unable to use redux in app made using create-react-app - node.js

When I create a new app using create-react-app, redux and react-redux folders are not in the node_modules. I have installed redux and react-redux with npm.
Still, I am not able to use redux into my react project.
Please help me, thanks in advance !!

Redux and React-redux are not part of a newly created create-react-app application. If you want to have it, you have to install it by yourself:
create-react-app my-app
cd my-app/
npm install --save redux react-redux

The create react app script will only do the bare bones setup. For any additional modules you want to install you'll need to do so manually.
From the command lines it's pretty simple. For example:
npm i --save redux
The 'i' stands for install
The --save will add it to your package.json dependencies. For some dependencies you may want to do --save-dev instead. These won't be included in a production build (e.g. Dev moudules).
You can also replace the 'i' with 'uninstall' (optionally with the save flags) to remove a dependency you no longer want.
Periodically you'll also want to run the following to update your projects dependencies:
npm update


Vue3 app breaks when you install anything from npm

I'm starting a new Vue3 project using vue create delete-me. This seems to work fine, and I can run npm run serve and the app starts up as intended.
As soon as I install any library with NPM, it seems to delete all node_modules and the project no longer works.
Now install anything and this is the result:
I've tried running npm install afterwords but the project does not seem to have all the dependencies. The project is just useless at this point.
It seems like vue create does not create a valid package.json but not sure. I'm new to Node and Vue.

Whenever I try to run my server via Heroku I get "Error: Cannot find module 'dotenv'"

Browsing stack overflow, I noticed that a common fix is make sure that dotenv is in dependencies and not just devDependencies. Here's a screenshot of the log and the package.json. You'll notice that dotenv is indeed in my dependencies. I also deleted and reinstalled node_modules multiple times but still no luck.
I am requiring the dotenv at the top of my server file as shown here
I fixed the issue. I decided to try uninstalling dotenv and reinstalling, this worked. Apparently, this was different from deleting node modules and npm install.
I see dotenv is added to a devDependency: devDependency are special and are only installed when you do a npm install on the package.json which contains them. Usually, you'll add your development tooling (like test runners, etc.) in devDependencies since they are not required for the application to run.
When we run an application in production, we install dependencies using npm install --production which only installs the dependencies mentioned in the dependencies section of package.json. This is also what Heroku does for you (check their buildpack for Node.js!)
To install a devDependency, you would do: npm i -D <package name>; and to install a production dependency (like your web framework like express), you'd do npm i -S express.
Try running npm i -D dotenv and check if it works (it may also work if you just do a npm i dotenv.

How does scaffolding functionality works in some of the Node Packages?

For some Node packages, (Eg - create-react-app) when we run npx create-react-app app-name or npm create-react-app app-name (if we have npm installed globally) in cli, then the command line automatically creates a physical folder with basic files to run a React app. What technology, or modules does Node packages as such use to allow this kind of scaffolding of project?
I saw that there is something called Yeoman which helps users to do such thing, or a module called fs which I am assuming could be used to help to generate the scaffolding. Does create-react-app or any other Node Packages that does scaffolding uses similar technology?

Meteor: Cannot find module 'angular'

I'm newbie on Meteor.
After one week on it, and started by implementing the todo of the tutorial as describe here, every things was good locally.
just the fact that I'm continually trying to deploy it, but my heroku
link(https://tasktor.herokuapp.com) just show a blank page with
the this error in de debugger:
Error: angular#^1.2.27 not installed. tmeasday_check-npm-versions.js:66:11
Error: Cannot find module 'angular'
Note that everything is clean on http://localhost:3000.
Already try a lot of solutions, as:
meteor add angular
meteor npm install --save angular
Disable minification of Js and Css.
This is the repository of this app deployed to heroku: https://github.com/dassiorleando/tasktor
his buildpack: https://github.com/dassiorleando/heroku-buildpack-meteor,
it is a buildpack with an updated Node Engine(4.5.0), that allowed to run an app with the meteor 1.4.X version.
Knowing that I add Angular-Material after finish this tutorial, because I wanted to have a clean material design style on my todo. You can check the repository to look about.
How can I handle this situation ?
Thanks in advance.
Doing this:
meteor add angular
Adds an old atmosphere angular-meteor package, which also refers to an old (1.2.27) version of angular. The best way to proceed is to remove this and just use angular npm packages. You will need these packages
The last one is if you are using the accounts package.
The tutorial at https://www.angular-meteor.com/tutorials/socially/angular1/bootstrapping recommends this:
So let's remove it by running:
$ meteor remove blaze-html-templates
$ meteor remove ecmascript
Now let's add the Angular 1 package to Meteor, back in the command
line, launch this command:
$ meteor npm install --save angular angular-meteor babel-runtime
$ meteor add angular-templates pbastowski:angular-babel
That's it! Now we can use Angular 1's power in our Meteor app.

Using NodeJS plugins in Electron

I am new to Electron (Atom-shell), and I am trying to load a NodeJS plugin into the application I am building, but I don't know how. The documentation is not clear on that.
For instance, I am trying to use sqlite3 plugin in my app, I used npm install sqlite3, and it was successfully installed. But the application throws and error when I try to call it var sqlite = require('sqlite3'). Are there any further steps I am not aware of ?
For pure JS (i.e. not native) modules you need the following:
Have the module listed in your package.json dependencies
Let electron know where to find the module (e.g. export NODE_PATH=/PATH/TO/node_module)
The first requirement is obvious and the second has its roots in this issue.
For native node modules (such as sqlite3) which use C++ bindings, you need to build them against electron headers to work. According to electron docs, the easiest way to do that would be:
npm install --save-dev electron-rebuild
# Every time you run npm install, run this
To install the npm modules correctly you should go into the folder of your electron app and install the module via npm.
npm install --save sqlite3
The flag --save is important, because npm will install the module inside your app.
Afterwards the require should work.
