Coq: Defining a subtype - subset

I have a type, say
Inductive Tt := a | b | c.
What's the easiest and/or best way to define a subtype of it? Suppose I want the subtype to contain only constructors a and b. A way would be to parametrize on a two-element type, e.g. bool:
Definition filt (x:bool): Tt := match x with
| true => a
| false => b end.
Check filt true: Tt.
This works but is very awkward if your expression has several (possibly interdependent) subtypes defined this way. Besides, it works only half way, as no subtype is defined. For this I must additionally define e.g.
Notation _Tt := ltac: (let T := type of (forall {x:bool}, filt x) in exact T).
Fail Check a: _Tt. (*The term "filt x" has type "Tt" which should be Set, Prop or Type.*)
which in this case also doesn't work. Another way would be to use type classes, e.g.
Class s_Tt: Type := s: Tt.
Instance a':s_Tt := a.
Instance b':s_Tt := b.
Check a: s_Tt.
Check b': Tt.
Check c: s_Tt.
As you see, this doesn't work: c is still in s_Tt (even if type inference should work better w/ instances). Finally, a coercion
Parameter c0:> bool -> Tt.
Notation a_ := true.
Notation b_ := false.
Notation Tt_ := bool.
Check a_: Tt_.
Check b_: Tt.
Fail Check a: Tt_.
works but, of course, a and b cannot be used as terms of the defined subtype (which would be always convenient and sometimes necessary)
I suppose subset types shouldn't be an answer to this question (a term of a subset type is never that of its (proper) superset). Maybe there's a better way of using type classes for this purpose?


Can I discharge a constraint, if I know the class is solvable for all types of a kind?

This might seem like a stupid question, but let's say I have a Haskell type class C (a :: K) defined for some fixed kind K, and I know I have instances C a for all types a :: K. Let's furthermore assume I have T :: K -> * and a value t :: C A => T A, is there any way to eliminate the constraint? I feel like this should be possible, but I can't come up with anything.
I'm mainly interested in the case where K is a data kind.
The problem here is simple: foralls in Haskell are parametric polymorphism. This means that the same code must run no matter which type gets chosen. The thing I want to say next needs a way to pull out the C a => part of a type and talk about it in isolation, and there isn't really a way to do that in Haskell's syntax. But making up a type that's kinda like that is pretty standard:
data Dict c where Dict :: c => Dict c
Now the thing you are asking for, essentially, is:
magic :: forall a. Dict (C a)
Unfortunately, the code that you want this to represent -- the behaviors of the class methods -- is different for each type of the appropriate kind.
"Okay, okay," I hear you cry, "but when I write t :: C a => T a, isn't that running different code depending on the choice of a?". But no, it turns out, you aren't. There are two extant implementation schemes for typeclasses: dictionaries (alluded to above, and essentially the same as vtables if you're familiar with that from C++) and explicit type representations. In both cases, under the hood, <C> => <T> is actually a function -- taking the methods implementing the constraint <C> in the one case and a runtime representation of all the types mentioned in the constraint <C> in the other. And that function is the same function in all cases -- the dispatch to different code paths happens in the caller.
The type forall a. Dict (C a), on the other hand, has no such luxury: its type is not permitted to be a function under the hood, but must instead be a value of a specific data type.
Consider this module:
data K = A | B
class C (t::K) where
str :: String
instance C 'A where
str = "A"
instance C 'B where
str = "B"
type family F :: K
foo :: String
foo = str #F
Arguably, C t holds for all t::K, since we have the two instances. Then, however, we define a type family F::K which is, essentially, an unknown kind: it could be A, it could be B. Without a line such type instance F = ... defining F, it is impossible to define foo, since it could be "A" or "B".
Indeed, it is impossible to resolve this constraint.
Note that the type instance might even be defined in another module. Indeed, it is pretty common to define type families and type instances in distinct modules, like we do for type classes and their instances. It is impossible, however, to perform separate compilation when we have no information about the type instance.
The solution is, of course, deferring the constraint resolution by adding the constraint to foo:
foo :: C F => String
foo = str #F

Why doesn't this type-check in Haskell?

This doesn't type check:
module DoesntTypeCheck where {
import Prelude(Either(..));
defaultEither :: a -> Either b c -> Either a c;
defaultEither a (Left _) = Left a;
defaultEither _ b = b;
But this does:
module DoesTypeCheck where {
import Prelude(Either(..));
defaultEither :: a -> Either b c -> Either a c;
defaultEither a (Left _) = Left a;
defaultEither _ (Right b) = Right b;
The compiler is probably buggy, an Either a c type can be only Left (x::a) or Right (y::c), if it isn't Left then it is Right, and we know that Right :: b -> Either a b so Right (y::c) :: Either a c.
The problem is that when you say
defaultEither _ b = b
you're saying that the output value b is the same as the second input value. And that's only possible if the values have the same type. But you've told the compiler that the input has type Either b c, while the output has type Either a c. These are different types, so no wonder the compiler complains.
I understand what you are trying to do - but even though a value Right x (with x of type c) on its own can be of type Either d c for any d, your type signature constrains the input and output values to versions with different ds. And that means you can't use the same variable to refer to both values.
Let's try an even simpler example:
data Foo x = Bar
foobar :: Foo a -> Foo b
foobar f = f
Take a look at the definition of Foo. There's a type variable on the left-hand side (x), which never actually appears anywhere on the right-hand side. This is an example of a so-called "phantom type variable". There's a type in the type signature which doesn't actually correspond to the type of anything in the actual value. (And this is perfectly legal, by the way.)
Now if you have the expression Just True, then since True :: Bool, then Just True :: Maybe True. However, the expression Nothing is definitely a Maybe something. But with no actual value present, there's nothing to force it to be any specific maybe-type. The type variable is phantom in this case.
We have a similar thing here; Bar :: Foo x, for any x. So you would think that our definition of foobar is legal.
And you would be wrong.
You cannot pass a value of Foo a where a value of type Foo b is expected, even if they have exactly the same run-time structure. Because the type checker doesn't care about the run-time structure; it only cares about types. As far as the type checker is concerned, Foo Int is different to Foo Bool, even though at run-time there's no observable difference.
And that is why your code is rejected.
In fact, you have to write
foobar :: Foo a -> Foo b
foobar Bar = Bar
to let the type checker know that the Bar you're outputting is a new, different Bar than the one you received as input (and hence it can have a different type).
Believe it or not, this is actually a feature, not a bug. You can write code that makes it so that (for example) Foo Int behaves differently than Foo Char. Even though at run-time they're both just Bar.
The solution, as you have discovered, is to just take your value b out of Right and then immediately put it back in again. It seems pointless and silly, but it's to explicitly signal to the type checker that the types have potentially changed. It's perhaps annoying, but it's just one of those corners of the language. It's not a bug, it's purposely designed to work this way.
an Either a c type can only be...
Indeed, but in your first example, the value b does not have type Either a c! As your type signature proves, it has type Either b c. And of course, you cannot return an Either b c where an Either a c is expected. Instead, you must destructure the value and reconstruct it with the right type.
an Either a c type can be only Left (x::a) or Right (y::c), if it isn't Left then it is Right, and we know that Right :: b -> Either a b so Right (y::c) :: Either a c.
I think you are confusing type constructors with data constructors. Either is defined like this in ghc-base:
data Either a b = Left a | Right b
Either is a type constructor with two abstract variables. i.e. it takes any two types (Int, String, etc). and constructs a concrete type like Either Int String.
Left and Right on the other hand are data constructors. They take actual values like 1, "hi" and construct values like Left 1 and Right "hi".
Prelude> :t Left
Left :: a -> Either a b
Prelude> :t Right
Right :: b -> Either a b
Haskell type inference does not work with values (Left and Right). It only works on types (Either). So the type checker only knows about Either b c and Either a c - so in the first case the variables don't match.

Is it possible to write "isa"/"match" function

Is it possible to write "isa" or "match" function on Haskell without TH? It must get constructor and values and to match value with this constructor, but constructor can have multiple arguments. Example:
data X = X a b|Y {age::Int, name::String}
isa c v = ???
goal_of_exercise x y|iff all (isa X) x y = 1
|iff any (isa Y) x y = 2
where iff agg c a b = agg c [a, b]
Or may be exists another solution of goal-of-exercise... ?
The function you're asking for is not just impossible to write - it's absolutely nonsensical in the context of Haskell.
In Haskell all (most of) your data types are indeed, as you've observed, tagged unions carrying type information in runtime. This allows pattern matching to work:
data D = A | B
whichD :: D -> String
whichD A = "it's an A"
whichD B = "it's a B"
This works for constructors of one particular type, though. The signature of whichD specifically says it takes a D, which can be constructed using one of its constructors. If you wanted to extend it to, say, take an analogous D', you could use a sum type for that:
data OneOf = OneD D | OneD' D'
Now, there are cases where this is not the case, namely parametrized contexts:
specialShow :: Show a => a -> String
specialShow a = "it's a special " ++ show a
So now, is it possible to change the behavior of specialShow for some particular as? Yes in principle, but not under that signature. Typically you'd introduce your own type class and provide specific instances for the types you want, and use generic code for all other types you want to bring in. This can pose some problems with overlapping instances, but that's solvable.
What if you insisted on doing the runtime check? I don't think that would even work in all cases, but possibly using some compiler intrinsics you'd be able to force it to tell you more about the actual value. I am pretty sure there's no standard Haskell way to do that, as it's essentially breaking the type system abstraction.

Why don't impredicative types allow for heterogenous lists? [duplicate]

A friend of mine posed a seemingly innocuous Scala language question last week that I didn't have a good answer to: whether there's an easy way to declare a collection of things belonging to some common typeclass. Of course there's no first-class notion of "typeclass" in Scala, so we have to think of this in terms of traits and context bounds (i.e. implicits).
Concretely, given some trait T[_] representing a typeclass, and types A, B and C, with corresponding implicits in scope T[A], T[B] and T[C], we want to declare something like a List[T[a] forAll { type a }], into which we can throw instances of A, B and C with impunity. This of course doesn't exist in Scala; a question last year discusses this in more depth.
The natural follow-up question is "how does Haskell do it?" Well, GHC in particular has a type system extension called impredicative polymorphism, described in the "Boxy Types" paper. In brief, given a typeclass T one can legally construct a list [forall a. T a => a]. Given a declaration of this form, the compiler does some dictionary-passing magic that lets us retain the typeclass instances corresponding to the types of each value in the list at runtime.
Thing is, "dictionary-passing magic" sounds a lot like "vtables." In an object-oriented language like Scala, subtyping is a much more simple, natural mechanism than the "Boxy Types" approach. If our A, B and C all extend trait T, then we can simply declare List[T] and be happy. Likewise, as Miles notes in a comment below, if they all extend traits T1, T2 and T3 then I can use List[T1 with T2 with T3] as an equivalent to the impredicative Haskell [forall a. (T1 a, T2 a, T3 a) => a].
However, the main, well-known disadvantage with subtyping compared to typeclasses is tight coupling: my A, B and C types have to have their T behavior baked in. Let's assume this is a major dealbreaker, and I can't use subtyping. So the middle ground in Scala is pimps^H^H^H^H^Himplicit conversions: given some A => T, B => T and C => T in implicit scope, I can again quite happily populate a List[T] with my A, B and C values...
... Until we want List[T1 with T2 with T3]. At that point, even if we have implicit conversions A => T1, A => T2 and A => T3, we can't put an A into the list. We could restructure our implicit conversions to literally provide A => T1 with T2 with T3, but I've never seen anybody do that before, and it seems like yet another form of tight coupling.
Okay, so my question finally is, I suppose, a combination of a couple questions that were previously asked here: "why avoid subtyping?" and "advantages of subtyping over typeclasses" ... is there some unifying theory that says impredicative polymorphism and subtype polymorphism are one and the same? Are implicit conversions somehow the secret love-child of the two? And can somebody articulate a good, clean pattern for expressing multiple bounds (as in the last example above) in Scala?
You're confusing impredicative types with existential types. Impredicative types allow you to put polymorphic values in a data structure, not arbitrary concrete ones. In other words [forall a. Num a => a] means that you have a list where each element works as any numeric type, so you can't put e.g. Int and Double in a list of type [forall a. Num a => a], but you can put something like 0 :: Num a => a in it. Impredicative types is not what you want here.
What you want is existential types, i.e. [exists a. Num a => a] (not real Haskell syntax), which says that each element is some unknown numeric type. To write this in Haskell, however, we need to introduce a wrapper data type:
data SomeNumber = forall a. Num a => SomeNumber a
Note the change from exists to forall. That's because we're describing the constructor. We can put any numeric type in, but then the type system "forgets" which type it was. Once we take it back out (by pattern matching), all we know is that it's some numeric type. What's happening under the hood, is that the SomeNumber type contains a hidden field which stores the type class dictionary (aka. vtable/implicit), which is why we need the wrapper type.
Now we can use the type [SomeNumber] for a list of arbitrary numbers, but we need to wrap each number on the way in, e.g. [SomeNumber (3.14 :: Double), SomeNumber (42 :: Int)]. The correct dictionary for each type is looked up and stored in the hidden field automatically at the point where we wrap each number.
The combination of existential types and type classes is in some ways similar to subtyping, since the main difference between type classes and interfaces is that with type classes the vtable travels separately from the objects, and existential types packages objects and vtables back together again.
However, unlike with traditional subtyping, you're not forced to pair them one to one, so we can write things like this which packages one vtable with two values of the same type.
data TwoNumbers = forall a. Num a => TwoNumbers a a
f :: TwoNumbers -> TwoNumbers
f (TwoNumbers x y) = TwoNumbers (x+y) (x*y)
list1 = map f [TwoNumbers (42 :: Int) 7, TwoNumbers (3.14 :: Double) 9]
-- ==> [TwoNumbers (49 :: Int) 294, TwoNumbers (12.14 :: Double) 28.26]
or even fancier things. Once we pattern match on the wrapper, we're back in the land of type classes. Although we don't know which type x and y are, we know that they're the same, and we have the correct dictionary available to perform numeric operations on them.
Everything above works similarly with multiple type classes. The compiler will simply generate hidden fields in the wrapper type for each vtable and bring them all into scope when we pattern match.
data SomeBoundedNumber = forall a. (Bounded a, Num a) => SBN a
g :: SomeBoundedNumber -> SomeBoundedNumber
g (SBN n) = SBN (maxBound - n)
list2 = map g [SBN (42 :: Int32), SBN (42 :: Int64)]
-- ==> [SBN (2147483605 :: Int32), SBN (9223372036854775765 :: Int64)]
As I'm very much a beginner when it comes to Scala, I'm not sure I can help with the final part of your question, but I hope this has at least cleared up some of the confusion and given you some ideas on how to proceed.
#hammar's answer is perfectly right. Here is the scala way of doint it. For the example i'll take Show as the type class and the values i and d to pack in a list :
// The type class
trait Show[A] {
def show(a : A) : String
// Syntactic sugar for Show
implicit final class ShowOps[A](val self : A)(implicit A : Show[A]) {
def show =
implicit val intShow = new Show[Int] {
def show(i : Int) = "Show of int " + i.toString
implicit val stringShow = new Show[String] {
def show(s : String) = "Show of String " + s
val i : Int = 5
val s : String = "abc"
What we want is to be able run the following code
val list = List(i, s)
for (e <- list) yield
Building the list is easy but the list won't "remember" the exact type of each of its elements. Instead it will upcast each element to a common super type T. The more precise super super type between String and Int being Any, the type of the list is List[Any].
The problem is: what to forget and what to remember? We want to forget the exact type of the elements BUT we want to remember that they are all instances of Show. The following class does exactly that
abstract class Ex[TC[_]] {
type t
val value : t
implicit val instance : TC[t]
implicit def ex[TC[_], A](a : A)(implicit A : TC[A]) = new Ex[TC] {
type t = A
val value = a
val instance = A
This is an encoding of the existential :
val ex_i : Ex[Show] = ex[Show, Int](i)
val ex_s : Ex[Show] = ex[Show, String](s)
It pack a value with the corresponding type class instance.
Finally we can add an instance for Ex[Show]
implicit val exShow = new Show[Ex[Show]] {
def show(e : Ex[Show]) : String = {
import e._
The import e._ is required to bring the instance into scope. Thanks to the magic of implicits:
val list = List[Ex[Show]](i , s)
for (e <- list) yield
which is very close to the expected code.

How to do this in haskell?

How can I do this in haskell?
equal(S,S) -> true;
equal(S1, S2) -> {differ, S1, S2}.
Haskell has a perfectly serviceable (==) operator for checking equality (on types for which equality is defined) so I'm assuming you're referring to something else here besides merely testing equality.
I don't know Erlang, but given that you wrote equal(S, S) my first guess would be that you want pattern matches to express equality by reusing the variable name. Unfortunately Haskell (and ML-style in general) pattern matching is less powerful than in languages like Prolog; all the pattern can do is bind variables, not perform full unification.
It's true that there are constant value patterns like foo [1,2] = ... but that's just syntactic sugar for a binding and equality check, and it's only done for constant values, not variables.
The usual Haskell approach would probably be pattern guards, like this:
data EqualResult a b = Yep | Nope (a, b) deriving (Show, Eq)
equal :: (Eq a) => a -> a -> EqualResult a a
equal s1 s2 | s1 == s2 = Yep
| otherwise = Nope (s1, s2)
On the off chance that you wanted some sort of reference equality instead of checking for equal values, that doesn't work because it doesn't even make sense in Haskell.
Edit: It has been pointed out to me that you may also have been asking about returning different result types. Working with types should be covered well in any introduction to Haskell, but the short version in this case is that if you need to return one of two possible types, you need a data type with one constructor for each; you then examine the result using pattern matching (in a declaration or case expression).
In this case, to make it look more like your function I've made a special-purpose type with two constructors: One indicating equality (with no further details) and one indicating inequality that holds a pair of values. You can also do it in a generic way using the built-in type Either a b, which has two constructors Left a and Right b.
