How to check if immediate previous run failed or not? - linux

I have a perl script that runs and does some checks.
In some cases that script fails and stops processing and in others completes.
What I would like to do is to be able to check if the script run within 1 minute and if the run was successful somehow then exit.
I thought about saving some file or checking $?, as an indication but I thought there may be exist some standard clean approach for this.
Would like a solution that would work for both linux and mac

You could see if you script has ended after a minute by trying something like this :
sleep 60
ps -ae | grep
This has to be executed at the same time as your script(s). If it returns nothing, that means your script isn't running anymore, aka has ended.
For the final result, you could make your perl script write into a specific log file, and check the end of this log file if the ps -ae | grep returned nothing.
Hope it helped !


When PHP exec function creates a process, where is it queued so that it can be removed programmatically or from command line?

I have a PHP script that runs the following code:
exec("ls $image_subdir | parallel -j8 tesseract $image_subdir/{} /Processed/OCR/{.} -l eng pdf",$output, $result_code);
The code runs, however, even after I terminate the PHP script and close the browser, it continues to create the pdf files (thousands). It has been 24 hrs and it is still running. When I run a ps command, it only shows the 8 current processes that were created.
How can I find where all the pending ones are running and kill them? I believe I can simply restart Apache/PHP, but I would like to know where these pending processes are and how they can be down or controlled. It seemed originally that the code waited a minute while it executed the above code, then proceeded to the next line of code in the PHP script. So it appears that it created the jobs somewhere and then proceeded to the next line of code.
Is it perhaps something peculiar to the parallel command? Any information is very much appreciated. Thank you.
The jobs appear to have been produced by a perl process:
perl /usr/bin/parallel -j8 tesseract {...basically the code from the exec() function call in the php script}
perl was invoked either by the gnu parallel command or php's exec function. In any event, htop would not allow killing of process and did not produce any error or status and so it may be a permission problem preventing htop from killing the process. So it was done with sudo on the command line which ultimately killed the process and stopped any further processes creation from the original PHP exec() call.

continuous bash script - show custom error when process killed

I am trying to write a script that keeps checking if process "XXX" gets killed and if it does, show error message with text from /proc/XXX_ID/fd/1 and start again.
I am trying to make it work on custom thinclient distro where is no more packages than needed. Linux 4.6.3TS_SMP i686
I am new in scripting in Bash and I can't seem to get it working. I were googling and trying different things last two days and I moved nowhere. What am I doing wrong?
while [ true ] ; do
process_ID="$(pgrep XXX)"
tail -f /proc/${process_ID}/fd/1 > /bin/test2.txt
Everything works till now. Now I need to somehow check if test2.txt is empty or not and if its not, use text from it as error message and start checking again. I tried something like this
if [ -s /bin/test2.txt ]
err="$(cat /bin/test2.txt)"
notify-send "${err}"
How about this:
output_filepath=$(readlink /proc/$pid/fd/1)
while ps $pid > /dev/null
sleep 1
tail "$output_filepath"
The whole idea only works if the stdout (fd 1) of the process is redirected into a file which can be read by someone else. Such a redirect will result in /proc/<pid>/fd/1 being a symlink. We read and memorize the target of that symlink in the first line.
Then we wait until the ps of the given PID fails which typically means the process has terminated. Then we tail the file at the memorized path.
This approach has several weaknesses. The process (or its caller) could remove, modify, or rename the output file at termination time, or reading it can somehow be impossible (permissions, etc.). The output could be redirected to something not being a file (e.g. a pipe, a socket, etc.), then tailing it won't work.
ps not failing does not necessarily mean that the same process is still there. It's next to impossible that a PID is reused that quickly, but not completely impossible.

best way to check logs after Makefile command

One of my projects' Makefile runs a bunch of tests on a headless browser for the functional test step. Most of the test is for the front-end code, but i also check for any error/warning on the backend.
Currently, we are cleaning the web server log, running all the (very slow) tests, and then grepping the server log for any error or warning.
i was wondering if there was any way to have a listener parsing the log (e.g. tail -f | grep) starting on the background, and kill the make target if it detects any error/warning during the test run.
what i got so far was
start long lived grep in the background and store PID.
run tests.
check output of long lived grep
kill PID.
in case of any error, fail.
This only bought me the advantage that now i do not lose the server logs on my dev box every time, as i do not have to clean it every time. But i still have to wait a long time (minutes) for a failure that may have occurred in the very first one.
is there any solution for it?
I was wondering if there was any way to have a listener parsing the log (e.g. tail -f | grep) starting on the background, and kill the make target if it detects any error/warning during the test run.
Have you tried doing it the simple straightforward way? Like this, for example:
# make is started somehow, e.g.:
make target >make-target.log 2>&1 &
# we know its PID and the log file name
tail -f make-target.log | grep 'ERROR!' |
while read DUMMY; do
# error was detected, kill the make:
(Though it is not clear to me what OP is asking, I'm writing an answer since I can't put a lot of code into the comment.)

Linux IO operator '>'

I have cronjob as jstack > error.log every second to get the snapshot of error.
My problem is if I use > operator in linux does it close file also or keep the file open?
You're going to overwrite the file every second.
You might want jstack >> error.log.
Whats the problem, look for open files in system and check if the file is still open, lsof | grep <your filename>. You will get the answer.
Though it would be closed, just to be sure you can do that.
NOTE: I am sure if you are running it every sec, it wont run every sec.. Cron daemon comes to see cronjob every minute by default. So its too much to ask from cron.

simple timeout on I/O for command for linux

First the background to this intriguing challenge. The continuous integration build can often have failures during development and testing of deadlocks, loops, or other issues that result in a never ending test. So all the mechanisms for notifying that a build has failed become useless.
The solution will be to have the build script timeout if there's zero output to the build log file for more than 5 minutes since the build routinely writes out the names of unit tests as it proceeds. So that's the best way to identify it's "frozen".
Okay. Now the nitty gritty...
The build server uses Hudson to run a simple bash script that invokes the more complex build script based on Nant and MSBuild (all on Windows).
So far all solutions around the net involve a timeout on the total run time of the command. But that solution fails in this case because the tests might hang or freeze in the first 5 minutes.
What we've thought of so far:
First, here's the high level bash command run the full test suite in Hudson. clean free test
That command simply sends all the Nant and MSBuild build logging to stdout.
It's obvious that we need to tee that output to a file: clean free test 2>&1 | tee build.out
Then in parallel a command needs to sleep, check the modify time of the file and if more than 5 minutes kill the main process. A kill -9 will be fine at that point--nothing graceful needed once it has frozen.
That's the part you can help with.
In fact, I made a script like this over 15 years ago to kill the connection with a data phone line to japan after periods of inactivity but can't remember how I did it.
Wayne clean free test 2>&1 | tee build.out &
sleep 300
kill -KILL %1
You may be able to use timeout:
timeout 300 command
Solved this myself by writing a bash script.
It's called iotimeout with one parameter which is the number of seconds.
You use it like this: clean dev test | iotimeout 120
iotimeout has 2 loops.
One is a simple while read line loop that echos echo line but
it also uses the touch command to update the modified time of a
tmp file every time it writes a line. Unfortunately, it wasn't
possible to monitor a build.out file because Windoze doesn't
update the file modified time until you close the file. Oh well.
Another loop runs in the background, that's a forever loop
which sleeps 10 seconds and then checks the modified time
of the temp file. If that ever exceeds 120 seconds old then
that loop forces the entire process group to exit.
The only tricky stuff was returning the exit code of the original
program. Bash gives you a PIPESTATUS array to solve that.
Also, figuring out how to kill the entire program group was
some research but turns out to be easy just--kill 0
