Can Cloudant list/show functions return objects and arrays(any JSON)? - couchdb

As per the API documentation for Cloudant: Show function can be used to render a document in a different format or extract only some information from a larger document. Same is the case for a list function, the only difference is that it applies on a set of documents. I created a design document with a show function as follows:
{ "shows": { "showDemo":"function(doc,req){return {'body': doc, 'headers':{'Content-Type':'application/json'}}}" } }
When I use this function, _design/showFunc/_show/showDemo/doc1, I get the following error:
{ "error": "unknown_error", "reason": "badarg", "ref": 1793182837 }
I have observed the same error when the show function returns an array. However, no error is given when HTML,Text, XML is returned. Can we say that list/show functions can only return data in a format other than JSON? This example shows the "Accept" header for req object request Object.

What's happening here is that the show function needs to return a response object. From the docs (see the body field needs to be a string, so you can return whatever you like but it needs to be stringified or otherwise turned into a format that can be sent as HTTP.
If you want to send JSON then doing JSON.Stringify(doc) as the value for body should do what you expect.


Can JQGrid work with SharePoint result source REST API

I tried to see if I can use JQGrid to display SharePoint search results by querying SharePoint result source with REST API.
The code to use REST API to call result source works in browser and Postman:
var apiUrl =_spPageContextInfo.webAbsoluteUrl +/_api/search/query?querytext='Mike'&rowlimit=100&selectproperties='RequestNameOWSTEXT, SubmittedByOWSUSER,ExaminiationNameOWSTEXT,PublishedDate1OWSDATE&sourceId='d90c19xx-7b3x-42bx-8fbx-d1dxxxx543ffa7', many results are returned.
But when I used it in JQGrid, got an error at line 44: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
$.ajax({ url: apiUrl,type: "GET", async: false, headers: { "accept": "application/json;odata=verbose" }, success: function (data) {
line 44: $.each(data.d.results, function (index, value) { .............................
I guess the api call doesn't return result so the data is undefined. Wondering is something wrong with that api?
A different api like below works to return results:
var apiUrl = _spPageContextInfo.webAbsoluteUrl + "/_api/web/GetFolderByServerRelativeUrl('documentrequest')/Folders?$expand=ListItemAllFields,AuthorID/id&$select=Name,ItemCount,ListItemAllFields/AuthorId,ListItemAllFields/ExaminiationName,ListItemAllFields/PublishedDate1&$filter=Name ne 'Forms' and ItemCount gt 0";
How to debug
You should check if the rest api returns values correctly.
Check whether the type of the variable using length has a length attribute.
It works, I figured out.. SharePoint search api itself provides only Filename, ContentTypeID, and Path. I use those values to run another api call to get the meta data, then add the values to array, which is used to feed the jqgrid.
Just get all the data into array, then feed to jqgrid when the data is ready.

How to extract the message value from JSON in Node.js

My JSON is:
body =
"message":"Thanks for calling service desk, may I know the store number you are calling from?",
How to get message value using Node js? Please let me know after testing.
i tried body.message and body['message'] and also body[0]['message']. I am always getting "undefined"
#Chris comment, since the problem is sorted out, Adding the answer to all members for future ref.
From node.js result, body is taken as JSON string, using JSON.parse.body converted to json object.
body =
"message":"Thanks for calling service desk, may I know the store number you are calling from?",

How can I get included objects in a contentful getEntry call using javascript sdk?

I see that I can pass a query object with include:2 in the getEntries method using the node.js javascript api. How can I do that with the getEntry call that returns a single object.
// how do I get the nested objects by passing the parameter include:1
client.getEntry('<entry_id>', {<what goes here?>})
.then(function (entry) {
// logs the entry metadata
getEntry returns 1 and only 1 entry. If you want to include the linked entries of 1 parent entry (aka more than one entry), you have to use the getEntries method and specify the of the parent entry you want to retrieve. Like so:
client.getEntries({'': '<entry_id>'})
.then(entries => {

How would you implement a partial request & response, like the youtube api, using ServiceStack?

In the Youtube API, there is the power to request a "partial feed".
This allows the app developer to tailor the size and sturcture of the data returned, by specifying which "fields" to return.
i.e. GET api/person/1?fields=(id,email) would return a DTO containing only the id and the email fields, not the whole person response.
How would you attempt this using ServiceStack? Is there some way to attach a callback to the serialiser to control which properties to include in the response object?
From my experience servicestack only returns fields that actually has data. If my experience is correct then all you would need to do is figure out the best way to architect the request so that it is asking for specific data to return, this way you would only populate the response with data requested thus servicestack would only return that.
I implemented this for an API that only returns JSON.
First I created two structs to (de)serialize and interpret the "fields" query argument recursive syntax:
FieldSelector, which specifies a field and possibly its children FieldSelection enclosed between parenthesis;
FieldsSelection, which is a comma-separated list of FieldSelector.
I've used structs instead of classes because, AFAIK, you can't override class (de)serialization from/to URLs in ServiceStack. With structs you can do it by overriding ToString (serializer) and providing a constructor accepting a string as parameter (deserializer).
Then you include this on every request DTO that returns JSON:
FieldsSelection Fields { get; set; }
On a custom ServiceRunner<T>.OnAfterExecute you serialize the response DTO to JSON, parse it with ServiceStack.Text's JsonObject and apply the fields selection recursively with a method like this:
private static JsonObject Apply(this JsonObject json, FieldsSelection fieldMask)
IEnumerable<string> keysToRemove = json.Keys.ToList().Except(fieldMask.Keys);
foreach (var key in keysToRemove)
foreach (var selector in fieldMask.Selectors.Values.Where(s => s.HasSubFieldsSelection))
var field = json[selector.Field];
if (field == null)
switch (field[0])
case '{':
json[selector.Field] = Apply(json.Object(selector.Field), selector.SubFieldsSelection).ToJson();
case '[':
var itensArray = json.ArrayObjects(selector.Field);
for (int i = 0; i < itensArray.Count; i++)
itensArray[i] = Apply(itensArray[i], selector.SubFieldsSelection);
json[selector.Field] = itensArray.ToJson();
throw new ArgumentException("Selection incompatible with object structure");
return json;
Then you return the result as your response DTO. I've also implemented negative fields selectors (fields=-foo selects all DTO fields except foo), but you get the idea.
Look at ServiceStack.Text.JsConfig properties, they have all the hooks and customizations ServiceStack's text serializers support. Specifically the hooks that allow you to custom deserialization are:
We were able to implement said filtering by adding custom service runner and using some reflection in it to construct ExpandoObject with required field set by response DTO. See this for more info on service runners.

When no data is returned from database

I am intiating a loading panel in init method and hiding it in ReturnDataPayload event.This is working perfectly when data Table has got some values in it.But when there is no data returned from database , the control is not going to returnDataPayLoad event.Please help me in finding an event which will be fired even when the response doesn't have any data or tell me a way to hide the loading panel.
If you want a custom behavior, use DataSource's sendRequest method of the dataTable's dataSource
(function() {
var YdataTable = YAHOO.widget.DataTable,
YdataSource = YAHOO.util.DataSource;
var settings = {
{key:"id", label:"Id"}
var dataTable = new YdataTable(
new YdataSource(
keep in mind No matter which source is your data: XML, JSON, JavaScript object, TEXT, you always will get your data in a unified way through DataSource's sendRequest method. So when you want to retrieve your data and, at the same time, add custom behavior, use it
dataTable.getDataSource().sendRequest(null, {
success:function(request, response, payload) {
if(response.results.length == 0) {
// No data returned
// Do what you want right here
// You can, for instance, hide the dataTable by calling this.setStyle("display", "none");
} else {
// Some data returned
// If you want to use default the DataTable behavior, just call
this.onDataReturnInitializeTable(request, response, payload);
The properties of the response are
results (Array): Your source of data in a unified way. For each object in the results Array, There is a property according to responseSchema's fields property. Notice i use response.results.length to verify if some data has been returned
error (Boolean): Indicates data error
cached (Boolean): Indicates cached response
meta (Object): Schema-parsed meta data
On the YUI dataTable page, look for Loading data at runtime to see some built-in functions provided by YUI dataTable
I hope it can be useful and feel free to ask for help for anything else you want about YUI. See a demo page of nice features of YUI dataTable
