RUn RTSP Live streaming in all browsers using angular js plugin - rtsp

I have RTSP URL coming from back end and I have to run rtsp live streaming in my web GUI written in angular js.Currently i am using VXG player plugin to run that RTSP URL but this player is only supported in Chrome.Is there any solution to run that rtsp URL in all browsers
E.x: Chrome, Mozilla, IE, Safari, Microsoft Edge?
Thanks in Advance.

Rtsp is not a supported protocol by most browsers. If you need it to work on all browsers, you must use a protocol that works on all browsers. Like http.

Since RTSP is not supported directly by the browser it needs some back end server which captures the stream using web sockets so it is not like normal http where we need to wait for response web sockets is two-way duplex communication.And again in browser it can play only mp4 videos so there should be player which ever the format the stream is and convert it browser understandable format.
some url which will be helpful understand this concept
And another using node js which uses websocket and jsmpeg player you can implement rtsp streaming in browser using Angular JS -- jsmpeg player
and server side you should install ffmpeg. so ffmpeg converts your stream.
Note If try to implement Node Js on please install the ffmpeg in the server side


Proxying a video from another server in Nodejs Express

I'm attempting to proxy a video connection from another server, and I need it to operate dynamically in VLC. Something like a stream. The video should be able to seek forward and backward quickly in VLC, maybe utilizing the range?
I have an mp4 link.
I'd want to use it as a mask to proxy into another URL.

webrtc connection between server to browser

I want to connect webrtc peer connection between node js server and browser. I will be sending the video stream to server using ffmpeg. Since connection will establish between server and client, client will recieve the stream to display the stream. Note: My actual situation is robot will be streaming the video to browser.
Can any one suggest how can i solve this scenario.

How to get WebRTC MediaStream to Node JS

I just want to know to get webrtc media stream to the node js server and serves it to the clients connected to that server.
I already created P2P WebRTC application with node js signalling server and it works fine. But now wants to route the media stream through the server. It should have low latency and delay to make it work at live server.
What you need is a SFU (Selective Forwarding Unit). Like these
Here is a github project where it is implemented using mediasoup.

How do we play the live stream (RTSP link) of IP camera over web browser using Python or Flask?

I have RTSP link and want to play the camera video live stream over web browser using Flask. How can we do it?

P2P Audio stream Linux server software

I am in search of a server software which can stream different audios to a different clients.
For example every client will be able to create his own playlist and the server will stream it
Any help will be appreciated
You can check flash which has support for RTMP to stream audio real time using client server & RTMFP which works over peer to peer technology. You can use RTMFP in case peer is directly reachable else use RTMP. There is a open source red5 media server which also has support for RTMP protocol.
