Spreadsheet summing based on substring match - excel

I am struggling with one part of this exercise. I'm able to sum based on one column unique values (i.e. column G). I'm also to extract unique names from columns with multiple names in same cell (column I). What I am not able to do is get work assigned for the person from multiple rows. For simplicity, the work is just divided equally between number of people in that row.
Desired outcome is in column L. Sample sheet to work with is here

Try it as (in J3),
=SUMPRODUCT((D$3:D$8)/(LEN(C$3:C$8)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(C$3:C$8, " ", ""))+1), --ISNUMBER(SEARCH(I3, C$3:C$8)))


Excel formula to count discrete instances of referenced cells

I have a column of strings, representing names, where there can be more than one name per cell and each is separated by a semicolon. There is a column next to it that has a single character which represents a category. To illustrate:
My desired outcome is shown in the second box. What I need is a formula that, for each name in column B, counts up how many instances of the categories in column C were assigned to it.
I'm having difficulty reconciling the fact that there may be multiple names in each cell in column B. Can anyone think of an easy approach here?
Just use COUNTIFS and wildcards:

Excel: Need to count occurrences that values in column are greater than another column AND value in a third column is specified

The dummy data below is similar to the data I'm working with. I want to check how many instances that the value is greater than the goal, only in one region at a time.
To clarify, I have already figured out how to count the number of occurrences in which values in one column are greater than corresponding values in another row as follows:
or (as an array formula):
I have another column specifying different regions in the country. I want to count these same occurrences for individual regions. For example, when the region is "Southeast". I have tried adding an & statement within these previous formulas, as well as multiple sumifs, countifs, and various variations of all of the above. I am continuously either getting a 0 or an error as my answer.
Thanks in advance!
You can use:
C is the column of Values
B is the column of Goals
A is the column of Region

Return last date something was entered into one column with criteria from another column

I'm working with a set of data in excel. Data is entered into rows for items specified in columns. The first column contains a date. A cell in the same row of one of the columns contains the name of a person and in another cell in the same row but different column may contain a number larger than zero (or it may be empty).
I need to create a formula which returns the date when a number larger than zero was last entered into that column for a specific name. This is a "living list" which keeps on growing and the same names appear in different rows, sometimes with a number in the column a mentioned and sometimes not.
I found an old thread on this site on a similar subject which got me as far as knowing the date of the last entry containing the persons name but I'm still not able to configure it to show me when that specific person also had a number larger than zero in that column.
Here's the thread: How to get the newest value from a column with conditions
My current formula looks like this:
Column A contains the dates
Column G contains the names (and "Sheet7!C5" is a reference to a name)
The value column I need to add to the mix is column AY
I feel there must be a simple solution (a small add on to the formula) to solve this but I always end up with an error.
Thanks in advance :)
Edit: Here is a simplified example of the data entry and output list needed.
For this you need to sort the date DESCENDING and format the table as Excel Table
Edit: you can sort the date ascending. See explanation at the end.
Using your example, then the formula will be
=INDEX(TableData[Activity A], MATCH($B14, TableData[Employee initials], 0))
This works just like the usual VLOOKUP or INDEX MATCH, fetching the first date on an activity matching the employee initials.
You can use VLOOKUP, but you'll need to dynamically name the range of each columns.
Edit: Just today I found an interesting behavior of MATCH when it found multiple matching values. If you use 1 instead of 0, then it will fetch the last matching value on the list.
So, you can use this formula instead in ASCENDING table.
=INDEX(TableData[Activity A], MATCH($B14, TableData[Employee initials], 1))

Searching two excel columns for occurrence of two strings together

I'm looking for a way to count the number of times two cells appear side by side in Excel - like intersections. Sometimes in my data (of about 550 records) A Road will appear next to B Road, which is a count of 1. If it occurs again, later in the data the count would be 2. But if B Road appears in the first column and A Road appears in the second column, I can't find a way to make that number 3 in the count.
I've tried concatenating the data, but I need to be able to write this formula without inserting specific criteria (like searching for A Road) because it would be easier in that case to do this manually. Does anyone know if there's a formula for find the occurrence of the same two variables between two columns without specific criteria?
If the order of values in the two columns were important (i.e. A Road followed by B Road is different than B Road followed by A Road), then a simple pivot table would provide the counts you need. You would just put Col M on the rows, Col N on the columns and the count of any field as the value.
But the OP has said that A Road followed by B Road should be counted in the same total as B Road followed by A Road. Let's modify the concatenation in Col O to become =IF(M2<N2,CONCAT(M2," & ",N2),CONCAT(N2," & ",M2)). That provides a canonical form of each combination regardless of order. Having done that, then it is again an easy matter to create a pivot table that shows all the required counts -- just put the concatenated value on the rows and the count as the value.
If I correctly understand your intent, then try this array formula : =SUM(IF(EXACT(B$2:B3&C$2:C3,B3&C3),1,""))+SUM(IF(EXACT(B$2:B3&C$2:C3,C3&B3),1,"")).The second sum formula accounts for any reverse order of adjacent street occurrences.Then copy down the column as needed. Enter with Ctrl+Shift+Enter.

Excel: Four columns with different lengths and data values, need to find matching values

I have a sheet with 4 columns of data. The first two columns show the name of a stock, followed by a PipDigit. These two values are connected and must not be seperated. The other 2 columns are another set of stock names and accompanying PipDigits. I want to do several things:
First, compare the stock names in each column and arrange it in such a way that matching stock names are aligned. The columns have different lenghts.
Second, I want another column to display which matching stocks have different PipDigit values. For example if for an Ebay stock I have a PipDigit of 2 in the first set of columns, and a PipDigit of 4 in the second set of columns, I would like to see message saying "different" or something similar. I have included a screenshot of the file.
If anything is unclear please let me know
This is the file in question
I believe from your question you are looking for the corresponding record in columns E/F for the 'Symbol' in column A.
The easiest way to get this data would to perform a VLOOKUP on the first column, looking at the data in columns 3/4.
In cell C2 you want the following formula:
This will give you the corresponding pip-digit from column F.
Now in cell D2, enter the following formula:
This will give you a column telling you whether the pip digits match.
Drag these two formulas down to replicate for each row of the table on the left.
