Able to connect to MongoDB running in a Docker container locally, but not from another container - node.js

Basically what the title says: I am able to connect to my MongoDB database running in a Docker container locally, but I am unable to do so from within another Docker container. I am getting the error "MongoError: failed to connect to server {server address}:27017 on first connect"
Here is my config file:
const mongoose = require('mongoose');
mongoose.Promise = global.Promise
let mongoURI = {
development: 'mongodb://{server address}:27017/database,
const db = mongoose.connect(mongoURI.development, function(err, res) {
if(err) {
console.log('Error connecting to the database. ' + err);
} else {
console.log('Connected to Database: ' + mongoURI.development);
module.exports = db;

It's not clear from your question what configuration of Docker containers you're working with. There are a couple of possibilities:
Two Docker containers, one running a MongoDB image and another running your application, linked together via the --link option.
Assuming you gave the Mongo container a name via the --name option, you should be able to access the MongoDB via the container name: mongodb://{container name}:27017/database.
Two Docker containers NOT linked with the --link option.
In this case, you will need to have exposed the MongoDB port on the Mongo container with the -p option AND provided the application container with an IP address of your Docker host: mongodb://{docker host IP}:27017/database. Note that localhost will not work, since inside your application container localhost will refer to the application container. You could configure an entry in the application's /etc/hosts to give your Docker host a name.
MongoDB running in a container; application running on the Docker host (or some other server).
This is just a variation of #2 above. Again, you need to expose the ports and ensure that the application know how to find the host where the MongoDB container is running. In this case you could use localhost if the application in running on the Docker host.

Solved it, I should have specified this earlier: My configuration was the two containers not linked with the --link option, and MongoDB port exposed. The issue was that my company uses a proxy, and I was not disabling it properly when connecting to a server running on our domain.


Connect to MongoDb that is running in a Docker Container that is running inside a server

I am trying to connect to MongoDb that is running inside a docker container. This docker Container is running inside a server, let us say ( How to i write a connection string to connect to the MongoDb.
from pymongo import MongoClient
client = MongoClient(“mongodb://mongo:27017/”)
here mongo is container name
how to solve this?

My docker container failing to connect to mongodb database container [duplicate]

I'm new to docker. I'm trying to create a MongoDB container and a NodeJS container. My file looks:
version: '2'
image: node:5.11-onbuild
- "3001:3001"
- .:/code
working_dir: "/code"
- mongodb
image: mongo:3.3
- 27017
It should run npm install and then node ..
But docker-compose up ends up with [MongoError: connect ECONNREFUSED] while the command node ..
I think this is because of the bind_ip = in the file /etc/mongod.conf. Is this right?
I use boot2docker on a Win10 system.
How can I solve this problem so that node can connect to the MongoDB?
In your backend app, connect to mongodb:27017 instead of Where 'mongodb' is the name of your service within docker-compose.yml.
I recently encountered similar issue. I am running docker toolbox under win 10 and this is how it worked for me:
1) I had to verify which URL my default docker machine is using. This can be checked by running docker-machine ls command. It will list available machines:
default * virtualbox Running tcp:// v17.06.0-ce
rancher-client - virtualbox Stopped Unknown
rancher-server - virtualbox Stopped Unknown
2) When running mongodb image specify the port mapping
docker run -d -it -p 27017:27017 mongo
3) At that point the valid mongo url would look something like this
var dbhost = 'mongodb://
where was the default machine URL from the point 1)
Hope it helps someone.
Most likely, yes. points to localhost inside the mongodb container, so is not accessible from outside the container. Binding to will probably work.
With the link you specified in the docker-compose.yml, your backend container should then be able to connect to the mongo container through mongodb:27017
You have to tell the container to use it's own IP Address instead of localhost.
For example, let's assume you generated scaffold code with expressjs, you have to write in routes/index.js
var mongodb = require('mongodb');
router.get('/thelist', function(req, res){
// Get a Mongo client to work with the Mongo server
var MongoClient = mongodb.MongoClient;
// Define where the MongoDB server is
var url = 'mongodb://';
// Connect to the server
MongoClient.connect(url, function (err, db) {
where is the $CONTAINER_IP
you can find the container ip via
$ docker inspect $CONTAINER_HOSTNAME | grep IPAddress
If you still can't understand you can take a peek at my Docker NodeJS and MongoDB app

Keep hitting connection error with docker for node mongo app [duplicate]

I'm new to docker. I'm trying to create a MongoDB container and a NodeJS container. My file looks:
version: '2'
image: node:5.11-onbuild
- "3001:3001"
- .:/code
working_dir: "/code"
- mongodb
image: mongo:3.3
- 27017
It should run npm install and then node ..
But docker-compose up ends up with [MongoError: connect ECONNREFUSED] while the command node ..
I think this is because of the bind_ip = in the file /etc/mongod.conf. Is this right?
I use boot2docker on a Win10 system.
How can I solve this problem so that node can connect to the MongoDB?
In your backend app, connect to mongodb:27017 instead of Where 'mongodb' is the name of your service within docker-compose.yml.
I recently encountered similar issue. I am running docker toolbox under win 10 and this is how it worked for me:
1) I had to verify which URL my default docker machine is using. This can be checked by running docker-machine ls command. It will list available machines:
default * virtualbox Running tcp:// v17.06.0-ce
rancher-client - virtualbox Stopped Unknown
rancher-server - virtualbox Stopped Unknown
2) When running mongodb image specify the port mapping
docker run -d -it -p 27017:27017 mongo
3) At that point the valid mongo url would look something like this
var dbhost = 'mongodb://
where was the default machine URL from the point 1)
Hope it helps someone.
Most likely, yes. points to localhost inside the mongodb container, so is not accessible from outside the container. Binding to will probably work.
With the link you specified in the docker-compose.yml, your backend container should then be able to connect to the mongo container through mongodb:27017
You have to tell the container to use it's own IP Address instead of localhost.
For example, let's assume you generated scaffold code with expressjs, you have to write in routes/index.js
var mongodb = require('mongodb');
router.get('/thelist', function(req, res){
// Get a Mongo client to work with the Mongo server
var MongoClient = mongodb.MongoClient;
// Define where the MongoDB server is
var url = 'mongodb://';
// Connect to the server
MongoClient.connect(url, function (err, db) {
where is the $CONTAINER_IP
you can find the container ip via
$ docker inspect $CONTAINER_HOSTNAME | grep IPAddress
If you still can't understand you can take a peek at my Docker NodeJS and MongoDB app

connect to mongodb in docker from node app in AWS SAM

I am getting errors connecting to mongodb running in a docker container from my Nodejs app running in AWS SAM (used to say "in my host").
I run mongodb like:
$ docker run --name mongo-myapp --rm -d -p 27018:27017 mongo
and I see the results:
$ docker ps
ab8248d17d2d mongo "docker-entrypoint.s…" 6 minutes ago Up 6 minutes>27017/tcp mongo-myapp
~~I can successfully connect and insert data using clients running on my host like MongoDB Compass and Robo 3T Community Edition, specifying port 27018.~~
When I attempt to connect with this code running on my host, (not in a docker container):
const { MongoClient } = require('mongodb');
const mongoConnection = 'mongodb://';
MongoClient.connect(mongoConnection, (err, db) => {
if (err) {
console.error("Failed to connect to mongodb server", err);
return reject(err);
console.log("Connected successfully to mongodb server");
I always see the error:
MongoNetworkError: connect ECONNREFUSED
I get the same error using another port with all steps, like 27017.
It turns out my code was not running on the host. It was running in another docker container. I did not realize AWS SAM would put my code into a docker container so I did not mention it in the original question.
Now I run my code with mocha test to make sure it will run on my host, and it connects to the mongo database with no problems.
When I launched a local server using AWS SAM's start-api, I had problems. Perhaps the solution will be to specify a network when starting the mongo container as well as the SAM environment.
Now that the problem is known that the Nodejs code was running within a docker container created by AWS SAM, we can help the Nodejs code connect with Mongodb running in a separate docker container with a port exposed on the host with at least one solution:
Change the connection string to mongodb://host.docker.internal:27018 which helps the code in the container to use a service running on the host.
Install the necessary dependency for mongodb in node.js
const MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient;
const url = "mongodb://localhost:27018/testdb";
MongoClient.connect(url, function(err, db) {
if (err) throw err;
console.log("Database created!");
Since you are able to connect from other clients in the same host, I assume that the container is bound to specific external facing ip of the host.
Can you try connecting to the ip of the host instead of
Eg: mongodb://external-ip:27018
Though the mapping -p 27018:27017 should bind the port to all ips, you can enforce this by -p

External access to Node.JS app, within Docker container

i have a Node app running within a Docker container, hosted on Elastic Beanstalk (single instance). The docker has port 3000 exposed to access the app within the docker, and I can 'curl' from the host which returns the expected response.
The problem I have is accessing this port externally using the elastic beanstalk url. i.e
This will time out.. can anyone recommend how to gain access to this port externally?
Check this for reference
see what your docker ps command returns.
The ip you have shared looks like private ip address of the docker service used for internal network. You have to enable a bridge between your host and docker container by supplying -p 3000:3000 to the run command and finally enable the app in your elastic console.
