extracting files that doesn't have a dir with the same name - linux

sorry for that odd title. I didn't know how to word it the right way.
I'm trying to write a script to filter my wiki files to those got directories with the same name and the ones without. I'll elaborate further.
here is my file system:
what I need to do is print a list of those files which have directories in their name and another one of those without.
So my ultimate goal is getting:
with dirs:
without dirs:
I managed to get those files with dirs. Here is me code:
getname () {
file=$( basename "$1" )
echo $file2
for d in Mywiki/* ; do
if [[ -f $d ]]; then
file=$(getname $d)
for x in Mywiki/* ; do
dir=$(getname $x)
if [[ -d $x ]] && [ $dir == $file ]; then
echo $dir
but stuck with getting those without. if this is the wrong way of doing this please clarify the right one.
any help appreciated. Thanks.

Here's a quick attempt.
for file in Mywiki/*.txt; do
test -d "${file%.txt}" && printf "%s\n" "$nodir" >&3 || printf "%s\n" "$nodir"
done >with 3>without
This shamelessly uses standard output for the non-orphans. Maybe more robustly open another separate file descriptor for that.
Also notice how everything needs to be quoted unless you specifically require the shell to do whitespace tokenization and wildcard expansion on the value of a token. Here's the scoop on that.

That may not be the most efficient way of doing it, but you could take all files, remove the extension, and the check if there isn't a directory with that name.
Like this (untested code):
for file in Mywiki/* ; do
if [ -f "$d" ]; then
dirname=$(getname "$d")
if [ ! -d "Mywiki/$dirname" ]; then
echo "$file"

To List all the files in current dir
list1=`ls -p | grep -v /`
To List all the files in current dir without extension
list2=`ls -p | grep -v / | sed 's/\.[a-z]*//g'`
To List all the directories in current dir
list3=`ls -d */ | sed -e "s/\///g"`
Now you can get the desired directory listing using intersection of list2 and list3. Intersection of two lists in Bash


Linux Bash file Reading Lines and words

I apologize if this is a trivial question. I am learning how to use linux bash and this little task is giving me a headache...
So I need to write a script, let's call it count.sh. I want that: for each file in the working directory, prints the filename, the number of lines, and the number of words to the console:
test.txt 100 1023
someOtherfiles 10 233
So far, I know that the following gives me all the files names in the directory. And thanks for all who helped me, I get this working version:
for f in *; do
echo -n "$f"
cat "$f" | wc -wl
I would really appreciate your help! Thanks ahead!
P.s. If you know great resources (links for tutorials) for learning about script and you are willing to share it with me. I think I really need to know these basics. Thanks again!
If you must have the file name as the first field in your output, try this:
for f in *; do
if [ -f "$f" ]; then
echo -n "$f"
cat "$f" | wc -wl
for f in *; do
if [[ -f $f ]]; then
echo "$f $(wc -wl < "$f")"
[[ -f $f ]] processes only files (excludes subdirectories) and also handles the case where the directory is empty (in which case * is (by default) left unexpanded, i.e. assigned to $f as is).
echo "$f $(wc -wl < "$f")" uses command substitution ($( ... )) to directly include the output from the enclosed command in the output string passed to echo.
Note that the reason that < is used to direct the content of file $f to wc via stdin is that wc would otherwise append the name of the input file to its output (thanks, #R Sahu).

Shell Scripting: Print directory names and files with specifics

In my script, I am asking the user to input a directory and then list all the files in that specific directory. What I want to do with that is to make the display a little better in which I would be able to display a "/" if the item in the directory is another directory and if it is an executable file (not an executable directory), print with a **".
This is what I have:
echo “Directory: “
read thing
for var123 in $thing*
echo $var123
In a directory I have a few folders and a few scripts that have the execute permission. when I run the script I want to say
I am new to this and have no clue what I am doing. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
You might want to check and make sure the user inputs something that ends in a / first.
[[ $thing =~ '/'$ ]] || thing="$thing/"
Also check if it exists
[[ -d $thing ]] || exit 1
Then for checking if it's a directory use the -d test as above. To check if executable file use -x. So putting that all together, try:
echo “Directory: “
read thing
[[ $thing =~ '/'$ ]] || thing="$thing/"
[[ -d $thing ]] || exit 1
for var123 in "$thing"*
if [[ -f $var123 && -x $var123 ]]; then
echo "$var123**"
elif [[ -d $var123 ]]; then
echo "$var123/"
echo "$var123"
ls -F is your friend here - if you want to do it for the current directory:
ls -F
If you want to do it for all files & subfolders of the current directory:
find * -exec ls -Fd {} \;
... and for a given directory:
echo "Directory: "
read DIR
find $DIR/* -exec ls -Fd {} \;
Edit: ls -F will append a / to directories and a * to executables. If you want ** instead, just use sed to replace them:
find $DIR/* -exec ls -Fd {} \; | sed 's/\*$/&&/'
And this approach works in all shells, not just bash.

Creating a pathname to check a file doesn't exist there / Permission denied error

Hello from a Linux Bash newbie!
I have a list.txt containing a list of files which I want to copy to a destination($2). These are unique images but some of them have the same filename.
My plan is to loop through each line in the text file, with the copy to the destination occurring when the file is not there, and a mv rename happening when it is present.
The problem I am having is creating the pathname to check the file against. In the code below, I am taking the filename only from the pathname, and I want to add that to the destination ($2) with the "/" in between to check the file against.
When I run the program below I get "Permission Denied" at line 9 which is where I try and create the path.
for line in $(cat list.txt)
file=$[ basename $line ]
path=$[ $2$file ]
echo $path
if [ ! -f $path ];
echo cp $line $2
echo mv $line.DUPLICATE $2
I am new to this so appreciate I may be missing something obvious but if anyone can offer any advice it would be much appreciated!
Submitting this since OP is new in BASH scripting no good answer has been posted yet.
while read -r line; do
[[ ! -f $path ]] && cp "$line" "$path" || mv "$line" "$path.DUP"
done < list.txt
Don't have logic for counting duplicates at present to keep things simple. (Which means code will take care of one dup entry) As an alternative you get uniq from list.txt beforehand to avoid the duplicate situation.
#anubhava: Your script looks good. Here is a small addition to it to work with several dupes.
It adds a numer to the $path.DUP name
while [ -f "$1" ]
(( COUNT++ ))
mv -n "$1" "$2$COUNT"
while read -r line; do
[[ ! -f $path ]] && cp "$line" "$path" || UniqueMove "$line" "$path.DUP"
done < list.txt

Renaming a set of files to 001, 002,

I originally had a set of images of the form image_001.jpg, image_002.jpg, ...
I went through them and removed several. Now I'd like to rename the leftover files back to image_001.jpg, image_002.jpg, ...
Is there a Linux command that will do this neatly? I'm familiar with rename but can't see anything to order file names like this. I'm thinking that since ls *.jpg lists the files in order (with gaps), the solution would be to pass the output of that into a bash loop or something?
If I understand right, you have e.g. image_001.jpg, image_003.jpg, image_005.jpg, and you want to rename to image_001.jpg, image_002.jpg, image_003.jpg.
EDIT: This is modified to put the temp file in the current directory. As Stephan202 noted, this can make a significant difference if temp is on a different filesystem. To avoid hitting the temp file in the loop, it now goes through image*
i=1; temp=$(mktemp -p .); for file in image*
mv "$file" $temp;
mv $temp $(printf "image_%0.3d.jpg" $i)
i=$((i + 1))
A simple loop (test with echo, execute with mv):
for F in *; do
echo "$F" `printf image_%03d.jpg $I`
#mv "$F" `printf image_%03d.jpg $I` 2>/dev/null || true
I=$((I + 1))
(I added 2>/dev/null || true to suppress warnings about identical source and target files. If this is not to your liking, go with Matthew Flaschen's answer.)
Some good answers here already; but some rely on hiding errors which is not a good idea (that assumes mv will only error because of a condition that is expected - what about all the other reaons mv might error?).
Moreover, it can be done a little shorter and should be better quoted:
for file in *; do
printf -vsequenceImage 'image_%03d.jpg' "$((++i))"
[[ -e $sequenceImage ]] || \
mv "$file" "$sequenceImage"
Also note that you shouldn't capitalize your variables in bash scripts.
Try the following script:
This code snipped should do the job:
./numerate.sh -d <your image folder> -b <start number> -L 3 -p image_ -s .jpg -o numerically -r
This does the reverse of what you are asking (taking files of the form *.jpg.001 and converting them to *.001.jpg), but can easily be modified for your purpose:
for file in *
if [[ "$file" =~ "(.*)\.([[:alpha:]]+)\.([[:digit:]]{3,})$" ]]
I was going to suggest something like the above using a for loop, an iterator, cut -f1 -d "_", then mv i i.iterator. It looks like it's already covered other ways, though.

How do you normalize a file path in Bash?

I want to transform /foo/bar/.. to /foo
Is there a bash command which does this?
Edit: in my practical case, the directory does exist.
if you're wanting to chomp part of a filename from the path, "dirname" and "basename" are your friends, and "realpath" is handy too.
dirname /foo/bar/baz
# /foo/bar
basename /foo/bar/baz
# baz
dirname $( dirname /foo/bar/baz )
# /foo
realpath ../foo
# ../foo: No such file or directory
realpath /tmp/../tmp/../tmp
# /tmp
realpath alternatives
If realpath is not supported by your shell, you can try
readlink -f /path/here/..
readlink -m /path/there/../../
Works the same as
realpath -s /path/here/../../
in that the path doesn't need to exist to be normalized.
I don't know if there is a direct bash command to do this, but I usually do
normalDir="`cd "${dirToNormalize}";pwd`"
echo "${normalDir}"
and it works well.
Try realpath. Below is the source in its entirety, hereby donated to the public domain.
// realpath.c: display the absolute path to a file or directory.
// Adam Liss, August, 2007
// This program is provided "as-is" to the public domain, without express or
// implied warranty, for any non-profit use, provided this notice is maintained.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <libgen.h>
#include <limits.h>
static char *s_pMyName;
void usage(void);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
s_pMyName = strdup(basename(argv[0]));
if (argc < 2)
printf("%s\n", realpath(argv[1], sPath));
return 0;
void usage(void)
fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s PATH\n", s_pMyName);
A portable and reliable solution is to use python, which is preinstalled pretty much everywhere (including Darwin). You have two options:
abspath returns an absolute path but does not resolve symlinks:
python -c "import os,sys; print(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[1]))" path/to/file
realpath returns an absolute path and in doing so resolves symlinks, generating a canonical path:
python -c "import os,sys; print(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[1]))" path/to/file
In each case, path/to/file can be either a relative or absolute path.
Use the readlink utility from the coreutils package.
MY_PATH=$(readlink -f "$0")
Old question, but there is much simpler way if you are dealing with full path names at the shell level:
abspath="$( cd "$path" && pwd )"
As the cd happens in a subshell it does not impact the main script.
Two variations, supposing your shell built-in commands accept -L and -P, are:
abspath="$( cd -P "$path" && pwd -P )" #physical path with resolved symlinks
abspath="$( cd -L "$path" && pwd -L )" #logical path preserving symlinks
Personally, I rarely need this later approach unless I'm fascinated with symbolic links for some reason.
FYI: variation on obtaining the starting directory of a script which works even if the script changes it's current directory later on.
name0="$(basename "$0")"; #base name of script
dir0="$( cd "$( dirname "$0" )" && pwd )"; #absolute starting dir
The use of CD assures you always have the absolute directory, even if the script is run by commands such as ./script.sh which, without the cd/pwd, often gives just .. Useless if the script does a cd later on.
readlink is the bash standard for obtaining the absolute path. It also has the advantage of returning empty strings if paths or a path doesn't exist (given the flags to do so).
To get the absolute path to a directory that may or may not exist, but who's parents do exist, use:
abspath=$(readlink -f $path)
To get the absolute path to a directory that must exist along with all parents:
abspath=$(readlink -e $path)
To canonicalise the given path and follow symlinks if they happen to exist, but otherwise ignore missing directories and just return the path anyway, it's:
abspath=$(readlink -m $path)
The only downside is that readlink will follow links. If you do not want to follow links, you can use this alternative convention:
abspath=$(cd ${path%/*} && echo $PWD/${path##*/})
That will chdir to the directory part of $path and print the current directory along with the file part of $path. If it fails to chdir, you get an empty string and an error on stderr.
As Adam Liss noted realpath is not bundled with every distribution. Which is a shame, because it is the best solution. The provided source code is great, and I will probably start using it now. Here is what I have been using until now, which I share here just for completeness:
get_abs_path() {
local PARENT_DIR=$(dirname "$1")
local ABS_PATH="$(pwd)"/"$(basename "$1")"
cd - >/dev/null
echo "$ABS_PATH"
If you want it to resolve symlinks, just replace pwd with pwd -P.
My recent solution was:
pushd foo/bar/..
Based on the answer of Tim Whitcomb.
Not exactly an answer but perhaps a follow-up question (original question was not explicit):
readlink is fine if you actually want to follow symlinks. But there is also a use case for merely normalizing ./ and ../ and // sequences, which can be done purely syntactically, without canonicalizing symlinks. readlink is no good for this, and neither is realpath.
for f in $paths; do (cd $f; pwd); done
works for existing paths, but breaks for others.
A sed script would seem to be a good bet, except that you cannot iteratively replace sequences (/foo/bar/baz/../.. -> /foo/bar/.. -> /foo) without using something like Perl, which is not safe to assume on all systems, or using some ugly loop to compare the output of sed to its input.
FWIW, a one-liner using Java (JDK 6+):
jrunscript -e 'for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {println(new java.io.File(new java.io.File(arguments[i]).toURI().normalize()))}' $paths
I'm late to the party, but this is the solution I've crafted after reading a bunch of threads like this:
resolve_dir() {
(builtin cd `dirname "${1/#~/$HOME}"`'/'`basename "${1/#~/$HOME}"` 2>/dev/null; if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then pwd; fi)
This will resolve the absolute path of $1, play nice with ~, keep symlinks in the path where they are, and it won't mess with your directory stack. It returns the full path or nothing if it doesn't exist. It expects $1 to be a directory and will probably fail if it's not, but that's an easy check to do yourself.
Talkative, and a bit late answer. I need to write one since I'm stuck on older RHEL4/5.
I handles absolute and relative links, and simplifies //, /./ and somedir/../ entries.
test -x /usr/bin/readlink || readlink () {
echo $(/bin/ls -l $1 | /bin/cut -d'>' -f 2)
test -x /usr/bin/realpath || realpath () {
local PATH=/bin:/usr/bin
local inputpath=$1
local changemade=1
while [ $changemade -ne 0 ]
local realpath=""
local token=
for token in ${inputpath//\// }
case $token in
""|".") # noop
"..") # up one directory
realpath=$(dirname $realpath)
if [ -h $realpath/$token ]
target=`readlink $realpath/$token`
if [ "${target:0:1}" = '/' ]
echo $realpath
mkdir -p /tmp/bar
(cd /tmp ; ln -s /tmp/bar foo; ln -s ../.././usr /tmp/bar/link2usr)
echo `realpath /tmp/foo`
The problem with realpath is that it is not available on BSD (or OSX for that matter). Here is a simple recipe extracted from a rather old (2009) article from Linux Journal, that is quite portable:
function normpath() {
# Remove all /./ sequences.
local path=${1//\/.\//\/}
# Remove dir/.. sequences.
while [[ $path =~ ([^/][^/]*/\.\./) ]]; do
echo $path
Notice this variant also does not require the path to exist.
Try our new Bash library product realpath-lib that we have placed on GitHub for free and unencumbered use. It's thoroughly documented and makes a great learning tool.
It resolves local, relative and absolute paths and doesn't have any dependencies except Bash 4+; so it should work just about anywhere. It's free, clean, simple and instructive.
You can do:
get_realpath <absolute|relative|symlink|local file path>
This function is the core of the library:
function get_realpath() {
if [[ -f "$1" ]]
# file *must* exist
if cd "$(echo "${1%/*}")" &>/dev/null
# file *may* not be local
# exception is ./file.ext
# try 'cd .; cd -;' *works!*
local tmppwd="$PWD"
cd - &>/dev/null
# file *must* be local
local tmppwd="$PWD"
# file *cannot* exist
return 1 # failure
# reassemble realpath
echo "$tmppwd"/"${1##*/}"
return 0 # success
It also contains functions to get_dirname, get_filename, get_ stemname and validate_path. Try it across platforms, and help to improve it.
Based on #Andre's answer, I might have a slightly better version, in case someone is after a loop-free, completely string-manipulation based solution. It is also useful for those who don't want to dereference any symlinks, which is the downside of using realpath or readlink -f.
It works on bash versions 3.2.25 and higher.
shopt -s extglob
normalise_path() {
local path="$1"
# get rid of /../ example: /one/../two to /two
# get rid of /./ and //* example: /one/.///two to /one/two
# remove the last '/.'
echo "${path%%/.}"
$ normalise_path /home/codemedic/../codemedic////.config
I made a builtin-only function to handle this with a focus on highest possible performance (for fun). It does not resolve symlinks, so it is basically the same as realpath -sm.
## A bash-only mimic of `realpath -sm`.
## Give it path[s] as argument[s] and it will convert them to clean absolute paths
abspath () {
${*+false} && { >&2 echo $FUNCNAME: missing operand; return 1; };
local c s p IFS='/'; ## path chunk, absolute path, input path, IFS for splitting paths into chunks
local -i r=0; ## return value
for p in "$#"; do
case "$p" in ## Check for leading backslashes, identify relative/absolute path
'') ((r|=1)); continue;;
//[!/]*) >&2 echo "paths =~ ^//[^/]* are impl-defined; not my problem"; ((r|=2)); continue;;
/*) ;;
*) p="$PWD/$p";; ## Prepend the current directory to form an absolute path
for c in $p; do ## Let IFS split the path at '/'s
case $c in ### NOTE: IFS is '/'; so no quotes needed here
''|.) ;; ## Skip duplicate '/'s and '/./'s
..) s="${s%/*}";; ## Trim the previous addition to the absolute path string
*) s+=/$c;; ### NOTE: No quotes here intentionally. They make no difference, it seems
echo "${s:-/}"; ## If xpg_echo is set, use `echo -E` or `printf $'%s\n'` instead
return $r;
Note: This function does not handle paths starting with //, as exactly two double slashes at the start of a path are implementation-defined behavior. However, it handles /, ///, and so on just fine.
This function seems to handle all edge cases properly, but there might still be some out there that I haven't dealt with.
Performance Note: when called with thousands of arguments, abspath runs about 10x slower than realpath -sm; when called with a single argument, abspath runs >110x faster than realpath -sm on my machine, mostly due to not needing to execute a new program every time.
If you just want to normalize a path, existed or not existed, without touching the file system, without resolving any links, and without external utils, here is a pure Bash function translated from Python's posixpath.normpath.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Normalize path, eliminating double slashes, etc.
# Usage: new_path="$(normpath "${old_path}")"
# Translated from Python's posixpath.normpath:
# https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/master/Lib/posixpath.py#L337
normpath() {
local IFS=/ initial_slashes='' comp comps=()
if [[ $1 == /* ]]; then
[[ $1 == //* && $1 != ///* ]] && initial_slashes='//'
for comp in $1; do
[[ -z ${comp} || ${comp} == '.' ]] && continue
if [[ ${comp} != '..' || (-z ${initial_slashes} && ${#comps[#]} -eq 0) || (\
${#comps[#]} -gt 0 && ${comps[-1]} == '..') ]]; then
elif ((${#comps[#]})); then
unset 'comps[-1]'
printf '%s\n' "${comp:-.}"
new_path="$(normpath '/foo/bar/..')"
echo "${new_path}"
# /foo
normpath "relative/path/with trailing slashs////"
# relative/path/with trailing slashs
normpath "////a/../lot/././/mess////./here/./../"
# /lot/mess
normpath ""
# .
# (empty path resolved to dot)
Personally, I cannot understand why Shell, a language often used for manipulating files, doesn't offer basic functions to deal with paths. In python, we have nice libraries like os.path or pathlib, which offers a whole bunch of tools to extract filename, extension, basename, path segments, split or join paths, to get absolute or normalized paths, to determine relations between paths, to do everything without much brain. And they take care of edge cases, and they're reliable. In Shell, to do any of these, either we call external executables, or we have to reinvent wheels with these extremely rudimentary and arcane syntaxes...
I needed a solution that would do all three:
Work on a stock Mac. realpath and readlink -f are addons
Resolve symlinks
Have error handling
None of the answers had both #1 and #2. I added #3 to save others any further yak-shaving.
P="${1?Specify a file path}"
[ -e "$P" ] || { echo "File does not exist: $P"; exit 1; }
while [ -h "$P" ] ; do
ls="$(ls -ld "$P")"
link="$(expr "$ls" : '.*-> \(.*\)$')"
expr "$link" : '/.*' > /dev/null &&
P="$link" ||
P="$(dirname "$P")/$link"
echo "$(cd "$(dirname "$P")"; pwd)/$(basename "$P")"
Here is a short test case with some twisted spaces in the paths to fully exercise the quoting
mkdir -p "/tmp/test/ first path "
mkdir -p "/tmp/test/ second path "
echo "hello" > "/tmp/test/ first path / red .txt "
ln -s "/tmp/test/ first path / red .txt " "/tmp/test/ second path / green .txt "
cd "/tmp/test/ second path "
fullpath " green .txt "
cat " green .txt "
Based on loveborg's excellent python snippet, I wrote this:
# Version of readlink that follows links to the end; good for Mac OS X
for file in "$#"; do
while [ -h "$file" ]; do
l=`readlink $file`
case "$l" in
/*) file="$l";;
*) file=`dirname "$file"`/"$l"
#echo $file
python -c "import os,sys; print os.path.abspath(sys.argv[1])" "$file"
echo $(realpath $(dirname $FILEPATH))/$(basename $FILEPATH)
This works even if the file doesn't exist. It does require the directory containing the file to exist.
I know this is an ancient question. I'm still offering an alternative. Recently I met the same issue and found no existing and portable command to do that. So I wrote the following shell script which includes a function that can do the trick.
#! /bin/sh
function normalize {
local rc=0
local ret
if [ $# -gt 0 ] ; then
# invalid
if [ "x`echo $1 | grep -E '^/\.\.'`" != "x" ] ; then
echo $1
return -1
# convert to absolute path
if [ "x`echo $1 | grep -E '^\/'`" == "x" ] ; then
normalize "`pwd`/$1"
return $?
ret=`echo $1 | sed 's;/\.\($\|/\);/;g' | sed 's;/[^/]*[^/.]\+[^/]*/\.\.\($\|/\);/;g'`
read line
normalize "$line"
return $?
if [ "x`echo $ret | grep -E '/\.\.?(/|$)'`" != "x" ] ; then
ret=`normalize "$ret"`
echo "$ret"
return $rc
Since none of the presented solutions worked for me, in the case where a file does not exist, I implemented my idea.
The solution of André Anjos had the problem that paths beginning with ../../ were resolved wrongly. For example ../../a/b/ became a/b/.
function normalize_rel_path(){
local path=$1
IFS='/' read -r -a array <<< "$path"
for (( idx=${#array[#]}-1 ; idx>=0 ; idx-- )) ; do
if [ -z "$c" ] || [[ "$c" == "." ]];
if [[ "$c" == ".." ]]
elif [ "$i" -gt "0" ];
if [ -z "$result" ];
while [ "$i" -gt "0" ]; do
unset IFS
echo $result
I discovered today that you can use the stat command to resolve paths.
So for a directory like "~/Documents":
You can run this:
stat -f %N ~/Documents
To get the full path:
For symlinks, you can use the %Y format option:
stat -f %Y example_symlink
Which might return a result like:
The formatting options might be different on other versions of *NIX but these worked for me on OSX.
A simple solution using node.js:
#!/usr/bin/env node
