I want to use the following cosmicmind code to display two view horizontally, but it's just show nothing, could somebody tell me what's wrong with it?
my ios version is 10.2, cosmicmind version is 2.6.3
Layout.horizontally(parent: self.view,
children: [leftImageView, rightImageView],
left: 20,
right: 20,
interimSpace: 15)
I think the issue is that you do not have a height value for your views. Try setting a height value.
Now that SwiftUI can use SVG images directly, I have tried to use a set of SVG files as icons for a TabBar. Using typical TabBar code:
TabView(selection: $lastTab){
.tabItem {
Image ("store")
.aspectRatio(contentMode: .fit)
.frame(width: 25.0, height: 25.0)
Unfortunately this does not seem to work as the SVG image is never resized to the requested 25x25 size.
Has anyone else experienced this and if so, any workarounds?
The best way to handle the issue of SVGs in the TabView as an Image() is to do the following steps:
resize your SVG in Sketch/Figma or other program to 22x22 / 24x24...
Bring said resized SVG to assets and in your Inspector select:
Render as: Template Image
Resizing: Preserve vector data
Scales: Single Scale
No need to use .resizable() nor .frame()
I have learnt new tips and original answer by: Mark Moeykens
The default behavior of fabricJS resizefilters makes images look great as long as the zoom level is set to 1.0. This means images with a resizefilter look pixelated when zoomed in, as well as when exporting the canvas with a multiplier. Is there a way for resizefilters to take into account the current canvas zoom level or toDataURL multiplier?
fabric.Image.fromURL(imageData, function(img) {
left: 10,
top: 10
img.resizeFilter = new fabric.Image.filters.Resize({
resizeType: 'hermite'
Hi i have seen your question on the issue tracker too, as of now there is no simple way to obtain it with the resize filter.
The only way to make it non pixellated is to remove at export time the resizeFilter and add one resizeFilter in the normal filter chain with a precalculated ratio.
This is actually a bug.
issue tracker: https://github.com/fabricjs/fabric.js/issues/5071
Just an update on this question, this issue was a bug that was fixed with Version 2.3.4. Using a resizefilter will now apply resizing based on the current zoom level, and works with toDataURL multipliers as well.
I'm using fabricjs 1.7.17 and have seen this issue below on IE Edge, Chrome and Firefox.
where the canvas is being set with a width and height in HTML of 768px.
Within my fabricjs canvas init I've got:
editor.canvas = new fabric.Canvas('editor')
width: 1080,
height: 1080,
allowTouchScrolling: false,
backgroundColor: 'rgba(55, 55, 55, .33)',
rotationCursor: 'url(/static/img/rotate.cur) 10 10, crosshair'
}, {backstoreOnly: true})
The problem is when you call the editor.canvas.toDataURL() method the size of the goes from 768px to 1080px
If you call the browser's native canvas.toDataURL() method there isn't a jump in size.
Anyone bump into this and have a possible fix?
Here's a simplified jsfiddle:
Click on the "Native Canvas.toDataURL()" and you'll get the results to console.log and there will be no change to the displayed canvas in the preview window.
Click on the "Fabricjs canvas.toDataURL()" and you'll also get the results (the same) to console.log however; you'll also get a jump in the size of the in the preview window...this is what I'm trying to prevent.
I think the problem is actually a bug.
You set the canvas to 1080 for backstore dimension only, meaning that the canvas will be sized but the css will be left untouched.
A dataurl will reset the canvas after the process to fix it back in case the export to data url had a multiplier.
while this can be fixed at least for the non multiplied situations, a proper fix is needed.
The proper fix consist in setting backstore only during export so that the css does not get touched.
A better fix would be to do not touch the original canvas and create one on the fly just for exporting.
please go on official fabricjs repository and open an issue for this.
I'm working on a project that requires groups of objects. I want to add something to a group after the group has already been drawn on the canvas. I put the gist of what I want to accomplish in the following jsfiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/85x3hzx7/2/
First off, I draw a grid in order to help visualize the position. I added the following line in order to have an origin that starts at the top left:
fabric.Object.prototype.originX = true; fabric.Object.prototype.originY = true;
Which is a line suggested by the creator of the library in order to use inheritance to set the origin to the top left for each object (see: Canvas coordinates in Fabric.js have offset). Leaving out this line of code gives a funky result. In the jsfiddle I added multiple blocks of code in order to try and accomplish my goal:
In code block 1, I add a Rectangle in a group and position that group to (100,100). This works nicely as expected:
In code block 2, I define a Circle and add it to the group. This results in some funky positioning and changing of the dimensions of the group:
Setting the circle to position (0,0) places it in what I think is the center of the previous bounding box, which doesn't make much sense to me since my origins are defined as top/left:
How do I position the circle so that it is in the top left corner of the rectangle AFTER having already created the group? There might be a bug at play here, or perhaps I'm not grasping the concept of positioning inside groups, and what adding something to a group does to the position/dimensions.
If you change the top and left coordinates of the circle as described below, it will position itself at the coordinates you desire.
var circle = new fabric.Circle({
radius: 10,
fill: 'red',
originX: 'left',
originY: 'top',
I am not too sure why I have to subtract half of group width and height from group's left and top. Here's your fiddle edited: http://jsfiddle.net/85x3hzx7/5/
Although, if you use the latest version of Fabric.js, you just have to set the left and top coordinates of new object to be added, to group's left and top coordinates. You can take a look at your code with latest version here: http://jsfiddle.net/rpko8z0r/3/
Please note that in new Fabric.js versions, default origin is set to top-left. So you don't need to set every object's origin to top-left, also following line of code is not needed.
fabric.Object.prototype.originX = true;
fabric.Object.prototype.originY = true;
I have a function that adds an imageOverlay and a semitransparent Rectangle on top of that image (so as to tint the image, and draw a keyline around it).
activeUserImage = new L.imageOverlay(imageUrl, imageBounds).addTo(map);
activeUserTile = new L.rectangle(imageBounds, {stroke: true, color: "#ffffff", opacity:1, weight: 1, fillColor: "#003572", fillOpacity: 0.7, clickable:true}).addTo(map);
this works great, but then I want to remove the image and rectangle with:
This seems to work well...
However when I try and add a second Image & Rectangle (using the same function) the rectangle SVG is being rendered underneath the image, so I don't see the colored overlay.
This seems to be because the element is being left behind from the first creation, and then when the image is being added a second time it appears in front of the SVG.
Is this a bug? Should the SVG element not be cleared too?
Can I adjust z-index of the image or SVG on creation?
should i be containing to rectangle in a different layer to the images? How?
Many Thanks
OK, so the Leaflet bringToFront() method didn't work, but instead I have used a bit of JQuery to force the same approach.
svgObj = $('.leaflet-overlay-pane svg');
svgObj.css('z-index', 9999);
This works, but still feels like a hack... however if (?) there is a bug in LEaflet, then maybe this will have to do???
Any better ideas?
The bringToFront() function alows you to bring layer to the top.
Search it in the docs.