Simulating request error with async function - node.js

In my express app, I declare request handlers like this(simplified here):
export const CreateProduct = async (req, res, next) => {
try {
// ProductModel is a sequelize defined model
const product = await ProductModel.create(req.body)
} catch (err) {
// I have raygun setup as the error handler for express
// in this example, it will finally return 500
And then use it like so:
import { CreateProduct } from './create_product'
export const ProductRouter = express.Router()'/', CreateProduct)
However, when running my test, nyc/istanbul will complain that line 9 is an Uncovered Line (in my example, it is the next(err) function), how do I go about simulating the error in my example?

The easier to go is to create a validation mechanism for your ProductModel, and when you create the product with invalid data throw some validation errors.
And in your mocha you will send an invalid product body and it will catch your next.

Two of the easiest possible ways of doing this are as follows:
1) Admit that controllers can not be unit tested, and because they can not be unit tested, they will be a part of your integration tests, and because that is true, you are going to move as much unit testable code out of them as physically possible, and limit them to doing little more than composing pieces of code which are able to be tested. This would be fine; an Express controller is sort of like a main method into your application, from the view of an individual request, anyway, so having it mix together the hard concepts to decide what gets built is okay, as long as the main isn't doing the heavy lifting, but rather instantiating and running things which are doing the lifting.
2) Compose your functions so that they all receive all of the props that they require, to do their jobs, and moreso, they nearly always receive them from other files (not the file they're defined in), unless the assignment is just as a default value.
In the case of a controller, if you wanted the controller to be unit-testable, you would preconfigure it to accept a ProductModel to use (or a function to use) rather than assuming you are going to pull in the real model.
export const CreateProduct = (ProductModel) => async (req, res, next) => {
const productData = req.body
try {
const product = await ProductModel.create(productData)
} catch (err) {
import { CreateProduct } from './create_product'
import { ConfigureProductModel } from './somewhere_else'
export const ProductRouter = express.Router()'/', CreateProduct(ConfigureProductModel(database)))
Now to test that, you can easily create a CreateProduct where you pass in a fake ProductModel. And if you use the example, there of ConfigureProductModel as a factory, you can test it by passing it a fake db instance (if you do, indeed have that level of control).
And personally, like I said, as a controller, I want to remove as much control as possible, so I'd probably take most of the imperative code away.
const CreateProduct = ProductModel => (req, res, next) =>
.then(product => res.send(product))


How to test try catch code in javascript using jest and including a next() call with middleware in express?

I am creating an API and I want to know how to test a try catch block. I want to make sure that error catch by the block is passing throw next() in express to the next middleware.
Here an example, this is my callback to POST method:
function create (req, res, next) {
try {
const data = {}
response(req, res, data, 201)
} catch (error) {
I want to test that next is called. I am planing to use sinon to do it, but I want to simulate the error and verify that catching the error.
This is an screen of my coverage in jest.
If it were too much effort to reproduce an actual error, I'd just not cover that statement.
Thanks to Jest's mock functions it's possible to spy on functions, methods and modules and temporarily replace it's implementation and return value.
That would be something like
// replace the implementation for your stub
const spy = jest.spyOn(response).mockImplementation(() => { throw new Error(); });
spy.mockRestore(); // restore the implementation
Mind you this syntax work for functions. If it this a method from a class, then it would be jest.spyOn(YourClass.prototype, 'methodNameInsideQuotes'). Jest is well-documented and you should get it working with no hacks.

Is it possible to delete anchor tags from a CRUD created with Express?

I am creating a simple CRUD Board through Express.
I implemented the CRU, but the delete function failed. I used Rails method='delete' as a common anchor tag, but Express does not seem to support it.
How can I activate the delete link?
const board = require("./routes/board");
app.use("/board", board);
a(href=`/board/${board._id} method="delete"`) 삭제
const board = require("../logic/board");
router.delete("/:id", board.delete);
const Board = require("../db/board");
exports.delete = (req, res) =>{
Board.findByIdAndRemove(, err => {
if (err) {
return next(err);
And I want to ask. What is the difference in behavior between doing something like exports.delete = () => {} and doing something like module.exports = logic <delete, create etc...>?
HTML <a>nchor tags don't have a method attribute -- perhaps you're thinking of <form> tags?
What is the difference in behavior between doing something like exports.delete = () => {} and doing something like module.exports = logic
The difference is when your logic gets executed. The exports.delete = () => {} form will export a function that you can execute at some point in the future, whereas the module.exports = Board.findByIdAndRemove() will execute the database query immediately when the file is parsed (which you probably don't want).

How do I go "async all the way down" with Node Express?

I have many async functions in my system, so I need to go "async all the way down", which is to the point where the http.Server and express.Application app are created.
(This is unavoidable in an async system - there will be many async routines which are needed in constructors, which cannot be done, and so we need to use async factory functions instead, which lead to async creep all the way down to the entry point.)
But I'm not sure of the Node/TypeScript syntax to use to bootstrap the app.
My main entry point is System.ts:
class default export System {
public constructor() {
// init Express.Application
// init http.Server
// init other parts of the system
public async start(): Promise<void> {
// start the system asynchronously
// start listening with http.Server
Then I have a bootstrapping module Main.ts:
import System from "./System"
const system = new System();
export default ???; // PROBLEM IS HERE
Which should be run:
node ./dist/Main.js
But I'm not sure what to use in the export line. I tried all these:
export default await system.start(); // doesn't compile (obviously)
export default system.start(); // doesn't seem right
export default system.start().then(); // this works *maybe*
The last line works based on a smoke test - but I'm not sure if that's the way to do it, and whether there's something down the line that may fail.
What is the canonical way to start an asynchronous node app?
Based on #JacobGillespie's answer, the Main.ts bootstrapping module is now:
import System from "./System"
new System().start().then();
//new System().start().catch(e => console.error(e)); // alternative
In my case, System.ts has handlers for errors and unhandled promises, and does logging (otherwise use the "alternative" line). So the bootstrapping module just bootstraps the system.
async / await here are operating on promises, so you essentially want to "start" the promise by calling .then or .catch.
My go-to snippet for this is creating an async run or main function, then attaching error handling to the process, something like this:
async function run() {
// run the app, you can await stuff in here
run().catch(err => {
In your case that would look like (Main.ts):
import System from "./System"
async function run() {
const system = new System()
await system.start()
run().catch(err => {
You don't need to export anything since this module file isn't being imported anywhere else (it's the entry file).
You can just call system.then() or system.catch(), but personally I like the async function run() pattern since you may need to coordinate more than one async thing in the future and this makes the code more explicit.
system.start().then() => {
value => export default value
In my opinion, a better way would be:
function System():Promise<string>{
//setup express and the server
return new Promise((res,rej) => {
//the server var is just the http server instance
server.listen(8000,() => resolve("server created"));
export {System}
And then in Main.ts:
import {System} from "yourpath"
And then:
System().then(() => {
//code runs when server is created
}).catch(err => console.error(err));

Doing Knex "the Koa2 way"

In the docs for Application there's a note on using context to expose widely used properties in ctx:
For example, to add a reference to your database from ctx:
app.context.db = db();
app.use(async ctx => {
However, it also notes that relying more on ctx "could be considered an anti-pattern". Fair enough.
Then we have koa-knex-realworld-example which suggests something like this:
module.exports = function (app) {
// ...
const db = require('knex')(config.db)
app.db = db
// ...
return async function (ctx, next) {
if ( && promise) {
await promise
return next()
And passes the app instance to the middleware:
That feels strange to me. Having to pass app to its own middleware seems a little backwards, but maybe it's a known Koa pattern?
Finally, we have koa-knex which exposes knex as this.knex in middleware further down the stack:
app.use(_.get('/:userid', function *(userid) {
this.body = {
profile: yield this.knex('users').where('id', userid);
That one's a bit dated (generators, which are fine but not the default API for Koa anymore) and chucks Knex in global:
global.__knex || (global.__knex = Knex.initialize({
// ...
this.knex = global.__knex;
yield next;
What's the alternative?
In summary, I think I'm pretty comfortable putting a reference to Knex in the context, and I don't think I'll be tempted to pollute it with too much else. However, if I wanted an alternative, is there a middleware approach to making Knex available in Koa2 that is preferable to the above options?

Using ES6 Generator functions with SailsJS

I love generators in nodejs. They help nodejs look more like server-side code. I'm trying to use generators with my Sails app. This is my controller and it works when I visit 'get /hi':
* FooController
* #description :: Server-side logic for managing foos
* #help :: See!/documentation/concepts/Controllers
module.exports = {
hi: function (req, res){
return res.send("Hi there!");
However when I change that hi action to a generator function...
module.exports = {
hi: function* (req, res){
return res.send("Hi there!");
this action never gets to return the response. Like it's waiting for something. How does one utilize ES6 generators within SailsJS controllers and in-fact all of Sails?
You can use it, in fact it'll be great if we all use this style, it adds a lot of readability and flexibility in your code (no more callback-hell), but that is not the way to use it.
As #Cohars stated, sails expect a function as controller actions, you can't pass a generator like in Koa, but that does not prevent you from using them, the thing is that a generator by itself is very useless, you need a function that calls it and iterates it and i believe koa does this for you at framework level, but you have some options available to you at library level, like co or yortus/asyncawait/ which is what i use because node-fibers implemented as functions are way more flexible than es6 generators (though they are almost the same) and i'll show you why in a sec.
So here is how you use it:
First npm install co and require it in your controller, or add it as a global in config/bootstrap.js since you will be using it a lot. Once you are done with it, you can use it in your controllers.
module.exports = {
hi: function(req, res){
co(function* (){
// And you can use it with your models calls like this
let user = yield User.findOne(req.param('id'))
return res.send("Hi there" + + "!");
That's it
Now if you rather use async/await, its pretty similar, it goes like this:
module.exports = {
hi: function(req, res){
// Since await is a function, you can access properties
// of the returned values like this which is nice to
// access object properties or array indices
let userName = await(User.findOne(req.param('id'))).name
return res.send("Hi there" + userName + "!");
There is a caveat though, if you call other methods of you controller via this, remember that they will refer to the generator fn or the passed regular fn if you use async/await, so be sure to save its context, or since you are already using es6 syntax, you can use fat arrows with async/await, unfortunately not with co, since there is not fat arrow version of generators (..yet?)
So it'll be like this:
module.exports = {
hi: function(req, res){
async(() => {
let params = this._parseParams(req);
let userName = await(User.findOne(
return res.send("Hi there" + userName + "!");
_parseParams: function(req){
let params = req.allParams()
// Do some parsing here...
return params
I've been using the second method for months now, and works perfectly, i've tried with co too and works as well, i just liked more the async/await module (and is supposed to be a little bit faster) and its a perfect match if you are using coffeescript since your sintax will be like do async => await User.find()
I've created a wrapper that you can use if you use yortus async/await or check the source code and modify it to work with co or something else if you wish.
Here is the link, is in alpha but i'm using on my own apps and works as expected, if not submit an issue.
With that the las example would look like this:
module.exports = {
hi: asyncHandler((req, res)->{
let params = this._parseParams(req);
let userName = await(User.findOne(
return res.send("Hi there" + userName + "!");
_parseParams: function(req){
let params = req.allParams()
// Do some parsing here...
return params
With this handler you get the extra benefit of having async/promise errors to propagate correctly on sails if they are not caught by a try/catch
Sails expects a regular function here, not a generator. Maybe you could take a look at co, not sure it would really help with Sails though. If you really want to use generators, you should probably try Koa, which has several frameworks based on it
The way I am doing it is like this:
const Promise = require('bluebird');
module.exports = {
hi: Promise.coroutine(function* (req, res) {
let id = req.params('id'),
try {
userName = yield User.findOne(id).name;
catch (e) {
return res.serverError(e.message);
return res.ok(`Hi there ${userName}!`);
Works great. You just need to ensure any functions you call from your controllers return promises.
Put this code in your bootstrap.js, and every thing work like a charm!
var _ = require('lodash');
var coExpress = require('co-express');
sails.modules.loadControllers(function (err, modules) {
if (err) {
return callback(err);
sails.controllers = _.merge(sails.controllers, modules);
// hacking every action of all controllers
_.each(sails.controllers, function(controller, controllerId) {
_.each(controller, function(action, actionId) {
actionId = actionId.toLowerCase();
console.log('hacking route:', controllerId, actionId);
// co.wrap,generator => callback
action = coExpress(action);
sails.hooks.controllers.middleware[controllerId][actionId] = action;
// reload routes
sails.router.load(function () {
// reload blueprints
sails.hooks.blueprints.initialize(function () {
