how to hide templatefield dynamically using c# - c#-4.0

I have a Grid View now i want to hide one column using C#.
protected void gvLadleCleaning_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
e.Row.Cells[9].Visible = false;
Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of
the collection.
But currently my Grid View has 17 column.
Kindly help me to solve this problem.


Parse SubAccount to get individual segments

I would like to access the individual segments of a subaccount programmatically. Assuming I have a particular sub account set as ABC-123, I would like to be able to access ABC and 123 separately in code so that I can implement a particular business requirement.
I know that SubAccounts are saved in the Sub table as one string example ABC123. The sub account fields which link to this table would then link based on the ID (integer - PK of the Sub table). I can of course read from this table and then split accordingly (by taking the first 3 characters and the second 3 characters). However, I would like this to be dynamic so that the customization will work for different clients and clients may have different lengths for the segment. Therefore I cannot hard-code the value 3. I can make use of the SegmentValues table to retrieve the lengths of each Segment accordingly.
However, since Acumatica is already somehow carrying out this parsing (example in the UI), is there an API where Acumatica handles this logic and can provide the Sub-account as an array of strings. I tried to look into the SubAccountAttribute, PXDimensionSelectorAttribute, and SubAccountProvider but could not find anything which delivers this functionality.
Does Acumatica provide a way to split the sub-account into an array of strings or should I do this manually by identifying lengths from the Segment Values?
I believe some of the logic used to separate the segment are in the protected Definition class. The separated segments are in the Dimensions collections of the Definition class. You can access it in attributes that derive from PXDimensionAttribute class but since Definition class is protected you can't access it in a graph because PXGraph/PXGraphExtension don't derive from it.
Not much can be extracted from Dimension because most properties are protected:
You can roll your own by reading the segments of the segmented key:
Here is an example that write the segment values of the transactions subaccount in the trace for the Invoices and Memos screen:
using PX.Data;
using PX.Objects.AR;
using PX.Objects.CS;
using PX.Objects.GL;
namespace PX.Objects.SO
public class ARInvoiceEntry_Extension : PXGraphExtension<ARInvoiceEntry>
public void ARTran_RowSelected(PXCache cache, PXRowSelectedEventArgs e)
ARTran tran = e.Row as ARTran;
if (tran != null && tran.SubID.HasValue)
Sub sub = SubAccountAttribute.GetSubaccount(Base, tran.SubID.Value);
if (sub != null && sub.SubCD != null)
short segmentStartIndex = 0;
foreach (Segment segment in PXSelect<Segment,
Where<Segment.dimensionID, Equal<Required<Segment.dimensionID>>>,
OrderBy<Asc<Segment.segmentID>>>.Select(Base, "SUBACCOUNT"))
if (segment.SegmentID.HasValue && segment.Length.HasValue)
PXTrace.WriteInformation(string.Format("Segment {0}: {1}",
sub.SubCD.Substring(segmentStartIndex, segment.Length.Value)));
segmentStartIndex += segment.Length.Value;
Trace results:

How can I get the number of rows of a detail grid?

I'm trying to get the number of rows in documents Details grid. I don't know how to call this inside of another instance.
for example: In this method I receive row by row, I want to know how can I get the total number of rows received.
public virtual void ARTran_RowPersisting(PXCache sender, PXRowPersistingEventArgs e)
var row = (ARTran)e.Row;
This is for screen Invoices and Meme (AR301000)
Do a .Select() of your data view and use the Count property.
var rowCount = Base.Transactions.Select().Count;
In your case, you want the data view used by the detail grid, which is Transactions. You can find more info on how the screen in builded by using the Inspect Element tool. You can read more about it on

Conversion Of Map Location To String

Below is the code i am running with all other.. Its running perfectly adn its showing all the desired locations on map.
But what i want now is to store all the marked locations in such a way that i can show them as a list on a new page.
I am not able to retrieve the resulted location from map in the form of some string or may be something else which can be displayed as a list ...
private void Button_Click_3(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
MapsTask mapsTask = new MapsTask();
string search = "Coffee";
mapsTask.SearchTerm = search;
mapsTask.ZoomLevel = 2;
mapsTask.Show(); }
The MapsTask does not return any information.
If you're looking to get Points of Interest for a given location, you may have to use an external service such as the HERE Places API.

Binding the style property of all cells in a JavaFX TableView

I have a JavaFX TableView where each row should have a conditional style.
The styling is dependent on whether the source item of of the table row is present in a certain list or not.
This is what I have so far:
1) The data class that holds the data of a table row together with two boolean properties (true if the data is contained in list X) and a string property that should bind to the correct style attributes.
private class WebPageData {
private WebPage page;
private BooleanProperty isReferenced = new SimpleBooleanProperty(false);
private BooleanProperty isReferencing = new SimpleBooleanProperty(false);
private StringBinding style = new When(isReferenced).then("...").otherwise(...);
2) A change listener on table selection change that updates each boolean property accordingly, when the table selection changes
tblResultData.getSelectionModel().getSelectedIndices().addListener(new ListChangeListener<Integer>() {
public void onChanged(ListChangeListener.Change<? extends Integer> arg0) {
if (arg0.getList().size() == 0) {
} else {
// for coloring only consider the first selected row
// multi select must be doable for certain other features
WebPage selectedWebPage = tblResultData.getItems().get(arg0.getList().get(0)).page;
// holds a list of data for every table row
for (WebPageData data : {
boolean referenced = selectedWebPage.getReferencedWebPagesList().contains(;
boolean referencing = selectedWebPage.getReferencingWebPagesList().contains(;
Now what I want to do is to somehow bind the style property of each table cell to the style property of WebPageData - so that the change listener updates the two boolean properties, therefore the style property of WebPageData is updated and in consequence the style of the table cell changes.
I tried to bind the style during creation phase by using a custom TableCellFactory, but of course this approach fails as there is no WebPageData instance present at this time. As the TableColumn classes don't provide an opportunity to iterate over all cells (so I could bind the style after the table actually gets its data), the only option I currently see is to keep a reference to each created table cell. I don't consider this solution is good practice.
So is there any other option to bind the cell styles? If I don't bind them, I have to set the styles manually each time the table selection changes - which puts me to the "I can't iterate over cells" problem again.
import javafx.beans.value.ChangeListener;
import javafx.scene.control.TreeTableRow;
public class HighlightBoundTreeTableRow extends TreeTableRow<Thing> {
private static final String CHOSEN_STYLE_CLASS = "chosenStyle";
private final ObjectProperty<Boolean> chosen = new SimpleObjectProperty<>();
private final ChangeListener propertyChangeListener = (obs, ov, nv) -> updateHighlight();
protected void updateItem(Thing item, boolean empty) {
super.updateItem(item, empty);
chosen.unbind(); // unbinding something that is not bound has no effect
chosen.removeListener(propertyChangeListener); // also ok to remove a listener that was never there
if (empty) {
chosen.bind(item.chosenProperty()); //bind will also set the intial value
private void updateHighlight() {
if (chosen.get()) {
} else {
I know this was asked forever ago but maybe it'll help someone.
I had a similar issue I wanted to solve. I know you're using a TableCell and this involves a TreeTableRow but I believe the concept is the same: You want to change a field in your data object and have that change update the styling on wherever that object is being displayed in a table.
So I extended TreeTableRow and gave that class its own property field to hold on to. Every time that row is updated I unbind that property and rebind it to the field I want to listen to. (I do the same with the listener.) Since every time updateItem() is called it could be getting a different instance of my data object.
"chosenStyle" is just a class in my style sheet that changes the background color. Using classes instead of calling setStyle() makes it easier to remove the styling.

how to get the name of an object and change the text of a textbox with its' name?

Hi there (developers of wp7 apps).
The following problem already caused countless sleepless nights, so i hope anyone could provide me with a solution.
Elements grouped as a grid should call (on tap) a function that changes a textbox' text with one i declare.
I already have the function that reads the "name" of the object:
private void FunctionABC(object sender, System.Windows.Input.GestureEventArgs e)
//Objects name
string ObjectSender = (sender as Grid).Name.ToString();
//But how to continue, if I want kind of "this" result?:
this.ObjectSender.Text = "abc";
I appreciate any answer my problem. Thanks.
If your question is how to change the textbox.text property which is placed inside a grid if you tap the grid then you should iterate through the grids Children and find the textbox you are looking for and then change it's text property.
First of all you need to change the this line :
string ObjectSender = (sender as Grid).Name.ToString();
because this line gives you the name of the Grid and not the Grid itself.
Grid ObjectSender = (Grid) sender;
And then you can search through it's children.
