How to stop Yarn Package Manager script from CLI - node.js
Is there a way to stop what is started from the command "yarn run"? Is my only option to lookup the process number and call kill on it?

The usual way ctrl-c should work. If it doesn't work, than you have bug in the script. The script's author missed handler for shutdown (SIGINT/SIGTERM/etc).

I had a similar issue having it running after ctl+c and then I thought, maybe it is just running on the cache
so went to http://localhost:3000/
which forces refresh without cache showed me that the actual project wasn't really running anymore!
*hadn't it worked I would have had to sudo kill the 3000 port

I know this is a well-answered question. However, it behaved once very strange when I was running a sample React code which was auto-created by the create-react-app CLI, on my Windows 10.
After hitting Ctrl+C, which is the most suggested standard way to stop the yarn run, though I got back the command prompt, there was a ghost process lingering around there, which was still actively listening to 3000(default) port, and localhost:3000 was working as normal.
So finally this is how I fixed it:
netstat -ano | grep ":3000" (yeah, I ran this from my git-bash instead of command prompt!)
Noted down the PID of the line where it says LISTENING on 3000
Pressed Ctrl+Shift+Esc to open the Task Manager
Went to the Process tab
Right clicked on one of the headings, say Name
Selected PID --> This added the PID column to the display
Located the PID in question
Right clicked on it and clicked "End task"
Luckily Windows knew how to kill that misbehaving, ghost process and the port became free for me.
NOTE: Prior to the above-mentioned steps, I tried to kill that PID from git-bash using the famous (or notorious as per its meaning?? >8)) kill -9 command. It was responding back with no such PID msg, however netstat -ano was clearly displaying the PID and browser was proving that the ghost process is up and alive!!


Cannot kill NodeJS process that always keeps restarting

I started a node script inside WebStorm once. It is a VueJS application. It is running on localhost:5000. When I open it inside chrome, I can see that it first is not responding, and then it suddenly loads. That tells me that the process is always restarting and inside a loop.
When I run ps aux | grep node , I can see the process quickly changing the process ID. That confirms my observation. If I try to kill the process it tells me that there is no process with that ID because it restarted that quickly. The process also is starting when reboot the computer. I also completely uninstalled NodeJS from my computer, but strangely it is starting anyways. I'm on macOS and I don't know what I could try anymore.
ps aux | grep node output:
2959 0,0 0,0 4268464 740 s000 S+ 3:47pm 0:00.00 grep --color=auto --exclude-dir=.bzr --exclude-dir=CVS --exclude-dir=.git --exclude-dir=.hg --exclude-dir=.svn --exclude-dir=.idea --exclude-dir=.tox node
I don't have enough reputation to leave a comment on your question, so I'm writing here.
It seems like you're application somehow registered in the service which happened to me as well. Mine was CentOS7.
You can check if it's added into service and run automatically whenever the machine is on. The command is Linux ones, so I'm not sure whether it's gonna work on MacOS as well.
//check list
chkconfig --list
//turn off the automatic start
chkconfig [your application name] off
If changing service config by using above commands did not work, you can search for the Mac Service Script. I think service shell script are different. Again, my case was on CentOS7.
Hope it helps.

keep server alive after closing command prompt (with forever or forever-monitor)

I'm using Amazon WS to test some rudimentary nodejs server. The problem I'm having is that when I close the putty command prompt on my PC, that I can not reach the server anymore with a browser.
Ive read about forever and forever-monitor. I'n not sure why the script must be restarted constantly, but ok let's assume it must.
I'm using both
forever "/home/ec2-user/myApp.js"
node "/home/ec2-user/foreverMonitor.js"
(The latter has the myApp.js reference in the foreverMonitor.js file. Similar to Where place forever-monitor code?.)
Both do start the server, but when I close putty, both also let the server die.
What am I missing here?
------------------------------------- update -------------------------------------
I guess I can also skip foreverMonitor (not verified yet)
nohup forever "/home/ec2-user/myApp.js" &
forever stop "/home/ec2-user/myApp.js"
------------------------------------- update -------------------------------------
working, now using this
nohup forever "/home/ec2-user/foreverMonitor.js" &
forever stop "/home/ec2-user/foreverMonitor.js"
I'm not totally familiar with AWS, but it seems that you probably need to run nohup. The trailing ampersand should give you control of the terminal again immediately after executing the command.
$ nohup forever "/home/ec2-user/myApp.js" &
$ nohup node "/home/ec2-user/foreverMonitor.js" &
See this answer for more details on nohup and the trailing ampersand:
Have a look at PM2
After using forever successfully, I switched to PM2.
forever works fine but I found PM2 was a better fit to my mental model. PM2 also has a very neat (and repidly evolving) Web interface where you can monitor and control node instances. As a bonus you can also run non-node tasks under PM2

How to get forever to print child process output to stdout.

I'm running node app under forever in a docker container, how do I get all console.log output to show up on the console? I'm a beginner to docker so I assume the best way to log with docker is to simply log to stdout. If there's a better more proper way to do this I'm open to alternative solutions.
forever, like standard node, simply logs to stdout as well so you shouldn't have to do anything special. Of course, if you start your container with docker run -d you'll have to run docker logs -f myNodeContainer to actually see the output live.
I just came across this question because I also installed forever for the first time, ran it with just forever server.js and...nothing.
No node console messages, just the warnings about no --minUptime and no --spinSleepTime. I stopped the forever processes using forever stopall and went looking for the logs. Sure enough, in the forever log was all the stdout from my server.
I assumed I was missing an option to print to stdout, but apparently not. After reading this SO question, I launch a fresh terminal, run it again and it works - it now logs my server messages to the console.
Since then I have also experienced lots of strange issues with forever. Like it restarting the script continuously, even though the script fails to start within 1000ms (there was a syntax error in one of the files) - I stop it, run forever again (same options, same source files) and it does what it's supposed to (only runs the script once).
Not really an answer (sorry), but this is just in case anyone comes seeking information.

Neo4j Server running problems on Linux

I am using Neo4j 2.0.3 Community server by installing it on my linux system (by unzipping the tar.gz). I got this error while I tried to start the server
WARNING! You are using an unsupported Java runtime.
process [50690]... waiting for server to be ready.neo4j-community-2.0.3/bin/neo4j: line 147: lsof : command not found
.neo4j-community-2.0.3/bin/neo4j: line 147: lsof : command not found
.neo4j-community-2.0.3/bin/neo4j: line 147: lsof : command not found
. Failed to start within 120 seconds.
Neo4j Server may have failed to start, please check the logs.
I checked for the solution for this and came to know that /usr/sbin had to be added to the path. On doing so and restarting the server, I got the following message
Another server-process is running with [40903], cannot start a new one. Exiting.
However, when I run the command neo4j staus , it says
Neo4j Server is not running
Can anybody please help me with how should I get started with it?
This is very late, but might help others.
If it tells you this, and you check that process id with, for example, ps aux | grep 40903, and it's not neo4j, the problem might be that the port is being used.
By default neo4j uses 7474, but can change this on the neo4j folder /conf/ and that was my problem, I had set the port to '22' which was being used. SO make sure it is set to a port that is open and available.
Hope this helps.
You might want to examine the startup script.
Another server-process is running with [40903], cannot start a new one. Exiting.
indicates (me to) that there might be a pid file (or the script uses them) which was written and is checked before attempting to start a new instances. This the normal thing to do.
I think you need to kill the other process using kill
You can see this answer for how to kill the process:
Otherwise, restarting the operating system will also do the job. For me, I normally start neo4j in the console, as in ./neo4j console. This makes it easier to stop the process.

Turn off Node.js Server Once Running on Localhost

This is probably a simple question but I can't find a clear answer anywhere. I am trying Hello World on node.js. I have a node.js server running on port 8000 of the localhost, turned on via the command line e.g. "node helloworld.js". Helloworld.js runs fine via localhost:8000. Now when I try turn on another server on port 8000 though I get the error "listen EADDRINUSE" because the first server is still running. So how do I turn off the first node server?
Just kill the process by doing ctrl-c...
If you still have the original terminal in which you run the Nodejs server, then simply press ctrl + C can kill the process.
However, if you lost the terminal, then you can open another terminal and run taskkill /F /IM node.exe. (/F to force the kill, /IM to specify which script you want to kill). Note that the command would kill every node server running.
If you no longer have access to your terminal, then go to your task manager on Windows or 'Force Quit' on Mac and end the 'Node.Js...' process.
This is the cleanest way to do it (if no terminal window), in my opinion.
