linearK - large time difference between empirical and acceptance envelopes in spatstat - spatstat

I am interested in knowing correlation in points between 0 to 2km on a linear network. I am using the following statement for empirical data, this is solved in 2 minutes.
obs<-linearK(c, r=seq(0,2,by=0.20))
Now I want to check the acceptance of Randomness, so I used envelopes for the same r range.
acceptance_enve<-envelope(c, linearK, nsim=19, fix.n = TRUE, funargs = list(r=seq(0,2,by=0.20)))
But this show estimated time to be little less than 3 hours. I just want to ask if this large time difference is normal. Am I correct in my syntax to the function call of envelope its extra arguments for r as a sequence?
Is there some efficient way to shorten this 3 hour execution time for envelopes?
I have a road network of whole city, so it is quite large and I have checked that there are no disconnected subgraphs.
Point pattern on linear network
96 points
Linear network with 13954 vertices and 19421 lines
Enclosing window: rectangle = [559.653, 575.4999] x
[4174.833, 4189.85] Km
thank you.
system.time({s <- runiflpp(npoints(c), as.linnet(c));
+ linearK(s, r=seq(0,2,by=0.20))})
user system elapsed
343.047 104.428 449.650
I made some really small changes by deleting some peripheral network segments that seem to have little or no effect on the overall network. This also lead to split some long segments into smaller segments. But now on the same network with different point pattern, I have even longer estimated time:
> month1envelope=envelope(months[[1]], linearK ,nsim = 39, r=seq(0,2,0.2))
Generating 39 simulations of CSR ...
1, 2, [etd 12:03:43]
The new network is
> months[[1]]
Point pattern on linear network
310 points
Linear network with 13642 vertices and 18392 lines
Enclosing window: rectangle = [560.0924, 575.4999] x [4175.113,
4189.85] Km
System Config: MacOS 10.9, 2.5Ghz, 16GB, R 3.3.3, RStudio Version 1.0.143

You don't need to use funargs in this context. Arguments can be passed directly through the ... argument. So I suggest
acceptance_enve <- envelope(c, linearK, nsim=19,
fix.n = TRUE, r=seq(0,2,by=0.20))
Please try this to see if it accelerates the execution.


how to deal with large linnet object

I am trying to use a whole city network for a particular analysis which I know is very huge. I have also set it as sparse network.
SS_StreetsUTM =as.psp(StreetsUTM)
SS_linnetUTM = as.linnet(SS_StreetsUTM, sparse=TRUE)
> SS_linnetUTM
Linear network with 321631 vertices and 341610 lines
Enclosing window: rectangle = [422130.9, 456359.7] x [4610458,
4652536] units
> SS_linnetUTM$sparse
[1] TRUE
I have the following problems:
It took 15-20 minutes to build psp object
It took almost 5 hours to build the linnet object
every time I want to analyse it for a point pattern or envelope, R crashes
I understand I should try to reduce the network size, but:
I was wondering if there is a smart way to overcome this problem. Would rescaling help?
How can I put it on more processing power?
I am also curios to know if spatstat can be used with parallel package
In the end, what are the limitations on network size for spatstat.
R crashes
R crashes when I use the instructions from Spatstat book:
KN <- linearK(spiders, correction="none") ; on my network (linnet) of course
envelope(spiders, linearK, correction="none", nsim=39); on my network
I do not think RAM is the problem, I have 16GB RAM and 2.5GhZ Dual core i5 processor on an SSD machine.
Could someone guide me please.
Please be more specific about the commands you used.
Did you build the linnet object from a psp object using as.linnet.psp (in which case the connectivity of the network must be guessed, and this can take a long time), or did you have information about the connectivity of the network that you passed to the linnet() command?
Exactly what commands to "analyse it for a point pattern or envelope" cause a crash, and what kind of crash?
The code for linear networks in spatstat is research code which is still under development. Faster algorithms for the K-function will be released soon.
I could only resolve this with simplifying my network in QGIS with Douglas-Peucker algorithm in Simplify Geometries tool. So it is a slight compromise on the geometry of the linear network in the shapefile.

Metal - Threads and ThreadGroups

I am learning Metal right now and trying to understand the lines below:
let threadGroupCount = MTLSizeMake(8, 8, 1) ///line 1
let threadGroups = MTLSizeMake(drawable.texture.width / threadGroupCount.width, drawable.texture.height / threadGroupCount.height, 1) ///line 2
command_encoder.dispatchThreadgroups(threadGroups, threadsPerThreadgroup: threadGroupCount) ///line 3
for the line 1, What is the 3 integers represent? My guess is to assign the number of threads to be used in the process but which is which?
What is the different between line 1 and 'line 2'? My guess again is the different between threads and thread groups. But I am not sure what is the fundamental difference and when to use what.
When dispatching a grid of work items to a compute kernel, it is your responsibility to divide up the grid into subsets called threadgroups, each of which has a total number of threads (width * height * depth) that is less than the maxTotalThreadsPerThreadgroup of the corresponding compute pipeline state.
The threadsPerThreadgroup size indicates the "shape" of each subset of the grid (i.e. the number of threads in each grid dimension). The threadgroupsPerGrid parameter indicates how many threadgroups make up the entire grid. As in your code, it is often the dimensions of a texture divided by the dimensions of your threadgroup size you've chosen.
One performance note: each compute pipeline state has a threadExecutionWidth value that indicates how many threads of a threadgroup will be scheduled and executed together by the GPU. The optimal threadgroup size will thus always be a multiple of threadExecutionWidth. During development, it's perfectly acceptable to just dispatch a small square grid as you're currently doing.
The first line gives you the number of threads per group (in this case two-dimensional 8x8), while the second line gives you the number of groups per grid. Then the dispatchThreadgroups(_:threadsPerThreadgroup:) function on the third line uses these two numbers. The number of groups can be omitted in which case it defaults to using one group.

Is there a search algorithm for minimizing number of threads?

I am using the Intel Xeon Phi coprocessor, which has up to 240 threads, and I am working on minimizing the number of threads used for a particular application (or maximize performance) while being within a percentage of the best execution time. So for example if I have the following measurements:
Threads | Execution time
240 100 s
200 105 s
150 107 s
120 109 s
100 120 s
I would like to select a number of threads between 120 and 150, since the "performance curve" there seems to stabilize and the reduction in execution time is not that significant (in this case around 15% of the best measured time. I did this using an exhaustive search algorithm (measuring from 1 to 240 threads), but my problem is that it takes too long for smaller number of threads (obviously depending on the size of the problem).
To try to reduce the number of measurements, I developed a sort of "binary search" algorithm. Basically I have an upper and lower limit (beginning at 0 and 240 threads), I take the value in the middle and measure it and at 240. I get the percent difference between both values and if it is within 15% (this value was selected after analyzing the results for the exhaustive search) I assign a new lower or upper bound. If the difference is larger than 15% then this is a new lower bound (120-240) and if it is smaller then it is a new upper bound (0-120), and if I get a better execution time I store it as the best execution time.
The problem with this algorithm is that first of all this is not necessarily a sorted array of execution times, and for some problem sizes the exhaustive search results show two different minimum, so for example in one I get the best performance at 80 threads and at 170, and I would like to be able to return 80, and not 170 threads as a result of the search. However, for the other cases where there is only one minimum, the algorithm found a value very close to the one expected.
If anyone has a better idea or knows of an existing search algorithm or heuristic that could help me I would be really grateful.
I'm taking it that your goal is to get the best relative performance for the least amount of threads, while still maintaining some limit on performance based on a coefficient (<=1) of the best possible performance. IE: If the coefficient is 0.85 then the performance should be no less than 85% of the performance using all threads.
It seems like what you should be trying to do is simply find the minimium number of threads required to obtain the performance bound. Rather than looking at 1-240 threads, start at 240 threads and reduce the number of threads until you can place a lower bound on the performance limit. You can then work up from the lower bound in such a way that you can find the min without passing over it. If you don't have predefined performance bound, then you can calculate one on the fly based on diminishing returns.
As long as the performance limit has not been exceeded, half the number of threads (start with max number of threads). The number that exceeds the performance limit is a lower bound on the number of threads required.
Starting at the lower bound on the number of threads, Z, add m threads if can be added without getting within the performance limit. Repeatedly double the number of threads added until within the performance limit. If adding the threads get within the performance limit, subtract the last addition and reset the number of threads to be added to m. If even just adding m gets within the limit, then add the last m threads and return the number of threads.
It might be clearer to give an example of what the process looks like step by step. Where Passed means that the number of threads are outside of the performance limits, and failed means they are either on the performance limit or inside of it.
Try adding 1m (Z + 1m). Passed. Threads = Z + m.
Try adding 2m (Z + 3m). Passed. Threads = Z + 3m.
Try adding 4m (Z + 7m). Failed. Threads = Z + 3m. Reset.
Try adding 1m. Passed. Threads = Z + 4m.
Try adding 2m. Passed. Threads = Z + 6m.
Z + 7m failed earlier so reset.
Comparisons/lookups are cheap, use them to prevent duplication of work.
Try adding 1m. Failed. Threads = Z + 6m. Reset.
Cannot add less than 1m and still in outside of performance limit.
The solution is Z + 7m threads.
Since Z + 6m is m threads short of the performance limit.
It's a bit inefficient, but it does find the minimium number of threads (>= Z) required to obtain the performance bound to within an error of m-1 threads and requiring only O(log (N-Z)) tests. This should be enough in most cases, but if it isn't just skip step 1 and use Z=m. Unless increasing the number of threads rapidly decreases the run-time causing very slow run times when Z is very small. In which case, doing step 1 and using interpolation can get an idea of how quickly the run-time increases as the number of threads decrease, which is also useful for determining a good performance limit if none is given.

Is there a way to accelerate matrix plots?

ggpairs(), like its grandparent scatterplotMatrix(), is terribly slow as the number of pairs grows. That's fair; the number of permutations of pairs grows factorially.
What isn't fair is that I have to watch the other cores on my machine sit idle while one cranks away at 100% load.
Is there a way to parallelize large matrix plots?
Here is some sample data for benchmarking.
num.vars <- 100
num.rows <- 50000
tmp <- data.table(replicate(num.vars, runif(num.rows)),
class = as.factor(sample(0:1,size=num.rows, replace=TRUE)))
tmp.plot <- ggpairs(data=tmp, diag=list(continuous="density"), columns=1:num.vars,
colour="class", axisLabels="show")
Interestingly enough, my initial benchmarks excluding the print() statement ran at tolerable speeds (21 minutes for the above). The print statement, when added, caused what appear to be segfaults on my machine. (Hard to say at the moment because the R session is simply killed by the OS).
Is the problem in memory, or is this something that could be parallelized? (At least the plot generation part seems amenable to parallelization.)
Drawing ggpairs plots is single threaded because the bulk of the work inside GGally:::print.ggpairs happens inside two for loops (somewhere around line 50, depending upon how you count lines):
for (rowPos in 1:numCol) {
for (columnPos in 1:numCol) {
It may be possible to replace these with calls to plyr::l_ply (or similar) which has a .parallel argument. I have no idea if the graphics devices will cope OK with several cores trying to simultaneous draw things on them though. My gut feeling is that getting parallel plotting to work robustly may be non-trivial, but it could also be a fun project.

How to search for Possibilities to parallelize?

I have some serial code that I have started to parallelize using Intel's TBB. My first aim was to parallelize almost all the for loops in the code (I have even parallelized for within for loop)and right now having done that I get some speedup.I am looking for more places/ideas/options to parallelize...I know this might sound a bit vague without having much reference to the problem but I am looking for generic ideas here which I can explore in my code.
Overview of algo( the following algo is run over all levels of the image starting with shortest and increasing width and height by 2 each time till you reach actual height and width).
For all image pairs starting with the smallest pair
For height = 2 to image_height - 2
Create a 5 by image_width ROI of both left and right images.
For width = 2 to image_width - 2
Create a 5 by 5 window of the left ROI centered around width and find best match in the right ROI using NCC
Create a 5 by 5 window of the right ROI centered around width and find best match in the left ROI using NCC
Disparity = current_width - best match
The edge pixels that did not receive a disparity gets the disparity of its neighbors
For height = 0 to image_height
For width = 0 to image_width
Check smoothness, uniqueness and order constraints*(parallelized separately)
For height = 0 to image_height
For width = 0 to image_width
For disparity that failed constraints, use the average disparity of
neighbors that passed the constraints
Normalize all disparity and output to screen
Just for some perspective, it may not always be worthwhile to parallelize something.
Just because you have a for loop where each iteration can be done independently of each other, doesn't always mean you should.
TBB has some overhead for starting those parallel_for loops, so unless you're looping a large number of times, you probably shouldn't parallelize it.
But, if each loop is extremely expensive (Like in CirrusFlyer's example) then feel free to parallelize it.
More specifically, look for times where the overhead of the parallel computation is small relative to the cost of having it parallelized.
Also, be careful about doing nested parallel_for loops, as this can get expensive. You may want to just stick with paralellizing the outer for loop.
The silly answer is anything that is time consuming or iterative. I use Microsoft's .NET v4.0 Task Parallel Library and one of the interesting things about their setup is its "expressed parallelism." An interesting term to describe "attempted parallelism." Though, your coding statements may say "use the TPL here" if the host platform doesn't have the necessary cores it will simply invoke the old fashion serial code in its place.
I have begun to use the TPL on all my projects. Any place there are loops especially (this requires that I design my classes and methods such that there are no dependencies between the loop iterations). But any place that might have been just good old fashion multithreaded code I look to see if it's something I can place on different cores now.
My favorite so far has been an application I have that downloads ~7,800 different URL's to analyze the contents of the pages, and if it finds information that it's looking for does some additional processing .... this used to take between 26 - 29 minutes to complete. My Dell T7500 workstation with dual quad core Xeon 3GHz processors, with 24GB of RAM, and Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit edition now crunches the entire thing in about 5 minutes. A huge difference for me.
I also have a publish / subscribe communication engine that I have been refactoring to take advantage of TPL (especially on "push" data from the Server to Clients ... you may have 10,000 client computers who have stated their interest in specific things, that once that event occurs, I need to push data to all of them). I don't have this done yet but I'm REALLY LOOKING FORWARD to seeing the results on this one.
Food for thought ...
