Security restrictions when building dockerfile - security

The company where I work (strictly regulated/audited environment) is yet to embrace containers but would like to adopt them for some applications. There is the view that as the image build process issues commands as root (or could be overridden by the user by use of the USER command), that building (not running) a container is effectively giving a user unfettered access as root during the build process. This is anathema to them and goes against all manner of company policies. Access to certain commands for computers is restricted via PowerBroker, i.e. access to certain commands requires explicit permissioning and is logged/subject to audit.
We need to allow container images to be built by a CI/CD system as well as ideally to allow developers to be able to build containers locally. Containers will generally be run in Kubernetes, but may be run directly on a VM. I'd like to be able to have CI build agents spin up on demand, as there are a lot of developers, so I want to run the build process within Kubernetes.
What is the best practice for building docker containers in this sort of environment please? Should we look to restrict access to commands within the Dockerfile?
My current thinking for this approach:
Define "company-approved" image to act as build agent within
Build image defines a user that the build process runs as (not
Build agent image contains PowerBroker, enabling locking down access
to sensitive commands.
Scan docker file for use of user command and forbid this.
Build agent runs docker-in-docker, as per here
( This
achieves isolation between multiple build instances whilst ensuring
all containers are controlled via Kubernetes.
Images are scanned for security compliance via OpenSCAP or similar.
Passing the scan is part of the build process. Passing the scan
allows the image to be tagged as compliant and pushed to a registry.
I'm uncomfortable with the thinking around (4), as this seems a bit rule bound (i.e. it's a sort of blacklist approach) and I'm sure there must be a better way.
Developer's localhost:
Define "company-approved" base images (tagged as such inside a
trusted registry).
Image defines a user that the build process runs
as (not root).
Base image contains PowerBroker, enabling locking
down access to sensitive commands.
Create wrapper script on localhost that wraps docker build. No direct access to docker build: user must use script instead. Access to script is secured via PowerBroker. Script can also scan docker file for use of user command and forbid this.
Pushing of images to registry requires tagging which requires scanning for security compliance via OpenSCAP or similar as above.
I'd like to use the OpenSCAP results plus the CI system to create an audit trail of the images that exist; similarly for the deploy process. The security team that monitor for CVEs etc should be able to understand what containers exist and have been deployed and be able to trigger rebuilds of images to make use of updated libraries, or to flag up to developers when containers need to be rebuilt/redeployed. I want to be able to demonstrate that all containers meet a security configuration policy that is itself defined as code.
Is this a sensible way to go? Is there even a risk for allowing a user to build (but not run) a container image without restriction? If there is not, what's the best way to ensure that a foolish/malicious developer has not undone the best practices inside the "approved base image", other than a manual code review (which is going to be done anyway, but might miss something)?
By the way, you must assume that all code/images are hosted in-house/on-premises, i.e. nothing is allowed to use a cloud-based product/service.

When docker build runs each layer executes in the context of a container. So the risks presented by that command executing are constrained by what access is available to the container.
Locking down the build environment could be achieved by restricting what the Docker engine instance which will complete the build can do.
Things like ensuring that user namespaces are used can reduce the risk of a command run inside a container having a wider effect on the environment.
Of course that doesn't mitigate the risks of a developer curl|bashing from an untrusted location, but then what's to stop that being done outside of Docker? (i.e. what additional risk is being introduced by the use of Docker in this scenario)
If you have a policy of restricting externally hosted code, for example, then one option could be to just restrict access from the Docker build host to the Internet.
If you're making use of Kubernetes for the build process and are concerned about malicious software being executed in containers, it could be worth reviewing the CIS Kubernetes standard and making sure you've locked down your clusters appropriately.

There is the view that as the image build process issues commands as
root (or could be overridden by the user by use of the USER command),
that building (not running) a container is effectively giving a user
unfettered access as root during the build process
This view is not correct. When you build an image, all what you are doing is creating new docker layers (files) which are stored under /var/lib/docker/aufs/layers. There are simply no security concerns when building docker images.
There are tools to analyze the security of images you already built. One is the image analyzer built into Dockerhub.


How would one create an isolated jenkins build node (without access to secrets)?

As the Top 10 CI/CD Security Risks SEC-04 states:
Ensure that pipelines running unreviewed code are executed on isolated nodes, not exposed to secrets and sensitive environments.
The above statement seems especially true when the code (or pipeline code itself) is in a pull request which has not yet been seen/approved/merged but from a developer perspective you want to know if it builds successfully in the first place. Running code that nobody has laid eyes upon while having access to build secrets is definitely a security risk.
Wondering if isolation is achievable with Jenkins build nodes as I cannot find any specific options for this.
My assumption is that dynamic provisioned containerized agents are best suited for isolated environments, I'm just not sure how to prevent their access to secrets from the Jenkins controller.

Forbid npm update in Docker environment

For various projects, I'm creating single Docker environments. Each Docker container consists of Debian, Nginx, Node.js, etc. and is going to use by developers as well as in production via Google Cloud's Kubernetes. Since the Node.js/module version should be everywhere the same, I would like to restrict the access to certain npm commands (somehow). Often developers work with different Node.js and project modules and that caused a lot of trouble in the past. With the Docker containers, I can provide environments with everything you need for a project. To finish this step, I would like to restrict the npm command execution and only allow arguments like install, test, etc.
Please drop me a comment if you know how to resolve this :)
It is almost impossible to limit your developers to run some commands in the container if they have an access to Dockerfiles and can somehow change a build flow.
But, because container providing isolation and you can build a custom container for which application based on your basic image, it can be not a big problem if the version of any package for one application will be changed somehow, as an example in a build step, because it will not affect other apps. They just have different containers.
So, you will not have a problem with compatibility like when you using one server with many application which using a shared environment.
The only one thing you need to do - make sure that nobody change container which you using as a base image.

How to create a docker image of current file and OS system?

I wonder if one can take all the current environment variables settings OS applications and create a simple docker layer on top of it all so that docker container user will not be able to damage host system even if he would remove all files, yet will have abilety to access all installed applications and system settings inside his docker layer?
Technically you might be able to hack together a solution that does this by copying in all data/apps, installing dependencies, re-configuring the applications and providing a bash shell to attach to for a user to play around with but this is not what Docker is designed for at all, not to mention that I would not recommend anyone to attempt this.
I always try to explain docker's usecase as processes which run in isolated containers with defined interfaces that may be exposed. Meaning you would ideally run one application within it which has an interface exposed for communication.
What you are looking for is essentially a VM with snapshots which you can provide to different users.

Disable certain Docker run options

I'm currently working on a setup to make Docker available on a high performance cluster (HPC). The idea is that every user in our group should be able to reserve a machine for a certain amount of time and be able to use Docker in a "normal way". Meaning accessing the Docker Daemon via the Docker CLI.
To do that, the user would be added to the Docker group. But this imposes a big security problem for us, since this basically means that the user has root privileges on that machine.
The new idea is to make use of the user namespace mapping option (as described in As I see it, this would tackle our biggest security concern that the root in a container is the same as the root on the host machine.
But as long as users are able to bypass this via --userns=host , this doesn't increase security in any way.
Is there a way to disable this and other Docker run options?
As mentioned in issue 22223
There are a whole lot of ways in which users can elevate privileges through docker run, eg by using --privileged.
You can stop this by:
either not directly providing access to the daemon in production, and using scripts,
(which is not what you want here)
or by using an auth plugin to disallow some options.
That is:
dockerd --authorization-plugin=plugin1
Which can lead to:

docker and product versions

I am working for a product company and we do make lot of releases of the product. In the current approach to test multiple releases, we create separate VM and install all infrastructure softwares(db, app server etc) on top of it. Later we deploy the application WARs on the respective VM. Recently, I came across docker and it seems to be much helpful. Hence I started exploring it with the examples listed on the site. But, I am not able to find a way as how docker can be applied to build environment suitable to various releases?
Each product version will have db schema changes.
Each application WARs will have enhancements/defects etc.
Consider below example.
Every month, our company is releasing a new version of software and hence in order to support/fix defects we create VMs per release. Given the fact that if the application's overall size is 2 gb and OS takes close to 5 gb (apart from space it will also take up system resources for extra overhead). The VMs are required to restore any release and test any support issues reported against it. But looking at the additional infrastructure requirements, it seems that its very costly affair.
Can docker have everything required to run an application inside a container/image?
Can docker pack an application which consists of multiple WARs/DB schemas and when started allocate appropriate port?
Will there be any space/memory/speed differences compared to VM and docker assuming above scenario?
Do you think docker is still appropriate solution or should we continue using VMs? Can someone share pointers on how I can achieve above requirements with docker?
tl;dr: Yes, docker can run most applications inside a container.
Docker runs a single process inside each container. When using VMs or real servers, this one process is usually the init system which starts all system services. With docker it is usually your app.
This difference will get you faster startup times for your app (not starting the whole operating system). The trade off is that, if you depend on system services (such as cron, sshd…) you will need to start them yourself. There are some base images that provide a more "VM-like" environment… check phusion's baseimage for instance. To start more than a single process, you can also use a process manager such as supervisord.
Going forward, the recommended (although not required) approach is to start one process in each container (one per application server, one per database server, and so on) and not use containers as VMs.
Docker has no problems allocating ports either. It even has an explicit command on the Dockerfile: EXPOSE. Exposed ports can also be published on the docker host with the --publish argument of run so you don't even need to know the IP assigned to the container.
Regarding used space, you will probably see important savings. Docker images are created by stacking filesystem layers… this means that the common layers are only stored once on the server. In your setup, you will likely only have one copy of the base operating system layer (with VMs, you have a copy on each VM).
On memory you will probably see less significant savings (mostly caused by not starting all the operating system services). Speed is still a subject of research… A few things clear so far is that for faster IO you will need to use docker volumes and that for network heavy use cases you should use host networking. Check the IBM research "An Updated Performance Comparison of Virtual Machines and Linux Containers" for details. Or a summary like InfoQ's.
