Find all files and unzip specific file to local folder - linux

find -name -exec unzip {} file.txt \;
This command finds all files named and unzips file.txt to the folder that I execute the command from, is there a way to unzip the file to the same folder where the .zip file was found? I would like file.txt to be unzipped to folder1.
I realize $dirname is available in a script but I'm looking for a one line command if possible.

#iheartcpp - I successfully ran three alternatives using the same base command...
find . -iname "*.zip"
... which is used to provide the list of / to be passed as an argument to the next command.
Alternative 1: find with -exec + Shell Script (
# This will unzip the zip files in the same directory as the zip are
for f in "$#" ; do
unzip -o -d `dirname $f` $f
Use this alternative like this:
find . -iname '*.zip' -exec ./ {} \;
Alternative 2: find with | xargs _ Shell Script (unzips)
Same file.
Use this alternative like this:
find . -iname '*.zip' | xargs ./
Alternative 3: all commands in the same line (no .sh files)
Use this alternative like this:
find . -iname '*.zip' | xargs sh -c 'for f in $#; do unzip -o -d `dirname $f` $f; done;'
Of course, there are other alternatives but hope that the above ones can help.


Recursively delete all binary files in folder

I want to recursively delete all binary files in a folder under linux using the command-line or a bash script. I found
grep -r -m 1 "^" path/to/folder | grep "^Binary file"
to list all binary files in path/to/folder at How to list all binary file extensions within a directory tree?. I would now like to delete all these files.
I could do
grep -r -m 1 "^" path/to/folder | grep "^Binary file" | xargs rm
but that is rather fishy as it also tries to delete the files 'Binary', 'file', and 'matches' as in
rm: cannot remove ‘Binary’: No such file or directory
rm: cannot remove ‘file’: No such file or directory
rm: cannot remove ‘matches’: No such file or directory
The question is thus how do I delete those files correctly ?
This command will return all binary executable files recursively within a directory, run this first to ensure proper output.
find . -type f -executable -exec sh -c "file -i '{}' | grep -q 'x-executable; charset=binary'" \; -print
If that works you can pass the output to xargs to delete these files.
find . -type f -executable -exec sh -c "file -i '{}' | grep -q 'x-executable; charset=binary'" \; -print | xargs rm -f
Hope this helped, have an awesome day! :)
I coded a tool, called blobs, that lists runable binaries.
Its readme mentions how to pipe to any other command.
This should do the job, if you are deleting a lot of binrary files in a folder.
find . -type f -executable | xargs rm

create a list with content of multiple zip files in linux

I am trying to create a script for linux that will make a list with all files inside all zip files from a directory.
#! /bin/bash
for file in `find /home -iname "*.zip*" -type f`
unzip -l $(echo ${file}) >> /home/list.txt
It works, but only when there are no white spaces in filename.
What can I do to make it work ?
You can use the find command to execute a command for each file it finds. Perhaps try something like:
find /home -iname "*.zip*" -type f -exec unzip -l {} \; > /home/list.txt

Run an Executable Program File in Multiple Subdirectories Using Shell

I have a main directory with 361 subdirectories. Within the each subdirectory, there is a parameter file and one executable program file. The executable file is coded to look for the parameter file in the directory where the executable is located. (The same executable file is in all subdirectories. The parameter files all have the same file name in all subdirectories)
Instead of executing the program file individually, is there a cshell command for terminal to run them all at once?
If your Linux is so old it doesn't have -execdir, you could try this:
find $(pwd) -name YourProgram -exec dirname {} \; | while read d; do cd "$d" && pwd; done
If that correctly prints the names of the directories where your program needs to be run, just remove the pwd and replace with whatever you want done in tha directory - presumably something like this:
find $(pwd) -name YourProgram -exec dirname {} \; | while read d; do cd "$d" && ./YourPrgram; done
Like this maybe:
find . -type f -name YourProgramName -execdir ./YourProgramName YourParameterFile \;
But backup first and check it looks right before using.
The -execdir causes find to change to the directory it has found before running the commands there.
If your command is more complicated, you can do this:
find . -type f -name YourProgramName -execdir sh -c "command1; command2; command3" \;
Check it does what you want like this:
find . -type f -name YourProgramName -execdir pwd \;
Maybe this will help. Suppose you have in each folder a file named params_file and an executable named exec_file, then:
for dir in `find . -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d` ; do
cd $dir
cat params_file | xargs ./exec_file
cd ..

linux commands to search a given folder

I have a folder in ~/Downloads with lots of
files and folders scattered. This consists of various files of different
extensions. I need to copy only the
.pdf files within various directories to ~/pdfs
Use find:
find ~/Downloads -type f -name "*.pdf" -exec cp {} ~/pdfs \;
if ~/pdfs exists in your system use the following command
cd ~/Downloads ; cp -r *.pdf ~/pdfs
if ~/pdfs does not exists in your system use the following command
cd ~/Downloads ; mkdir ~/pdfs ; cp -r *.pdf ~/pdfs
In order to deal with potential file names with spaces, etc., I would recommend this approach:
find ~/Downloads/. -type f -name "*.pdf" -print0 | xargs -0 -I_ cp _ ~/pdfs/.

unzip specific extension only

I have a a directory with zip archives containing .jpg, .png, .gif images. I want to unzip each archive taking the images only and putting them in a folder with the name of the archive.
Open - take sunflower.jpg, rose_sun.gif. Make a folder files/archive1/ and add the images to that folder, so files/archive1/folder1.jpg, files/archive1/rose_sun.gif. Do this to each archive.
I really don't know how this can be done, all suggestions are welcome. I have over 600 archives and an automatic solution would be a lifesaver, preferably a linux solution.
In Short
You can do this with a one-liner find + unzip.
find . -name "*.zip" -type f -exec unzip -jd "images/{}" "{}" "*.jpg" "*.png" "*.gif" \;
In Detail
unzip allows you to specify the files you want:
unzip "*.jpg" "*.png" "*.gif"
And -d a target directory:
unzip -d images/ "*.jpg" "*.png" "*.gif"
Combine that with a find, and you can extract all the images in all zips:
find . -name "*.zip" -type f -exec unzip -d images/ {} "*.jpg" "*.png" "*.gif" \;
Using unzip -j to junk the extraction of the zip's internal directory structure, we can do it all in one command. This gives you the flat image list separated by zip name that you desire as a one-liner.
find . -name "*.zip" -type f -exec unzip -jd "images/{}" "{}" "*.jpg" "*.png" "*.gif" \;
A limitation is that unzip -d won't create more than one new level of directories, so just mkdir images first. Enjoy.
7zip can do this, and has a Linux version.
mkdir files/archive1
7z e -ofiles/archive1/ files/ *.jpg *.png *.gif
(Just tested it, it works.)
Something along the lines of:
cd ~/basedir/files
for file in *.zip ; do
newfile=$(echo "${file}" | sed -e 's/^files.//' -e 's/.zip$//')
echo ":${newfile}:"
mkdir tmp
rm -rf "${newfile}"
mkdir "${newfile}"
cp "${newfile}.zip" tmp
cd tmp
unzip "${newfile}.zip"
find . -name '*.jpg' -exec cp {} "../${newfile}" ';'
find . -name '*.gif' -exec cp {} "../${newfile}" ';'
cd ..
rm -rf tmp
This is tested and will handle spaces in filenames (both the zip files and the extracted files). You may have collisions if the zip file has the same file name in different directories (you can't avoid this if you're going to flatten the directory structure).
You can write a program using a zip library. If you do Mono, you can use DotNetZip.
The code would look like this:
foreach (var archive in listOfZips)
using (var zip = ZipFile.Read(archive)
foreach (ZipEntry e in zip)
if (IsImageFile(e.FileName))
e.FileName = System.IO.Path.Combine(archive.Replace(".zip",""),
Perl's Archive-Zip is a good library for zipping/unzipping.
Here's my take on the first answer...
cd files
for zip_name in *.zip ; do
dir_name=$(echo "${zip_name}" | sed -e 's/^files.//' -e 's/.zip$//')
mkdir ${dir_name}
7z e -o${dir_name}/ ${zip_name} *.jpg *.png *.gif
or, if you'd just like to use the regular unzip command...
unzip -d ${dir_name}/ ${zip_name} *.jpg *.png *.gif
I haven't tested this, but it should work... or something along these lines. Definitely more efficient than the first solution. :)
Hope this helps!
