Location of default directories list stored for the 'origen new' command - origen-sdk

Where is the default directories list stored for the 'origen new' command? I would like to make a PR to add the 'vendor' directory as a default directory for the 'origen new' command.

It is defined here:
Once you clone that plugin you can run the origen app_gen:test command from inside of it to test out your changes.
If you haven't already seen it, this guide will give some background on how the new application system works: http://origen-sdk.org/origen/guides/advanced/newapps
I've wondered about whether we should actually generate a .keep or .gitkeep file into empty directories like this so that they will stay around once the new app is checked in and cloned but nothing has been added to the dir yet.
Have a think about that for your PR.


mlflow run git-uri clone to specific directory

I am using mlflow run with a GitHub uri.
When I run using the below command
mlflow run <git-uri>
The command sets up a conda environment and then clones the Git repo into a temp directory, But I need it setup in a specific directory
I checked the entire document, but I can't find it. Is there no such option to do so in one shot?
For non-local URIs, MLflow uses the Python's tempfile.mkdtemp function (source code), that creates the temporary directory. You may have some control over it by setting the TMPDIR environment variable as described in Python docs (it lists TMP & TEMP as well, but they didn't work for me on MacOS) - but it will set only "base path" for temporary directories and files, the directory/file names are still will be random.

Copying shell file to path

I'm new to WSL and Linux, but I'm trying to follow installation instructions for rhasspy (https://rhasspy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/installation/#windows-subsystem-for-linux-wsl). I have run the make install command successfully and the next step says I should copy rhasspy somewhere in my path but I can't quite figure out what copying to path means.
When installation is finished, copy rhasspy.sh somewhere in your PATH and rename it to rhasspy.
I added it to path but nothing changed so I was wondering if there is something I'm doing wrong. Right now when I run rhasspy on wsl it says rhasspy.sh: command not found. Any help would be really appreciated!
What it says is, put it in some place where the system will look for it when you type its name without full path in the shell.
There is an environment variable PATH that contains all those locations, separated by a :. (Check out echo $PATH.)
So, the author of these instructions leaves it up to you whether...
You want to copy the file to a location of your choice that is already in the PATH, such as /usr/local/bin or ~/bin.
Usually ~/bin is a good choice because it is per-user and doesn't pollute the system.
(Note that the directory ~/bin is added to the PATH by your .profile file only if it exists, so if you don't have this directory yet and create it now, you need to start a new login shell or run . ~/.profile1 before you can use it.)
- OR -
You want to create a new directory specifically for this application (say for example ~/opt/rhasspy) and append that directory to the PATH variable.
This can be done by adding the line export PATH=$PATH:~/opt/rhasspy to your ~/.profile file. Then, start a new login shell or reload the file using . ~/.profile1 for the changes to take effect.
If the directory in which this file is currently located is OK for you to keep permanently, then you can also just add that directory to the PATH instead of creating a new one.
Note: The PATH always contains directory paths in which the shell will look for executable files. It does not contain the actual file paths!
1: Yes, technically it is "cleaner" to log into a new shell or to run that one export statement manually instead of using . ~/.profile because the latter will apply things a second time that were already done before, so for example it can end up with the same directory in the PATH multiple times in the current session. In most cases that is fine though.
PATH is an environment variable. When you launch env, you see the list of known environment variables on your system.
In order to add something to your PATH variable, you need to take the variable, add the mentioned directory (preceeded by a semi-colon, most probably, as a separator) and store this again as the PATH variable. This can be done as follows (own example):
export PATH=$PATH:/home/this_user
the "PATH" it is referring to in linux is just inside the folder called /usr/bin. when you type a command into the terminal it looks for a program with that name inside the location. im not sure if this is the PATH you are looking for but hope it helps

watch a subdirectory with incron

I use incron for watch a direcory and run a script if a file is added.
In /etc/incron.d/ I have a file with:
/home/pat0/downloads IN_CLOSE_WRITE /var/www/owncloud/scanOC.sh pat0
It's ok when I add a file in /home/pat0/downloads
but, if I create a subdirectory and I add in a file no thing run.
For exemple /home/pat0/downloads/test/myfile.txt is not seen.
How can I watch /home/pat0/download and all its future subdirectories and files?
According to the man page:
... Also, there is the symbol recursive=false. This symbol limits the observation on the specified directory and does not include subdirectories.
This rather implies that in the absence of such a flag incrond will check sub-directories. However my experience is that it does not. Sadly, specifying recursive=true also does not work.
No, I don't think this is possible with incron. Please check with Watcher.
Watcher is a daemon that watches specified files/folders for changes and fires commands in response to those changes. It is similar to incron, however, configuration uses a simpler to read yaml file instead of a plain text file. It's also written in Python, making it easier to hack.
Recursive directory watching in incron is a new feature added in version 0.5.12 (see https://github.com/ar-/incron/blob/master/CHANGELOG):
0.5.12 2015-02-01
added recursive directory watching
added configuration parameters: recursive, dotdirs and loopable
added upstart script
extended manpages and readme

Can't Hard Link the gitconfig File

I am attempting to create a git repository to store all of my dotfiles and config files. My idea was to simply create hard links to all of the files I cared about and store those links in their own directory that I could turn into a repository.
I've hit a bit of a snag though with my ~/.gitconfig file. It seems that whenever I run the 'git config' command the link that I created no longer points to the right location e.g. the file in the repository no longer updates properly.
Here is an example using the shell and interactive ruby to determine the files linked state.
# Create the link
$ ln .gitconfig .conf_files/gitconfig # Create the link
# The files are in fact linked
[1] pry(main)> File.identical?('.gitconfig', '.conf_files/gitconfig')
=> true
# Update the gitconfig file by running a 'git config' command
$ git config --global alias.last 'log -1 HEAD'
# The files are no longer linked.
[2] pry(main)> File.identical?('.gitconfig', '.conf_files/gitconfig')
=> false
I assume this has something to do with the way that git is writing the .gitconfig file. Does anyone know why this would happen, or have any creative ideas for a workaround?
Try Eli Barzilay's solution in his comment at http://www.xxeo.com/archives/2010/02/16/dotfiles-in-git-finally-did-it.html:
So I’ve finally found a solution that takes the best of both: put the repo
in a subdirectory, and instead of symlinks, add a configuration option for
“core.worktree” to be your home directory. Now when you’re in your home
directory you’re not in a git repo (so the first problem is gone), and you
don’t need to deal with fragile symlinks as in the second case. You still
have the minor hassle of excluding paths that you don’t want versioned (eg,
the “*” in “.git/info/exclude” trick), but that’s not new.
This is completely normal, and is in fact the recommended way to overwrite config files. Git creates a temporary file, writes out the config, and then moves the new file over the old one. This way, you don't get an incomplete config file (data loss) if Git gets interrupted.
You can always write a script to copy or link your config files into your central repository.
Checkout this answer, perhaps it may be of help:
In the meantime, have you considered doing the links in reverse? Create your repository full of config files, etc, and then in the place that you actually use your files, create a hard link to the 'real' file, which sits in the repository.
Thanks to Dietrich Epp's answer and advice I have decided to approach this problem from a different angle by creating the repository at the root of my filesystem, and using .gitignore to track only the files I am interested in.
My .gitignore file now looks like this:
# etc files
# Home files
# Vim files
In addition to not having to copy the files separately and keep them in two separate locations this has the benefit that should I need I can easily revert the changes without having to manually copy the files as well.
Thanks for the help guys!

Simple command to add directory and all files under into svn

Is there a simple command to add a directory and all files underneath it to svn?
I have tried svn add directory which makes sense to me but this doesn’t work as expected. I have googled it and there are solutions which all appear a bit long-winded for something so simple.
What would be the standard way of doing this?
svn add directory only works if the directory hasn't been added already. Adding all new files is not standard operation in svn world. Git does this but that's sidetracking.
You can often get by with svn add directory/* but it misses new files in existing subdirectory. So:
directory/newDirectory/file -> is added
directory/oldDirectory/file -> is NOT added
If you really need to add any file anywhere in the directory hierarchy this one liner will set-up an alias for you to do this:
alias svn_addall="svn st|grep ^?|sed 's/./svn add/'|sh"
Put it into your .profile and you'll have easy access to it any time. :-)
Funny. Which version of svn are you using. I`m on a mac and use svn 1.6. And it works for me.
When i look at my man pages for svn then it looks like the command is recursive by default. You can permit the behaviour with:
--depth ARG : limit operation by depth ARG ('empty', 'files',
'immediates', or 'infinity')
svn add folder will add the folder and its contents. How doesn't it work as you expect?
