Azure Logic App creation of Redis Cache requires x-ms-api-version - azure

I'm building an Azure Logic App and try to automate the creation of an Azure Redis Cache. There is a specific action for this (Create or update resource) which I was able to bring up:
As you can see I entered 2016-02-01 as the api version. I was trying different values here just guessing from other api versions I know from Microsoft. I can't find any resource on this on the internet. The result of this step will be:
"code": "InvalidResourceType",
"message": "The resource type could not be found in the namespace 'Microsoft.Cache' for api version '2016-02-01'."
What is the correct value for x-ms-api-version and where can I find the history for this value based on the resource provider?

Resource Provider: Microsoft.Cache
Name: Redis/<yourrediscachename>
x-ms-api-version: 2017-02-01
One easy way to know the supported versions for each resource type is using CLI on your Azure Portal, e.g.
az provider show --namespace Microsoft.Cache --query "resourceTypes[?resourceType=='Redis'].apiVersions | [0]"
would return:
I made it work with:


az login fails from github action task

I'm trying to create a GitHub action that deploys infra and my system to Azure. To log in, I use an azure login action like so:
- name: Azure Login
uses: azure/login#v1.4.0
creds: ${{ secrets.AZURE_CREDENTIALS }}
To be able to do this, you must first create a service principal in Azure and store the secrets as a secret in your GitHub repo. I neatly created an sp using the az ad sp create-for-rbac command and defined enough permissions and all (as described here), however... I cannot use the --sdk-auth flag anymore because it's deprecated. I don't know if this flag makes a difference, but there is a difference in the JSON object the Azure CLI outputs compared to previous versions. The (JSON) object this commands outputs looks like so:
"appId": "guid",
"displayName": "Name I gave the app in the az ad sp create for RBAC command",
"name": "guid",
"password": "very-secret-string",
"tenant": "guid"
This seems to be some sort of a new object because, in previous versions, the object looked slightly different. The previous version of the AZ CLI outputs an object that looks like this:
"clientId": "guid",
"clientSecret": "super-secret-string",
"subscriptionId": "guid",
"tenantId": "guid"
Now, as a result, the login action in my GH Actions workflow doesn't work anymore and I desperately need it ;)
I also tried to create a Federated Credential, but without a result. Now, I'm out of ideas to be honest and I could use some differenty insights.
It looks like there was an issue with the Azure CLI versions installed on the workers.
According to the GH issue, this has been resolved now and shouldn't occur in the future anymore:
Released a long term fix for any further mismatch issues.
Now the default value for azcliversion dynamically points to the version installed on agent. So there will be no mismatch again unless someone explicitly mentions latest. If for some reason there is no version of az cli on the agent then action fall backs to latest.
Most of the hosted agents are also updated to 2.30.0.
Please test your scenarios and let us know if you face any more issues.

Is it possible to find the available location for existing virtual machine using azure rest api?

Hi everyone please help me . I want to get available location based on my existing virtual machine configuration using azure rest api.
You can get the location where your VM exists from the Virtual Machines - Get API.
Sample response:
"name": "MyVM",
"id": "/subscriptions/***/resourceGroups/***/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/MyVM",
"type": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines",
"location": "centralus",
"tags": {
"properties": {
Web: This page lists the availability of Azure Virtual Machines by region: Products available by region
REST API: The collection of locations where a certain resource type can be created can be fetched from the Providers - List API from ProviderResourceType property in the response.
PowerShell: An easier alternative is to use the following command to get the supported locations for Azure VMs:
((Get-AzResourceProvider -ProviderNamespace Microsoft.Compute).ResourceTypes | Where-Object ResourceTypeName -eq virtualMachines).Locations
Note that some services or VM features are only available in certain regions, such as specific VM sizes. To determine which SKUs are available in a region/zone, use the Get-AzComputeResourceSku cmdlet (or Resource Skus - List REST API). Filter the results by location.
Get-AzComputeResourceSku | where {$_.ResourceType.Contains("virtualMachines")}
Another great option you may want to explore to move Azure resources between Azure regions is the Azure Resource Mover service. Resource Mover provides a simple and consistent experience with reduced move time and complexity. Checkout this tutorial to move Azure VMs across regions.

ARM Template: Looking up a user object Id

I'm trying to programatically insert the object Id of a certain user account into an ARM template, like this:
"objectId": "[reference(resourceId('Microsoft.AAD/domainServices/user/read','domain','User.Name'),'2019-01-01').Id]",
I've tried many different resource providers in an attempt to get this to work. For example:
"objectId": "[reference(resourceId('Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/read',''),'2019-01-01').Id]",
"objectId": "[reference(resourceId('Microsoft.Portal/usersettings/read',''),'2018-10-01').Id]"
I looked up the API call used to get a list of users, to see if that would hint at the correct provider to use (it didn't):
GET{TenantId}/users?api-version=1.6 HTTP/1.1
I've been looking through this list of provider operations but have found two problems with this:
1 I can't see an operation which looks relevant to what I want to do.
2 It doesn't provide information on what parameters are required.
So I guess I have two questions really:
How do I dynamically look up the ObjectId of a user in an ARM template?
How do I find out in future which lookup functions are available and which parameters are required?
You could not insert the user object Id in the ARM template.
The user account is managed by your Azure AD tenant, it is not the azure resource, the ARM template is for the azure resources in your subscription.
Azure Resource Manager is the deployment and management service for Azure. It provides a consistent management layer that enables you to create, update, and delete resources in your Azure subscription.
You can try from below code if you have VM in same template and enabled managed identity
"type": "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults",
"properties": {
"tenantId": "[reference(concat('Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/', variables('vmName')), '2017-03-30', 'Full').identity.tenantId]",
"accessPolicies": [
"tenantId": "[reference(concat('Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/', variables('vmName')), '2017-03-30', 'Full').identity.tenantId]",
"objectId": "[reference(concat('Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/', variables('vmName')), '2017-03-30', 'Full').identity.principalId]",
"permissions": {
"keys": [
"secrets": [
I find the best way to achieve this is to expose the ID as a parameter, then when you call the ARM template deployment, simply pass the parameter into the template.
How do you get the ID into the template parameter? Well, I run my ARM deployments via Azure DevOps CI/CD and I use the pipeline task to extract the ID from my own custom configuration setup.
How do you get the ID into the Azure App Configuration service? Well, when I seed an environment for the first time there will be some initial setup, e.g. users and groups. I just then run some scripts to extract this kind of "metadata" into my Azure App Configuration service.
APP_ID=$(az ad sp list --all --query "[?displayName=='name-of-spn'].appId" --output tsv)
az appconfig kv set --name name-of-app-config-store --key name-of-spn-app-id --value ${APP_ID}
I think I have solution.
I am tying to refer to a Client ID in a Managed User Identity generated by an ARM template.
I have declared the name of the Managed Identity as a Parameter to use as an administrator for an SQL server:
[reference(resourceId('Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities',parameters('managed-identity')), '2018-11-30', 'full').properties.clientId]
Once you switch our the parameter you should be good to go.

System group membership cannot be changed

I have generated template from existing Azure API management resource, modified it a bit, and tried to deploy using Azure CLI. But I'm getting the following error:
Deployment failed. Correlation ID: 7561a68f-54d1-4370-bf6a-175fd93a4b99. {
"error": {
"code": "MethodNotAllowed",
"message": "System group membership cannot be changed",
"details": null
But all the APIs are getting created and working fine. Can anyone help me solve the error. This is the command I tried to deploy in my ubuntu machine:
az group deployment create -g XXXX --template-file azuredeploy.json --parameters #param.json
Service Group Template:
"type": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/groups",
"apiVersion": "2018-06-01-preview",
"name": "[concat(parameters('service_name'), '/administrators')]",
"dependsOn": [
"[resourceId('Microsoft.ApiManagement/service', parameters('service_name'))]"
"properties": {
"displayName": "Administrators",
"description": "Administrators is a built-in group. Its membership is managed by the system. Microsoft Azure subscription administrators fall into this group.",
"type": "system"
You have several options if you want to copy an API Management instance to a new instance. Using the template is not listed here.
Use the backup and restore function in API Management. For more information, see How to implement disaster recovery by using service backup and restore in Azure API Management.
Create your own backup and restore feature by using the API Management REST API. Use the REST API to save and restore the entities from the service instance that you want.
Download the service configuration by using Git, and then upload it to a new instance. For more information, see How to save and configure your API Management service configuration by using Git.
I have Confirmed with Microsoft engineer that ARM template deployment for APIM failed is an known issue and is planning to fix it.(5/7/2019)

Configuring Azure Batch using an Azure Resource Manager template

I'm looking for any examples of configuring Azure Batch using an Azure Resource Manager template. Googling yielded nothing, and the Azure QuickStart Templates do not yet have any Batch examples, however this SO question implies that it has been done.
What I would like to achieve is, via an ARM template, to create a Batch account and configure a pool (with a minimum number of compute nodes, auto expanding to a maximum number of nodes), and then set the resulting pool ID into my API server's appsettings resource.
I'm about to start reverse engineering it using the Azure Resource Explorer, but any pre-existing examples would be very much appreciated.
So far I've managed to create the resource:
"name": "[variables('batchAccountName')]",
"type": "Microsoft.Batch/batchAccounts",
"location": "[resourceGroup().location]",
"apiVersion": "2015-07-01",
"dependsOn": [ ],
"tags": {
"displayName": "BatchInstance"
And to configure the account settings in the appsettings of my API server:
"BATCH_ACCOUNT_URL": "[concat('https://', reference(concat('Microsoft.Batch/batchAccounts/', variables('batchAccountName'))).accountEndpoint)]",
"BATCH_ACCOUNT_KEY": "[listKeys(resourceId('Microsoft.Batch/batchAccounts', variables('batchAccountName')), providers('Microsoft.Batch', 'batchAccounts').apiVersions[0]).primary]",
"BATCH_ACCOUNT_NAME": "[variables('batchAccountName')]"
I still haven't managed to create a pool and fetch the pool ID via ARM, mainly because the pool I created using Batch Explorer never showed up in either the Azure Portal or the Azure Resource Explorer. I'll update this if I find the solution.
Unfortunately we don't have a way today to create a pool using ARM templates. The Azure Portal should show the pools created under your account (even if you didn't created them using ARM).
This is supported, please see the reference docs here:
