Stop Structured Streaming query gracefully - apache-spark

I'm using Spark 2.1 and trying to stop a Streaming query gracefully.
Is StreamingQuery.stop() a graceful stop because I haven't seen any detailed information on this method in the documentation:
void stop()
Stops the execution of this query if it is running.
This method blocks until the threads performing execution has stopped.
Since: 2.0.0
Whereas in the past Streaming world (DStreams) there is an option to stop the execution of the streams, with option of ensuring all received data has been processed:
def stop(stopSparkContext: Boolean, stopGracefully: Boolean): Unit
Stop the execution of the streams, with option of ensuring all received data has been processed.
if true, stops the associated SparkContext. The underlying SparkContext will be stopped regardless of whether this
StreamingContext has been started.
if true, stops gracefully by waiting for the processing of all received data to be completed
So the question is how to stop a Structured Streaming Query gracefully?

such code can help to stop microbatch stream, if no more records are available for the consumption
def stopStreamQuery(query: StreamingQuery, awaitTerminationTimeMs: Long) {
while (query.isActive) {
val msg = query.status.message
if (!query.status.isDataAvailable
&& !query.status.isTriggerActive
&& !msg.equals("Initializing sources")) {

If by "gracefully" you mean that the streaming query should complete processing of data, then void stop() will not do that. It will just wait until the threads performing execution has stopped (as mentioned in the documentation). Which doesn't mean that it will complete the processing.
For that, we need to make the query wait till current trigger of the query is complete. Which we can check via StreamingQueryStatus, like this:
while (query.status.isTriggerActive) {//do nothing}
It will wait till the query has completed the processing. And then we can call query.stop().
I hope it helps!

For PySpark users, this is a Python port of #ASe answer
# Helper method to stop a streaming query
def stop_stream_query(query, wait_time):
"""Stop a running streaming query"""
while query.isActive:
msg = query.status['message']
data_avail = query.status['isDataAvailable']
trigger_active = query.status['isTriggerActive']
if not data_avail and not trigger_active and msg != "Initializing sources":
print('Stopping query...')
# Okay wait for the stop to happen
print('Awaiting termination...')

StreamingQuery.stop does not stop query gracefully, it calls sparkContext.cancelJobGroup(all jobs generated by streaming query).
So to avoid it, and wait for the current batch finish, I use
please note, it works only with MicroBatchExectuion

It depends what means "gracefully" :)
StreamingQuery stops only specific query. It waits until MicroBatch thread stops and is ready to shutdown sources. This "wait" means that the data will be processed and then thread will stop


Is there a way let the Spark Streaming Application quit when a Job aborted

I have submitted a spark Streaming application to the Yarn.
When one job executes failed. The following jobs continue to execute.
Is there a way when one job execute failed, the whole application exits?
As in my case, the data should be processed in sequence, we should not skip any data. If we found any error, we need to stop the application and do troubleshooting instead of continuing.
First thing first, we have to make sure spark streaming stops gracefully, for that set spark.streaming.stopGracefullyOnShutdown parameter to be true (default is false)
Then you can throw an exception from code responsible for failure and bubble it up to the main / driver, surrounding the main body in a try catch and from inside the catch you can call ssc.stop(true, true).
Another way is - from inside catch block wrapping the code responsible for failure create a marker file in persistent storage ( hdfs or s3 or whatever spark is associated with) and keep checking that from driver - whenever the marker file is present delete it as well as call ssc.stop(true, true).
An example can be found at

Best approach to check if Spark streaming jobs are hanging

I have Spark streaming application which basically gets a trigger message from Kafka which kick starts the batch processing which could potentially take up to 2 hours.
There were incidents where some of the jobs were hanging indefinitely and didn't get completed within the usual time and currently there is no way we could figure out the status of the job without checking the Spark UI manually. I want to have a way where the currently running spark jobs are hanging or not. So basically if it's hanging for more than 30 minutes I want to notify the users so they can take an action. What all options do I have?
I see I can use metrics from driver and executors. If I were to choose the most important one, it would be the last received batch records. When StreamingMetrics.streaming.lastReceivedBatch_records == 0 it probably means that Spark streaming job has been stopped or failed.
But in my scenario, I will receive only 1 streaming trigger event and then it will kick start the processing which may take up to 2 hours so I won't be able to rely on the records received.
Is there a better way? TIA
YARN provides the REST API to check the status of application and status of cluster resource utilization as well.
with API call it will give a list of running applications and their start times and other details. you can have simple REST client that triggers maybe once in every 30 min or so and check if the job is running for more than 2 hours then send a simple mail alert.
Here is the API documentation:
Maybe a simple solution like.
At the start of the processing - launch a waiting thread.
val TWO_HOURS = 2 * 60 * 60 * 1000
val t = new Thread(new Runnable {
override def run(): Unit = {
try {
// send an email that job didn't end
} catch {
case _: Exception => _
And in the place where you can say that batch processing is ended
If processing is done within 2 hours - waiter thread is interrupted and e-mail is not sent. If processing is not done - e-mail will be sent.
Let me draw your attention towards Streaming Query listeners. These are quite amazing lightweight things that can monitor your streaming query progress.
In an application that has multiple queries, you can figure out which queries are lagging or have stopped due to some exception.
Please find below sample code to understand its implementation. I hope that you can use this and convert this piece to better suit your needs. Thanks!
spark.streams.addListener(new StreamingQueryListener() {
override def onQueryStarted(event: QueryStartedEvent) {
//logger message to show that the query has started
override def onQueryProgress(event: QueryProgressEvent) {
synchronized {
recordsReadCount = recordsReadCount + event.progress.numInputRows
//Logger messages to show continuous progress
override def onQueryTerminated(event: QueryTerminatedEvent) {
synchronized {
//logger message to show the reason of termination.
I'm using Kubernetes currently with the Google Spark Operator. [1]
Some of my streaming jobs hang while using Spark 2.4.3: few tasks fail, then the current batch job never progresses.
I have set a timeout using a StreamingProgressListener so that a thread signals when no new batch is submitted for a long time. The signal is then forwarded to a Pushover client that sends a notification to an Android device. Then System.exit(1) is called. The Spark Operator will eventually restart the job.
One way is to monitor the output of the spark job that was kick started. Generally, for example,
If it writes to HDFS, monitor the HDFS output directory for last modified file timestamp or file count generated
If it writes to a Database, you could have a query to check the timestamp of the last record inserted into your job output table.
If it writes to Kafka, you could use Kafka GetOffsetShell to get the output topic's current offset.
This provides contextual information for a task, and supports adding listeners for task completion/failure (see addTaskCompletionListener).
More detailed information such as the task 'attemptNumber' or 'taskMetrics' is available as well.
This information can be used by your application during runtime to determine if their is a 'hang' (depending on the problem)
More information about what is 'hanging' would be useful in providing a more specific solution.
I had a similar scenario to deal with about a year ago and this is what I did -
As soon as Kafka receive's message, spark streaming job picks up the event and start processing.
Spark streaming job sends an alert email to Support group saying "Event Received and spark transformation STARTED". Start timestamp is stored.
After spark processing/transformations are done - sends an alert email to Support group saying "Spark transformation ENDED Successfully". End timestamp is stored.
Above 2 steps will help support group to track if spark processing success email is not received after it's started and they can investigate by looking at spark UI for job failure or delayed processing (maybe job is hung due to resource unavailability for a long time)
At last - store event id or details in HDFS file along with start and end timestamp. And save this file to the HDFS path where some hive log_table is pointing to. This will be helpful for future reference to how spark code is performing over the period time and can be fine tuned if required.
Hope this is helpful.

Is there a way to dynamically stop Spark Structured Streaming?

In my scenario I have several dataSet that comes every now and then that i need to ingest in our platform. The ingestion processes involves several transformation steps. One of them being Spark. In particular I use spark structured streaming so far. The infrastructure also involve kafka from which spark structured streaming reads data.
I wonder if there is a way to detect when there is nothing else to consume from a topic for a while to decide to stop the job. That is i want to run it for the time it takes to consume that specific dataset and then stop it. For specific reasons we decided not to use the batch version of spark.
Hence is there any timeout or something that can be used to detect that there is no more data coming it and that everything has be processed.
Thank you
Structured Streaming Monitoring Options
You can use query.lastProgress to get the timestamp and build logic around that. Don't forget to save your checkpoint to a durable, persistent, available store.
Putting together a couple pieces of advice:
As #Michael West pointed out, there are listeners to track progress
From what I gather, Structured Streaming doesn't yet support graceful shutdown
So one option is to periodically check for query activity, dynamically shutting down depending on a configurable state (when you determine no further progress can/should be made):
// where you configure your spark job...
// your job code starts here by calling "start()" on the stream...
// periodically await termination, checking for your shutdown state
while(!spark.sparkContext.isStopped) {
if (shutdown) {
println(s"Shutting down since first batch has completed...")
} else {
// wait 10 seconds before checking again if work is complete
Your listener can dynamically shutdown in a variety of ways. For instance, if you're only waiting on a single batch, then just shutdown after the first update:
var shutdown = false
def shutdownListener(spark: SparkSession) = new StreamingQueryListener() {
override def onQueryStarted(_: QueryStartedEvent): Unit = println("Query started: " +
override def onQueryTerminated(_: QueryTerminatedEvent): Unit = println("Query terminated! " +
override def onQueryProgress(_: QueryProgressEvent): Unit = shutdown = true
Or, if you need to shutdown after more complicated state changes, you could parse the json body of the queryProgress.progress to determine whether or not to shutdown at a given onQueryUpdate event firing.
You can probably use this:-
def stopStreamQuery(query: StreamingQuery, awaitTerminationTimeMs: Long) {
while (query.isActive) {
if(query.lastProgress.numInputRows < 10){
case e:NullPointerException => println("First Batch")
You can make a numInputRows variable.

Apache Spark streaming - Timeout long-running batch

I'm setting up a Apache Spark long-running streaming job to perform (non-parallelized) streaming using InputDStream.
What I'm trying to achieve is that when a batch on the queue takes too long (based on a user defined timeout), I want to be able to skip the batch and abandon it completely - and continue the rest of execution.
I wasn't able to find a solution to this problem within the spark API or online -- I looked into using StreamingContext awaitTerminationOrTimeout, but this kills the entire StreamingContext on timeout, whereas all I want to do is skip/kill the current batch.
I also considered using mapWithState, but this doesn't seem to apply to this use case. Finally, I was considering setting up a StreamingListener and starting a timer when the batch starts and then having the batch stop/skip/killed when reaching a certain timeout threshold, but there still doesn't seem to be a way to kill the batch.
I've seen some docs from yelp, but I haven't done it myself.
Using UpdateStateByKey(update_func) or mapWithState(stateSpec),
Attach timeout when events are first seen and state is initialized
Drop the state if it expires
def update_function(new_events, current_state):
if current_state is None:
current_state = init_state()
if is_expired(current_state):
return None //current_state drops?
if new_events:
apply_business_logic(new_events, current_state)
This looks like that the structured streaming watermark also drops the events when they timeout, if this could apply to your jobs/stages timeout dropping.

Replaying an RDD in spark streaming to update an accumulator

I am actually running out of options.
In my spark streaming application. I want to keep a state on some keys. I am getting events from Kafka. Then I extract keys from the event, say userID. When there is no events coming from Kafka I want to keep updating a counter relative to each user ID each 3 seconds, since I configured the batchduration of my StreamingContext with 3 seconds.
Now the way I am doing it might be ugly, but at least it works: I have an accumulableCollection like this:
val userID = ssc.sparkContext.accumulableCollection(new mutable.HashMap[String,Long]())
Then I create a "fake" event and keep pushing it to my spark streaming context as the following:
val rddQueue = new mutable.SynchronizedQueue[RDD[String]]()
for ( i <- 1 to 100) {
rddQueue += ssc.sparkContext.makeRDD(Seq("FAKE_MESSAGE"))
val inputStream = ssc.queueStream(rddQueue)
inputStream.foreachRDD( UPDATE_MY_ACCUMULATOR )
This would let me access to my accumulatorCollection and update all the counters of all userIDs. Up to now everything works fine, however when I change my loop from:
for ( i <- 1 to 100) {} #This is for test
while (true) {} #This is to let me access and update my accumulator through the whole application life cycle
Then when I run my ./spark-submit, my application gets stuck on this stage:
15/12/10 18:09:00 INFO BlockManagerMasterActor: Registering block manager slave1.cluster.example:38959 with 1060.3 MB RAM, BlockManagerId(1, slave1.cluster.example, 38959)
Any clue on how to resolve this ? Is there a pretty straightforward way that would allow me updating the values of my userIDs (rather than creating an unuseful RDD and pushing it periodically to the queuestream)?
The reason why the while (true) ... version does not work is that the control never returns to the main execution line and therefore nothing below that line gets executed. To solve that specific problem, we should execute the while loop in a separate thread. Future { while () ...} should probably work.
Also, the Thread.sleep(3000) when populating the QueueDStream in the example above is not needed. Spark Streaming will consume one message from the queue on each streaming interval.
A better way to trigger that inflow of 'tick' messages would be with the ConstantInputDStream that plays back the same RDD at each streaming interval, therefore removing the need to create the RDD inflow with the QueueDStream.
That said, it looks to me that the current approach seems fragile and would need revision.
