Accessing Office365 API with Client Credentials Flow - node.js

I am trying to develop a node application that would be able to access my mails.
I am trying to do it in a way it doens't require me to enter my credentials, the application will know them (user name and password). I am not too worried about storing them in the config of my application.
I am using simple-oauth2 but I keep getting an error. The following is the code that is trying to retrieve the Oauth token:
const credentials = {
client: {
id: this.appId,
secret: this.appSecret,
auth: {
tokenHost: "",
authorizePath: "common/oauth2/v2.0/authorize",
tokenPath: "common/oauth2/v2.0/token",
const oathClient = oauth2.create(credentials);
const tokenConfig = {
username: "",
password: "xxxxx",
scope: "Mail.Read",
const result = await oathClient.ownerPassword.getToken(tokenConfig);
const token = oathClient.accessToken.create(result);
However when calling get token I get the following response:
"error": "invalid_grant",
"error_description": "AADSTS70000: The grant is not supported by this API version\r\nTrace ID: 91935472-5d7b-4210-9a56-341fbda12a00\r\nCorrelation ID: 6b075f4e-b649-493e-a87b-c74f0e427b47\r\nTimestamp: 2017-08-19 14:00:33Z",
"error_codes": [ 70000],
I have aded the application in
Added a platform (Web API) for it.
Added the "Mail.Read" permission on Microsoft Grah
And I am using the apikey and secret I generated there.
Googling looks like all the examples I find are to connect is using a client certificate. Is it possible to use the API using the API credentials?
If the only way is using certificates, is there a way I can use simple-oauth2 for that?

Ok, looks like I was using the wrong method.
Trying to access using the ClientCredentials module on simple-ouath2 and its workign now:
const tokenConfig = {
scope: "",
const result = await oathClient.clientCredentials.getToken(tokenConfig);


node-ews returning 401 Unauthorized where as using the valid access token

I am using node-ews to fetch emails from the Microsoft Exchange server.
It was working fine with basic auth.
But, as Microsoft disabled basic auth.
We are currently using the OAuth token (access token) from Graph Explorer to test.
But it's returning 401 Unauthorised error.
This is the sample code we are using to connect to the exchange server.
const ewsConfig = {
username: item.mail_username,
password: item.user_pass,
host: item.ews_host,
token: 'xxxxxxxxxxx',
auth: 'bearer'
// initialize node-ews
const options = {
rejectUnauthorized: false,
strictSSL: false
// initialize node-ews
const ews = new EWS(ewsConfig, options);
. We are currently using the OAuth token (access token) from Graph Explorer to test.
The Graph Explorer token won't have permissions for EWS only Graph, the only two permission that are valid in EWS are EWS.AccessAsUser.All or full_access_as_app if using the client credentials flow. the Mail.Read etc permission don't work in EWS because it doesn't support the more restrictive authentication scheme that Graph supports (which is a reason to use the Graph over EWS)
If you want to accesstoken to test with use the EWSEditor and grab its token
Part 1-1 - Setup application in AZURE that allows to generate MSAL-access token for EWS:
Login to MS AZURE portal.
Open "App registration" tool:
Click "New Registration":
Setup new App:
After you click registrate button you will receive smtg like this:
Open API permissions tab for previously created App + click Add permission and select MS Graph:
Select Delegated permissions:
Find User section and select User.Read + Add permission click:
Add a permission again + APIs my organizaton uses tab(or find it) and find Office 365 Exchange Online:
Part-1-2 - continue...
Part 2 - get accessToken by using userName + userPassword to email box:
import * as path from 'path';
import { ExchangeService, EmailMessage, MessageBody, OAuthCredentials, AutodiscoverService, Folder, Item, ExchangeVersion } from 'ews-javascript-api';
public async getEmailAccessToken(
clientId: string,
tenantId: string,
emailUserName: string,
emailUserPassword: string,
cacheFilePath: string = `.${path.sep}tokenCache.json`) {
const msal = require('#azure/msal-node');
const { promises: fs } = require('fs');
//Cache Plugin configuration
const beforeCacheAccess = async (cacheContext) => {
try {
const cacheFile = await fs.readFile(cacheFilePath, 'utf-8');
} catch (error) {
// if cache file doesn't exists, create it
cacheContext.tokenCache.deserialize(await fs.writeFile(cacheFilePath, ''));
const afterCacheAccess = async (cacheContext) => {
if (cacheContext.cacheHasChanged) {
try {
await fs.writeFile(cacheFilePath, cacheContext.tokenCache.serialize());
} catch (error) {
const cachePlugin = {
const msalConfig = {
auth: {
clientId: clientId, // YOUR clientId
authority: `${tenantId}` // YOUR tenantId
cache: {
system: {
loggerOptions: {
loggerCallback(loglevel, message, containsPii) {
piiLoggingEnabled: false,
logLevel: msal.LogLevel.Verbose
const pca = new msal.PublicClientApplication(msalConfig);
const msalTokenCache = pca.getTokenCache();
const accounts = await msalTokenCache.getAllAccounts();
// Acquire Token Silently if an account is present
let accessToken = null;
if (accounts.length > 0) {
const silentRequest = {
account: accounts[0], // Index must match the account that is trying to acquire token silently
scopes: [''],
const response = await pca.acquireTokenSilent(silentRequest);
accessToken = response.accessToken;
} else {
// fall back to username password if there is no account
const usernamePasswordRequest = {
scopes: [''],
username: emailUserName, // Add your username here
password: emailUserPassword, // Add your password here
const response = await pca.acquireTokenByUsernamePassword(usernamePasswordRequest);
accessToken = response.accessToken;
return accessToken;
This method returns accessToken allows us to use EWS-api and also generates tokenCacheFile.json that will be used for silent usage in case of multiple calls.
Part 3 - connect to emailbox by using previously generated accessToken and ews-javascript-api :
import { ExchangeService, EmailMessage, MessageBody, OAuthCredentials, AutodiscoverService, Folder, Item, ExchangeVersion } from 'ews-javascript-api';
public async connectAndChangeAllEmailsFromBlaBla(
clientId: string,
tenantId: string,
exchangeServiceUrl: string = '',
emailUserName: string,
emailUserPassword: string,
searchMask: string = 'hasattachments:yes and and received:today') {
// get acces token by method written above in part 2
const emailAccessToken = await this.getEmailAccessToken(clientId, tenantId, emailUserName, emailUserPassword);
const ews = require('ews-javascript-api');
const service = new ExchangeService(ews.ExchangeVersion.Exchange2013);
// use emailAccesToken
service.Credentials = new OAuthCredentials(emailAccessToken);
service.Url = new ews.Uri(exchangeServiceUrl);
const mailInbox = await ews.Folder.Bind(service, ews.WellKnownFolderName.Inbox);
const loadPageSize = 1000; // 1 means load last email according to filter
const view = new ews.ItemView(loadPageSize);
view.PropertySet = new ews.PropertySet(ews.BasePropertySet.FirstClassProperties);
let mailItems;
// hasattachment:yes
// isread:false
// received:today or received:[date]
mailItems = await mailInbox.FindItems(searchMask, view);
console.log(`Emails were found before processing: ${mailItems.Items.length}`);
for (const item of mailItems.Items) {
// mark mail.item as read
item.IsRead = true;
await item.Update(1);
// Do what you want
return mailItems.Items.length;
Part 0 - Please find the solution we used to fix the same problem.
The solution consist of 3 parts:
Setup application in AZURE that allows to generate MSAL-access token for EWS.
Add code to get accessToken.
Made changes in old code to use previously received accessToken. I am usind ews-javascript-api. But I think previouse two steps will help you to get accessToken for EWS and you can use it with node-EWS.
Sorry for 3 posts, but as a new user I have a restrictions it impossible for new users to create posts with more than 8 links and etc... )
Part 1-2 - continue:
Find EWS section and select EWS.AccessAsUser.All and click Add permissons:
Go to Authentication tab and click Add platform:
Select Mobile and Desctop apps and click Save button:
Select two options and click Configure:
Also on Authentication tab set "Supported accounts types" and "Allow public client flows" and click Save:
Go to Overview tab you should see smthg like this:
THIS STEP should be made BY EACH USER that WILL USE this API - use USER credentials to open this link (or YOUR ADMIN should make bulk apply). Check made changes by opening next link in browser in incognito mode(FOR each user): YOUR TENANTID/oauth2/v2.0/authorize?
After the opening previously generated link you should login and then receive another link in browser which shoud contains generated code:
Now we can start add code allows us to get accessToken

Node JS generating access token for Microsoft Graph API on the server is throwing 400 error

I am building a Rest API using Node JS as backend. My API needs to fetch the data from the Microsoft Teams. To do that, I am first trying to generate the access token following this link, But it keeps returning 400 errors.
First I logged into Azure and created an app under App Registrations. Then I created an client secret for the app and also set the API permissions as follow.
In the Node JS backend, I am trying to generate the access token using the code below.
const msClientId = `xxx`;
const msTenantId = `xxx`;
const msClientSecret = `xxx`
async function generateAccessToken () {
try {
const msalConfig = {
auth: {
clientId: msClientId,
clientSecret: msClientSecret,
authority: `${msTenantId}`,
const cca = new msal.ConfidentialClientApplication(msalConfig);
const authResponse = await cca.acquireTokenByClientCredential({
scopes: [ `User.Read` ]
return authResponse.accessToken;
} catch (e) {
return e.message;
When I run the code, it is returning the following error.
network_error: Network request failed. Please check network trace to determine root cause. | Fetch client threw: Error: HTTP status code 400 | Attempted to reach:
What is wrong with my code and how can I fix it?
Have you tried the .default scope?
scopes: ['']
The endpoint you are using in authority is incorrect, could you please use the API:{tenant}/oauth2/v2.0/token
Ref doc:

Node.js - Can't access my account from the Google Drive API

I need to programmatically modify my Google Drive, in terms of the ability to create folders and uploading to them a bunch of files, and then, when needed - remove that root folder and redo the whole process.
I've created a project that has a service account, then downloaded the JSON and it's stored on my computer.
Next, I followed this tutorial.
I ended up with this code:
const auth = await google.auth.getClient({
credentials: require(pathToServiceAccountJSON),
scopes: ""
const drive = await{ version: "v3", auth });
resource: {
name: filename,
mimeType: "application/",
parents: [parentId]
.then(result => console.log("SUCCESS:", result))
However, executing it causing the following error to be thrown:
errors: [{
domain: "global",
reason: "forbidden",
message: "Forbidden"
First off, if you get lost, this quick start from Google is probably better than the tutorial.
Secondly, to get access to your drive you must request the appropriate scope within your app, and you must authorize the app's requested permissions (scopes) by visiting a URL that will be provided during the authorization process. Here is a guide to scopes.
To be able to impersonate a user(like yourself or any other in a domain) with a service account you need to have it with domain-wide delegation on, to do this you need to have a G suite account [1]. If this is the case, from the library example [2], you need to add the user you want to impersonate as the 5th parameter when constructing the JWT object:
const {JWT} = require('google-auth-library');
const keys = require('./jwt.keys.json');
async function main() {
const client = new JWT(
const url = `${keys.project_id}`;
const res = await client.request({url});
If you don't have G Suite account, you could simply follow the quickstart [3] steps to get drive service and then make your create request with it.
[1] Do I need G Suite account to make requests impersonating an user with a service account?

Deprecation of Google plus

I got a email from Google saying that the use of all Google+ APIs are being shut off. I currently use to sign people in using Google. Is this plugin going to add a update to support the new way of authorizing users with Google?
Environment details:
OS: Mac OS X
Node.js version: v 10.8.0
npm version: v6.5.0
googleapis version: 33
const googleAPI = require('googleapis');
const plus ={
version: 'v1',
auth: configs.googleAPIKey // specify your API key here
// Check if Google tokens are valid
userId: googleUserId,
fields: 'displayName,emails,name,image',
access_token: googleAccessToken
.then((user) => {
logger.debug('From google: ' + util.inspect(;
logger.debug('First Name: ' +;
logger.debug('Last Name: ' +;
You don't show how you're using that object to do sign-in, so it is a little difficult to answer.
However, the googleapis package already supports sign-ins with an OAuth2 client that you can create with something like
const {google} = require('googleapis');
const oauth2Client = new google.auth.OAuth2(
You can then get a URL to redirect them to so they can sign-in with something like
const url = oauth2Client.generateAuthUrl({
// If you only need one scope you can pass it as a string
scope: scopes
and then redirect them to url. Once they have signed into that URL, they'll be redirected to the URL you have specified as YOUR_REDIRECT_URL which will include a parameter called code. You'll need this code to exchange it for credentials, including the auth token
const {tokens} = await oauth2Client.getToken(code)
If you just need to use an API Key (which is what your example hints at), then you should just need to include the key the same way you do now for the API calls that you need to make. But that isn't related to authorization.
Since it looks like you want to get profile information, you can use something like userinfo or the People API and choose which fields you want for the user.
Using userinfo might look something like
oauth2client.userinfo.get().then( profile => {
// Handle profile info here
The people.get method gives you a little more control, and might look something like
const people = google.people({
version: "v1"
const fields = [
resourceName: "people/me",
personFields: fields.join(',')
.then( user => {
// Handle the user results here

Node.js - Display my own google analytics data to visitors

I am struggling to authenticate on server side.
I would like to display my own data from Google Analytics to my site's visitors.
Every manual, API, or tutorial I can find explains how to use OAUTH2 to authenticate users.
and so on.
With that, I do not need to authenticate users because it's not their accounts I would like to access, but rather my own.
This is what I am using:
var google = require('googleapis');
var scopes = ['']
var OAuth2 = google.auth.OAuth2;
var oauth2Client = new OAuth2(auth.googleAPI);
var analytics ="v3")
But I get the following error:
{ [Error: Login Required]
code: 401,
[ { domain: 'global',
reason: 'required',
message: 'Login Required',
locationType: 'header',
location: 'Authorization' } ] }
through auth.googleAPI I am passing the client id, secret and public key, and every other piece of information that was in the JSON file I got from google when I created a Service Account Key.
What am I doing wrong?
While it is incredibly unclear in the documentation, it turns out that I needed to use the JWT (Service Tokens) provided with googleapis.
Hope this helps.
