ssh remote command not working as expected (problems with read) - linux

I have a script on my server named
read -p "Select an option [1-4]: " option
echo "You have selected $option"
When I run it through ssh manually, I see this:
me#me:~$ ssh root#server
root#server's password:
root#server:~# bash
Select an option [1-4]: 48
You have selected 48
When I run it as ssh remote command, I see this:
me#me:~$ ssh root#server 'bash'
root#server's password:
You have selected 48
I am unsatisfied with this output because it's missing Select an option [1-4]: prompt string and the original script which from has I derived contains a lot of interactive dialogue strings like this and I need them all.
I know that read prints it's prompt to stderr so I tried to start the script with following commands in case if stderr is omitted, but the output stays still the same:
ssh root#server 'bash >&2'
ssh root#server 'bash' >&2
ssh root#server 'bash 2>&1'
ssh root#server 'bash' 2>&1
Why this is happening and how to make ssh remote command work as expected?
I have changed the to this:
echo Connected
read -p "Select an option [1-4]: " option
echo "You have selected $option"
but the output still missing the prompt string:
me#me:~$ ssh root#server 'bash'
root#server's password:
You have selected 66

You need to use -t option in ssh to assign a pseudo-terminal to ssh session:
ssh -q -t root#server 'bash'


How to pass a variable value to another server using ssh

ssh -q user#host 'exec bash -s' << 'ENDSSH'
cd abc/def
./scriptname \$CTN
However in the remote server, value of variable CTN is not getting passed.
Please help.
It should be:
ssh -q user#host 'exec bash -s' << ENDSSH
cd abc/def
./scriptname "$CTN"
Since you want $CTN to expanded locally you must not escape the $ and must not put ENDSSH between single quotes.

Commands don't echo after sudo as another user

I have a single command to ssh to a remote linux host and execute a shell script.
ssh -t -t $USER#somehost 'bash -s' < ./
Inside I have this:
whoami; # I see this command echo
sudo -i -u someoneelse #I see this command echo
whoami; # I DON'T see this command echo, but response is correct
#subsequent commands don't echo
When I run the script locally all commands echo.
How do I get commands to echo after I sudo as another user over ssh?
Had to set -x AFTER sudo as another user
sudo -i -u someonelese
set -x #make sure echo on
whoami; #command echoed

SSH to remote machine, grep output, close connection

I am trying to execute a command on a remote machine, grep the output, put it in a file and then close the connection.
This is what I have:
sshpass -p ***** ssh user#remotemachine | grep 'TEXT' > output.txt
The script is stops and there is no output in output.txt
Any ideas how I can script this?
try this.
sshpass -p ***** ssh user#remotemachine " grep 'TEXT' > output.txt"
in your shell script,you just use ssh login in your remove server,and after executing ssh command,then run grep in you local machine,so ,you get nothing

Ksh script: How to remain in ssh and continue the script

So for my script I want to ssh into a remote host and remain in the remote host after the script ends and also have the directory changed to match the remote host when the script ends.
ssh -t -X mylogin#myremotemachine 'cd $HOME/bin/folder1; echo $PWD; ssh -q -X ssh mylogin#myremotemachine; cd $HOME/bin/folder2; echo $PWD'
The PWD gets changed correctly before the second ssh. The reason for the second ssh is because it ends the script in the correct remote host but it will not retain the directory change which I attempted by putting commands after it but they won't execute.
Does anyone have any ideas?
Just launch a shell at the end of the command list:
ssh -t -X mylogin#myremotemachine 'cd $HOME/bin/folder1; echo $PWD; ssh -q -X ssh mylogin#myremotemachine; cd $HOME/bin/folder2; echo $PWD; ksh'
If you want the shell to be a login one (i.e. one that reads .profile), use exec -l:
ssh -t -X mylogin#myremotemachine 'cd $HOME/bin/folder1; exec -l ksh'
If the remote server uses an old ksh release that doesn't support the exec -l builtin and if bash or ksh93 is available, here is a workaround:
ssh -t -X mylogin#myremotemachine 'cd $HOME/bin/folder1; exec bash -c "exec -l ksh"'

shell script for remote connection to other system and execute bunch of command in it

I need a shell script that can take remote login in to a system and i can execute a bunch of commands in that system.
I made a script and actually it's working:
ssh -l ${USERNAME} ${IP} "pwd "
ssh -l ${USERNAME} ${IP} "ls -la"
ssh -l ${USERNAME} ${IP} ./a.out
I have problem that if suppose i made script
ssh -l ${USERNAME} ${IP} "pwd " # this execute in remote system
ls -la # this execute in current system.
so every time i need ssh command to execute file on remote system.
Is there any way that i can run bunch of code in remote system with one time login.
You can send as much commands to ssh as you want, provided that you separate them with ; or linebreaks. So this should work:
ssh -l ${USERNAME} ${IP} "pwd; ls -la"
#Joao's suggestion works fine however its impractical when writing many lines.
If this is the case you can do
ssh -1 ${USERNAME} ${IP} bash << 'EOF'
cd /some/directory
who am i
for i in `seq 1 10`
echo $i
Anything between 'EOF' and the final EOF will be executed in the server side.
You can also replace bash with csh or python and write code for that interpreter instead
If you want the output of the ssh session be stored in a file (say session.log) then replace
ssh -1 ${USERNAME} ${IP} bash << 'EOF'
ssh -1 ${USERNAME} ${IP} bash << 'EOF' > 'session.log'
rest remains unchanged
