PDF not showing JPEG image - mozilla

When I am integrating pdf.js mozilla library with QT webkit I am getting error when pdf has jpeg image it is not showing the image
pdf.viewer.js calling readFromStorage function and runhandlers function of pdf.viewer.js javascript and show warnings/errors which are listed below :
Warning: Load test font never loaded.
Warning: Error during JPEG image loading
Warning: Dependent image isn't ready yet
Warning: Unhandled rejection: TypeError: null is not an object (evaluating 'localStorage.getItem')


Error in Resize Images Extension Firebase

I'm using the resize images extension of firebase, and in some images the resize function faild with this error:
"Error when resizing image [Error: VipsJpeg: Invalid SOS parameters for sequential JPEG
VipsJpeg: out of order read at line 0
] "
Someone know about this error and how to solve it?

What is Error Occurred during Linearization

I am using pdftron for merging and splitting of pdf documents. When i am trying to save the pdf document it gives an error . **Message Error occurred during linearization. The specified path is invalid.**.
Error is very rare and it is also not recreateable. Screen shot attached.
pdftron error message
I want to know why this error occurrs, and what does it mean?

AttributeError: 'PngImageFile' object has no attribute 'apply_tfms'

I am getting this error when I am predicting image class using learn.predict(img)
the image file format is png
AttributeError: PngImageFile object has no attribute apply_tfms
Google PngImageFile => http://code.nabla.net/doc/PIL/api/PIL/PngImagePlugin/PIL.PngImagePlugin.PngImageFile.html
Google apply_tfms => https://docs.fast.ai/vision.image.html#Image.apply_tfms
The call is expecting a fastai Image but it seems you're passing in a PIL Image.
It's impossible to tell for sure without actual code, but that seems a likely reason.

PDF Error 144: Invalid TrueType data found

I'm trying to print a PDF using ipp npm module but I get this error printed on the paper:
PDF Error 144: Invalid TrueType data found
Assert Failed: cmap_off > -1
The Buffer created does not have any issues, if I save it in a file and print it, it works, but not if I send it through ipp.
Does anyone have an idea of what this error could mean?
The issue was happening because of wrong formatting with the PDF itself.

Display base64 TIFF on img or canvas tag

I have an error with this lib:
In the demo page, all is ok. but when I try to use on my machine I got this message:
1.tiff: JPEG compression support is not configured.
1.tiff: Sorry, requested compression method is not configured.
I have a base64tiff and I want to show that image on canvas o img.
I've tried on codepen and It works fine too, I've supposed that it could be a server configuration.
