Is implementing REST response in generic way general? - object

What I want to do is:
1. Parse model from url parameter in endpoint.(ex: media, account) <- :model can be whether 'media', 'account'.
So it will look like:
2. Use 1, retrieve string and use it for getting corresponding struct.
3. Put it to the method which takes interface{}
My code looks like:
type Media struct {
Caption string
type Account struct {
Bio string
type AdminController struct {
TableName string
ID int64
func (c *AdminController) Get(n *core.Network) {
// I want to put struct to below GetModels method dynamically.
// Not explicitly like this.
total, data, err := c.GetModels(&Media{}, n)
// I want to do this
total, data, err := c.GetModels(caster("media"), n)
if err != nil {
} else {
n.Res.Success(total, data)
Is it possible to implement method which takes string and return corresponding struct? Like this:
func (c *AdminController) caster(model string) interface{} {
if string == "media" {
return &Media{}
} else if string == "account" {
return &Account{}
return nil
If it's possible, is this a good way to deal with REST request (generic way) Or should I implement response methods one by one following table by table?
If I have to implement REST(4) * number_of_tables methods, it doesn't seem to be efficient. Any advice on this architectural problem will be appreciated.


How to chan "RoomDatabase and Retrofit" in RxJava

I'm using the Repository Pattern.
I would like to implement logic that if there is no value in the internal DB returns the value of the Api Response and inserts it in the internal DB.
Received internal DB Value (Single Type) Return final value if found, Request Server Api if not found Insert in internal DB (Completable Type) Return final value (Single Type)
If any of these processes call onError, the final return value of this logic shall be onError.
fun getAllStudent(): Single<List<StudentEntity>> =
cache.getAllStudent().onErrorResumeNext { getAllStudentRemote() }
private fun getAllStudentRemote(): Single<List<StudentEntity>> =
.map { memberData -> memberData.students }
.map { studentList -> { student -> studentMapper.mapToEntity(student) } }
.doOnSuccess { studentEntityList -> cache.insertStudents(studentEntityList) }
This is how I tried.
However, in the insert section, because it cannot subscribe, It cannot insert into internal DB or detect onError.
How can I implement this logic? ++ I'm sorry for my poor English.
Since you need to wait for cache.insertStudents() to complete, one thing you can do is to chain cache.insertStudents() into the stream using flatMap.
For example:
fun getAllStudent(): Single<List<StudentEntity>> =
cache.getAllStudent().onErrorResumeNext { getAllStudentRemote() }
private fun getAllStudentRemote(): Single<List<StudentEntity>> =
.map { memberData -> memberData.students }
.map { studentList -> { student -> studentMapper.mapToEntity(student) } }
.flatMap { studentEntityList ->
cache.insertStudents(studentEntityList) // Completable
.toSingleDefualt(studentEntityList) // Convert to Single<List<StudentEntity>>
Also note that .do... operators are side-effect operators, and you should not do any operation that can affect the stream.

Golang - Unmarshal/rebuild an object in 2 step passing by interface

I'm working with json and golang. I've made a TCP server and, I need to Unmarshal the message to know which type of service is asked, before Unmarshal the contained data. It's a bit hard to explain so this is my code:
package main
import (
type Container struct {
Type string
Object interface{}
type Selling struct {
Surname string
Firstname string
Price int
type Buying struct {
ID int
Surname string
Firstname string
type Editing struct {
ID int
Informations, etc etc
func main() {
tmp_message_json1 := Selling{Surname: "X", Firstname: "Mister", Price: 10}
//tmp_message_json1 := Buying{ID: 1, Surname: "X", Firstname: "Mister"}
tmp_container_json1 := Container{Type: "Selling", Object: tmp_message_json1}
json_tmp, _ := json.Marshal(tmp_container_json1)
We init tcp etc etc and then a message comes up !
c := Container{}
json.Unmarshal(json_tmp, &c)
//I unmarshal a first time to know the type of service asked
// first question: Does Unmarshal need to be used only one time?
// does I need to pass c.Object as a string to unmarshal it in the called functions?
if c.Type == "Buying" {
} else if c.Type == "client" {
} else {
fmt.Println("bad entry")
func takeInterfaceBuying(Object interface{}) {
bu := Object
fmt.Println(bu.Firstname, bu.Surname, "wants to buy the following product:", bu.ID)
func takeInterfaceSelling(Object interface{}) {
se := Object
fmt.Println(se.Firstname, se.Surname, "wants to sell something for:", se.Price)
I need to handle messages which comes up like it, but I don't know if it's possible? does it possible?
Thank for help !
There is json.RawMessage for this purpose.
package main
import (
type Container struct {
Type string
Object json.RawMessage
type Selling struct {
Surname string
Firstname string
Price int
type Buying struct {
ID int
Surname string
Firstname string
func main() {
rawJson1 := []byte(`{"Type":"Selling","Object":{"Surname":"X","Firstname":"Mister","Price":10}}`)
rawJson2 := []byte(`{"Type":"Buying","Object":{"ID":1,"Surname":"X","Firstname":"Mister"}}`)
func processMessage(data []byte) {
var c Container
json.Unmarshal(data, &c)
switch {
case c.Type == "Buying":
case c.Type == "Selling":
fmt.Println("bad entry")
func processBuying(c Container) {
var bu Buying
json.Unmarshal(c.Object, &bu)
fmt.Println(bu.Firstname, bu.Surname, "wants to buy the following product:", bu.ID)
func processSelling(c Container) {
var se Selling
json.Unmarshal(c.Object, &se)
fmt.Println(se.Firstname, se.Surname, "wants to sell something for:", se.Price)
I might be wrong, but I don't think you can do it in one step.
First idea: Unmarshal in map[string]interface{}
Don't use type with unmarshal, instead use a map[string]interface{}, and then construct Selling/Buying from this map (or use directly the map)
type Container struct {
Type string
Object map[string]interface{}
Second idea: Two steps / clueless container
First: Unmarshall in a clueless Container that doesn't know the type
type CluelessContainer struct {
Type string
Object interface{} `json:"-"` // or just remove this line ?
Then unmarshall in the type aware container. You could use a factory pattern to come with the right struct.

Can you pass a struct fieldname in to a function in golang?

Say for example you have something like this, trying to make the example as simple as possible.
type Home struct {
Bedroom string
Bathroom string
How do you pass the field name, or can you, to a function?
func (this *Home) AddRoomName(fieldname, value string) {
this.fieldname = value
Obviously that does not work... The only way I can see to do this is to use two functions which adds a lot of extra code when the struct gets really big and has a lot of similar code.
func (this *Home) AddBedroomName(value string) {
this.Bedroom = value
func (this *Home) AddBathroomName(value string) {
this.Bathroom = value
The only way that I am aware of is to use reflection:
func (this *Home) AddRoomName(fieldname, value string) {
h := reflect.ValueOf(this).Elem()
One more idea that comes to my mind is like this, not sure if it makes sense in your case though:
func Set(field *string, value string) {
*field = value
home := &Home{"asd", "zxc"}
Set(&home.Bedroom, "bedroom")
Set(&home.Bathroom, "bathroom")
Use type assertions on an interface value:
package main
import "fmt"
type Test struct {
S string
I int
func (t *Test) setField(name string, value interface{}) {
switch name {
case "S":
t.S = value.(string)
case "I":
t.I = value.(int)
func main() {
t := &Test{"Hello", 0}
fmt.Println(t.S, t.I)
t.setField("S", "Goodbye")
t.setField("I", 1)
fmt.Println(t.S, t.I)

Having trouble understanding interface/struct relationship

I am having difficulty understanding the relationship between interfaces and structs in go. I have declared an interface called Datatype as follows:
package main
type Datatype interface {
Unmarshal(record []string) error
String() string
I have also created several structs that implement this interface. Here is one simple example:
package main
import (
type User struct {
Username string `validate:"nonzero"`
UserId string `validate:"nonzero"`
GivenName string `validate:"nonzero"`
FamilyName string `validate:"nonzero"`
Email string `validate:"regexp=^[0-9a-zA-Z]+#[0-9a-zA-Z]+(\\.[0-9a-zA-Z]+)+$"`
SMS string `validate:"nonzero"`
Phone string `validate:"min=10"`
DateOfBirth time.Time
type Users []User
func (u *User) Unmarshal(record []string) error {
s := reflect.ValueOf(u).Elem()
if s.NumField() != len(record) {
return &FieldMismatch{s.NumField(), len(record)}
for i := 0; i > s.NumField(); i++ {
f := s.Field(i)
switch f.Type().String() {
case "string":
case "int", "int64":
ival, err := strconv.ParseInt(record[i], 10, 0)
if err != nil {
return err
return &UnsupportedType{f.Type().String()}
return nil
func (u *User) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%#v", u)
func (u *User) populateFrom(reader *csv.Reader) (Users, error) {
var users Users
for {
record, err := reader.Read()
err = u.Unmarshal(record)
valid := validator.Validate(u)
if valid == nil {
user := *u
users = append(users, user)
} else {
fmt.Println("Validation error?: ", valid)
return users, nil
As you can see, I also have a type called Users which is just []User. When I try to return this type from a function that has a return type of []Datatype, I get the following error message:
cannot use results (type Users) as type []Datatype in return argument
I'm sure I'm missing something obvious but it seems to me that this should work.
Could someone please explain why it does not work? Is there a better (more idiomatic) way to achieve this end result?
Slices are not covariant; even though User implements Datatype, []User does not implement []Datatype (because nothing implements []Datatype: it itself is not an interface type, it's just a slice type whose element type is an interface type).
Edited to add: As Dave C points out in a comment above, a closely-related question appears in the Go FAQ. [link] The Go FAQ is licensed in a way that's compatible with Stack Exchange content, so, here's the question in its entirety:
Can I convert a []T to an []interface{}?
Not directly, because they do not have the same representation in memory. It is necessary to copy the elements individually to the destination slice. This example converts a slice of int to a slice of interface{}:
t := []int{1, 2, 3, 4}
s := make([]interface{}, len(t))
for i, v := range t {
s[i] = v

Golang : Is conversion between different struct types possible?

Let's say I have two similar types set this way :
type type1 []struct {
Field1 string
Field2 int
type type2 []struct {
Field1 string
Field2 int
Is there a direct way to write values from a type1 to a type2, knowing that they have the same fields ?
(other than writing a loop that will copy all the fields from the source to the target)
To give a reference to OneOfOne's answer, see the Conversions section of the spec.
It states that
A non-constant value x can be converted to type T in any of these
x is assignable to T.
x's type and T have identical underlying types.
x's type and T are unnamed pointer types and their pointer base types have identical underlying types.
x's type and T are both integer or floating point types.
x's type and T are both complex types.
x is an integer or a slice of bytes or runes and T is a string type.
x is a string and T is a slice of bytes or runes.
The first and highlighted case is your case. Both types have the underlying type
[]struct { Field1 string Field2 int }
An underlying type is defined as
If T is one of the predeclared boolean, numeric, or string types, or a type literal, the corresponding underlying type is T itself. Otherwise, T's underlying type is the underlying type of the type to which T refers in its type declaration. (spec, Types)
You are using a type literal to define your type so this type literal is your underlying type.
For your specific example, you can easily convert it playground:
t1 := type1{{"A", 1}, {"B", 2}}
t2 := type2(t1)
As of Go 1.8, struct tags are ignored when converting a value from one struct type to another. Types type1 and type2 will be convertible, regardless of their struct tags, in that Go release.
Nicolas, in your later comment you said you were using field tags on the struct; these count as part of definition, so t1 and t2 as defined below are different and you cannot cast t2(t1):
type t1 struct {
Field1 string
type t2 struct {
Field1 string `json:"field_1"`
UPDATE: This is no longer true as of Go 1.8
This is not the standard way, but if you wish to have a flexible approach to convert a struct to, lets say, a map, or if you want to get rid of some properties of your struct without using `json:"-", you can use JSON marshal.
Concretely, here is what I do:
type originalStruct []struct {
Field1 string
Field2 int
targetStruct := make(map[string]interface{}) // `targetStruct` can be anything of your choice
temporaryVariable, _ := json.Marshal(originalStruct)
err = json.Unmarshal(temporaryVariable, &targetStruct)
if err != nil {
// Catch the exception to handle it as per your need
Might seem like a hack, but was pretty useful in most of my tasks.
for go v1.18 that already support generic, basically i just create method that accept any type of parameter and convert it to another type with json.Marshal / Unmarshal
// utils.TypeConverter
func TypeConverter[R any](data any) (*R, error) {
var result R
b, err := json.Marshal(&data)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err = json.Unmarshal(b, &result)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &result, err
suppose that i have a struct called models.CreateUserRequest and i want to convert it to models.User. Note that json tag must be same
// models.CreateUserRequest
type CreateUserRequest struct {
Fullname string `json:"name,omitempty"`
RegisterEmail string `json:"email,omitempty"`
// models.User
type User struct {
Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
Email string `json:"email,omitempty"`
Phone string `json:"phone,omitempty"`
I can use that utils method above like this
user := models.CreateUserRequest {
Name: "John Doe",
Email: ""
data, err := utils.TypeConverter[models.User](&user)
if err != nil {
log.Println(reflrect.TypeOf(data)) // will output *models.User
You can manually use a mapper function which maps each element of type t1 to type t2. It will work.
func GetT2FromT1(ob1 *t1) *t2 {
ob2 := &t2 { Field1: t1.Field1, }
return ob2
Agniswar Bakshi's answer is faster and better if you can write those conversions manually, but here's an expansion on Furqan Rahamath's answer. (A more complete example is available on the Golang playground )
func Recast(a, b interface{}) error {
js, err := json.Marshal(a)
if err != nil {
return err
return json.Unmarshal(js, b)
// Usage:
type User struct {
Name string
PasswordHash string
// remove PasswordHash before providing user:
type PrivateOutgoingUser struct {
Name string
u1 := &User{Name: "Alice", PasswordHash: "argon2...."}
u2 := &PrivateOutgoingUser{}
err = Recast(u1, u2)
if err != nil {
log.Panic("Error recasting u1 to u2", err)
log.Println("Limited user:", u2)
Here's another way that uses JSON tagging which is faster, since it doesn't require that extra marshal-unmarshal step, but not quite as flexible:
type User struct {
Name string
PasswordHash string `json:"-"` // - removes the field with JSON
user := &User{Name: "Tommy Tester", PasswordHash: "argon2...."}
js, err := json.Marshal(user)
log.Println("Limited user:", string(user))
