Can't install PyQt4 - pyqt4

I'm trying to install the latest version of PyQt4 for windows. Riverbank doesn't provide binary installer anymore. I downloaded the source package and when I try to follow the instructions by running python I get an error message that I need SIP 4.18 or later version to be installed. I try to install sip using pip3 install sip (as it's explained here:, but it fails to install.
Would you please help me in this?


ERROR in install opencv in my python 3.6.6

i tried to download opencv exe from sourceforge and copying cv2.pyd file and then pasting it in site packages
i tried pip install opencv_python-4.0.1-cp37-cp37m-win_amd64.whl
but nothing works
The error message says that you are asking PIP install a version of cv2 for 64-bit Python 2.7, and that installation is failing. So the installation is not happening because it's the wrong version. That might be because you don't have Python 2.7, or because you have a 32-bit processor, or both. Navigate to Python36\Scripts and issue the command pip install opencv_python. Then pip will find the appropriate file to download, and install it.

Install packages using PIP in Python 3.3 on Windows

I have windows 7 with Python 3.3 installed. I also installed pip by referring to:
I am facing issues with package installation-
If I run,
C:\Python33\Scripts> pip install requests
C:\Python33\Scripts>pip install -U googlemaps
It does not give any success message like
'the package is installed'.
It is basically not showing any error/success message. Please refer below screenshot -
How can I install packages using pip, or how do I know if I have successfully installed packages?
You can use pip show package_name to check whether the package is installed or use the pip list to view all installed packages.
Please follow the official website instruction to install pip or
Try reinstalling Python

PyQt5-5.8.2 doesn't function on Windows 10

I need to install qscintilla. I use pip for that:
> pip install qscintilla
PyQt5 automatically upgrades to the latest version '5.8.2', and sip upgrades to '4.19.2'. I suppose this has to do with the needs of qscintilla. Perhaps the latest version of qscintilla needs the latest PyQt version to operate properly.
Unfortunately, PyQt5-5.8.2 combined with sip-4.19.2 don't work on Windows 10. I get the following error:
> python
>>> import PyQt5.QtWidgets
ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found.
I have checked my PATH variable in Windows 10, and I found the following directory: C:\Anaconda3\Library\bin. I've checked that folder, and the dll's are all present: Qt5Widgets.dll, 'Qt5Gui.dll`, ... So I can hardly believe that Python cannot find them.
I will now go through the things I've tried so far.
1. Clean install of Anaconda => upgrade PyQt5.
I've removed Python completely from my PC, and installed Anaconda from scratch: Python 3.6 for Windows 64-bit.
Anaconda is shipped with an older version of PyQt5. I check the version like this:
> python
>>> from PyQt5.QtCore import QT_VERSION_STR
>>> from PyQt5.Qt import PYQT_VERSION_STR
>>> from sip import SIP_VERSION_STR
>>> '5.6.2'
>>> '5.6'
>>> '4.18'
I simply upgrade my PyQt version, because I know that the qscintilla installation would do that anyway. If the problem is present after upgrading PyQt (and before installing qscintilla), I can rule out possible problems caused by the qscintilla installation. So here we go:
> pip install pyqt5 --upgrade
Collecting pyqt5
Successfully installed pyqt5-5.8.2 sip-4.19.2
As I expected, the upgraded version of pyqt results in the error:
> python
>>> import PyQt5.QtWidgets
ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found.
2. Install PyQt5-5.7.1 instead of PyQt5-5.8.2.
I've found a wheel file from PyQt5-5.7.1 on this page:
I hope that qscintilla will work on this one too. After all, it is a quite recent version. But first, I want to find out if I get it installed properly, and if the error above has gone.
> pip uninstall PyQt5
> pip uninstall sip
> pip install C:\..\Downloads\PyQt5-5.7.1-5.7.1-cp34.cp35.cp36-none-win_amd64.whl --no-cache-dir
Successfully installed pyqt5-5.7.1 sip-4.19.2
Unfortunately, the error persists.
3. Answers from StackOverflow.
I've checked several posts on StackOverflow, but none of them helped me out.
This post is too old: PyQt5 : The DLL load failed : the specified module could not be found
This post gives a possible reason: "Probably it's because pyqt .pyd files are linked against python3.dll, and not python3.6 dll." DLL load failed when importing PyQt5 . The answer suggests that I should use an older version of PyQt5. I've tried that (see above), but it still fails. The answer also suggests to build PyQt5 from the source code. I've tried that as well, but the build process gets stuck..
Can anyone help me? Perhaps you have successfully built the latest PyQt5-5.8.2 version from source code into a wheel file? I would be so happy if you share that file.
The root issue for me was different versions of PyQt wheel (5.9) and pyqt windows distro (5.6 - the last precompiled version available).
I found matching 5.6 wheel, but it only supported Python 3.5.
So, I downgraded Python to 3.5 and installed PyQt5-5.6-cp35-none-win_amd64.whl
pip install pyqt5==5.6
works equally well.
I found a workaround: don't use Anaconda. I deleted Anaconda from my PC and did a fresh install like this:
1. Install Python 64-bit
Download the 64-bit installer for Windows from this URL:
Make sure to include pip when asked for the installation options!
2. Install PyQt5
Install PyQt5 by typing the following in your Windows command terminal:
> pip install PyQt5 --no-cache-dir
Successfully installed PyQt5-5.8.2 sip-4.19.2
The --no-cache-dir option makes sure that pip will not use an old version stored somewhere on your computer, but download the latest one instead.
3. Install QScintilla
Install QScintilla like this:
> pip install qscintilla --no-cache-dir
Successfully installed qscintilla-2.10
It does work on windows 10. Your application failed to access specified DLL. A restart is required to get it working. I went through all the answers in the SO forums and it turns out a computer restart can set everything straight. so restart your pc.

Version of libjpeg while using other package

I would like to visualize weather data, which are under the format .grb2. Therefore I need the library pygrib for python. I've already install grib-api and pygrib, as explained on the installation notes of pygrib ( I'm using python 3.5 installed with anaconda. I ran
brew install grib-api
pip install pygrib
However when I try to import pygrib in a python script I always get the same error message :
import pygrib
--> ImportError: dlopen(/Users/Marguerite/anaconda/lib/python3.5/sitepackages/, 2): Library not loaded: #rpath/libjpeg.9.dylib
Referenced from: /Users/Marguerite/anaconda/lib//libgrib_api.dylib
Reason: Incompatible library version: libgrib_api.dylib requires version 12.0.0 or later, but libjpeg.9.dylib provides version 11.0.0
I've tried several times to uninstall/reinstall jpeg libraries, or install libjpeg with macports, nothing seems to do the trick ... Also I can't find the library libjpeg when I run "conda list". It seems it is included into some other library (jpeg of libjpeg-turbo), but again updating those libraries didn't improve results.
I would appreciate really any help or thoughts !
Actually I found a solution. Libjpeg is updated with conda update jpeg, but not to the latest version.
The trick that worked for me is to install a bigger package, which automatically update libjpeg. Just run :
conda install -c conda-forge jasper
After that it worked fine for me :)

Installing pyQT on OSX for python 3.2

NOTE: I'm using python 3
I've been trying to install pyQT on Mac OsX Mountain Lion and I have not had much success so far. I'm fairly new to this so I don't even want to think about setting everything up manually.
Heres the error Im getting which I believe means that there is no easy_install script for installing pyQT. Ive also tried macports however pyQT is not supported for python3 yet on that. Does anyone have any simple solution to getting pyQT installed on osX?
Processing PyQt-x11-gpl-4.9.5.tar.gz
error: Couldn't find a setup script in /tmp/easy_install-ZiD0mx/PyQt-x11-gpl-4.9.5.tar.gz
new-host-6:~ Eric$
macports just gives the error "port install not found"
I don't have specific instructions, but here is an overview of what you need
Install Qt: Either via macports, homebrew, source, or a binary build.
Install sip from source
python --arch=x86_64
make && make install
Install PyQt4 from source. You want the mac source. Not X11 (linux)
make && make install
PyQt4 should locate sip and your Qt install.
You cannot simply install it from easy_install because it is a bit more involved. PyQt depends on SIP and a Qt installation for linking. I recommend homebrew over macports for package installing. You can use it to get Qt: brew install qt
