Accounting/currency symbols extraction using formula in excel - excel

I have a column in excel which contains data in multiple accounting format.
USD 25
INR 140
CNY 74
in the formula bar it shows only the value and not the symbol. could you please help me to get formula to extract these symbols from cell. I dont want to run VBA code or create user function.

With the below user defined function you get the value as a text including the currency symbol:
Function GetTextValue(ByVal arg As Range) As String
'//Cell value (or top left cell value if range is more than one cell)
GetTextValue = arg.Cells(1, 1).Text
End Function
With a substitute you might replace the value and get only the currency:

Use Text Function to get the cell formatting.
Change A1 to your desired cell reference.


Return custom format of a cell (i.e. [$EUR ]#.##0,00;[Red][$EUR ]-#.##0,00)

is there a way to use VBA (or some excel function) to return a custom format that is used?
For example:
in cell A1 I have a value of 100 with custom format [$EUR ]#.##0,00;[Red][$EUR ]-#.##0,00
in cell A2 I have a value of 100 with custom format [$PLN ]#.##0,00;[Red][$PLN ]-#.##0,00
So basically, in A1 I have red colored EUR -100,00 and in A2 I have red colored PLN -100,00
Now let's assume I want do some calculations with only those cells that are formatted as EUR (in example above it means the cell has [$EUR] inside it's custom format.)
Any ideas on how to get that custom format string or anything else that will help me to differentiate those two cells by their custom format?
I tried Excel formula CELL("format";A1) and CELL("format";A2), but they both return ,2-
I've seen many VBA solutions to format a cell, but I haven't found any VBA function that returnes the custom format used (there are ways to return some general stuff like color, is it number etc, but I didn't find any custom format returns).
If you want to read that cells formatting (custom or not) then use:
If you want a small UDF, that you can call from the worksheet itself, you need a small amount of VBA:
Create a new module, if you don't have one.
Paste into it the following:
Function formatting(rng As Range) As String
formatting = rng.Cells(1, 1).NumberFormat
End Function
Note, this will always return the formatting of the first cell within the range.
Then, in any given cell you can call that function- e.g.
From there, you can use normal text manipulation functions such as Left, Mid etc. to locate the colour code or currency symbol - e.g.
=IF(LEFT(formatting(A1),2)="[$",MID(formatting(A1),3,3),"No currency found")
would give the result EUR

combine all cells, numbers and symbols to a sum

Good day,
I'm at a loss on this problem.
I have a group of cells that contain words, like apple, this word would be the value. It is separated by a symbol for completing the math. They can be changed by the user to make custom calculations.
Cell A1 is "apple", B1 is "+", cell C1 is "apple", cell D1 is "*", cell E1 is "apple", call F1 is "=" and cell G1 is the suggested total, in this case would be "6".
It would be posted as | apple | + | apple | * | apple | = | 6 |
The legend holds the value for the word, so if you enter 2 in the legend, apple would be 2.
The logic would determine that the formula would be 2+2*2= if written in excel, I would like to combine all the cells and calculate this.
I tried using =sum, sumproduct, concate and the like to no avail.
Any head way I did make, I ended up getting BEDMAS wrong as it calculated it as 2+2=4*2=8, instead of the correct 2*2=4+2=6.
Anyone know of a way to combine these cells and properly sum the values to the correct total?
Thank you for your time!
Go to the Name manager and create named range Eval, into Refers to field add formula:
In range A3:B5 I have legend.
Change references as you need. Then in cell G1 write formula =Eval.
This is a UDF based solution. Its advantage is that it's more versatile and by far easier to maintain if you learn its elements of code. The disadvantage is in that you do have to learn the elements of code and you have an xlsm macro-enabled workbook which isn't welcome everywhere.
The setup is simple. I created a table with columns Item and Value. I placed it on another sheet than the task. In fact, you could make the sheet with the table VeryHidden so that the user can't look at it without access to the VBA project, which you can password protect. I called the table Legend. The item columns has names like apple, pear, orange. The Value column has the numeric values associated with each name.
Note that, since this is a VBA project, the entire list can be transferred to VBA leaving no trace on the sheet. You could have a function to display the value of each item as the user clicks on it and have it disappear as he clicks elsewhere.
Next I created a data validation drop-down in A1 with the List defined as =INDIRECT("Legend[Item]"). Copy this cell to C1 and E1.
Then I created another Data Validation drop-down in B1 with the list as +,-,*,/. This drop-down must be copied to D1.
Now the code below goes into a standard code module. Find the way to create it because it isn't any of those Excel sets up automatically. It's default name would be Module1. Paste the code there.
Function Evalue(Definition As Range) As Double
Dim Task As String
Dim Fact(2) As Double
Dim C As Long
Dim i As Long
With Definition
For C = 1 To 5 Step 2
On Error Resume Next
Fact(i) = Application.VLookup(.Cells(C).Value, Range("Legend"), 2, False)
i = i + 1
Next C
Task = "(" & Fact(0) & .Cells(2).Value _
& Fact(1) & ")" & .Cells(4).Value _
& Fact(2)
End With
Evalue = Evaluate(Task)
End Function
Now you are ready for testing. Call the function from the worksheet with a call like
=Evalue(A1:E1). You can use it in comparisons like =IF(G6 = Evalue(A1:E1), "Baravo!", "Try again"). As you change any of the components the cell with the function will change.
Remember to use absolute addressing if you copy formulas containing the range. If you need to get a result in VBA while testing, use this sub to call the function.
Private Sub TestEvalue()
Debug.Print Evalue(Range("A1:E1"))
End Sub
My Sheet
Here is what I have.
In cells M - U, i count all the instances of the word from cells E, G and I from the legend.
In cells W - AE, I multiply the instances with the value to give me a total each time the word appears.
In cell E8 - I8, i add the three possible values together.
=SUM(W3:Y3) so each worded cell is now a number.
I'd like to take the cells E8 - I8 to make a calculation in k8 and so on.
So, each cell is put together to make an
statement, which all works except E11 - I11 which equates to 26 instead of 43.

Including tab name in formula from cell

Similarly to this thread I have found Click here...
I am trying to create various formulae looking across tabs with the tab names kept in cells. My hyperlink function has been successful as:
=HYPERLINK("#'"&B2&"'!A1","Click Here")
Where B2 represents a 2-3 character tab name of a person's initials (e.g. AA in this example).
However if I try this method with other formulae I am returning a #VALUE! error. Can anyone help me with making this nested Index/Match function work dynamically from cell B1 rather than being fixed to the tab name "AA"?
Thanks in advance?
The hyperlink function accepts a constructed string to use as the link and interprets it as a range address just as it would a true url. A formula cannot accept a constructed string address as a worksheet range reference but the INDIRECT function converts constructed strings to a usable worksheet range reference.
... becomes,
INDEX(indirect(text(B2, "'#'!\B\:\H")), MATCH(TODAY()-WEEKDAY(TODAY(), 11)+1, indirect(text(B2, "'#'!\B\:\B")), 0), 2)
With AA in B2, text(B2, "'#'!\B\:\H") becomes 'AA'!B:H. I find it easier to take care of the wrapping ' marks with a format mask.

Excel, Create a named range from the contents of cells usign cell formulas

I am stuck...
I have a 100 Row sheet with 10 Columns. This list is broken into classes simply by inline headers. I have definitions of the blocks of data under each head, for example:
ROOF A34 A100
I compute those ranges as they may change from time to time. I need
first: Define Name of each group by formula
Second: From time to time select the defined group
I am unable to get a formula to work which will allow me to use the "Content" of the cell as opposed to the cell location to define these ranges.
I'm stuck.
Suggestions would be appreciated.
This cannot be done in a cell formula. You'll need to create a macro (VBA) to do this. Essentially, what you need is to grab the value of a cell then use that value as if it were a cell address.
Take a look at the example macro below. If cell A1 contains the characters "B22", then x will become the value of A1 (which is "B22") and "test" will be written to cell B22. This cannot be done in with cell formulas.
Sub test()
Dim x As String
x = Range("A1").Value
Range(x).Value = "test"
End Sub
A good amount of adaptation will been needed to incorporate this technique, and you'll need to play with this a bit. Ping this community to help answer more specific questions as they come up.

Convert Literal Text to Formula

Using MS Excel 2010: I used the CONCATENATE formula to create a text string that looks like a formula and need a formula that will convert the text string to a formula; without the use of MS Excel Paste Special function or VBA/Macro.
Example: In Cell B2:G2 contains text, in Cell B4 I have CONCATENATE text formula that returns a text string
=TRIM(CONCATENATE(B2&" "&C2&" "&D2&" "&E2&" "&F2&" "&G2&" "&H2))
I want Excel to interpret this string as a formula and return/show the value in Cell B6 as: "Always be yourself … do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it.” - Bruce Lee
I have attempted using the INDIRECT formula and without success, not certain if it's my formula or if it's possible. SAMPLE: Cell B6:
1) CONCATENATE and & are the same thing. In other words the formula you wrote as a string could be translated as:
If you are going to write out CONCATENATE for you function, then separate all he strings you want joined together as with a coma as has been pointed out by #MarcoVos in the comments to your question:
=CONCATENATE(B2," ",C2," ",D2," ",E2," ",F2," ",G2," ",H2)
Or if you want to use the more common form of & your formula would look like what you originally posted without the CONCATENATE out from like this:
=B2&" "&C2&" "&D2&" "&E2&" "&F2&" "&G2&" "&H2
Those last two formulas will produce the same results.
2) The INDIRECT function will convert text to a cell references or address. It will not convert a formula as text and spit out the results of the formula. Macros Vos in his answer is correct in that FORMULATEXT() will display the formula in the referenced cell as text or a string. If you need to follow a sequence where you provide the string and then must convert the string into a formula, then I suggest you use the EVALUATE Function. You cannot use EVALUATE from a regular excel formula though. You can call it from a named range though. Create a named range. Lets for example call it EvalText. In the formula portion for creating the named range, enter:
It will automatically add the sheet name. Now in any cell on your sheet you can enter:
and it will return whatever the string in B4 works out to be as a formula. It will spit out an error if its not a proper excel formula.
Why not do it the other way around?
=TRIM(CONCATENATE(B2&" "&C2&" "&D2&" "&E2&" "&F2&" "&G2&" "&H2))
in cell B6 and
in cell B4.
The problem with the named "Range" is that it is not part of the Recalc-Loop.
Defining (in VBA) a function
Function MyEval(text As String)
MyEval = Evaluate(text)
End Function
and adding
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
End Sub
to the codesheet of the worksheet under consideration
solves the problem.
Of course, the workbook than has t be saved as XLSM.
