A single cell will contain a string like the following:
[{"Code":"C015","Index":0,"Message":"blah blah blah","FailSeverity":2},{"Code":"W012","Index":0,"Message":"blah blah blah","FailSeverity":1}]
I am interested in pulling out all of the Codes from the single string above. I.E. I want the "C015" and "W012" from the example above and nothing else.
I've seen the Substring() function but am not too sure of how to implement it in this scenario or that I fully understand it as a function.
For something like this I think you've want to employ a good tally based string splitter function. In this case I'm using Jeff Moden's DelimitedSplit8K
DECLARE #String VARCHAR(8000) = '[{"Code":"C015","Index":0,"Message":"blah blah blah","FailSeverity":2},{"Code":"W012","Index":0,"Message":"blah blah blah","FailSeverity":1}]';
cte_GetCodes AS (
CodeValue = CASE WHEN LAG(dsk.Item, 2) OVER (ORDER BY dsk.ItemNumber) = 'Code' THEN dsk.Item END
dbo.DelimitedSplit8K(#String, '"') dsk
cte_GetCodes gc
gc.CodeValue IS NOT NULL;
I have text like this:
Forecaster Strongly disagree \n\nSomething else is going to happen\n\nExample:-\n\n#:hashtag/424 \n#:hashtag/2818 ",
I need to get 424 and 2818 (which are ids) and find titles for those ids and replace #:hashtag/424 with #Title1
How do I manipulate string for this?
You can use a regular expression like this:
RegExp exp = RegExp(r'#:hashtag\/(\d+)');
String test = "Forecaster Strongly disagree \n\nSomething else is going to happen\n\nExample:-\n\n#:hashtag/424 \n#:hashtag/2818";
final matches = exp.allMatches(test);
print (matches.first[0]!.split('/').last);
//prints 424
some additional null checks will probably be nececssary depending on what you can expect from the input string
To replace the IDs you could use the replaceAllMapped method like this:
test.replaceAllMapped(exp, (match) => match[0]!.split('/').first + '/#Title1');
I am stuck to find out better one between str() and format() in python
"SELECT schools.deis_income , schools.school_name,SUM(money.coin_in_amount) AS coinamount, SUM(money.note_in_amount) AS noteamount , SUM(money.coffee_coin_in_amount) AS coffeeamount , SUM(money.coin_out_amount) AS coinoutamount, SUM(money.note_out_amount) AS noteoutamount FROM money_transactions AS money JOIN school_admin_details AS sa on sa.id = money.school_admin_id JOIN schools ON schools.id=sa.school_id WHERE sa.school_id ={school_id} AND money.transaction_time BETWEEN '{start_date}' AND '{end_date}' GROUP BY schools.id".format(school_id=school_id,start_date=start_date,end_date=end_date)
I use format function here. can I use str() ?
please tell me which one give me quick result, str() or format() ???
If your question is which of this:
foo = "some text " + str(some_var) + " and some other text"
or this:
foo = "some text {} and some other text".format(var)
is "better", the general consensus is very clear: string formatting is much easier to read and maintain and the one pythonic way to go.
Now for your particular example, the answer is that both are totally wrong - unless you're ok to give full access to your database to even the most inept script kiddie. For SQL queries, the proper solution is to use prepared statements, where your db connector will take care of proper formatting and sanitizing of the values:
# assumes MySQL - for other vendors check your own
# db-api connector's doc for the correct placeholder
query = "SELECT somefield FROM mytable where somedate > %(somedate)s and something_else = %(someval)s"
cursor.execute(query, {"somedate": some_date, "someval": 42})
So let's say I have a string called Hi there.
I am currently using
to get just Hi from the string, now all I need to do is just get "there" from the string but I have no idea how.
Checkout this page: http://lua-users.org/wiki/SplitJoin
There are numerous ways to split words in a string on whitespace.
This one seems like it might be a good fit for your problem:
function justWords(str)
local t = {} -- create an empty table
-- create a function to insert a word into the table
local function helper(word) table.insert(t, word) return "" end
-- grab each word in the string and pass it to `helper`
if not str:gsub("%w+", helper):find"%S" then return t end
table = justWords(example)
table[1] -- hi
table[2] -- there
table[3] -- nil
I need to create a subquery (or view) column with values pulled from part of a long string. Values will appear like this:
"Recruiter: Recruiter Name Date:..."
I need to select the recruiter name after : and end with the space after the recruiter name. I understand that normalizing would be better, but we only have query access not database setup access in this case.
Ideas appreciated!
You can use a regex for this. A regex will let you express that you want to search for the text Recruiter followed by a colon, a space, and a series of characters followed by a space, and that you want it to extract those characters.
The expression might look a bit like this (untested)
Recruiter: (.+) Date:
This would look for 'Recruiter: ' literally, followed by a string of any characters (.) of length 1 or larger (+), which is to be extracted (the brackets), followed by the literal string ' Date:'.
How you use this with SQL depends on your vendor.
I would create a function that pulls out the value for a given key. You would use it like:
select [dbo].[GetValue]('recruiter',
'aKey: the a value Recruiter: James Bond cKey: the c value')
This returns 'James Bond'
Here is the function:
create function [dbo].[GetValue](#Key varchar(50), #Line varchar(max))
returns varchar(max)
declare #posStart int, #posEnd int
select #posStart=charindex(#Key, #Line) -- the start of the key
if(#posStart = 0)
return '' -- key not found
set #posStart = #posStart + len(#Key) + 1 -- the start of the value
select #line = substring(#line, #posStart, 1000) -- start #Line at the value
select #posEnd=charindex(':', #line) -- find the next key
if(#posEnd > 0)
-- shorten #line to next ":"
select #line = substring(#line, 0, #posEnd)
-- take off everything after the value
select #posEnd = charindex(' ', reverse(#line));
if(#posEnd > 0)
select #line = substring(#line, 0, len(#line) - #posEnd + 1)
return rtrim(ltrim(#line))
So this is a robust problem. I have a function which accepts 2 args (string_name, macros). Here it is so I can further explain.
function ParseStrings(string_name, macros)
return my_table[string_name]
-- All it does it returns the string_name's value
The problem is that the second arg is a table, and if it's a table then in the string there are going to be various parts that have the format "String stuff $MACRO_KEY; more string text" and the content between the $ and ; is the key to look up in the macro table sent with it. Now anytime a value like that appears in the string there will always be a second arg that's a table, so no problems their. I need to be able to count up the number of instances of macros in a string and then replace each macro component with it's respective macros' table value. So here's how the func is called in this instance...
local my_table = {
my_string = "My string content $MACRO_COMPONENT; more string stuff $MACRO_COMPONENT_SUB;$MACRO_COMPONENT_ALT;"
local macro = {
function ParseStrings(string_name, macros)
return my_table[string_name]
-- All it does it returns the string_name's value
ParseStrings("my_string", macro)
So I am thinking:
string.gsub(my_table[my_string]:match("%b$;"):sub(2,my_table[my_string]:match("%b$;"):len() - 1)
but this is a long and overtly complex answer (AFAIK) and from my tests it only does 1 replacement (because the pattern is only found once) and that's doesn't work well if there are multiple instances in the string. So ideas?