Why, when I sort a list of 13 numbers, does python only return the last number? - python-3.x

I have a list of first name, last name, and score in a text file that refers to a student and their test score. When I go to sort them so I can find the median score, it only returns from the sort() the last grade on the list. I need it to return all of them, but obviously sorted in order. Here is the part of my code in question:
def main():
#open file in read mode
gradeFile = open("grades.txt","r")
#read the column names and assign them to line1 variable
line1 = gradeFile.readline()
#tell it to look at lines 2 to the end
lines = gradeFile.readlines()
#seperate the list of lines into seperate lines
for line in lines:
#initialize grades list as an empty list
gradeList = []
#iterate through each line and take off the \n
line = line.rstrip()
line = line.split(",")
grades = line[-1]
except ValueError:
#sort the grades

You clear the list each time the loop runs. Move the assignment outside the loop.


How to get elements from a text file and searching them in another text file in python 3?

I have players.txt It is like:
Iteration: 1
Mac Allister
De Paul
Iteration 3:
And I have superstarplayers.txt like:
It goes like this, a lot of player name
No blank line in superstarplayer.txt
But in players.txt there is a blank line afterward the name of a player line. It is like 1st row is player 2nd row blank 3rd row is player 4th row is blank. One player one blank.
For each iteration, I want to get number of how many players in my iteration. And also I want to get the number of how many players is also exist in superstarplayers.txt
How can I do that in python3. I am learning python file operations.
(in players.txt in every iteration there are not always 11 players the numbers might different)
I'm learning how to read from a txt file, how to write to a txt file. I have no idea about how to get elements from a text file and searching them in another text file in python 3. How can I do that?
You can do what you are asking with this
def fix_data(lst):
""" Fixes any blank lines or empty strings"""
#remove the newline character from the strings if there
remove_newline = [x.replace("\n","") for x in lst]
#remove empty strings (your example has them) - also remove whitespace
remove_empty = [x.strip() for x in remove_newline]
#return data
return remove_empty
#open a text file for reading like this - its wrapped in a fix_data function
with open('/home/lewis/players.txt', 'r') as f:
lines = fix_data(f.readlines())
#open superstar players - also wrapped
with open('/home/lewis/superstar.txt', 'r') as f:
superstar_lines = fix_data(f.readlines())
#create a iteration dictionary.
iteration_store = {}
#create a variable to store the iteration no
iteration = 0
#create a variable to store the iteration start no
iteration_start = 0
#create a variable to store unknown player no
unknown_player = 1
#loop each line and and to dict on each iteration
for line in lines:
#check if an iteration line
iteration_start += 1
if "Iteration" in line:
# get the iteration number from the string by splitting the string on 'Iteration:' and taking the last value, then removing white space
iteration = line.split("Iteration:")[-1].strip()
#store this value in the dict as a list
iteration_store[iteration] = []
#set to zero
iteration_start = 0
# after the interation line is found then find the player name in every other space
elif iteration_start % 2 != 0:
#check if the player is unknown and rename the line
if line == "" or line is None:
#set the line
line = f"Unknown Player {unknown_player}"
#increment the player number
unknown_player += 1
#if not an iteration line then store the player name in the dict[list]
#print the information
#print a new line to seperate the data
#loop the newly create dict and print each iteration number and count of players
for k,v in iteration_store.items():
# check the superstar list for matches
superstars = [x for x in v if x in superstar_lines]
#print the information
print(f"Iteration: {k} - No Players {len(v)} - No Superstars {len(superstars)}")
Changed the code to take the player name from every other line after the "Iteration" line has been found. This will only work if it follows the following format ALWAYS
iteration line
player name (empty or not)
empty string
player name (empty or not)
If the superstar player is not found, then there must be something that doesnt match like its written messi and Messi as they are different. The code is sound.
Read the codes, research and play with it. Google is your friend.

Removing a line from a file

I have a file named (data.txt):
463254,Chocolate,Cocoa butter:Sugar:Milk powder,45.6,4,0
120014,Buns,Wheat Flour,24.9,5,2
560214,Cake,Flour:Baking Powder:Cake Mix,70.5,3,1
123456,burger,bread crumbs:beef:tomato,99.9,10,0
The numbers after the last comma is sold items. I want to write a code that can delete a line just if the number after the last comma is 0. This is the code I wrote but it removes the line even if the number after the last comma is not zero :
with open("data.txt","r+") as file:
lines= file.readlines()
for line in lines:
productInfo= line.split(",")
if productInfo[5]>"0":
if y==0:
print("Product cannot be removed: sold items must be 0")
elif productID not in line:
print("Product is removed successfully")
I regret that I do not understand what you are asking for. If you have trouble expressing a difficult question, try asking the question to a friend, and then write down what you say.
Other than the noise that y introduces for no reason, the other odd thing about this code is this comparison:
Probably that comparison does not do what you expect.
I believe you just want to know if the last token is a "0" or not. For this it is better to test for equality or inequality, instead of attempting to perform a value comparison of two strings.
String equality can be tested with ==. Check for inequality with !=.
I believe you want this:
productInfo[5] != "0"
From what I have understood, you have a file that contains comma-separated data and last value is of your interest. If that value is 0, you want to remove that line.
General idea is to read the lines in file and split the , in line and access last item. Your mistake is, as many have pointed out, you are trying to compare strings with > which is not valid in python. Following code works for me with your sample data:
#reading the lines in data as list
with open("data.txt", "r") as f:
lines = f.readlines()
new_array = []
#empty array so we can populate it with lines that don't have a 0 at the end
user_input = input("Enter a number: ") #Capturing user input
for line in lines: #iterating over all lines
line = line.split(",") #splitting , in line
if line[len(line)-1].strip() != "0" and line[0] != user_input:
#if first item and last item are not user input and 0 respectively
elif line[len(line)-1].strip() == "0" and line[0] != user_input:
#if last item is 0 but first item is not user input
print("ignoring:", *line)
with open("data2.txt", "w") as f: #creating new data file without 0
f.writelines(new_array) #writing new array to new datafile
#data2.txt now contains only lines that have no 0 at the end

How to Read Multiple Files in a Loop in Python and get count of matching words

I have two text files and 2 lists (FIRST_LIST,SCND_LIST),i want to find out count of each file matching words from FIRST_LIST,SCND_LIST individually.
text File1 contains:
This is a very good question, and you have received good answers which describe interesting topics accessorized accessorize.
text File2 contains:
is more applied,using accessorize accessorized,accessorizes,accessorizing
File1 first list count=2
File1 second list count=0
File2 first list count=0
File2 second list count=4
This code i have tried to achive this functionality but not able to get the expected output.
if any help appreciated
import os
import glob
for filename in glob.glob("*.txt"):
# remove Punctuations
import re
def remove_punctuation(line):
return re.sub(r'[^\w\s]', '', line)
for filename in files:
for line in open(filename):
FIRST_LIST = "accessorizes","accessorizing","accessorized","accessorize"
for match in FIRST_LIST:
if any(match in value for value in two_files):
print (match)
for match in SCND_LIST:
if any(match in value for value in two_files):
print (match)
Using Counter and some list comprehension is one of many different approaches to solve your problem.
I assume, your sample output being wrong since some words are part of both lists and both files but are not counted. In addition I added a second line to the sample strings in order to show how that is working with multi-line strings which might be the typical contents of a given file.
io.StringIO objects emulate your files, but working with real files from your file system works exactly the same since both provide a file-like object or file-like interface:
from collections import Counter
list_a = ["accessorizes", "accessorizing", "accessorized", "accessorize"]
list_b = ["accessorize", "accessorized", "accessorizes", "accessorizing"]
# added a second line to each string just for the sake
file_contents_a = 'This is a very good question, and you have received good answers which describe interesting topics accessorized accessorize.\nThis is the second line in file a'
file_contents_b = 'is more applied,using accessorize accessorized,accessorizes,accessorizing\nThis is the second line in file b'
# using io.StringIO to simulate a file input (--> file-like object)
# you should use `with open(filename) as ...` for real file input
file_like_a = io.StringIO(file_contents_a)
file_like_b = io.StringIO(file_contents_b)
# read file contents and split lines into a list of strings
lines_of_file_a = file_like_a.read().splitlines()
lines_of_file_b = file_like_b.read().splitlines()
# iterate through all lines of each file (for file a here)
for line_number, line in enumerate(lines_of_file_a):
words = line.replace('.', ' ').replace(',', ' ').split(' ')
c = Counter(words)
in_list_a = sum([v for k,v in c.items() if k in list_a])
in_list_b = sum([v for k,v in c.items() if k in list_b])
print("Line {}".format(line_number))
print("- in list a {}".format(in_list_a))
print("- in list b {}".format(in_list_b))
# iterate through all lines of each file (for file b here)
for line_number, line in enumerate(lines_of_file_b):
words = line.replace('.', ' ').replace(',', ' ').split(' ')
c = Counter(words)
in_list_a = sum([v for k,v in c.items() if k in list_a])
in_list_b = sum([v for k,v in c.items() if k in list_b])
print("Line {}".format(line_number))
print("- in list a {}".format(in_list_a))
print("- in list b {}".format(in_list_b))
# actually, your two lists are the same
lists_are_equal = sorted(list_a) == sorted(list_b)

File input frequency sorting

so I have to write a program that:
Takes the filename as an argument.
Reads the file and counts, for each band, how many albums of that band are listed in the file. (http://vlm1.uta.edu/~cconly/teaching/cse1310_spring2015/assignments/assignment7/albums.txt)
Prints on the screen, in descending order of number of albums, a line for each band. Each line should contain the name of the band, followed by a colon and space, and then the number of albums for that band. This would look like this:
band1: number1
band2: number2
band3: number3
so there is my code below, but I keep getting tremendous errors that tells me that things aren't defined when they are, and I'll get this one as well --> TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable, any help would be great!
import fileinput
import os
filename = open("albums.txt", "r") # open album.txt file
def process_line(line):
line = line.lower()
new_line = ""
for letter in line:
if letter in (""",.!"'()"""):
elif letter == '-':
letter = ' '
new_line = new_line + letter
words = new_line.split()
return words
def count_words(filename):
if (os.path.isfile(filename) == False):
print("\nError: file " + filename + " does not exist.\n")
#in_file = open(filename, "r")
result = {}
for line in filename:
words = process_line(line)
for word in words:
if (word in result):
result[word] += 1
result[word] = 1
def print_word_frequencies(dictionary):
inverse = inverse_dictionary(dictionary)
frequencies = inverse.keys()
frequencies = list(frequencies) # convert frequencies to a list, so that we can sort it.
frequencies.sort() # sorting the list
frequencies.reverse() # reverse the sorting of the list
for frequency in frequencies: # for words with the same frequency, we want them sorted in
list_of_words = inverse[frequency]
list_of_words.sort() # sorting in alphabetical order
for word in list_of_words:
print(word + ":", frequency)
def inverse_dictionary(in_dictionary):
out_dictionary = {}
for key in in_dictionary:
value = in_dictionary[key]
if (value in out_dictionary):
list_of_keys = out_dictionary[value]
out_dictionary[value] = [key]
return out_dictionary
def main():
filename = "albums.txt"
dictionary = count_words(filename)
Since this is an assignment, I will not give you the full code, but just point out some errors.
First, your indentation is all wrong, and indentation is important in Python! This may just have happened when you pasted your code into the question editor, but maybe not. Particularly, make sure your are not mixing tabs and spaces!
Your count_words method does not return anything, thus dictionary is None and you get TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable in inverse_dictionary
When you do for line in filename, you are iterating the characters in the file name, not the lines in the file, as the global variable filename is shadowed by the filename parameter. Open the file in that method using with open(filename) as the_file:
Your process_line method seems odd. It seems like you remove all the special characters, but then how do you plan to separate band name and album name? You seem to just count words, not albums per band. Try line.split(" - ")[0] to get the band.
All that dictionary-inversing is not needed at all. In print_word_frequencies, just sort the items from the dictionary using some custom key function to sort by the count.
With those hints, you should be able to fix your program. (In case you want to know, I got your program down to about ten lines of code.)

text file reading and writing, ValueError: need more than 1 value to unpack

I need to make a program in a single def that opens a text file 'grades' where first, last and grade are separated by comas. Each line is a separate student. Then it displays students and grades as well as class average. Then goes on to add another student and grade and saves it to the text file while including the old students.
I guess I just don't understand the way python goes through the text file. If i comment out 'lines' I see it prints the old_names but its as if everything is gone after. When lines is not commented out 'old_names' is not printed which makes me think the file is closed? or empty? however everything is still in the txt file as it should be.
currently i get this error.... Which I am pretty sure is telling me I'm retarded there's no information in 'line'
File "D:\Dropbox\Dropbox\1Python\Batch Processinga\grades.py", line 45, in main
first_name[i], last_name[i], grades[i] = line.split(',')
ValueError: need more than 1 value to unpack
End goal is to get it to give me the current student names and grades, average. Then add one student, save that student and grade to file. Then be able to pull the file back up with all the students including the new one and do it all over again.
I apologize for being a nub.
def main():
#Declare variables
#List of strings: first_name, last_name
first_name = []
last_name = []
#List of floats: grades
grades = []
#Float grade_avg, new_grade
grade_avg = new_grade = 0.0
#string new_student
new_student = ''
print("Program displays information from a text file to")
print("display student first name, last name, grade and")
print("class average then allows user to enter another")
#Open file “grades.txt” for reading
infile = open("grades.txt","r")
lines = infile.readlines()
old_names = infile.read()
#Write for loop for each line creating a list
for i in len(lines):
#read in line
line = infile.readline()
#Split data
first_name[i], last_name[i], grades[i] = line.split(',')
#convert grades to floats
grades[i] = float(grades[i])
print(first_name, last_name, grades)
#close the file
#perform calculations for average
grade_avg = float(sum(grades)/len(grades))
#display results
print("Name\t\t Grade")
for n in range(5):
print(first_name[n], last_name[n], "\t", grades[n])
print('Average Grade:\t% 0.1f'%grade_avg)
#Prompt user for input of new student and grade
new_student = input('Please enter the First and Last name of new student:\n').title()
new_grade = eval(input("Please enter {}'s grade:".format(new_student)))
#Write new student and grade to grades.txt in same format as other records
new_student = new_student.split()
new_student = str(new_student[1] + ',' + new_student[0] + ',' + str(new_grade))
outfile = open("grades.txt","w")
print(old_names, new_student ,file=outfile)
outfile.close()enter code here
File objects in Python have a "file pointer", which keeps track of what data you've already read from the file. It uses this to know where to start looking when you call read or readline or readlines. Calling readlines moves the file pointer all the way to the end of the file; subsequent read calls will return an empty string. This explains why you're getting a ValueError on the line.split(',') line. line is an empty string, so line.split(",") returns a list of length 0, but you need a list of length 3 to do the triple assignment you're attempting.
Once you get the lines list, you don't need to interact with the infile object any more. You already have all the lines; you may as well simply iterate through them directly.
#Write for loop for each line creating a list
for line in lines:
columns = line.split(",")
Note that I'm using append instead of listName[i] = whatever. This is necessary because Python lists will not automatically resize themselves when you try to assign to an index that doesn't exist yet; you'll just get an IndexError. append, on the other hand, will resize the list as desired.
