Is it possible to deploy artifacts generated by GitLab with azure cli.
# Deploy sample code to "staging" slot from GitHub.
az webapp deployment source config --name $webappname --resource-group myResourceGroup \
--slot staging --repo-url $gitrepo --branch master --manual-integration
similar to this but only artifacts not the whole repository
For now, Azure Cli 2.0 supports to deploy webapp from Git or or Mercurial repositories. Currently, Gitlab is not supported.
az webapp deployment source: Manage source control systems.
config : Associate to Git or Mercurial repositories.
You could deploy your webapp using manual steps. Please refer to this link:Setting up continuous deployment using manual steps.
I disabled Allow public access on an Azure Function App for security reasons:
However after that, zip deploys from Visual Studio (publish functionality) and via Github Actions fail, as also the API for deployment isn't publicly reachable anymore. In that case, how would one zip deploy updated Azure functions?
If you need ZIP deployment, you need to deploy the code from inside the VNET to the private endpoint of the AppService. For GitHub Actions, this means deploying a self-hosted runner on a VM inside the VNET to push the new code to AppService. There is an example for Azure DevOps self-hosted agents.
As an alternative, you can publish your ZIP to a storage account and let the function pull the new application code to run. There is also a full example including GitHub Actions.
The most relevant quotes from the second example are:
This article shows how to deploy to a Private Endpoint-enabled site from a Continuous Integration pipeline (such as GitHub Actions, Circle CI, Jenkins, or Travis CI) without having to self-host the CI service on a VM. Since Private Endpoints disables all inbound traffic from the internet, our CI pipeline will publish the files to a storage account and give the web app a SAS URL to files. Once the web app is given this SAS URL, it will pull the files from the storage account.
- name: Set SAS token expiration
run: echo "expiry=`date -u -d "$EXPIRY_TIME" '+%Y-%m-%dT%H:%MZ'`" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- name: Azure CLI script
uses: azure/CLI#v1
azcliversion: 2.19.1
inlineScript: |
az extension add --name webapp
az storage account create -n $ACCOUNT -g $GROUP -l westus
az storage container create -n $CONTAINER --account-name $ACCOUNT
az storage blob upload -f --account-name $ACCOUNT -c $CONTAINER -n $ACCOUNT
ZIP_URL=$(az storage blob generate-sas --full-uri --permissions r --expiry ${{ env.expiry }} --account-name $ACCOUNT -c $CONTAINER -n $ACCOUNT | xargs)
az webapp deploy --name $WEBAPP --resource-group $GROUP --type zip --src-url $ZIP_URL --async false
az storage container delete -n $CONTAINER --account-name $ACCOUNT
The commands for deploying the zip file are clear, but it's unclear to me what the process would be for creating the appropriate zip file for a node project. Any help with this would be much appreciated. Here are some commands I've tried: az webapp deployment source config-zip -n <app-name> -g <app-group> --src az webapp deploy -n <app-name> -g <app-group> --src-path ./build
az webapp deploy
If you are using az webapp deploy for continuous Zip Deployment you have to add the SCM_DO_BUILD_DURING_DEPLOYMENT=true config either manually in a portal or using cli command az webapp config appsettings set
# To set config to enable build automation for ZIP deploy
az webapp config appsettings set --resource-group <group-name> --name <app-name> --settings SCM_DO_BUILD_DURING_DEPLOYMENT=true
az webapp deployment
If you use az webapp deployment the kudu zip push deployment for a web app deployment.
Kudu thinks that zip deployments do not require any build-related tasks such as npm install or dotnet publish by default. To enable Kudu detection logic and the build script creation process, include a .deployment file in your zip file with the following content: [config] SCM DO BUILD DURING DEPLOYMENT = true
If you want to use ZIP deployment for enable the build automation you can have to set the config
az web deploy
az web deployment
I'm trying to setup a script for automate the creation of a new environment for my app, and i need a docker webapp.
The problem is that i need to pull the image from docker hub.
When i create an env from the interface in juste setup it like that :
The problem is that i don't find out how i can configure the "Source de registre" on Docker Hub by the az cli.
For now the command i'm using to create a new web app ressource is this one
az webapp create -g name_of_group -p name_of_plan -n resource-test2 -i -s name_of_image -w my_password
The problem of this command is that it give me this configuration
Which doesn't work because i can't get logged in (probably because it's not configured as a Docker Hub registre).
Do you know how i can specify this configuration in my az cli command ? Thanks
To deploy the images stored in a private registry or the Docker Hub, you can set the environment variables below:
DOCKER_REGISTRY_SERVER_USERNAME - The username for the ACR server.
DOCKER_REGISTRY_SERVER_URL - The full URL to the ACR server. (For example,
DOCKER_REGISTRY_SERVER_PASSWORD - The password for the ACR server.
Get more details here. And you can use the CLI command az webapp config appsettings set to do it.
Recently had the same problem deploying azure cloud webapp from a container in my private docker hub repo. UI experience works fine but when I do it using azure cli with 'az webapp create ...' ended up with same problem. I was able to fix it by using 'az webapp config container set ...' command after creating the webapp. See below and in my github repo
# First create the webapp with a docker container:
~$ az webapp create -n $webAppName -g $resGroup -p $servicePlan -i $containerImg -s $dockerUsr -w $dockerPass --tags Lifecycle=Test
# Update docker container settings with your private docker hub repo credentials:
~$ az webapp config container set --name $webAppName --resource-group $resGroup --docker-custom-image-name 'DOCKER|dockeruser/myrepo:tweb1' --docker-registry-server-url '' --docker-registry-server-user 'dockeruser' --docker-registry-server-password 'xxxxxxxxxxx'
I got this far using scoop install azure-cli
az extension add -n azure-devops
az devops login
But I am not sure what to do next. I am looking for something like this to output the contents of a file to stdout
az pipeline build get_artifact --project-id=xxx --name=myCI --artifact=drop --path=docker-compose.yml -o -
Please check this:
az pipelines runs artifact download --artifact-name
[--detect {false, true}]
Azure App service slot deployment using circleci config.yml
Need to add a step to deploy to production slot or staging slot then modify the config to swap the deployment
Description: When i run this config file then it deploys to production slot of azure app service by default , but i want to deploy to stage slot first and then do a swap .
below file is working fine but need some configuration changes so that i should be able to deploy to stage slot and then swap the slot to the production slot .
Using Circleci config.yml , below is my config.yml
version: 2.1
- image: circleci/node:10.16.3
## Fetch all release tags
- checkout
- run:
name: Install Node.js dependencies with Npm
command: npm install
- run:
name: Test
command: CI=true npm run coverage
machine: true
- checkout
- run:
name: create / update infrastructure
command: |
docker run --rm -it -e TF_VAR_repo_branch=$CIRCLE_BRANCH -e vaultkey=$VAULT_KEY -v `pwd`:/dp/config dockerimage/dpdeployer:beta-1.0 .dp.yaml
version: 2
- build
# - hold: # <<< A job that will require manual approval in the CircleCI web application.
# type: approval # <<< This key-value pair will set your workflow to a status of "On Hold"
# requires: # We only run the "hold" job when test2 has succeeded
# - build
- dev-deploy:
- build
only : feature/appservice
Hmmm, this may be a good link to review: Deploy to Azure from CircleCI
But, I think it comes down to how you want to deploy your code to Azure App Service. There are a lot of different ways to do so. Checking your config, you are using Docker already. This link, , talks about the steps for deploying your container as an Azure App Service.
The gist of it seems to be you need to configure your WebApp to pull from a docker registry per Azure app slot .
Then after a successful build, have circleci push/tag the docker image to that registry. Then Azure App Service will start up the new version of the app.
For jumping between Azure App service slots, you could have your circleci config push to different docker registry image tags. This would require setting up each Azure App Service slot with a slightly different config. For example ...
# Dev
az webapp config container set --name <app-name> --resource-group <rg> --docker-custom-image-name <registry-name>/mydockerimage:$VERSION_FOR_DEV ...
# Staging
az webapp config container set --name <app-name> --resource-group <rg> --docker-custom-image-name <registry-name>/mydockerimage:$VERSION_FOR_STAGE ...
In your circleCI config, when you setup your pipeline between dev , stage and production jobs. Dev and Stage jobs would either do docker pushes or tagging for you. And the Production job does the swap for you for the final step. Something like this...
- run:
name: swap staging and product slots
command: az webapp deployment slot swap -g MyResourceGroup -n MyUniqueApp --slot staging --target-slot production
Also see:
Hopefully this helps..and I did not misunderstand your question. 🤞
Yes, it worked!!! Thanks
Although as per our current deployment structure , We are using a deploy script and handling swapping from there and then deploying an application through CircleCI.