excel counting + matching 3 columns - excel

I have a log where I have two columns (H&G) where I have sales people's names inputted for each row. Column I lists the row as belonging to one of three categories ("name1" "name2" or "name3").
On the next sheet in the book I have tabulations for counting how many times each person's name appears, but what I'd like to do is cross reference that with how many they appear next to each of the categories.
ie I currently can tell that Steve has 6 deals. But what I'd like to know is that Steve has 4 of name1 and 1 each of name2
So I think I've not been clear on what I'm searching for: I am trying to sum the number of times a salesperson's name appears in columns F or G that also have a string in column H.
ie: Steve's name appears 13 times, but only 8 of those are on rows that have Phone

Assuming your data is as in the image below, try following formula
Drag/Copy down formula as required and change range as per your data.
In above formula I am assuming you want to consider Column F and column G separately for category. In case you want both Column H & G to have same name for category then use
This will give result 1 as only Row 5 has Steve in both Column F & G matching category Phone.
EDIT : As per #ForwardEd's comment
If you want to count row having same Name in both Column F & G only once (as in Row 5 in image), then subtract above two formulas as
or use
This will give result 3 for Name=Steve and Category=Phone considering Rows 2,5,8 (note : Row 5 has Steve in both Column F & G but will be counted once).

For referencing from multiple sheets:
=COUNTIFS(A1:A6, "steve", Sheet2!A1:A6, "name1")

you can make n columns for each column you'd like to know and or you can make a single big column with multiple formulas.
You can use the & symbol to string together a long formula in a single cell.
="Month 1: "& countif(G1:G10,"Steve") & " " & "Month 2: "& countif(H1:H10,"Steve")
All that will output: Month 1: 4 Month 2: 2
you can string a lot of functions with the & symbol, so you can change the placeholder and stuff.
Also you can change the inquote string "Steve", for a reference so you'll just have to write this big formula once.


How to find and replace from a List in Excel

Not using VBA but just simple excel, can anyone help me find a solution to this problem? Would greatly appreciate it!
I have a list of Names in Sheet 1 like below
I have a list of Mapping Table in Sheet 2 like below
I wish to have a result in Sheet 1, in column B, like below
To give you a context of the number of rows. Sheet 1 will be bigger with more than 1000 rows. Sheet 2 (Mapping Table) is constant set of rows. Currently it is about 100 rows.
You can use a formula like shown below using LOOKUP(), SEARCH() with SUBSTITUTE()
• Formula used in cell B1
There you go. There may have other better solution. This is what I got.
All in column B.
=IFERROR(CONCAT(MID(A1,1,MATCH(1,(CODE(MID(A1,ROW($Z$1:$Z$255),1))<90)*(CODE(MID(A1,ROW($Z$1:$Z$255),1))>=65),FALSE)-1),INDIRECT(CONCAT("sheet2!b", MATCH(MID(A1, MATCH(1,(CODE(MID(A1,ROW($Z$1:$Z$255),1))<90)*(CODE(MID(A1,ROW($Z$1:$Z$255),1))>=65),FALSE), LEN(A1)), Sheet2!$A$1:Sheet2!$A$300, 0)))),A1)
Break down is as follow;
Let's start put things from Column C onward.
Column C, to find the index of the first capital letter from the text.
ref: http://dailydoseofexcel.com/archives/2007/02/21/find-position-of-first-capital-letter-in-a-string/
Column D, cut the name part by using upper case letter index from column C, sp_abc_Jabba_the -> Jabba_the
=MID(A1, C1, LEN(A1))
Column E, search row number from Sheet2 by matching Column D's name with Sheet 2's Column A, this will get matching row number from Sheet2.
=MATCH(D1, Sheet2!$A$1:Sheet2!$A$300, 0)
Column F, get Sheet2's Column B value by the row number from Column E.
=INDIRECT(CONCAT("sheet2!b", E1))
Column G,
Cut "sp_abc_" from "sp_abc_Rick"
Concat "sp_abc_" with Column F's "Morty".
If there is any error, use Column A value as default.
. <- this dot is intentional. please ignore.
Formula in B1:
The concatenation with a "|" would assert we only replace values when at the exact end of the input. Just in case there would be a stray (for example) 'Rick' somewhere before the end.

Formula to Return Text in the Row of Largest Number

Column A Has Text & Columns B, C & D contain numbers.
For Ex.)
A... …B C D
John 4 6 2
Dave 4 6 4
Mike 4 5 1
Bill 2 5 9
I would like a cell to return the name in column A that has the Largest Number in Column B. And if there are similar numbers, go to the next column and determine which is highest, and if that is tied go to the next column and so on.
Any help would be appreciated.
We can de-conflict ties.In E1 enter:
=B1 + C1/(10*MAX(C:C))+D1/(100*MAX(D:D))
and copy down. Then in another cell enter:
This is only good for 3 columns of numbers, but it is very easy to add additional de-confliction terms if necessary:
=B1 + C1/(10*MAX(C:C))+D1/(100*MAX(D:D))+E1/(1000*MAX(E:E))
For an expandable number of rows/columns, use a helper row with the same number of columns as number columns in your data. The formulas below reference the following image (the data are in A1:G7):
C9 (fill over the remaining columns to G9)-->
The following formula will give the answer (shown in A9 above):
Using a helper column instead, again referencing the image below (the data are in A1:G7):
I1 (fill down to I7)-->
The following formula will give the answer (shown in J1 above):
As a bonus, notice that the helper column corresponds to the order that you would get from sorting the data by each column left-to-right. In other words, you could use the helper column to perform a formula-based multi-column sort on strictly numeric data. For the last image, entering the following array formula into a range with the same dimensions as A1:G7 gives a descending sort on columns B through G:

Matching columns with similar strings

I am trying to match the columns based off the first 8 characters and the last 2 characters so i would then be able to run a vlookup on it:
The issue is the middle of the cell is always different in the first column is all 10 in the middle, the second 25 and so on. I tried collecting the first 8 and last two characters by a left and right and then tried an approx vlookup but it wasn't working for me just showing an error for me.
My attempt
=LEFT(C2,FIND("/",C2)+3) & " " & RIGHT(C2,FIND("/",C2)-3)
Gives me this:
20.5/010 ES
Trying to run off Col B in the photo
Desired result:
Here is the Error I am receiving:
Assuming you have three different type of data e.g.; 20.5/010/010/, 20.5/010/025/ & 20.5/010/022/ and you will delete your column B (which is empty in your input data) you will have column A, B and C populated (Makes sense?)
Your output data clearly shows you have a list of 010 values in column 10 and you want to know if there is a match for the other two values with the same country code. But I'll make that column D in this example. So:
Have column D populated like your output column 10.
Add this formula to column E and drag down:
Add this formula to column F and drag down:
My output:

How to set column conditionally in Excel?

I have been working on a spread sheet for work for about a week and a half now and have been stuck in the same place. I am working on something for payroll purpose. So A1 would have an employee name as would the rest of the column. B2 would have that specific employees hours worked.
for example.
1 Doe, John C 6.65
I need a formula that will automatically move anyone that has hours greater than 0 to column E, along with their worked. hours.
If you want the name in column E and the worked hours in column F then set E1 to
and set F1 to
If you want the name and worked hours both in column E then set E1 to
=IF(B1>0,CONCATENATE(A1," ",B1),"")
and copy down the column.
IF(condition, expression if true, expression if false) allows you to set cells based on a logical condition. CONCATENATE allows you to join the contents of multiple cells (or expressions) together as a string.

How can excel highlight matching entries between 2 tables/4 columns

I am trying to find the duplicates between Table 1 and Table 2. The entires in column 'A' and 'B'together has to match the entries in column 'C' and 'D'
Looking for a formula that will highlight the duplicates in the given scenario.
![Table 1 has 2 columns, A and B. Table 2 has two columns, B and C. The formula should highlight the text in A and B together to text in B and C together][using excel]
Maybe create "key" columns to make things easier: Column X = A & B, Column Y = C & D
Then you can either use vlookup(A&B,Y...) or vlookup(C&D,X...)
Or Match(A&B, Y...( etc will give you the row number which could be useful, plus is a lot quicker than vlookup if you have heaps of rows (plus you don't need to lookup anything so why not? Or even if you did Index(Match..)) is still quicker...
Or you could even use Countif(A&B, Y) and vice versa...
Thats a hell of a lot of pseudo formulas lol so maybe something like:
Sheet2.D1 Formula: "=CountIf(Sheet1!$C$1:$C$1000, A1 & B1)" and do the same on the other:
Sheet1.D1 Formula: "=CountIf(Sheet2!$C$1:$C$1000, A1 & B1)"
Sheet1!C1 Formula = "=A1 & B1"
Sheet2!C1 Formula = "=A1 & B1"
Or if you only have one duplicate and want to know the row number:
Sheet1.D1 Formula: "=If(isna(match(A1 & B1,Sheet2!$C$1:$C$1000,0)),"","Duplicate on row: " & match(A1 & B1,Sheet2!$C$1:$C$1000,0))"
