Are there any benefits of using hazel cast over Cassandra - cassandra

I want to implement session store for my web application. Here's the profile of my application.
The information associated with a session does not change a lot, but
it does change sometimes.
Session reads(session.getAttribute()) are more frequent than writes(session.setAttribute()).
I don't want to deal with master node based architecture(like redis).
Data associated with a session is small, but the number of sessions could be large.
The lookup is always in the form of key value like in hash map.
I am OK with eventual consistency.
I want to be able to specify the replication factor. i.e. number of nodes that will hold data for a given session
I am only looking for open source solutions that wouldn't incur license cost for above features.
For now I want to store upto 10,000 sessions with 10kb data per session(on average), but eventually I want to scale to 100,000 sessions or more!
In my app hazelcast is already being used for some other functionality. But I don't want that to be the deciding factor. Cassandra seems to fulfill all my requirements and it seems to be quite popular. Any reason I should chose hazelcast over cassandra?

Disclaimer: Hazelcast employee
In general I would argue that if you can exchange Hazelcast with Cassandra OR Cassandra with Hazelcast, one of the tools is misused.
We have plenty of people using them as companions, meaning Cassandra as the storage layer and Hazelcast as the caching layer, Cassandra, however, is not a cache and Hazelcast is not a database.
If you want to persist your storages to disk, go for Cassandra (maybe add caching with Hazelcast), if you just want to distribute, go with Hazelcast. Latter case especially if it "doesn't really matter" if you loose sessions once in a while if you (for some reason or another) restart the cluster.

We use both of them in our project. We use Cassandra as persistent storage and Hazelcast for temporary and frequently changed data (e.g. distributed queues and synchronization primitives).
Any reason I should chose hazelcast over cassandra?
In my opinion, Hazelcast is easier from developer point of view and it does not require as much attention as Cassandra on production environment (deep configuration and tunning, repeair, restarting...), so Hazelcast is cheaper in support.


Hazelcast - distributed data structure state of other members / monitoring consistency corruption

I have a distributed IMap (exposed through a JCache implementation). When I access it, I get the data of the requesting member. I wish to see the state of this dataset in other members in order to debug consistency corruption scenarios such as stale data in one of the nodes, and so on.
I would also like to explore other recommended practices to monitor the data consistency across the cluster.
A runnable/callable that is HazelcastInstanceAware can invoke localKeySet(). This would give it access to the subset of keys stored on each node.
If read-from-backup is enabled, when that same runnable retrieves the value, it gets the value stored on that node.
This might also be a useful read.

What is the recommended approach towards multi-tenant databases in Cassandra?

I'm thinking of creating a multi-tenant app using Apache Cassandra.
I can think of three strategies:
All tenants in the same keyspace using tenant-specific fields for security
table per tenant in a single shared DB
Keyspace per tenant
The voice in my head is suggesting that I go with option 3.
Thoughts and implications, anyone?
There are several considerations that you need to take into account:
Option 1: In pure Cassandra this option will work only if access to database will be always through "proxy" - the API, for example, that will enforce filtering on tenant field. Otherwise, if you provide an CQL access, then everybody can read all data. In this case, you need also to create data model carefully, to have tenant as a part of composite partition key. DataStax Enterprise (DSE) has additional functionality called row-level access control (RLAC) that allows to set permissions on the table level.
Options 2 & 3: are quite similar, except that when you have a keyspace per tenant, then you have flexibility to setup different replication strategy - this could be useful to store customer's data in different data centers bound to different geographic regions. But in both cases there are limitations on the number of tables in the cluster - reasonable number of tables is around 200, with "hard stop" on more than 500. The reason - you need an additional resources, such as memory, to keep auxiliary data structures (bloom filter, etc.) for every table, and this will consume both heap & off-heap memory.
I've done this for a few years now at large-scale in the retail space. So my belief is that the recommended way to handle multi-tenancy in Cassandra, is not to. No matter how you do it, the tenants will be hit by the "noisy neighbor" problem. Just wait until one tenant runs a BATCH update with 60k writes batched to the same table, and everyone else's performance falls off.
But the bigger problem, is that there's no way you can guarantee that each tenant will even have a similar ratio of reads to writes. In fact they will likely be quite different. That's going to be a problem for options #1 and #2, as disk IOPs will be going to the same directory.
Option #3 is really the only way it realistically works. But again, all it takes is one ill-considered BATCH write to crush everyone. Also, want to upgrade your cluster? Now you have to coordinate it with multiple teams, instead of just one. Using SSL? Make sure multiple teams get the right certificate, instead of just one.
When we have new teams use Cassandra, each team gets their own cluster. That way, they can't hurt anyone else, and we can support them with fewer question marks about who is doing what.

Limiting Cassandra query syntax for clients

We plan to use Cassandra 3.x and we want to allow our customers to connect to Cassandra directly for exporting the data into their data warehouses.
They will connect via ODBC from remote.
Is there any way to prevent that the customer executes huge or bad SELECT statements that will result in a high load for all nodes? We use an extra data center in our replication strategy where only customers can connect, so live system will not be affected. But we want to setup some workers that will run on this shadow system also. Most important thing is, that a connected remote client will not have any noticable impact on other remote connections or our local worker jobs. There is a materialized view already and I want to force customers to get data based on primary key only (i.e. disallow usage of ALLOW FILTERING). It would be great also, if one can limit the number of rows returned (e.g. 1 million) to prevent a pull of all data.
Is there a best practise for this use case?
I know of BlackRocks video related to multi-tenant strategy in C* which advises to use tenant_id in schema. That is what we're doing already, but how can I ensure security/isolation via ODBC connected tenants/customers? Or do I have to write an API on my own which handles security?
I would recommend to expose access via API, not via ODBC - at least you would have greater control on what is executed, and enforce tenant_id, and other checks, like limits, etc. You can try to utilize the Cassandra's CQL parser to decompose query, and put all required things back.
Theoretically, you can could utilize Apache Calcite, for example. It has implementation of JDBC driver that could be used, plus there is existing Cassandra adapter that you can modify to accomplish your task (mapping authentication into tenant_ids, etc.), but this will be quite a lot of work.

Azure: Redis vs Table Storage for web cache

We currently use Redis as our persistent cache for our web application but with it's limited memory and cost I'm starting to consider whether Table storage is a viable option.
The data we store is fairly basic json data with a clear 2 part key which we'd use for the partition and row key in table storage so I'm hoping that would mean fast querying.
I appreciate one is in memory and one is out so table storage will be a bit slower but as we scale I believe there is only one CPU serving data from a Redis cache whereas with Table storage we wouldn't have that issue as it would be down to the number of web servers we have running.
Does anyone have any experience of using Table storage in this way or comparisons between the 2.
I should add we use Redis in a very minimalist way get/set and nothing more, we evict our own data and failing that leave the eviction to Redis when it runs out of space.
This is a fairly broad/opinion-soliciting question. But from an objective perspective, these are the attributes you'll want to consider when deciding which to use:
Table Storage is a durable, key/value store. As such, content doesn't expire. You'll be responsible for clearing out data.
Table Storage scales to 500TB.
Redis is scalable horizontally across multiple nodes (or, scalable via Redis Service). In contrast, Table Storage will provide up to 2,000 transactions / sec on a partition, 20,000 transactions / sec across the storage account, and to scale beyond, you'd need to utilize multiple storage accounts.
Table Storage will have a significantly lower cost footprint than a VM or Redis service.
Redis provides features beyond Azure Storage tables (such as pub/sub, content eviction, etc).
Both Table Storage and Redis Cache are accessible via an endpoint, with many language-specific SDK wrappers around the API's.
I find some metrials about the azure redis and table, hope that it can help you.There is a video about Azure Redis that also including a demo to compare between table storage and redis about from 50th minute in the videos.
Perhaps it can be as reference. But detail performance it depends on your application, data records and so on.
The pricing of the table storage depends on the capacity of table storage, please refer to details. It is much cheaper than redis.
There are many differences you might care about, including price, performance, and feature set. And, persistence of data, and data consistency.
Because redis is an in-memory data store it is pretty expensive. This is so that you may get low latency. Check out Azure's planning FAQ here for a general understanding of redis performance in a throughput sense.
Azure Redis planning FAQ
Redis does have an optional persistence feature, that you can turn on, if you want your data persisted and restored when the servers have rare downtime. But it doesn't have a strong consistency guarantee.
Azure Table Storage is not a caching solution. It’s a persistent storage solution, and saves the data permanently on some kind of disk. Historically (disclaimer I have not look for the latest and greatest performance numbers) it has much higher read and write latency. It is also strictly a key-value store model (with two-part keys). Values can have properties but with many strict limitations, around size of objects you can store, length of properties, and so on. These limitations are inflexible and painful if your app runs up against them.
Redis has a larger feature set. It can do key-value but also has a bunch of other data structures like sets and lists, and many apps can find ways to benefit from that added flexibility.
See 'Introduction to Redis' (redis docs) .
CosmosDB could be yet another alternative to consider if you're leaning primarily towards Azure technologies. It is pretty expensive, but quite fast and feature-rich. While also being primarily intended to be a persistent store.

Should users be directed to specific data nodes when using an eventually consistent datastore?

When running a web application in a farm that uses a distributed datastore that's eventually consistent (CouchDB in my case), should I be ensuring that a given user is always directed to same the datastore instance?
It seems to me that the alternate approach, where any web request can use any data store, adds significant complexity to deal with consistency issues (retries, checks, etc). On the other hand, if a user in a given session is always directed to the same couch node, won't my consistency issues revolve mostly around "shared" user data and thus be greatly simplified?
I'm also curious about strategies for directing users but maybe I'll keep that for another question (comments welcome).
According to the CAP Theorem, distributed systems can either have complete consistency (all nodes see the same data at the same time) or availability (every request receives a response). You'll have to trade one for the other during a partition or datastore instance failure.
Should I be ensuring that a given user is always directed to same the datastore instance?
Ideally, you should not! What will you do when the given instance fails? A major feature of a distributed datastore is to be available in spite of network or instance failures.
If a user in a given session is always directed to the same couch node, won't my consistency issues revolve mostly around "shared" user data and thus be greatly simplified?
You're right, the architecture would be a lot more simpler that way, but again, what would you do if that instance fails? A lot of engineering effort has gone into distributed systems to allow multiple instances to reply to a query. I am not sure about CouchDB, but Cassandra allows you to choose your consistency model, you'll have to tradeoff availability for higher degree of consistency. The client is configured to request servers in a round-robin fashion by default, which distributes the load.
I would recommend you read the Dynamo paper. The authors describe a lot of engineering details behind a distributed database.
