /home/ankit/Documents/Development/React/react-project/my-app
Inside that directory, you can run several commands:
npm start
Starts the development server.
npm run build
Bundles the app into static files for production.
npm test
Starts the test runner.
npm run eject
Removes this tool and copies build dependencies, configuration files
and scripts into the app directory. If you do this, you can’t go back!
We suggest that you begin by typing:
cd my-app
npm start
Happy hacking!
Note: the project was bootstrapped with an old unsupported version of tools.
Please update to Node >=14 and npm >=6 to get supported tools in new projects.
my node version: v16.14.0
my npm version:8.3.1
I think this was because npx was not installed in my system, when I created a react app by this command create-react-app the app created was fine. I also installed npx using this command npm install -g npx and created a react app and everything was fine. before this make sure you have installed create-react-app in your system if not then install it by using this command
sudo npm install -g create-react-app
I am a new programmer had this issue not long ago I just solved it.
Use sudo apt install nodejs
It will automatically install version 10 for you which doesn't accept React.
Then you try to install NVM package, use it to update your node to a newer version.
You can check me on GitHub bari racha Wuye
I was having the same problem after I had just installed Ubuntu 22.04.
The fix for me was updating node and npm by following these instructions free code camp update node and npm
Specifically, I followed the instructions under the heading "1. Use NPM to Update Your Node Version", to update node and ignored the 2nd and 3rd headings, then followed the instructions under the last heading to update npm
afterwards I restarted my computer, opened the project directory and ran the command
npm i create-react-app#latest
then I ran
npx create-react-app projectname
and it worked as expected
I'm sorry for not posting the links to every thing I've quoted, stackoverflow won't let me :(
This a relatively bizarre error. I am trying to install the Ghost Blogging Platform in my nodejs project through npm, and the command for that is
npm install ghost
well, instead of installing the Ghost Blogging Platform, it installs this. Which makes no sense at all.
The link I've reffered to is from a node modules website. There, it says that the command I've used was supposed to install this ecto/ghost thing and it links both to the git repository with the Ghost code I've accidentally installed and to the npm page for the Ghost Blogging Platform, which I wanted to install.
I believe this might be a misconfiguration with npm sources. I'm using an Arch Linux and I've installed both node and npm via git clonning the source and compiling it, as seen on this gist.
My npm version is 2.5.1 and my node version is v0.13.0-pre.
Thanks for any help. :)
The Ghost blogging platform is a commercial product, not a normal Node module. You have to fill out the forms on their site for a free trial, and they'll tell you how to install it. How log they let you use it for is up to them.
Please reference their documentation for using it as an NPM Module:
Using Ghost as an npm module
Include Ghost as a dependency in your package.json file
"dependencies": {
"ghost": "0.5.2"
Run npm install to install Ghost.
Include the Ghost module where desired and then invoke it to get a promise for a ghostServer object.
var ghost = require('ghost');
ghost().then(function (ghostServer) {
At this point Ghost should be running!
A quick check reveals these install commands
wget -qO ~/ghost.zip http://ghost.org/zip/ghost-latest.zip
unzip -qo ~/ghost.zip -d ~/ghost
npm install forever -g
cd ~/ghost
npm install --production
as per Ghost Blogging site
just for the next guy who might find this problem.
I really don't know what happened. I solved the problem by uninstalling and reinstalling node and npm in various different ways. Now it works fine.
I was really tired by the time and had tried a lot of times so I really don't remember any details. Sorry :(
What you need to know:
I have Node, NPM, Ruby, SASS all installed and at lastest stable realeases. (ruby isn't at it's lastest stable but the lastest stable does not have the sass gem):
I updated npm by using the command line and following the guide on troubleshooting updating npm on windows I USED OPTION 3
I then went back to google's instructions for setting up the starter kit:
$ cd web-starter-kit
$ npm install
$ npm install gulp -g
I scrolled down and followed the steps to "Set Up Your Web Starter Kit Project" keep in mind that i renamed the folder from "web-starter-kit" to "google web" in this case for convenience
So i navigated to the starter kit folder using cmd (with admin rights) and typed
npm install
here are the results:
See link to google drive
I still decided to go ahead and still tried to install gulp using
npm install gulp -g
within the starter kit folder heres the results:
See link to google drive
Who ever helps me rectify this will receive my praise forever...I really want to be using this starter kit to start my projects.
Be sure to reference the install.md for the GWSK git repo.
Looking at your install steps above, you are running npm install before installing Gulp. In the doc I referenced, it's Node.js, Gulp, then run the npm install inside of your project root.
I had errors when using the zipped version of GWSK that I downloaded from GitHub. When I cloned the repo with git, I had a error free clean install and no problems at all.
Cheers - D
OK, here is a step by step on the command line...
First I would have downloaded and installed node.js
Then I would have installed gulp (npm install --global gulp)
I'd then go to my web folder and clone the starter kit into a new project folder: "git clone https://github.com/google/web-starter-kit.git my_new_project"
The I cd into my new project folder and run: "npm install"
You should now be ready to work. While still in your new project folder run "gulp serve". That will start your web server, you can make all your changes in the app folder.
HTH - Don
In the Bootstrap documentation after Node.js and Grunt have been installed they say I have to :
Navigate to the root /bootstrap/ directory, then run npm install
What's that mean? I've open a folder with Bootstrap source files but how am I supposed to "run npm install'? I am totally confused.
If you haven't done so, download and install Node.js. The process varies per platform, so refer to the download link.
Once you've installed Node.js, you may need to open a new shell or even reboot for the any new environment variables to take affect.
Once you have Node.js installed, you should be able to:
cd ./bootstrap
npm install