PySpark getting distinct values over a wide range of columns - apache-spark

I have data with a large number of custom columns, the content of which I poorly understand. The columns are named evar1 to evar250. What I'd like to get is a single table with all distinct values, and a count how often these occur and the name of the column.
| columnname | value | count |
| evar1 | en-GB | 7654321 |
| evar1 | en-US | 1234567 |
| evar2 | | 123 |
| evar2 | | 456 |
| ...
The best way I can think of doing this feels terrible, as I believe I have to read this data once per column (there are actually about 400 such columns.
i = 1
df_evars = None
while i <= 30:
colname = "evar" + str(i)
df_temp = df.groupBy(colname).agg(fn.count("*").alias("rows"))\
.withColumn("colName", fn.lit(colname))
if df_evars:
df_evars = df_evars.union(df_temp)
df_evars = df_temp
Am I missing a better solution?
This has been marked as a duplicate but the two responses IMO only solve part of my question.
I am looking at potentially very wide tables with potentially a large number of values. I need a simple way (ie. 3 columns that show the source column, the value and the count of the value in the source column.
The first of the responses only gives me an approximation of the number of distinct values. Which is pretty useless to me.
The second response seems less relevant than the first. To clarify, source data like this:
| evar1 | evar2 | ... |
| A | A | ... |
| B | A | ... |
| B | B | ... |
| B | B | ... |
| ...
Should result in the output
| columnname | value | count |
| evar1 | A | 1 |
| evar1 | B | 3 |
| evar2 | A | 2 |
| evar2 | B | 2 |
| ...

Using melt borrowed from here:
from pyspark.sql.functions import col
melt([col(c).cast("string") for c in df.columns]),
id_vars=[], value_vars=df.columns
).groupBy("variable", "value").count()
Adapted from the answer by user6910411.


Find cell address of value found in range

tl;dr In Google Sheets/Excel, how do I find the address of a cell with a specified value within a specified range where value may be in any row or column?
My best guess is
=CELL("address",LOOKUP("My search value", $search:$range))
but it doesn't work. When it finds a value at all, it returns the rightmost column every time, rather than the column of the cell it found.
I have a sheet of pretty, formatted tables that represent various concepts. Each table consists of
| Title |
| Sub | Prop | Name | Sub | Prop | Name | Sub | Prop | Name |
| Sub prop | value | Sub prop | value | Sub prop | value |
| data | data | data | data | data | data | data | data | data |
| data | data | data | data | data | data | data | data | data |
I have 8 such tables of variable height arranged in a grid within the sheet 3 tables wide and 3 tables tall except the last column which has only 2 tables--see image. These fill the range C2:AI78.
Now I have a table off to the right consisting in AK2:AO11 of
| Table title | Table title address | ... |
| Table 1 Title | | ... |
| Table 2 Title | | ... |
| Table 8 Title | | ... |
I want to fill out the Table title address column. (Would it be easier to do this manually for all of 8 values? Absolutely. Did I need to in order to write this question? Yes. But using static values is not the StackOverflow way, now, is it?)
Based on very limited Excel/Google Sheets experience, I believe I need to use CELL() and LOOKUP() for this.
=CELL("address",LOOKUP($AK4, $C$2:$AI$78))
This retrieves the wrong value. For AL4 (looking for value Death Wave), LOOKUP($AK4, $C$2:$AI$78) should retrieve cell C2 but it finds AI2 instead.
| Max Levels |
| UW | Table Address | | | |
| Death Wave | $AI$3 | 3 | | 15 |
| Poison Swamp | $AI$30 | | | |
| Smart Missiles | $AI$56 | | | |
| Black Hole | #N/A | 1 | | |
| Inner Land Mines | $AI$3 | | | |
| Chain Lightning | #N/A | | | |
| Golden Tower | $AI$3 | | | |
| Chrono Field | #N/A | 25 | | |
The error messages for the #N/A columns is
Did not find value '<Table Title>' in LOOKUP evaluation.
My expected table is
| Max Levels |
| UW | Table Address | | | |
| Death Wave | $C$2 | 3 | | 15 |
| Poison Swamp | $C$28 | | | |
| Smart Missiles | $C$54 | | | |
| Black Hole | $O$2 | 1 | | |
| Inner Land Mines | $O$28 | | | |
| Chain Lightning | $O$54 | | | |
| Golden Tower | $AA$2 | | | |
| Chrono Field | $AA$39 | 25 | | |
VLOOKUP(A2:A3, SPLIT(FLATTEN(D2:F4&"​"&ROW(D2:F4)), "​"), 2, ),
VLOOKUP(A2:A3, SPLIT(FLATTEN(D2:F4&"​"&COLUMN(D2:F4)), "​"), 2, ), 4))
or if you want to create jump links:
=INDEX(LAMBDA(x, HYPERLINK("#gid=1273961649&range="&x, x))(ADDRESS(
VLOOKUP(A2:A3, SPLIT(FLATTEN(D2:F4&"​"&ROW(D2:F4)), "​"), 2, ),
VLOOKUP(A2:A3, SPLIT(FLATTEN(D2:F4&"​"&COLUMN(D2:F4)), "​"), 2, ), 4)))
Try this:
), "
, 0)
Basically, cast all cells in the search range to addresses if they equal the search term. Then flatten that 2D range and filter out non-nulls.

Split column on condition in dataframe

The data frame I am working on has a column named "Phone" and I want to split in on / or , in a way such that I get the data frame as shown below in separate columns. For example, the first row is 0674-2537100/101 and I want to split it on "/" into two columns having values as 0674-2537100 and 0674-2537101.
| Phone |
| 0674-2537100/101 |
| 0674-2725627 |
| 0671 – 2647509 |
| 2392229 |
| 2586198/2583361 |
| 0663-2542855/2405168 |
| 0674 – 2563832/0674-2590796 |
| 0671-6520579/3200479 |
| Phone | Phone1 |
| 0674-2537100 | 0674-2537101 |
| 0674-2725627 | |
| 0671 – 2647509 | |
| 2392229 | |
| 2586198 | 2583361 |
| 0663-2542855 | 0663-2405168 |
| 0674 – 2563832 | 0674-2590796 |
| 0671-6520579 | 0671-3200479 |
Here I came up with a solution where I can take out the length of strings on both sides of the separator(/). Take out their difference. Copy the substring from the first column from character position [:difference-1] to the second column.
So far my progress is,
df['Phone'] = df['Phone'].str.replace(' ', '')
df['Phone'] = df['Phone'].str.replace('–', '-')
df[['Phone','Phone1']] = df['Phone'].str.split("/",expand=True)
df["Phone1"].fillna(value=np.nan, inplace=True)
m2 = (df["Phone1"].str.len() < 12) & (df["Phone"].str.len() > 7)
m3 = df["Phone"].str.len() - df["Phonenew"].str.len()
df.loc[m2, "Phone1"] = df["Phone"].str[:m3-1] + df["Phonenew"]
It gives an error and the column has only nan values after I run this. PLease help me out here.
Considering you're only going to have 2 '/' in the 'Phone' column. Here's what you can do:
This fucntion takes in rows of a dataframe as an input and returns row with appropriate values.
def split_phone_number(row):
# Considering that you're only going to have 2 or lesser values, update
# the passed row's columns with appropriate values.
if len(split_str)>1:
# Return the updated row.
return row
# Making a dummy dataframe.
dataFrame= pd.DataFrame(data=d)
# Considering you're only going to have one extra column. adding that column to dataframe.
dataFrame=dataFrame.assign(Phone1=['' for i in range(dataFrame.shape[0])])
# applying the split_phone_number function to dataframe.
# Prinitng dataframe.
| Phone |
| 0 0674-2537100/101 |
| 1 0674-257349 |
| 2 0671-257349 |
| 3 257349 |
| 4 257349/100 |
| 5 101/100 |
| 6 5688343/438934 |
| Phone Phone1 |
| 0 0674-2537100 101 |
| 1 0674-257349 |
| 2 0671-257349 |
| 3 257349 |
| 4 257349 100 |
| 5 101 100 |
| 6 5688343 438934 |
For further reading:
Hope this helps. Cheers!

Filter filter criteria and then apply in countif statement in Excel

I have a table of filter criteria like this:
| Category | SpecName | Spec | Pass | Fail |
| A | S1 | 3 | | |
| A | S2 | 4 | | |
| B | S1 | 5 | | |
| C | S1 | 2 | | |
I have a table I want to apply the filter criteria to like this:
| Category | S1 | S2 |
| A | 5 | 3 |
| B | 4 | |
| A | 5 | 5 |
| C | 2 | |
| A | 2 | 6 |
I want to fill the Pass and Fail columns in the filter criteria table with a count of items in second table with values >= the corresponding spec, like so.
| Category | SpecName | Spec | Pass | Fail |
| A | S1 | 3 | 1 | 2 |
| A | S2 | 4 | 1 | 2 |
| B | S1 | 5 | 0 | 1 |
| C | S1 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
Here are steps for how I might do it in a scripting language:
Filter first table to get all spec filter criteria for the Category on that row, as follows for the first row.
| Category | SpecName | Spec |
| A | S1 | 3 |
| A | S2 | 4 |
Copy table 2 to a variable iTable
| Category | S1 | S2 |
| A | 5 | 3 |
| B | 4 | |
| A | 5 | 5 |
| C | 2 | |
| A | 2 | 6 |
For each spec name:
Find column in iTable with spec name
Filter spec name column in iTable by spec
After all filters applied, we would have:
| Category | S1 | S2 |
| A | 5 | 5 |
Then just count the rows in iTable and assign to the cell in Pass column of the criteria table
Is this possible with Excel formulas?
If not, does anyone know how to do it with VBA?
Looking at an alternative layout for you spec criteria. Expand you columns to suit your need.
With each spec criteria being its own column life gets really easy. You just need to adjust your formula to match the number of criteria you have.
Based on the table at the end for layout, place the following formula in D3 and copy down as required.
That will give you a count of passing all criteria. Its also a function that performs array like calcs. It could be repeated in the next column but in order to reduce dependency on array calculation and potentially speed things up depending on the amount of data to check, place the following in the top of the fail column and copy down as required:
Basically it subtracts the passes from the total count. This assumes you can only have PASS and FAIL as options.

Index/Match with Varied Offset

Running into some trouble performing an Index/Match where the offset rows could be spaced 1 row apart, 2 rows apart, or 3 rows apart. Below is an example of the setup:
| A | B | C | D | E | F |
| | | | | Apple | |
| Ser1 | | | | | |
| | | | | Orange| |
| Ser2 | | Ser3 | | Ser4 | |
| Ser5 | | | | | |
| A |
| Ser1 |
| Ser2 |
| Ser3 |
| Ser4 |
| Ser5 |
I have a list of the serial numbers (ser1, ser2, etc) in another sheet, and I need to match values in Column E where the correct value is above the serial number by 1, 2, or 3 rows. As you can see, serial numbers could be in column A, C, or E.
Ex: Ser1 should match on Apple. Ser2, Ser3, ser4, and Ser5 should match on Orange.
I can't seem to figure out the correct Index/Match that work completely since the offset at the end of the formula is either + or - by a static row number.
Rough solution:
In your sheet Make a structure like this:
| A | Row | Lookup
| Ser1 |
| Ser2 |
| Ser3 |
| Ser4 |
| Ser5 |
For column Row put:
this will calculate row in which serial number occures in your data range. Then you may put in Lookup column:
This formula will lookup for last non-empty cell in column E (please refer here for more comments) in range that is above selected serial number.
This is a partial solution as for "Ser5" you will receive "Ser4". To overcome that issue you may perform additional Vlookup on achieved results.

Excel 2010 Calculating Production line quantities without long calculations

Program: Excel 2010
Requirements: Prefer no VBA (Macro free book)
I am creating a spreadsheet to calculate items required for components (parts). I have a list of the product, and under the number of specific parts. I have a calculation which tells me what the total parts are needed, but, is there a better way?
| A | B | C | D | E | F |
| Making: | | 2 | 2 | 2 | |
| Item -> | Total | Small raft | Rowing boat | Sm sailing boat | Corbita |
| | | | | | |
| Planks | 20 | 4 | 6 | | |
| Logs | 8 | 4 | | | |
| Nails - Large | 16 | 8 | | | |
| Oars | | | | | |
In the above, you can see that ($C$32*C34) = 8 & ($D$32*D34) = 12 => 12+8 = 20 (B34) (Planks Total)
Is there an easier way of doing this, or will my equation just keep getting bigger?
Thanks in advance.
As chris neilsen mentioned in his comment, you can use the SUMPRODUCT function in Excel. The formula in your cell B34 (total planks) should look like this:
This has the effect of multiplying the corresponding components in the given ranges (C32 * C34, D32 * D34, etc.) and then returning the sum of those products/multiplications.
As you add more columns, you can expand K to the last column in the range that you want to add up in both ranges.
