how come I have so many versions of nodejs? - node.js

how come I have so many versions of nodejs.
I have multiple of command prompts applications, I have
1. nodejs cmd
2. ubunto bash cmd
3. my normal cmd
and a bunch of others but I dont use them..
my question is. do I update my nodejs in my system and be just automatically reflected on all of my cmd's? is that even possible?
2. why is this happening?
3. what cmd should I use for running node applications?
below are the snapshots of cmds and the result that it gave me when I checked the version of node.

Right off the bat, I can tell you that the only nodejs package actually installed globally on your system is the first image you have shown (v6.10.2).
The second image (v6.11.2) came with the nodejs installer. So if you uninstall that application, you will not see it again. Check your PATH variable to make sure.
The third image (v4.2.6) is installed on WSL and therefore lives some place separate from the rest of your windows files and programs. You can use the command apt-get remove --purge nodejs to remove that one.
To answer your question, you cannot have the same nodejs across all systems because as you can see from my answer above, these versions of nodejs live in separate environments which are contained.
I would recommend using the nodejs installation from for running nodejs. This is the same as your second image.
Did you know windows has a package manager? Try chocolatey for managing node versions.

how do I update my nodejs in my system and be just automatically reflected on all of my cmd's?
why is this happening?
You can install node.js globally, you have different versions because you didn't install globally, so your cmds can't be automatically reflected. You can see this blog how to install node.js globally:
How To Install Node.js on Ubuntu 16.04
what cmd should I use for running node applications?
you can run node applications using cmd which you want, it doesn't matter.

You can use nvm to manage and easily switch between node's versions.


LESS instalation - node file does not exist on Linux

I'm trying to install LESS css in Netbeans, but I'm running into one problem after another. As such, I already have LESS installed, but I can't get it running.
Less is installed via the npm package, I installed it using the packaging system, less itself via Terminal. The first problem I had was that despite a successful installation, Netbeans didn't get to the files he needed (usr/local/), I could either change permissions there, which I don't want to dig into, or change the location. So I changed the location of the .npm and .npm-global folders to my root (home/ivet/), from where Netbeans managed to load it.
So I set everything there, the general settings and the specific project and it looked fine.
I want it to be converted to css automatically after saving, but it throws the message "/usr/bin/env:"node": Directory or file does not exist" and the target css file is still empty.
I found a few advices, basically the same: "ln -s /usr/bin/node/ usr/local/bin/nodejs", but it tells me that the link already exists and nothing will solve it. On closer inspection, I found that the link does exist, but the target file does not exist.
I've also found that installing Nodejs legacy solves this, but this is an older piece of advice, the package no longer exists, and terminal pretends to have the packages that replace this installed. Even when searching for via grep, I couldn't find the file it should link to (neither node nor nodejs).
There are the same tips everywhere that don't work for me and I don't know what to try next. I use Linux Mint 20, but I call myself a Linux BFU, so please write answer step by step :-D
Thanks for the advice
Try completely removing NodeJS & npm and try to install NodeJS using nvm i.e., node version manager.
You can follow this link on how to install nodejs and npm using nvm.
It's always a tedious task sometimes when it comes to package managment with npm, so it's better to go with nvm and I strongly suggest to always have a fallback option for node version when using with or without nvm i.e.,
NodeJS LTS version & NodeJS latest/stable version.
There's also an alternative solution i.e.,you can try switching to yarn package manager.
I've had this issue on Ubuntu and I've resolved it likes this:
First of all I've removed node and npm packages via
sudo aptitude remove node npm
Then I've added the official repositories
curl -fsSL | sudo -E bash -
After which I've just updated the list of packages with sudo aptitude update and then installed Node
sudo aptitude install nodejs npm
And that was it. With these steps done, everything just started to work.

How to install node + vue web program offline

Hey Im looking for a good and solid solution for how to install node + vuejs full stack web program in offline. Our customer can not have any internet access so we have to install it in offline but cant imagine how to do. First idea was copy all the code including node modules and just paste it to the customer’s computer and run it. However I do bot believe this is gonna work.
Customer uses Centos as fas as I know.
Thanks in advance.
Anyone who's looking for a 'how to' steps for offline centOS install.
a laptop or Computer can access to the internet.
Install VM or whatever you want to use to set the whole project in CentOS
Install CentOS7 in your VM and connect to the internet.
!! Important!!
You MUST Follow your customer's centOS install options. There are many options you can select when you install your centOS. When you install your project in offline, you have to have all the packages(or dependencies) depends on OS installed options. If your customer installed CentOS as full development package, then you don't have to have additional dependencies. if not, you need a lot.
download all the packages you need as CentOS version. In my case, my web is based on 'Nodejs + Express', 'Vuejs + AntDesign', pm2, nginx so I have donwnloaded nodejs, nginx, and pm2. Others are gonna work without any problems once you've installed Nodejs. If you need some additional packages or dependencies(it will be written in the terminal message during installation process of node or others) then write down all the packages and install them.
Set your project in CentOS and test if it works(build the project if it's needed). If it does not work, check the path, dependencies, or anything else might be related(DO NOT FORGET LINUX AUTHORITY!!).
If everything works, then get all the installation file(.rpm) you've installed.
install another CentOS in VM as OFFLINE
install in offline CentOS .rpm installation files you get from online CentOS above.(no. 6) (DO Exactly same installation but this time, with only the files. not from the online repositories)
If it's not working, check the path, root or user's authority in CentOS.
About PM2.
As PM2 is for the process management, you have to install it globally. However, sometimes(I tested 2 times in exactly same set environments. First try did work but second try didn't work. Couldn't find why. I've tested 4.3 and it works every time so I suggest you to get the pm2 version under 4.5) pm2 v.4.5 or up does not support offline installation with npm so All you have to do in online centos:
npm pack pm2(whatever you've set the name when you installed pm2 in online centos, if you didn't change the package name then npm pack pm2 will work, command path doesn't matter. pm2 is installed globally so when you run npm pack pm2 anywhere it will take global installed pm2 whatsoever) This will pack all the dependencies to install pm2 in offline. Take this packed file(.tgz) and install this in offline.
If it's not working and you couldn't find the reason why, leave a comment or answers down below. I will try to help as much as I can.(I'm Korean and live in Korea. Please be aware of time difference)

Am I having two different versions of NodeJS on my Mac?

I am new to NodeJS and have installed it through Homebrew. But when I run node --version and npm --version commands, they reports that I have old version, while Homebrew tell me that I have installed the latest version when I try the upgrade command. The result when I run these commands is demonstrated in the following picture. What does this means?
It kind of looks like you may have two different versions of node installed (by different means). Is this the case?
If you don't, you may just need to close/reopen your shell for the new version to take effect, if the installer is comprehensive enough. If that doesn't do the trick, you probably just need to update your environment variables to point to the new version. This will require exporting NODE_HOME in your bash profile (if you're using bash)
If you need to manage multiple versions of node/npm, I would consider using Node Version Manager (nvm)

How to compile lesscss using node.js

I have finished to code my website using lesscss client side and now want to compile less so I have donwloaded node.js. My website is running on localhost and I want first to know:
where I have to install node.js
what I have to do next ( commands lines tools, commands lines etc. ).
If someone can help me because I'm a newbie in this field.
You can install the LESS compiler directly from npm.
Install node.js. Go to this page and download the installer for your platform.
If you're on Windows, download the .msi; if you are on OSX, download the .pkg file. Whenever possible, download the 64-bit version (unless your system is running only 32-bit hardware and software). If you are on Linux and you want to use package managers, see this page.
Once you have node.js installed, you should also have npm, which is node.js Package Manager. You can open a terminal/console and run npm -v to make sure everything is installed correctly.
Eventually, you can install the LESS compiler by simply executing:
npm install -g less
(note: on OSX and Linux you may need to run this with sudo: sudo npm install -g less).
The LESS compiler will then be available as the lessc command. See examples here.
PS: Some GUIs also exist for simplifying working with lessc. Google "less gui windows/mac/linux" to see many results, like this one for Mac.
it's not mentioned what to do after installing node.js and installing less compiler on your node.
Go to your folder where you are hosting your project locally and then type styles. less styles.css. This should initiate the conversion from less to CSS at the node command prompt.

Where does node.js put its files?

I have recently started playing with node.js, but I got lost in a big mess of different versions of node, npm, nvm and other packages. I don't know what is installed globally and what is installed locally (and if locally, how do the packages know which versions of node they can use?).
I'd like to have some summary of what different installation options do. In specific:
Where is node installed when I use nvm, apt-get, make install or when using other ways?
Is it a good idea to install node locally?
Why does nvm change my ~/.profile instead of installing itself in some system-recognizable bin folder?
I saw that nvm can install different versions of node alongside each other - why would I want to do this? I can install them locally instead, right?
Where does npm install packages? I saw that it checks packages aganist version of Node, what happens to these packages when node is upgraded?
In what cases it is better to use global or local installation? Where should I put my packages then (and where they put by default?)
What's the difference between npm, nvm and nave?
EDIT: There is a lot of ways to install node here, this makes me even more confused...
Where is node installed when I use nvm, apt-get, make install or when
using other ways?
apt-get installs all the software, not only node, on the file system following the Ubuntu convention where to store binaries, man files, shared files, logs, etc. However, using apt-get you'll have only the certain version of node which is determined by the distribution release cycle. If there are updates available they will be installed with apt-get update; apt-get upgrade However, the newest version of some app won't be available until it makes its way into the distribution. For example node v0.x.y might not be available until Ubuntu 13.10 the only way to get will be to install it manually. The good side of apt-get or other system package manager is that it manages updates and package removal for you. It stores all the data about the software package in it's own database. You can always delete the node with apt-get remove node and that's it.
make install install the package manually, but it is considered harmful. Never use the make install mainly because you won't be able to delete the package easily, you'll have to read the Makefile and manually delete all the files installed by it. In a situation where you want to use make install there is always checkinstall available. It's a software which creates a native package and registers it with the system. When you decide to delete the package you could do this with one command instead of many. wiki link; Ubuntu guide on checkinstall
Now nvm script is a node version manager. It is very helpful and easy to use. It allows you to have multiple versions of node to be installed and used in parallel on your machine. It doesn't compile the node from source like make install so it is very fast. it doesn't depend on your distribution release cycle so you have access to all the node versions available at the moment. nvm downloads precompiled binaries and is perfect for general use. It stores it's node files in it's own folder locally so in case you want to compare something between the different node versions it's easy to do.
Is it a good idea to install node locally?
If by locally you mean using nvm then it's very good for development, and testing. Not sure about production performance implications and benefits between having it's installed from source or using the nvm precompiled binaries. I use nvm for development and installed from source in production. However if someone could explain this issue any further I'll be glad to learn more.
Why does nvm change my ~/.profile instead of installing itself in some system-recognizable bin folder?
Because nvm isn't an executable. It is a set of bash functions which are sourced by shell and could be used separately. You can invoke nvm_ls and nvm_ls_remote and others without the main script after is is sourced into your shell. What the main script does it parses the command line arguments and pretty prints the output in case of for example `nvm_ls_remote'.
in the ~/.profile the following line is added
[[ -s /home/USERNAME/.nvm/ ]] && . /home/USERANME/.nvm/ # This loads NVM
loads all the functions into your shell
I saw that nvm can install different versions of node alongside each other - why would I want to do this? I can install them locally instead, right?
You can install them locally using make install or checkinstall but you will have to make aliases for them like node_0.8.1, node_0.8.2, node_0.10.1 , etc. AND you'll have to manage new aliases, installing all the packages, removing them in case you don't need them YOURSELF. These are a tedious and boring tasks which could be error prone sometimes. nvm does all of these tasks for you for free.
You want to do this to test your app under the different versions of node. For example you are good and tested under the v0.8 but you want to use the new features of the v0.10.3 how do you do that ? You have to download the source code, compile, make an alias and run your app. you could do this with just nvm install 0.10.3 and run your app.
Sometimes you have to support more than one version of node. For example some hosted environments are not keeping in touch with the latest release and only have v0.6 Your clients which use your server app might encounter a bug specific to this version. When you fix the bug you have to reproduce it first. Using nvm installation of the v0.6 is one line and half a minute. And you can check all the versions you want this way easily. Test your code under different versions and make sure you are good to go.
Where does npm install packages? I saw that it checks packages aganist version of Node, what happens to these packages when node is upgraded?
If you are using nvm the packages which are installed globally with -g option are tied to the relevant node version. When you switch between versions with nvm use 0.x you have to either install the packages again or use nvm copy-packages <version> to use the packages from in the current version. If the packages are installed locally then it depends. package.json should contain info on the dependencies of the app. If it says node: '0.8' and you just updated to 0.9 you might encounter troubles. For example the behavior of process.nextTick was changed in the latest releases compared to 0.6. So be careful.
In what cases it is better to use global or local installation? Where should I put my packages then (and where they put by default?)
It depends. For development nvm is superior in my opinion. For me it is convenient and simple. For production there are might be some performance implications when using the precompiled binary files not optimized for your system. It would be better to ask this as a separate question so the people with the relevant experience could answer.
What's the difference between npm, nvm and nave?
npm is a node package manager -> link It contains userland packages developed by other people. These packages are not part of the node core. npm is used for publishing your code and dependency management. If your app requires other app developed by other people it is convenient to publish it via npm.
nvm is a node version manager it does a completely separate thing. It gives you an ability to very easily switch between node versions on the same machine and manages all he changes in your $PATH environment variable.
Consider nvm as update manager for the Operation System and npm as a manager of the applications for this system. Well, this comparison isn't precise but just came upon my mind
nave is basically the same as nvm but it is an executable whereas nvm is a script which is sourced into the shell. Each system has it's own benefits. You could make a separate question regarding it's use cases and differences.
My answer isn't 100% complete and contains a lot of subjective personal opinions. However, I hope I'll at least make some points more clear so you might proceed with other more specific questions. Btw, this question list of yours could be asked as separate questions. I believe stackoverflow gives best results when specific questions are asked separately and more people with relevant experience could contribute.
If you run
npm install
in folder with package.json, it installs all packages localy (in the current folder).
Also, npm default install packeges local. To install it globaly - use -g flag:
npm install -g <package>
Execute next command:
npm config list
You see all npm config description.
You can install modules in the local context of your application with
npm install modulename
In this case the module will be installed to your node_modules folder of your application.
Otherwise you can install a module in the global context with
npm install -g modulename
In this case the module will be installed for the hole system environment usually at /usr/local/bin/modulename.
The global installation makes sense for modules you need in more than one application, like express or node-inspector.
