ignore missing credentials jenkins DSL - groovy

How to enable Ignore missing credential option under ssh-agent using DSL Groovy script?
I have tried using ignoreMissingCredentials = true, but no luck.

It seems that:
wrappers {
sshAgentBuildWrapper {
might be what are you looking for.


Add parameter "Build Selector for Copy Artifact" using Jenkins DSL

I'm converting a Jenkins job from a manual configuration to DSL which means I'm attempting to create a DSL script which creates the job(s) as it is today.
The job is currently parameterized and one of the parameters is of the type "Build Selector for Copy Artifact". I can see in the job XML that it is the copyartifact plugin and specifically I need to use the BuildSelectorParameter.
However the Jenkins DSL API has no guidance on using this plugin to set a parameter - it only has help for using it to create a build step, which is not what I need.
I also can't find anything to do with this under the parameter options in the API.
I want to include something in the DSL seed script which will create a parameter in the generated job matching the one in the image.
If I need to use the configure block then any tips on that would be welcome to because for a beginner, the documentation on this is pretty useless.
I have found no other way to setup the build selector parameter but using the configure block. This is what I used to set it up:
freeStyleJob {
configure { project ->
def paramDefs = project / 'properties' / 'hudson.model.ParametersDefinitionProperty' / 'parameterDefinitions'
paramDefs << 'hudson.plugins.copyartifact.BuildSelectorParameter'(plugin: "copyartifact#1.38.1") {
description('The build number to deploy')
defaultSelector(class: 'hudson.plugins.copyartifact.SpecificBuildSelector') {
In order to reach that, I manually created a job with the build selector parameter. And then looked for the job's XML configuration under jenkins to look at the relevant part, in my case:
<hudson.plugins.copyartifact.BuildSelectorParameter plugin="copyartifact#1.38.1"
<defaultSelector class="hudson.plugins.copyartifact.SpecificBuildSelector">
To replicate that using the configure clause you need to understand the following things:
The first argument to the configure clause is the job node.
Using the / operator will return a child of a node with the given node, if it doesn't exist gets created.
Using the << operator will append to the left-hand-side operand the node given as the right-hand-side operand.
When creating a node, you can give it the attributes in the constructor like: myNodeName(attrributeName: 'attributeValue')
You can pass a lambda to the new node and use it to populate its internal structure.
I have Jenkins version 1.6 (with copy artifact plugin) and you can do it in DSL like this:
copyArtifacts('job-id') {
buildSelector { latestSuccessful(true) }
full example:
copyArtifacts('seed-job-stash') {
buildSelector { latestSuccessful(true) }
copyArtifacts('02-prepare-landing-dir') {
buildSelector { latestSuccessful(true) }
wrappers {
environmentVariables {
env('QUEUE', 'default')
env('DB_NAME', 'table_name')
env('VERSION', '20161215')
credentialsBinding { file('KEYTAB', 'mycred') }
publishers{ archiveArtifacts('03-create-landing-hive-table.properties') }

Puppet exception handling?

I was wondering how one would do try/catch/throw type exception handling in a puppet manifest. Here's how I wish puppet would work ...
class simple {
unless ( package { 'simple': ensure => present } ) {
file { '/tmp/simple.txt':
content => template( 'simple/simple.erb' ),
I don't think there is an exception handling in a programmatic way you would like in Puppet. If you declare a resource, it is expected that puppet brings your machine to that state (installed package) and if not, it will fail automatically.
One thing that you can do (and I don't recommend) and that is not "puppet way" is following:
Create custom facter (not custom function since it is executed on puppet master and you want this ruby code to be executed on puppet agent)
Since it is plain ruby code in facter, you can have exception handling and all programmatic things. You can install package as unix command from puppet code and have some logic which will, if not installed retrieve some value as fact
You would use this fact value and based on it you would determine if you want to create file or not
Also, if easier, you can write bash script which will do this logic and execute it from puppet using exec resource
Hope it helps.

How does one run Java 8's nashorn under a SecurityManager

I am looking to sandbox Java 8's Nashorn javascript engine. I've already discovered the --no-java flag, which helps, but I've also found the following link saying that one needs to be "running with SecurityManager enabled": http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/nashorn-dev/2013-September/002010.html
I haven't found documentation addressing how this is done with Nashorn, so how should this be done safely?
I know you probably don't need that anyway anymore, but for those who got here looking for an easy way to run nashorn in sandbox: if you just want to prevent scripts from using reflection, set up a ClassFilter. This way you can allow to use only SOME of the available classes... or none at all.
NashornScriptEngineFactory factory = new NashornScriptEngineFactory();
ScriptEngine scriptEngine = factory.getScriptEngine(
new String[] { "--no-java" }, //a quick way to disable direct access to java API
null, //a ClassLoader, let's just ignore it
new ClassFilter() { //this one simply forbids use of any java classes, including reflection
public boolean exposeToScripts(String string) {
return false;
It is possible to execute scripts using jjs with security manager enabled.
jjs -J-Djava.security.manager myscript.js
jjs -J-Djava.security.manager
for interactive mode. Note that if you just use -Djava.security.manager, than that option is processed by jjs tool. To pass option to VM, you've to use -J prefix. This is true of any other JDK bin tool other than the launcher tool "java".
Unlike the java command, it doesn't seem possible to enable a security manager by setting the java.security.manager property on the jjs command line. (This might be a bug.) However, you can call the Java APIs from JavaScript to enable the security manager. In Java, this is
System.setSecurityManager(new SecurityManager());
and in JavaScript/Nashorn it's pretty much the same except you provide fully qualified class names:
java.lang.System.setSecurityManager(new java.lang.SecurityManager())
(Alternatively, you can import the names.) Either you can put this line into your application script, or you can put it into a script that you place on the jjs command line before your application script.
$ cat userhome.js
$ jjs userhome.js
$ cat secmgr.js
java.lang.System.setSecurityManager(new java.lang.SecurityManager())
$ jjs secmgr.js userhome.js
Exception in thread "main" java.security.AccessControlException: access denied ("java.util.PropertyPermission" "user.home" "read")
at java.security.AccessControlContext.checkPermission(AccessControlContext.java:457)
It does work to set the policy file on the command line, though:
$ cat all.policy
grant {
permission java.security.AllPermission;
$ jjs -Djava.security.policy=all.policy secmgr.js userhome.js
Or you can just add the equivalent setProperty call before enabling the security manager:
$ cat secmgr.js
java.lang.System.setProperty('java.security.policy', 'all.policy')
java.lang.System.setSecurityManager(new java.lang.SecurityManager())

Puppet - test if a package already defined?

I'm writing some puppet modules and have a package defined in two modules hence get the following error:
err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER: Duplicate definition: Package[gnome-session-fallback] is already defined in file /etc/puppet/modules/vnc4server/manifests/init.pp at line 3; cannot redefine at /etc/puppet/modules/vino/manifests/init.pp:7 on node l
Hence want to ensure that the package has not already been defined but the following does not work:
if ! defined ('gnome-session-fallback') {
package { 'gnome-session-fallback':
ensure => installed,
Can anyone suggest how to fix this, and on the broader scale, what is the "proper" approach to avoiding clashes such as this in modules?
You are missing Package[] inside defined(). The correct way to do it:
if ! defined(Package['gnome-session-fallback']) {
package { 'gnome-session-fallback':
ensure => installed,
The cleanest way to do this is to use the ensure_resource function from puppetlabs-stdlib:
ensure_resource('package', 'gnome-session-fallback', {'ensure' => 'present'})
To answer my own question about what the "proper" approach is : This issue is discussed at https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups=#!topic/puppet-users/julAujaVsVk and jcbollenger offers what looks like a "best-practice" solution - resources which are defined multiple times should be moved into their own module and included into the classes on which they depend. I applied this and solved my problem.
This doesn't actually answer why "if !defined" fails however...
One cleaner way (among multiple ways) is to create a virtual package resource and then realize it. You can realize the same virtual package multiple times without error.
#package { 'gnome-session-fallback':
ensure => installed,
And then where you need it:
realize( Package[ 'gnome-session-fallback' ] )

OpenCMIS/dotcmis: How to find whether a server has a particular capability?

Using OpenCMIS (or dotcmis), after getting a Repository object from a repository, how to check whether it has a particular capability?
For instance, whether CapabilityChanges is set to all.
This is a bit nicer:
if ( repository.Capabilities.ChangesCapabilities == CapabilityChanges.All ) { ... }
There is probably a more elegant way to do it, but now I am using this:
if ( repository.Capabilities.ChangesCapabilities.GetCmisValue().Equals("all") )
{ ... }
