Get enabled extensions from schema in GJS - gnome

I am trying to obtain the value stored in the schema with the enabled extensions.
But this sentence says that the schema is not installed
let extensionsSchema = new Gio.Settings({ schema: '' });
I am calling this line in my own GJS application. And navigating with dconf editor I see this schema and the value there.
What am I missing?

It tourned out that'')
actually worked, but when running my code from Gnome Builder, it said that it was not installed because I guess my user is not loaded inside.
Setting this env (USER=myuser) var, allowed me to be able to read the shell schema. It actually makes sense because this schema is user based.


How to use postgres pgcrypto with Nodejs and Sequelize?

How to use sequelize with pgcrypto plugin in postgres.
How to encrypt and decrypt the values of a column using sequelize
How to use PGP_SYM_ENCRYPT and PGP_SYM_DECRYPT using nodejs and sequelize
I will walk through from starting what steps you need to follow :)
Steps to follow to get pgcrypto plugin into the Schema you are using
Login to postgres and goto the Schema used Or If you have pgadmin running... goto Schema... right-click... click Query Tool.
Run this query there to check available plugins in your postgres -
select * from pg_available_extensions
Above command will help you know what all plugins you already have in Postgres. Scroll and check there if pgcrypto is available. If yes... move on to 3rd point else download pgcrypto plugin first.
Run another query, this will help you to know what plugins are there with the Schema you have selected in point (1) -
select * from pg_extension
Above command will help you know what all pluings are supported by the Schema you have selected. Check if pgcrypto is there, if yes- skip to point (5), if no -continue to point (4)
Run this command to bring pgcrypto plugin from extensions to current Schema supported extension -
create extension pgcrypto
You can verify running cmd at point(3) to check if pgcrypto got pulled successfully to current Schema supported pluings.
Now we are ready to use pgcrypto in our Nodejs application
for the query which you want to encrypt make use of sequelize to encrypt it. Use below code to modify the text value of that column to encrypted value.
query: sequelize.fn("PGP_SYM_ENCRYPT", "data_to_encrypt",
When you will save the data to the db using create- data will be encrypted using PGP_SYM_ENCRYPT which is a method provided by pgcrypto plugin.
To query or decrypt the values now, you can run this query in postgres
select PGP_SYM_DECRYPT(colum_name::bytea, 'secret_key') FROM table where PGP_SYM_DECRYPT(column_name::bytea, 'secret_key' LIKE '%search_string%';
To decrypt the value in Node application, use:
attribute: [
sequelize.cast(sequelize.col('column_name'), 'bytea'),
}).then(data => console.log(data))
NOTE: To automate the 1st part(getting extension into Schema), you can use sequelize raw query, so that you don't have to do it manually each time required.

Jooq database/schema name mapping

I use jooq to generate objects against a local database, but when running "for real" later in production the actual databases will have different names. To remedy this I use the <outputSchemaToDefault>true</outputSchemaToDefault> config option (maven).
At the same time, we have multiple databases (schemas), and are using a connection pool to the server like "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/" (without specifying a database here).
How do I tell jooq which database to use when running queries?
I have tried all config I can think of:
new Settings()
.withRenderSchema(true) // true/false seems to make no difference.
.withRenderCatalog(true) // true/false seems to make no difference.
.withRenderMapping(new RenderMapping()
.withDefaultSchema("my_database") // Seems to have no effect.
// The above 3 configs always give me an error saying "no database selected".
// Adding this gives me 'my_database.my_table' does not exist - while it actually does.
.withSchemata(new MappedSchema()
I have also tried using a database/schema name, as in not configuring outputSchemaToDefault. But then, adding the MappedSchema code above, but that gives me errors with "'my_databasemy_database.my_table' does not exist", which is correct. I have no clue why that code gives me the database/schema name twice?
When jooq tells me that the db.table does not exist, if I put a break point in a good place and get the sql from jooq and run exactly that against my database it does work. But jooq fails to run it.
Also, I'm using version 3.15.3 of jooq.
I solved it. Instead of using .withInputExpression(Pattern.compile(".*")), it seems to work with .withInput("").
I'm still not sure why it works, or if this is the "correct" way of solving it. But at least it is a way forward.
No clue why using the pattern, I got the name twice though. But that one I'll leave alone.

Unable to use Code data type in Mongoose Schema

I wanted to store a data type of Code in my MongoDB database per the docs.
The issue is that when I use Mongoose to specify this type, I get an error:
ReferenceError: Code is not defined
And yes, Mongoose's doc's don't have a type of Code.
Say I want to save Javascript code in my MongoDB database, how could I do so?
For more insight into why I am doing this: I want to save Puppeteer scripts in the database, and using the FS module add them to a file, execute them and send the results as a response object back to the client.
Right now, the code is saved as String, which seems to cause execution errors.
For more information, please don't hesitate to ask.
Thank you,

Setting the BaseX Document/Database context programmatically

I am attempting to set the database/document context programmatically via the Python API. My steps are as follows:
session = BaseXClient.Session("localhost", 1984, "admin", "admin")
query = session.query("//node")
query.context("doc('dbname')") # **NOT SURE HOW TO SET THE DB TO USE**
I already know that I can simply use the session object as follows and it works fine:
session.execute("xquery doc('dbname')//node/child")
But I am looking for a way to OPEN a database within the scope of the program call separate from the query string. I am not able to find the documentation to explicitly set the database prior to executing the query using the context object. I have looked at the source code for the python BaseXClient and there is context method for the Query() instance that is not well documented. I am attempting to use this to set the Database and not having much luck.
The context you have supplied is just a string. It is not evaluated. In a client server context it is difficult to see how one could pass in a database here.
I think your alternatives are to use the execute command to open a database before running the query. This will set the context. e.g.
var q = session.execute("open mydatabase",log.print)
var q = session.query("count(*)")
or use the query command bind command to pass parameters
var q = session.query("declare variable $db external; count(collection($db))")
q.bind("db", "mydatabase","",log.print);
Sorry these examples use Javascript and my BaseX Node client as I am not familiar with the Python API but I am sure the same applies in the Python API

ScriptError using Google Apps Script Execution API

Following these guides and, I am trying to use the Execution API in node to return some data that are in a Google Spreadsheet.
I have set the script ID to be the Project Key of the Apps Script file. I have also verified that running the function in the Script Editor works successfully.
However, when running the script locally with node, I get this error:
The API returned an error: Error: ScriptError
I have also made sure the script is associated with the project that I use to auth with Google APIs as well.
Does anyone have any suggestion on what I can do to debug/ fix this issue? The error is so generic that I am not sure where to look.
UPDATE: I've included a copy of the code in this JSBin (the year function is the entry point)
UPDATE 2: The error seems to be caused by the inclusion of this line
var spreadsheet =;
It seems that I didn't request the right scopes. The nodejs example include '', but I also needed to include '' in the SCOPES array. It seems like the error message ScriptError is not very informative here.
In order to find what scopes you'd need, to go the Script Editor > File > Project Properties > Scopes. Remember to delete the old credentials ~/.credentials/old-credential.json so that the script will request a new one.
EDIT: With the update in information I took a closer look and saw you are returning a non-basic type. Specifically you are returning a Sheet Object.
The basic types in Apps Script are similar to the basic types in
JavaScript: strings, arrays, objects, numbers and booleans. The
Execution API can only take and return values corresponding to these
basic types -- more complex Apps Script objects (like a Document or
Sheet) cannot be passed by the API.
In your Account "Class" = spreadsheet.getSheetByName(data.reportSheet);
old answer:
'data.business_exp' will be null in this context. You need to load the data from somewhere. Every time a script is called a new instance of the script is created. At the end of execution chain it will be destroyed. Any data stored as global objects will be lost. You need to save that data to a permanent location such as the script/user properties, and reloaded on each script execution.
