If you set Resharper to 'use when var when evident' it still will show this window when clicking on the suggestion in the left column.
Use 'var' everywhere in file
Use 'var' everywhere in folder
Use 'var' everywhere in project
Use 'var' everywhere in solution
I was wondering if there was a way to change this to match my preferences?
There is the same issue in ReSharper bug tracker
NOTE: I just started to use awesome not very long ago, and don't really know the lua programming language.
I cloned HikariKnight's awesome theme and started to customize the hotkeys. I have a logitech keyboard that has some launcher keys that will open you default apps (on windows that is). I wanted to make them open the default apps here, so I edited the config. Now the help menu has the name of some of the keys repeated over and over for no apparent reason.
If anyone could help me fix this that would be awesome.
Possible Solution(?)
I might be able to use the new function to use the hide_without_description option. This wouldn't be ideal though as it would just remove the hotkey from the help menu.
I found the documentation for it here, but don't know how to use the new function.
To quote PlatformKnuckles:
I think I see the problem. Check the line in the keybindings file:
for i = 1, 9 do
You're starting the keybindings in a loop multiple times.
(I didn't look at your rc.lua at all. I just assume the answer above is correct.)
I have looked everywhere and I am still unable to switch off this 'feature'!
I've been using vi and, later, vim, since the 80's and I have never had need of multiple cursors, nor can I see a use for them.
:<range>s/search/replace/ does everything I need so this new feature is infuriating beyond words, especially as I've no idea how to switch it off when it seemingly-randomly appears.
Would someone be wonderful enough as to tell me how to banish, remove, consign-to-history the multiple cursors feature in VSCode Vim 1.12.4, please?
I believe this issue is specific to the plugin. I experienced it with the HTML plugin recently, and I'm assuming you have the same problem with HTML files, but the same principle should apply to other plugins as well. You just have to find the setting.
In the VS Code settings, there is an option that reads:
HTML: Mirror Cursor On Matching Tag
You can uncheck the box there to disable the feature. Or you can go to the settings.json in your local repo (inside the .vscode directory), or the equivalent global file, and add/modify the following field like so:
"html.mirrorCursorOnMatchingTag": false
That should take care of it for you.
somehow I'm missing the add to abbreviations suggestion in resharper:
So, what can I do to reenable it?
Lots of Greetings!
As I see, ReSharper has never suggested adding anything to abbreviation list for such case. At least I checked it in ReSharper 6.1.1, 7.1.3 and 8.1. According to default naming convention for local variables (ReSharper | Options | Code Editing | C# | Naming Style | Local variables), lowerCamelCase template should be used there for the name.
if you type a name like "aUBI", ReSharper will suggest adding UBI to the list, because the first letter in the name still is in lower case. Otherwise, it will break naming convention.
if you change naming style for local variable to UpperCamelCase and the name is still "UBI", ReSharper will suggest adding "UBI" to the list, because it won't break naming convention (first letter in Upper case).
If you consider such behavior like a bug, you are welcome to submit a new ticket to YouTrack.
There'a a similar question here but I couldn't make use of the answers in XCode 4. I googled it but I couldn't come up with anything useful either. What's your effective method of getting this information?
Find in project, though if you are searching to change the name everywhere, better would be to use the Refactoring menu.
EDIT: You can use Refactoring to find where a specific variable is referenced. Select the variable and choose Edit->Refactor->Rename. In the refactoring screen, rename the variable (just add _ at the end or something) and click preview. it will show everywhere in the project that variable is referenced. Click on each file to see the lines where the variable is called. After you're done just cancel the refactor.
I highly recommend you try appCode, by JetBrains.
JetBrains have a lot of experience making IDEs (yes, even more than Apple ;) and have done an amazing job with even the EAP of appCode. Find usages, plus a lot more works very nicely.
You can simply open your existing xcode project file in appCode, then Search --> Find Usages.
As Casebash points out here, there actually is a way to search for symbols in Xcode, but unfortunately it's not at all intuitive or convenient to use.
First, open the Search Navigator (Cmd+Shift+F) and change the Style to Symbol References. Then type the name of the symbol into the search box (if it's just a variable name you can select it in the code and type Cmd-E to copy it to the search field). If searching for a method, be sure to use the colon-delimited notation like so:
Now if someone could convince Apple to just add a contextual menu item for this, I would be a happy camper. :)
The best way is to do a full text search of the project: CMD-SHIFT-F.
For methods and properties, just use the Related Files menu as I describe here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/17931752/1709587
For variables, there is no easy way to specifically find references, per se (you'll need to use AppCode or the ugly, slow, cumbersome refactor hack), but you shouldn't normally need to. Public member variables are rare in Objective-C, so generally variables are only referred to within the file in which they are declared. A plain text search for the variable name using cmd+f should suffice, usually.
I think instead of doing the refactor hack above. A faster way to find variable references of a particular class is to change the name of the variable (add a letter to the end) in the defining class and hit compile. The compiler will then give you an error for every place that referenced the original variable name.
#property (nonatomic, strong) NSString * url;
#property (nonatomic, strong) NSString * urlt;
and the compiler happily tells you of every place that uses it:
This is for Xcode 11 for finding the usages of a function, it took forever to find:
Right click the name of the function.
Select "Show Code Actions"
Select "Callers..."
Not sure why Apple made this very basic functionality so complicated
In Resharper when I go back to edit some existing code.. eg. wanting to insert a String.Format into this code:
<%= Html.Encode(item.Address) %>
I move the cursor to before 'item' and type in 'String.F', getting Resharper's intellisense completion list that includes the 'Format' method.
However if I press TAB then it replaces 'item' with '.Format()'
Is there a way to use completing without replacing the existing text?
Stumbled upon using Enter instead of TAB to choose from the completion list. That does exactly what I want. It surrounds (in this case) 'item.Address' with the String.Format( .. ).
There are two techniques you can use.
The first is to use the Enter key, the second is to pop a space between where you are going to start typing and the next bit of code, which will prevent the next bit of code from being overwritten.
There is an actual setting now to disable this (annoying) behavior.
Go to the Options dialog (Menu -> Resharper -> Options).
In this Options dialog go to Environment -> IntelliSense -> Completion Characters.
Here you can set the Tab behavior to Insert instead of Replace.
Screenshot of Options
Resharper documentation about Completing Characters
This is an addition to the answer in 2010, for everyone that reaches this post via populair search engines ;)
You could also use the String.Format surround template but you may have to map a hotkey to it for easier access.
The keyboard command you want to use is called: Resharper_ForceCompleteItem. So if you go into Visual Studio's Tools > Options > Environment > Keyboard you could assign a keyboard shortcut there. Not sure if it would be possible to use Tab, though.